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- /*
- ** This program needs at least V39 include files !
- */
- #include "demo.h"
- #include "gadgets/colorwheel.h"
- #include "intuition/icclass.h"
- #include "intuition/gadgetclass.h"
- /*
- ** Gauge object macro to display colorwheels
- ** hue and saturation values.
- */
- #define InfoGauge GaugeObject,\
- GaugeFrame , \
- MUIA_Gauge_Max , 16384,\
- MUIA_Gauge_Divide, 262144,\
- MUIA_Gauge_Horiz , TRUE,\
- End
- int main(int argc,char *argv[])
- {
- struct Library *ColorWheelBase;
- APTR App,Window,Wheel,Hue,Sat;
- LONG signal;
- init();
- if (!(ColorWheelBase = OpenLibrary("gadgets/colorwheel.gadget",0)))
- fail(NULL,"colorwheel boopsi gadget not available\n");
- App = ApplicationObject,
- MUIA_Application_Title , "BoopsiDoor",
- MUIA_Application_Version , "$VER: BoopsiDoor 8.45 (03.07.94)",
- MUIA_Application_Copyright , "©1992/93, Stefan Stuntz",
- MUIA_Application_Author , "Stefan Stuntz",
- MUIA_Application_Description, "Show a boopsi colorwheel with MUI.",
- MUIA_Application_Base , "BOOPSIDOOR",
- SubWindow, Window = WindowObject,
- MUIA_Window_Title, "BoopsiDoor",
- MUIA_Window_ID , MAKE_ID('B','O','O','P'),
- WindowContents, VGroup,
- Child, ColGroup(2),
- Child, Label("Hue:" ), Child, Hue = InfoGauge,
- Child, Label("Saturation:"), Child, Sat = InfoGauge,
- Child, RectangleObject,MUIA_Weight,0,End, Child, ScaleObject, End,
- End,
- Child, Wheel = BoopsiObject, /* MUI and Boopsi tags mixed */
- GroupFrame,
- MUIA_Boopsi_ClassID , "colorwheel.gadget",
- MUIA_Boopsi_MinWidth , 30, /* boopsi objects don't know */
- MUIA_Boopsi_MinHeight, 30, /* their sizes, so we help */
- MUIA_Boopsi_Remember , WHEEL_Saturation, /* keep important values */
- MUIA_Boopsi_Remember , WHEEL_Hue, /* during window resize */
- MUIA_Boopsi_TagScreen, WHEEL_Screen, /* this magic fills in */
- WHEEL_Screen , NULL, /* the screen pointer */
- GA_Left , 0,
- GA_Top , 0, /* MUI will automatically */
- GA_Width , 0, /* fill in the correct values */
- GA_Height , 0,
- ICA_TARGET , ICTARGET_IDCMP, /* needed for notification */
- WHEEL_Saturation, 0, /* start in the center */
- End,
- End,
- End,
- End;
- if (!App)
- {
- if (ColorWheelBase) CloseLibrary(ColorWheelBase);
- fail(App,"Failed to create Application.");
- }
- /*
- ** you can react on every boopsi notification
- ** event as on any other MUI attribute.
- */
- DoMethod(Wheel,MUIM_Notify,WHEEL_Hue ,MUIV_EveryTime,Hue,4,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Gauge_Current,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- DoMethod(Wheel,MUIM_Notify,WHEEL_Saturation,MUIV_EveryTime,Sat,4,MUIM_Set,MUIA_Gauge_Current,MUIV_TriggerValue);
- /*
- ** Simplest possible MUI main loop.
- */
- DoMethod(Window,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Window_CloseRequest,TRUE,App,2,MUIM_Application_ReturnID,MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit);
- set(Window,MUIA_Window_Open,TRUE);
- while (DoMethod(App,MUIM_Application_Input,&signal) != MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit)
- if (signal)
- Wait(signal);
- set(Window,MUIA_Window_Open,FALSE);
- /*
- ** shut down.
- */
- if (ColorWheelBase) CloseLibrary(ColorWheelBase);
- fail(App,NULL);
- }