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- /***************************************************************************
- **
- ** MUI - MagicUserInterface
- ** (c) 1993 by Stefan Stuntz
- **
- ** Main Header File
- **
- ****************************************************************************
- ** General Header File Information
- ****************************************************************************
- **
- ** All macro and structure definitions follow these rules:
- **
- ** Name Meaning
- **
- ** MUIC_<class> Name of a class
- ** MUIM_<class>_<method> Method
- ** MUIP_<class>_<method> Methods parameter structure
- ** MUIV_<class>_<method>_<x> Special method value
- ** MUIA_<class>_<attrib> Attribute
- ** MUIV_<class>_<attrib>_<x> Special attribute value
- ** MUIE_<error> Error return code from MUI_Error()
- ** MUII_<name> Standard MUI image
- **
- ** MUIA_... attribute definitions are followed by a comment
- ** consisting of the three possible letters I, S and G.
- ** I: it's possible to specify this attribute at object creation time.
- ** S: it's possible to change this attribute with SetAttrs().
- ** G: it's possible to get this attribute with GetAttr().
- */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Notify **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Notify() RETURN 'Notify.mui'
- /* Methods */
- CONST MUIM_CallHook = $8042b96b /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_FindUData = $8042c196 /* V8 */
- CONST MUIM_GetUData = $8042ed0c /* V8 */
- CONST MUIM_KillNotify = $8042d240 /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_MultiSet = $8042d356 /* V7 */
- CONST MUIM_Notify = $8042c9cb /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Set = $8042549a /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_SetAsString = $80422590 /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_SetUData = $8042c920 /* V8 */
- CONST MUIM_WriteLong = $80428d86 /* V6 */
- CONST MUIM_WriteString = $80424bf4 /* V6 */
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_AppMessage = $80421955 /* V5 ..g struct AppMessage * */
- CONST MUIA_HelpFile = $80423a6e /* V4 isg STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_HelpLine = $8042a825 /* V4 isg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_HelpNode = $80420b85 /* V4 isg STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_NoNotify = $804237f9 /* V7 .s. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Revision = $80427eaa /* V4 ..g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_UserData = $80420313 /* V4 isg ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Version = $80422301 /* V4 ..g LONG */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Family **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Family() RETURN 'Family.mui'
- /* Methods */
- CONST MUIM_Family_AddHead = $8042e200 /* V8 */
- CONST MUIM_Family_AddTail = $8042d752 /* V8 */
- CONST MUIM_Family_Insert = $80424d34 /* V8 */
- CONST MUIM_Family_Remove = $8042f8a9 /* V8 */
- CONST MUIM_Family_Sort = $80421c49 /* V8 */
- CONST MUIM_Family_Transfer = $8042c14a /* V8 */
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Family_Child = $8042c696 /* V8 i.. Object * */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Menustrip **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Menustrip() RETURN 'Menustrip.mui'
- /* Methods */
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Menustrip_Enabled = $8042815b /* V8 isg BOOL */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Menu **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Menu() RETURN 'Menu.mui'
- /* Methods */
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Menu_Enabled = $8042ed48 /* V8 isg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Menu_Title = $8042a0e3 /* V8 isg STRPTR */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Menuitem **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Menuitem() RETURN 'Menuitem.mui'
- /* Methods */
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Menuitem_Checked = $8042562a /* V8 isg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Menuitem_Checkit = $80425ace /* V8 isg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Menuitem_Enabled = $8042ae0f /* V8 isg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Menuitem_Exclude = $80420bc6 /* V8 isg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Menuitem_Shortcut = $80422030 /* V8 isg char */
- CONST MUIA_Menuitem_Title = $804218be /* V8 isg STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Menuitem_Toggle = $80424d5c /* V8 isg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Menuitem_Trigger = $80426f32 /* V8 ..g struct MenuItem * */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Application **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Application() RETURN 'Application.mui'
- /* Methods */
- CONST MUIM_Application_GetMenuCheck = $8042c0a7 /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Application_GetMenuState = $8042a58f /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Application_Input = $8042d0f5 /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Application_InputBuffered = $80427e59 /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Application_Load = $8042f90d /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Application_PushMethod = $80429ef8 /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Application_ReturnID = $804276ef /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Application_Save = $804227ef /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Application_SetMenuCheck = $8042a707 /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Application_SetMenuState = $80428bef /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Application_ShowHelp = $80426479 /* V4 */
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Application_Active = $804260ab /* V4 isg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Application_Author = $80424842 /* V4 i.g STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Application_Base = $8042e07a /* V4 i.g STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Application_Broker = $8042dbce /* V4 ..g Broker * */
- CONST MUIA_Application_BrokerHook = $80428f4b /* V4 isg struct Hook * */
- CONST MUIA_Application_BrokerPort = $8042e0ad /* V6 ..g struct MsgPort * */
- CONST MUIA_Application_BrokerPri = $8042c8d0 /* V6 i.g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Application_Commands = $80428648 /* V4 isg struct MUI_Command * */
- CONST MUIA_Application_Copyright = $8042ef4d /* V4 i.g STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Application_Description = $80421fc6 /* V4 i.g STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Application_DiskObject = $804235cb /* V4 isg struct DiskObject * */
- CONST MUIA_Application_DoubleStart = $80423bc6 /* V4 ..g BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Application_DropObject = $80421266 /* V5 is. Object * */
- CONST MUIA_Application_ForceQuit = $804257df /* V8 ..g BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Application_HelpFile = $804293f4 /* V8 isg STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Application_Iconified = $8042a07f /* V4 .sg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Application_Menu = $80420e1f /* V4 i.g struct NewMenu * */
- CONST MUIA_Application_MenuAction = $80428961 /* V4 ..g ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Application_MenuHelp = $8042540b /* V4 ..g ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Application_Menustrip = $804252d9 /* V8 i.. Object * */
- CONST MUIA_Application_RexxHook = $80427c42 /* V7 isg struct Hook * */
- CONST MUIA_Application_RexxMsg = $8042fd88 /* V4 ..g struct RxMsg * */
- CONST MUIA_Application_RexxString = $8042d711 /* V4 .s. STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Application_SingleTask = $8042a2c8 /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Application_Sleep = $80425711 /* V4 .s. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Application_Title = $804281b8 /* V4 i.g STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Application_Version = $8042b33f /* V4 i.g STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Application_Window = $8042bfe0 /* V4 i.. Object * */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Window **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Window() RETURN 'Window.mui'
- /* Methods */
- CONST MUIM_Window_GetMenuCheck = $80420414 /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Window_GetMenuState = $80420d2f /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Window_ScreenToBack = $8042913d /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Window_ScreenToFront = $804227a4 /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Window_SetCycleChain = $80426510 /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Window_SetMenuCheck = $80422243 /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Window_SetMenuState = $80422b5e /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Window_ToBack = $8042152e /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Window_ToFront = $8042554f /* V4 */
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Window_Activate = $80428d2f /* V4 isg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Window_ActiveObject = $80427925 /* V4 .sg Object * */
- CONST MUIA_Window_AltHeight = $8042cce3 /* V4 i.g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Window_AltLeftEdge = $80422d65 /* V4 i.g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Window_AltTopEdge = $8042e99b /* V4 i.g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Window_AltWidth = $804260f4 /* V4 i.g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Window_AppWindow = $804280cf /* V5 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Window_Backdrop = $8042c0bb /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Window_Borderless = $80429b79 /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Window_CloseGadget = $8042a110 /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Window_CloseRequest = $8042e86e /* V4 ..g BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Window_DefaultObject = $804294d7 /* V4 isg Object * */
- CONST MUIA_Window_DepthGadget = $80421923 /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Window_DragBar = $8042045d /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Window_FancyDrawing = $8042bd0e /* V8 isg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Window_Height = $80425846 /* V4 i.g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Window_ID = $804201bd /* V4 isg ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Window_InputEvent = $804247d8 /* V4 ..g struct InputEvent * */
- CONST MUIA_Window_LeftEdge = $80426c65 /* V4 i.g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Window_Menu = $8042db94 /* V4 i.. struct NewMenu * */
- CONST MUIA_Window_MenuAction = $80427521 /* V8 isg ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Window_Menustrip = $8042855e /* V8 i.. Object * */
- CONST MUIA_Window_NoMenus = $80429df5 /* V4 is. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Window_Open = $80428aa0 /* V4 .sg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Window_PublicScreen = $804278e4 /* V6 isg STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Window_RefWindow = $804201f4 /* V4 is. Object * */
- CONST MUIA_Window_RootObject = $8042cba5 /* V4 i.. Object * */
- CONST MUIA_Window_Screen = $8042df4f /* V4 isg struct Screen * */
- CONST MUIA_Window_ScreenTitle = $804234b0 /* V5 isg STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Window_SizeGadget = $8042e33d /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Window_SizeRight = $80424780 /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Window_Sleep = $8042e7db /* V4 .sg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Window_Title = $8042ad3d /* V4 isg STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Window_TopEdge = $80427c66 /* V4 i.g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Window_Width = $8042dcae /* V4 i.g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Window_Window = $80426a42 /* V4 ..g struct Window * */
- CONST MUIV_Window_ActiveObject_None = 0
- CONST MUIV_Window_ActiveObject_Next = -1
- CONST MUIV_Window_ActiveObject_Prev = -2
- PROC muiV_Window_AltHeightMinMax(p) RETURN (0-(p))
- PROC muiV_Window_AltHeightVisible(p) RETURN (-100-(p))
- PROC muiV_Window_AltHeightScreen(p) RETURN (-200-(p))
- CONST MUIV_Window_AltHeight_Scaled = -1000
- CONST MUIV_Window_AltLeftEdge_Centered = -1
- CONST MUIV_Window_AltLeftEdge_Moused = -2
- CONST MUIV_Window_AltLeftEdge_NoChange = -1000
- CONST MUIV_Window_AltTopEdge_Centered = -1
- CONST MUIV_Window_AltTopEdge_Moused = -2
- PROC muiV_Window_AltTopEdgeDelta(p) RETURN (-3-(p))
- CONST MUIV_Window_AltTopEdge_NoChange = -1000
- PROC muiV_Window_AltWidthMinMax(p) RETURN (0-(p))
- PROC muiV_Window_AltWidthVisible(p) RETURN (-100-(p))
- PROC muiV_Window_AltWidthScreen(p) RETURN (-200-(p))
- CONST MUIV_Window_AltWidth_Scaled = -1000
- PROC muiV_Window_HeightMinMax(p) RETURN (0-(p))
- PROC muiV_Window_HeightVisible(p) RETURN (-100-(p))
- PROC muiV_Window_HeightScreen(p) RETURN (-200-(p))
- CONST MUIV_Window_Height_Scaled = -1000
- CONST MUIV_Window_Height_Default = -1001
- CONST MUIV_Window_LeftEdge_Centered = -1
- CONST MUIV_Window_LeftEdge_Moused = -2
- CONST MUIV_Window_Menu_NoMenu = -1
- CONST MUIV_Window_TopEdge_Centered = -1
- CONST MUIV_Window_TopEdge_Moused = -2
- PROC muiV_Window_TopEdgeDelta(p) RETURN (-3-(p))
- PROC muiV_Window_WidthMinMax(p) RETURN (0-(p))
- PROC muiV_Window_WidthVisible(p) RETURN (-100-(p))
- PROC muiV_Window_WidthScreen(p) RETURN (-200-(p))
- CONST MUIV_Window_Width_Scaled = -1000
- CONST MUIV_Window_Width_Default = -1001
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Area **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Area() RETURN 'Area.mui'
- /* Methods */
- CONST MUIM_AskMinMax = $80423874 /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Cleanup = $8042d985 /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Draw = $80426f3f /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_HandleInput = $80422a1a /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Hide = $8042f20f /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Setup = $80428354 /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_Show = $8042cc84 /* V4 */
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_ApplicationObject = $8042d3ee /* V4 ..g Object * */
- CONST MUIA_Background = $8042545b /* V4 is. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_BottomEdge = $8042e552 /* V4 ..g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_ControlChar = $8042120b /* V4 i.. char */
- CONST MUIA_Disabled = $80423661 /* V4 isg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_ExportID = $8042d76e /* V4 isg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_FixHeight = $8042a92b /* V4 i.. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_FixHeightTxt = $804276f2 /* V4 i.. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_FixWidth = $8042a3f1 /* V4 i.. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_FixWidthTxt = $8042d044 /* V4 i.. STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Font = $8042be50 /* V4 i.g struct TextFont * */
- CONST MUIA_Frame = $8042ac64 /* V4 i.. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_FramePhantomHoriz = $8042ed76 /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_FrameTitle = $8042d1c7 /* V4 i.. STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Height = $80423237 /* V4 ..g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_HorizWeight = $80426db9 /* V4 i.. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_InnerBottom = $8042f2c0 /* V4 i.. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_InnerLeft = $804228f8 /* V4 i.. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_InnerRight = $804297ff /* V4 i.. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_InnerTop = $80421eb6 /* V4 i.. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_InputMode = $8042fb04 /* V4 i.. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_LeftEdge = $8042bec6 /* V4 ..g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Pressed = $80423535 /* V4 ..g BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_RightEdge = $8042ba82 /* V4 ..g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Selected = $8042654b /* V4 isg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_ShowMe = $80429ba8 /* V4 isg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_ShowSelState = $8042caac /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Timer = $80426435 /* V4 ..g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_TopEdge = $8042509b /* V4 ..g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_VertWeight = $804298d0 /* V4 i.. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Weight = $80421d1f /* V4 i.. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Width = $8042b59c /* V4 ..g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Window = $80421591 /* V4 ..g struct Window * */
- CONST MUIA_WindowObject = $8042669e /* V4 ..g Object * */
- CONST MUIV_Font_Inherit = 0
- CONST MUIV_Font_Normal = -1
- CONST MUIV_Font_List = -2
- CONST MUIV_Font_Tiny = -3
- CONST MUIV_Font_Fixed = -4
- CONST MUIV_Font_Title = -5
- CONST MUIV_Font_Big = -6
- CONST MUIV_Frame_None = 0
- CONST MUIV_Frame_Button = 1
- CONST MUIV_Frame_ImageButton = 2
- CONST MUIV_Frame_Text = 3
- CONST MUIV_Frame_String = 4
- CONST MUIV_Frame_ReadList = 5
- CONST MUIV_Frame_InputList = 6
- CONST MUIV_Frame_Prop = 7
- CONST MUIV_Frame_Gauge = 8
- CONST MUIV_Frame_Group = 9
- CONST MUIV_Frame_PopUp = 10
- CONST MUIV_Frame_Virtual = 11
- CONST MUIV_Frame_Slider = 12
- CONST MUIV_Frame_Count = 13
- CONST MUIV_InputMode_None = 0
- CONST MUIV_InputMode_RelVerify = 1
- CONST MUIV_InputMode_Immediate = 2
- CONST MUIV_InputMode_Toggle = 3
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Rectangle **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Rectangle() RETURN 'Rectangle.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Rectangle_HBar = $8042c943 /* V7 i.g BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Rectangle_VBar = $80422204 /* V7 i.g BOOL */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Image **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Image() RETURN 'Image.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Image_FontMatch = $8042815d /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Image_FontMatchHeight = $80429f26 /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Image_FontMatchWidth = $804239bf /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Image_FreeHoriz = $8042da84 /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Image_FreeVert = $8042ea28 /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Image_OldImage = $80424f3d /* V4 i.. struct Image * */
- CONST MUIA_Image_Spec = $804233d5 /* V4 i.. char * */
- CONST MUIA_Image_State = $8042a3ad /* V4 is. LONG */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Bitmap **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Bitmap() RETURN 'Bitmap.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Bitmap_Bitmap = $804279bd /* V8 isg struct BitMap * */
- CONST MUIA_Bitmap_Height = $80421560 /* V8 isg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Bitmap_MappingTable = $8042e23d /* V8 isg UBYTE * */
- CONST MUIA_Bitmap_SourceColors = $80425360 /* V8 isg ULONG * */
- CONST MUIA_Bitmap_Transparent = $80422805 /* V8 isg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Bitmap_Width = $8042eb3a /* V8 isg LONG */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Bodychunk **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Bodychunk() RETURN 'Bodychunk.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Bodychunk_Body = $8042ca67 /* V8 isg UBYTE * */
- CONST MUIA_Bodychunk_Compression = $8042de5f /* V8 isg UBYTE */
- CONST MUIA_Bodychunk_Depth = $8042c392 /* V8 isg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Bodychunk_Masking = $80423b0e /* V8 isg UBYTE */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Text **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Text() RETURN 'Text.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Text_Contents = $8042f8dc /* V4 isg STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Text_HiChar = $804218ff /* V4 i.. char */
- CONST MUIA_Text_PreParse = $8042566d /* V4 isg STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Text_SetMax = $80424d0a /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Text_SetMin = $80424e10 /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** String **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_String() RETURN 'String.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_String_Accept = $8042e3e1 /* V4 isg STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_String_Acknowledge = $8042026c /* V4 ..g STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_String_AttachedList = $80420fd2 /* V4 i.. Object * */
- CONST MUIA_String_BufferPos = $80428b6c /* V4 .sg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_String_Contents = $80428ffd /* V4 isg STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_String_DisplayPos = $8042ccbf /* V4 .sg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_String_EditHook = $80424c33 /* V7 isg struct Hook * */
- CONST MUIA_String_Format = $80427484 /* V4 i.g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_String_Integer = $80426e8a /* V4 isg ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_String_MaxLen = $80424984 /* V4 i.. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_String_Reject = $8042179c /* V4 isg STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_String_Secret = $80428769 /* V4 i.g BOOL */
- CONST MUIV_String_Format_Left = 0
- CONST MUIV_String_Format_Center = 1
- CONST MUIV_String_Format_Right = 2
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Prop **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Prop() RETURN 'Prop.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Prop_Entries = $8042fbdb /* V4 isg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Prop_First = $8042d4b2 /* V4 isg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Prop_Horiz = $8042f4f3 /* V4 i.g BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Prop_Slider = $80429c3a /* V4 isg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Prop_Visible = $8042fea6 /* V4 isg LONG */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Gauge **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Gauge() RETURN 'Gauge.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Gauge_Current = $8042f0dd /* V4 isg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Gauge_Divide = $8042d8df /* V4 isg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Gauge_Horiz = $804232dd /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Gauge_InfoText = $8042bf15 /* V7 isg char * */
- CONST MUIA_Gauge_Max = $8042bcdb /* V4 isg LONG */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Scale **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Scale() RETURN 'Scale.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Scale_Horiz = $8042919a /* V4 isg BOOL */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Boopsi **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Boopsi() RETURN 'Boopsi.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Boopsi_Class = $80426999 /* V4 isg struct IClass * */
- CONST MUIA_Boopsi_ClassID = $8042bfa3 /* V4 isg char * */
- CONST MUIA_Boopsi_MaxHeight = $8042757f /* V4 isg ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Boopsi_MaxWidth = $8042bcb1 /* V4 isg ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Boopsi_MinHeight = $80422c93 /* V4 isg ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Boopsi_MinWidth = $80428fb2 /* V4 isg ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Boopsi_Object = $80420178 /* V4 ..g Object * */
- CONST MUIA_Boopsi_Remember = $8042f4bd /* V4 i.. ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Boopsi_TagDrawInfo = $8042bae7 /* V4 isg ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Boopsi_TagScreen = $8042bc71 /* V4 isg ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Boopsi_TagWindow = $8042e11d /* V4 isg ULONG */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Colorfield **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Colorfield() RETURN 'Colorfield.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Colorfield_Blue = $8042d3b0 /* V4 isg ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Colorfield_Green = $80424466 /* V4 isg ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Colorfield_Pen = $8042713a /* V4 ..g ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Colorfield_Red = $804279f6 /* V4 isg ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Colorfield_RGB = $8042677a /* V4 isg ULONG * */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** List **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_List() RETURN 'List.mui'
- /* Methods */
- CONST MUIM_List_Clear = $8042ad89 /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_List_Exchange = $8042468c /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_List_GetEntry = $804280ec /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_List_Insert = $80426c87 /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_List_InsertSingle = $804254d5 /* V7 */
- CONST MUIM_List_Jump = $8042baab /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_List_NextSelected = $80425f17 /* V6 */
- CONST MUIM_List_Redraw = $80427993 /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_List_Remove = $8042647e /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_List_Select = $804252d8 /* V4 */
- CONST MUIM_List_Sort = $80422275 /* V4 */
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_List_Active = $8042391c /* V4 isg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_List_AdjustHeight = $8042850d /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_List_AdjustWidth = $8042354a /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_List_CompareHook = $80425c14 /* V4 is. struct Hook * */
- CONST MUIA_List_ConstructHook = $8042894f /* V4 is. struct Hook * */
- CONST MUIA_List_DestructHook = $804297ce /* V4 is. struct Hook * */
- CONST MUIA_List_DisplayHook = $8042b4d5 /* V4 is. struct Hook * */
- CONST MUIA_List_Entries = $80421654 /* V4 ..g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_List_First = $804238d4 /* V4 ..g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_List_Format = $80423c0a /* V4 isg STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_List_MultiTestHook = $8042c2c6 /* V4 is. struct Hook * */
- CONST MUIA_List_Quiet = $8042d8c7 /* V4 .s. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_List_SourceArray = $8042c0a0 /* V4 i.. APTR */
- CONST MUIA_List_Title = $80423e66 /* V6 isg char * */
- CONST MUIA_List_Visible = $8042191f /* V4 ..g LONG */
- CONST MUIV_List_Active_Off = -1
- CONST MUIV_List_Active_Top = -2
- CONST MUIV_List_Active_Bottom = -3
- CONST MUIV_List_Active_Up = -4
- CONST MUIV_List_Active_Down = -5
- CONST MUIV_List_Active_PageUp = -6
- CONST MUIV_List_Active_PageDown = -7
- CONST MUIV_List_ConstructHook_String = -1
- CONST MUIV_List_DestructHook_String = -1
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Floattext **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Floattext() RETURN 'Floattext.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Floattext_Justify = $8042dc03 /* V4 isg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Floattext_SkipChars = $80425c7d /* V4 is. STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Floattext_TabSize = $80427d17 /* V4 is. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Floattext_Text = $8042d16a /* V4 isg STRPTR */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Volumelist **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Volumelist() RETURN 'Volumelist.mui'
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Scrmodelist **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Scrmodelist() RETURN 'Scrmodelist.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Dirlist **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Dirlist() RETURN 'Dirlist.mui'
- /* Methods */
- CONST MUIM_Dirlist_ReRead = $80422d71 /* V4 */
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Dirlist_AcceptPattern = $8042760a /* V4 is. STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Dirlist_Directory = $8042ea41 /* V4 is. STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Dirlist_DrawersOnly = $8042b379 /* V4 is. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Dirlist_FilesOnly = $8042896a /* V4 is. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Dirlist_FilterDrawers = $80424ad2 /* V4 is. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Dirlist_FilterHook = $8042ae19 /* V4 is. struct Hook * */
- CONST MUIA_Dirlist_MultiSelDirs = $80428653 /* V6 is. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Dirlist_NumBytes = $80429e26 /* V4 ..g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Dirlist_NumDrawers = $80429cb8 /* V4 ..g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Dirlist_NumFiles = $8042a6f0 /* V4 ..g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Dirlist_Path = $80426176 /* V4 ..g STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Dirlist_RejectIcons = $80424808 /* V4 is. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Dirlist_RejectPattern = $804259c7 /* V4 is. STRPTR */
- CONST MUIA_Dirlist_SortDirs = $8042bbb9 /* V4 is. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Dirlist_SortHighLow = $80421896 /* V4 is. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Dirlist_SortType = $804228bc /* V4 is. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Dirlist_Status = $804240de /* V4 ..g LONG */
- CONST MUIV_Dirlist_SortDirs_First = 0
- CONST MUIV_Dirlist_SortDirs_Last = 1
- CONST MUIV_Dirlist_SortDirs_Mix = 2
- CONST MUIV_Dirlist_SortType_Name = 0
- CONST MUIV_Dirlist_SortType_Date = 1
- CONST MUIV_Dirlist_SortType_Size = 2
- CONST MUIV_Dirlist_Status_Invalid = 0
- CONST MUIV_Dirlist_Status_Reading = 1
- CONST MUIV_Dirlist_Status_Valid = 2
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Group **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Group() RETURN 'Group.mui'
- /* Methods */
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Group_ActivePage = $80424199 /* V5 isg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Group_Child = $804226e6 /* V4 i.. Object * */
- CONST MUIA_Group_Columns = $8042f416 /* V4 is. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Group_Horiz = $8042536b /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Group_HorizSpacing = $8042c651 /* V4 is. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Group_PageMode = $80421a5f /* V5 is. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Group_Rows = $8042b68f /* V4 is. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Group_SameHeight = $8042037e /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Group_SameSize = $80420860 /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Group_SameWidth = $8042b3ec /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Group_Spacing = $8042866d /* V4 is. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Group_VertSpacing = $8042e1bf /* V4 is. LONG */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Register **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Register() RETURN 'Register.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Register_Frame = $8042349b /* V7 i.g BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Register_Titles = $804297ec /* V7 i.g STRPTR * */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Virtgroup **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Virtgroup() RETURN 'Virtgroup.mui'
- /* Methods */
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Virtgroup_Height = $80423038 /* V6 ..g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Virtgroup_Left = $80429371 /* V6 isg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Virtgroup_Top = $80425200 /* V6 isg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Virtgroup_Width = $80427c49 /* V6 ..g LONG */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Scrollgroup **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Scrollgroup() RETURN 'Scrollgroup.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Scrollgroup_Contents = $80421261 /* V4 i.. Object * */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Scrollbar **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Scrollbar() RETURN 'Scrollbar.mui'
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Listview **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Listview() RETURN 'Listview.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Listview_ClickColumn = $8042d1b3 /* V7 ..g LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Listview_DefClickColumn = $8042b296 /* V7 isg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Listview_DoubleClick = $80424635 /* V4 i.g BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Listview_Input = $8042682d /* V4 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Listview_List = $8042bcce /* V4 i.. Object * */
- CONST MUIA_Listview_MultiSelect = $80427e08 /* V7 i.. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Listview_SelectChange = $8042178f /* V4 ..g BOOL */
- CONST MUIV_Listview_MultiSelect_None = 0
- CONST MUIV_Listview_MultiSelect_Default = 1
- CONST MUIV_Listview_MultiSelect_Shifted = 2
- CONST MUIV_Listview_MultiSelect_Always = 3
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Radio **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Radio() RETURN 'Radio.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Radio_Active = $80429b41 /* V4 isg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Radio_Entries = $8042b6a1 /* V4 i.. STRPTR * */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Cycle **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Cycle() RETURN 'Cycle.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Cycle_Active = $80421788 /* V4 isg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Cycle_Entries = $80420629 /* V4 i.. STRPTR * */
- CONST MUIV_Cycle_Active_Next = -1
- CONST MUIV_Cycle_Active_Prev = -2
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Slider **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Slider() RETURN 'Slider.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Slider_Level = $8042ae3a /* V4 isg LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Slider_Max = $8042d78a /* V4 i.. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Slider_Min = $8042e404 /* V4 i.. LONG */
- CONST MUIA_Slider_Quiet = $80420b26 /* V6 i.. BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Slider_Reverse = $8042f2a0 /* V4 isg BOOL */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Coloradjust **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Coloradjust() RETURN 'Coloradjust.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Coloradjust_Blue = $8042b8a3 /* V4 isg ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Coloradjust_Green = $804285ab /* V4 isg ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Coloradjust_ModeID = $8042ec59 /* V4 isg ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Coloradjust_Red = $80420eaa /* V4 isg ULONG */
- CONST MUIA_Coloradjust_RGB = $8042f899 /* V4 isg ULONG * */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Palette **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Palette() RETURN 'Palette.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Palette_Entries = $8042a3d8 /* V6 i.g struct MUI_Palette_Entry * */
- CONST MUIA_Palette_Groupable = $80423e67 /* V6 isg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Palette_Names = $8042c3a2 /* V6 isg char ** */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Colorpanel **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Colorpanel() RETURN 'Colorpanel.mui'
- /* Methods */
- /* Attributes */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Popstring **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Popstring() RETURN 'Popstring.mui'
- /* Methods */
- CONST MUIM_Popstring_Close = $8042dc52 /* V7 */
- CONST MUIM_Popstring_Open = $804258ba /* V7 */
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Popstring_Button = $8042d0b9 /* V7 i.g Object * */
- CONST MUIA_Popstring_CloseHook = $804256bf /* V7 isg struct Hook * */
- CONST MUIA_Popstring_OpenHook = $80429d00 /* V7 isg struct Hook * */
- CONST MUIA_Popstring_String = $804239ea /* V7 i.g Object * */
- CONST MUIA_Popstring_Toggle = $80422b7a /* V7 isg BOOL */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Popobject **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Popobject() RETURN 'Popobject.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Popobject_Follow = $80424cb5 /* V7 isg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Popobject_Light = $8042a5a3 /* V7 isg BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Popobject_Object = $804293e3 /* V7 i.g Object * */
- CONST MUIA_Popobject_ObjStrHook = $8042db44 /* V7 isg struct Hook * */
- CONST MUIA_Popobject_StrObjHook = $8042fbe1 /* V7 isg struct Hook * */
- CONST MUIA_Popobject_Volatile = $804252ec /* V7 isg BOOL */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Poplist **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Poplist() RETURN 'Poplist.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Poplist_Array = $8042084c /* V8 i.. char ** */
- /****************************************************************************/
- /** Popasl **/
- /****************************************************************************/
- PROC muiC_Popasl() RETURN 'Popasl.mui'
- /* Attributes */
- CONST MUIA_Popasl_Active = $80421b37 /* V7 ..g BOOL */
- CONST MUIA_Popasl_StartHook = $8042b703 /* V7 isg struct Hook * */
- CONST MUIA_Popasl_StopHook = $8042d8d2 /* V7 isg struct Hook * */
- CONST MUIA_Popasl_Type = $8042df3d /* V7 i.g ULONG */
- /* PROC main() RETURN 10 dummy */