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- /*
- Title: Font
- Version: 0.08
- Author: Matthias Scheler <tron@lyssa.ms.sub.org>
- DICE Support by Stefan Becker <stefanb@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de>
- Copyright: (c) by Matthias Scheler, freely distributable with MUI
- This is a replacment for Commodore's prefs program "Font" written with "MUI".
- It does the same as the original program, but is font sensitive and sizable
- (A preferences program which ignores it's own setting, strange ...).
- Look at the source code, and you'll recognize that the code for the creation
- of the GUI is very short, thanks to Magic User Interface.
- Thanks to Klaus Melchior for the nice icon.
- Compile:
- slink FROM LIB:c.o Font.o LIB LIB:sc.lib LIB:amiga.lib SC SD ND TO Font
- */
- #include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
- #include <libraries/asl.h>
- #include <libraries/gadtools.h>
- #include <libraries/iffparse.h>
- #include <libraries/mui.h>
- #include <workbench/icon.h>
- #include <workbench/startup.h>
- #include <prefs/font.h>
- #include <prefs/prefhdr.h>
- #ifdef __SASC
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/icon.h>
- #include <proto/iffparse.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include <proto/muimaster.h>
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- struct Library *IconBase;
- extern struct Library *SysBase;
- #else
- #include <clib/alib_protos.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/icon_protos.h>
- #include <clib/iffparse_protos.h>
- #include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
- #include <clib/muimaster_protos.h>
- #include <pragmas/dos_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/icon_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/iffparse_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/intuition_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/muimaster_pragmas.h>
- extern struct Library *SysBase, *DOSBase, *IntuitionBase, *IconBase;
- #endif
- #include <string.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- struct Library *IFFParseBase,*MUIMasterBase;
- #ifdef MAX
- #undef MAX
- #endif
- #ifdef MIN
- #undef MIN
- #endif
- #ifdef __SASC
- #define MAX(a,b) __builtin_max(a,b)
- #define MIN(a,b) __builtin_min(a,b)
- #else
- #define MAX(a,b) ((a)>(b)?(a):(b))
- #define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
- #endif
- #define VERSION "0.08"
- char *Version = "$VER: Font " VERSION " (03.08.93)";
- APTR AP_Font;
- APTR WI_Font;
- APTR BT_Font[FONT_NUM],BT_Save,BT_Use,BT_Cancel;
- #define ID_WBFONT 1L
- #define ID_SYSFONT 2L
- #define ID_SCREENFONT 3L
- #define ID_SAVE 4L
- #define ID_USE 5L
- #define ID_OPEN 10L
- #define ID_SAVE_AS 11L
- #define ID_DEFAULTS 20L
- #define ID_LAST_SAVED 21L
- #define ID_RESTORE 22L
- #define ID_ICONS 30L
- struct NewMenu MN_Font[] =
- {
- NM_TITLE,"Project",NULL,0,0L,NULL,
- NM_ITEM,"Open...","O",0,0L,(APTR)ID_OPEN,
- NM_ITEM,"Save As...","A",0,0L,(APTR)ID_SAVE_AS,
- NM_ITEM,"Quit","Q",0,0L,(APTR)MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit,
- NM_ITEM,"Reset To Defaults","D",0,0L,(APTR)ID_DEFAULTS,
- NM_ITEM,"Last Saved","L",0,0L,(APTR)ID_LAST_SAVED,
- NM_ITEM,"Restore","R",0,0L,(APTR)ID_RESTORE,
- NM_TITLE,"Settings",NULL,0,0L,NULL,
- };
- struct FontPrefs FontPrefs[FONT_NUM],RestorePrefs[FONT_NUM],StdFont =
- {0L,0L,0L,0,0,1,0,JAM1,NULL,TOPAZ_EIGHTY,FS_NORMAL,FPF_ROMFONT,"topaz.font"};
- char *ModeList[] = {"Mode","Text","Text+Field",NULL};
- #define ENV_FILE "ENV:Sys/Font.prefs"
- #define ENVARC_FILE "ENVARC:Sys/Font.prefs"
- UWORD PutChar[2] = {0x16C0,0x4E75};
- /* dirty hack to avoid assembler part :-)
- 16C0: move.b d0,(a3)+
- 4E75: rts
- */
- /* own sprintf() based on exec.library/RawDoFmt() to keep program short */
- void SPrintF(char *Buffer,char *FormatString,...)
- {
- RawDoFmt (FormatString,(APTR)((LONG *)&FormatString+1L),(void *)PutChar,Buffer);
- }
- /* load font preferences from a file */
- LONG LoadPrefs(struct FontPrefs *FontPrefs,char *Name)
- {
- LONG Error;
- struct IFFHandle *IFF;
- if (IFF=AllocIFF())
- {
- if (IFF->iff_Stream=(ULONG)Open(Name,MODE_OLDFILE))
- {
- InitIFFasDOS (IFF);
- if ((Error=OpenIFF(IFF,IFFF_READ))==0L)
- {
- if ((Error=CollectionChunk(IFF,ID_PREF,ID_FONT))==0L)
- if ((Error=StopOnExit(IFF,ID_PREF,ID_FORM))==0L)
- {
- struct CollectionItem *CItem;
- Error=0L;
- CItem=FindCollection(IFF,ID_PREF,ID_FONT);
- while (CItem)
- {
- struct FontPrefs *Ptr;
- Ptr=(struct FontPrefs *)CItem->ci_Data;
- if ((CItem->ci_Size==sizeof(struct FontPrefs))&&
- (Ptr->fp_Type<FONT_NUM)) FontPrefs[Ptr->fp_Type]=*Ptr;
- CItem=CItem->ci_Next;
- }
- }
- CloseIFF (IFF);
- }
- Close ((BPTR)IFF->iff_Stream);
- }
- else Error=IoErr();
- FreeIFF (IFF);
- }
- return Error;
- }
- /* write one "struct PrefHeader" and three "struct FontPrefs" to an IFF file */
- LONG WritePrefsData(struct IFFHandle *IFF,struct FontPrefs *FontPrefs)
- {
- struct PrefHeader PrefHeader;
- LONG Error,Index;
- if (Error=PushChunk(IFF,ID_PREF,ID_FORM,IFFSIZE_UNKNOWN)) return Error;
- PrefHeader.ph_Version=0;
- PrefHeader.ph_Type=0;
- PrefHeader.ph_Flags=0L;
- if (Error=PushChunk(IFF,ID_PREF,ID_PRHD,sizeof(struct PrefHeader))) return Error;
- if ((Error=WriteChunkBytes(IFF,&PrefHeader,sizeof(struct PrefHeader)))<0L) return Error;
- if (Error=PopChunk(IFF)) return Error;
- for (Index=0L; Index<FONT_NUM; Index++)
- {
- if (Error=PushChunk(IFF,ID_PREF,ID_FONT,sizeof(struct FontPrefs))) return Error;
- if ((Error=WriteChunkBytes(IFF,&FontPrefs[Index],sizeof(struct FontPrefs)))<0L) return Error;
- if (Error=PopChunk(IFF)) return Error;
- }
- return PopChunk(IFF);
- }
- /* save font preferences to a file */
- LONG SavePrefs(struct FontPrefs *FontPrefs,char *Name)
- {
- LONG Error;
- struct IFFHandle *IFF;
- if (IFF=AllocIFF())
- {
- if (IFF->iff_Stream=(ULONG)Open(Name,MODE_NEWFILE))
- {
- InitIFFasDOS (IFF);
- if (OpenIFF(IFF,IFFF_WRITE)==0L)
- {
- Error=WritePrefsData(IFF,FontPrefs);
- CloseIFF (IFF);
- }
- Close ((BPTR)IFF->iff_Stream);
- if (Error) (void)DeleteFile(Name);
- }
- else Error=IoErr();
- FreeIFF (IFF);
- }
- return Error;
- }
- /* get Intuition window pointer from a MUI window */
- struct Window *GetWinPtr(APTR WI_Any)
- {
- struct Window *Window;
- Window=NULL;
- get (WI_Any,MUIA_Window_Window,&Window);
- return Window;
- }
- /* fill in three "struct FontPrefs" with default values */
- void DefaultFontPrefs(struct FontPrefs *FontPrefs)
- {
- LONG Index;
- for (Index=0L; Index<FONT_NUM; Index++)
- {
- FontPrefs[Index]=StdFont;
- FontPrefs[Index].fp_Type=Index;
- }
- }
- /* update font display in font window */
- void SetFontTO(APTR *TO_Font,struct FontPrefs *FontPrefs)
- {
- static char FontName[FONT_NUM][FONTNAMESIZE];
- ULONG Index;
- for (Index=0L; Index<FONT_NUM; Index++)
- {
- SPrintF (FontName[FontPrefs[Index].fp_Type],"%s %ld",
- FontPrefs[Index].fp_Name,
- FontPrefs[Index].fp_TextAttr.ta_YSize);
- set (TO_Font[Index],MUIA_Text_Contents,FontName[FontPrefs[Index].fp_Type]);
- }
- }
- /* select a font with the "asl.library */
- LONG SelectFont(APTR ParentWindow,struct FontPrefs *FontPrefs,
- char *Title,LONG FixedWidthOnly,LONG PensAndMode)
- {
- struct FontRequester *FontRequester;
- struct Window *Window;
- LONG Result;
- UBYTE Index,FrontPens[8],BackPens[8];
- if ((Window=GetWinPtr(ParentWindow))==NULL) return FALSE;
- for (Index=0L; Index<4L; Index++)
- {
- FrontPens[Index]=BackPens[Index]=Index;
- FrontPens[7-Index]=BackPens[7-Index]=(1<<Window->WScreen->BitMap.Depth)-Index-1;
- }
- if ((FontRequester=(struct FontRequester *)
- MUI_AllocAslRequestTags(ASL_FontRequest,
- ASLFO_Window,Window,
- ASLFO_TitleText,Title,
- ASLFO_InitialHeight,MAX(128L,Window->WScreen->Height-128L),
- ASLFO_InitialName,FontPrefs->fp_Name,
- ASLFO_InitialSize,FontPrefs->fp_TextAttr.ta_YSize,
- ASLFO_InitialFrontPen,FontPrefs->fp_FrontPen,
- ASLFO_InitialBackPen,FontPrefs->fp_BackPen,
- ASLFO_InitialDrawMode,FontPrefs->fp_DrawMode,
- ASLFO_Flags,
- ASLFO_MaxFrontPen,MIN(8L,1L<<Window->WScreen->BitMap.Depth),
- ASLFO_MaxBackPen,MIN(8L,1L<<Window->WScreen->BitMap.Depth),
- ASLFO_FrontPens,FrontPens,
- ASLFO_BackPens,BackPens,
- ASLFO_ModeList,ModeList,
- TAG_DONE))==NULL) return FALSE;
- set (ParentWindow,MUIA_Window_Sleep,TRUE);
- Result=MUI_AslRequest((APTR)FontRequester,NULL);
- set (ParentWindow,MUIA_Window_Sleep,FALSE);
- if (Result)
- {
- (void)strcpy(FontPrefs->fp_Name,FontRequester->fo_Attr.ta_Name);
- FontPrefs->fp_TextAttr=FontRequester->fo_Attr;
- FontPrefs->fp_TextAttr.ta_Name=NULL;
- if (PensAndMode)
- {
- FontPrefs->fp_FrontPen=FontRequester->fo_FrontPen;
- FontPrefs->fp_BackPen=FontRequester->fo_BackPen;
- FontPrefs->fp_DrawMode=FontRequester->fo_DrawMode;
- }
- }
- MUI_FreeAslRequest (FontRequester);
- return Result;
- }
- /* display an I/O error with muimaster.library/MUI_Request */
- void ErrorReq(char *Name,LONG Error)
- {
- char DOSMsg[80],ReqText[256];
- if (Error>0L)
- {
- (void)Fault(Error,NULL,DOSMsg,80L);
- (void)strcat(strcat(strcat(strcpy(ReqText,"Error accessing file\n"),Name),",\n"),DOSMsg);
- }
- else (void)strcat(strcpy(ReqText,"Error processing IFF file\n"),Name);
- (void)MUI_Request(AP_Font,NULL,0L,"Program Error","Ok",ReqText);
- }
- /* main program */
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- struct DiskObject *DiskObject;
- LONG Done,Index,Error;
- /* open our libraries */
- #ifndef _DCC
- if ((IconBase=OpenLibrary(ICONNAME,36))==NULL) exit (20);
- if ((IntuitionBase=(struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary("intuition.library",36))==NULL)
- {
- CloseLibrary (IconBase);
- exit (20);
- }
- #endif
- if ((IFFParseBase=OpenLibrary("iffparse.library",0))==NULL)
- {
- #ifndef _DCC
- CloseLibrary (&IntuitionBase->LibNode);
- CloseLibrary (IconBase);
- #endif
- exit (20);
- }
- {
- CloseLibrary (IFFParseBase);
- #ifndef _DCC
- CloseLibrary (&IntuitionBase->LibNode);
- CloseLibrary (IconBase);
- #endif
- exit (20);
- }
- /* init preferences stuff */
- DefaultFontPrefs (FontPrefs);
- if (Error=LoadPrefs(FontPrefs,ENV_FILE))
- if (Error!=ERROR_OBJECT_NOT_FOUND) ErrorReq (ENV_FILE,Error);
- (void)memcpy(RestorePrefs,FontPrefs,sizeof(RestorePrefs));
- /* create GUI stuff */
- AP_Font=ApplicationObject,
- MUIA_Application_Title,"Font",
- MUIA_Application_Version,Version,
- MUIA_Application_Copyright,"Copyright © 1993 by Matthias Scheler",
- MUIA_Application_Author,"Matthias Scheler",
- MUIA_Application_Description,"Font Prefs Program",
- MUIA_Application_Base,"Font",
- MUIA_Application_SingleTask,TRUE,
- MUIA_Application_DiskObject,DiskObject=GetDiskObject("PROGDIR:Font"),
- SubWindow,WI_Font=WindowObject,
- MUIA_Window_Title,"Font Preferences",
- MUIA_Window_ID,MAKE_ID('F','O','N','T'),
- MUIA_Window_Menu,MN_Font,
- WindowContents,VGroup,
- Child,ColGroup(2),
- GroupFrameT("Selected Fonts"),ReadListFrame,
- Child, VSpace(0), Child, VSpace(0),
- Child,Label("Workbench Icon Text:"),
- Child,TO_Font[FP_WBFONT]=TextObject,End,
- Child,Label("System Default Text:"),
- Child,TO_Font[FP_SYSFONT]=TextObject,End,
- Child,Label("Screen Text:"),
- Child,TO_Font[FP_SCREENFONT]=TextObject,End,
- Child, VSpace(0), Child, VSpace(0),
- End,
- Child,VSpace(3),
- Child,BT_Font[FP_WBFONT]=SimpleButton("Select Workbench Icon Text..."),
- Child,BT_Font[FP_SYSFONT]=SimpleButton("Select System Default Text..."),
- Child,BT_Font[FP_SCREENFONT]=SimpleButton("Select Screen Text..."),
- Child,VSpace(3),
- Child,HGroup,
- Child,BT_Save=SimpleButton("_Save"),
- Child,BT_Use=SimpleButton("_Use"),
- Child,BT_Cancel=SimpleButton("_Cancel"),
- End,
- End,
- End,
- End;
- /* Seen it ? No pixel counting or any sh*t like that */
- if (AP_Font==NULL)
- {
- if (DiskObject) FreeDiskObject (DiskObject);
- CloseLibrary (MUIMasterBase);
- CloseLibrary (IFFParseBase);
- #ifndef _DCC
- CloseLibrary (&IntuitionBase->LibNode);
- CloseLibrary (IconBase);
- #endif
- exit (10);
- }
- /* now setup stuff for event handling */
- DoMethod (WI_Font,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Window_CloseRequest,TRUE,
- AP_Font,2,MUIM_Application_ReturnID,MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit);
- for (Index=0L; Index<FONT_NUM; Index++)
- DoMethod (BT_Font[Index],MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Pressed,FALSE,
- AP_Font,2,MUIM_Application_ReturnID,ID_WBFONT+Index);
- DoMethod (BT_Save,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Pressed,FALSE,
- AP_Font,2,MUIM_Application_ReturnID,ID_SAVE);
- DoMethod (BT_Use,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Pressed,FALSE,
- AP_Font,2,MUIM_Application_ReturnID,ID_USE);
- DoMethod (BT_Cancel,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Pressed,FALSE,
- AP_Font,2,MUIM_Application_ReturnID,MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit);
- /* cycle chain for keyboard control */
- DoMethod (WI_Font,MUIM_Window_SetCycleChain,
- BT_Save,BT_Use,BT_Cancel,NULL);
- /* init display */
- SetFontTO (TO_Font,FontPrefs);
- set (WI_Font,MUIA_Window_Open,TRUE);
- /* event loop */
- Done=FALSE;
- while (!Done)
- {
- ULONG ID,Signal;
- ID=DoMethod(AP_Font,MUIM_Application_Input,&Signal);
- switch (ID)
- {
- /* Quit (by close gadget, keyboard, menu, ARexx or Exchange ... doesn't matter) */
- case MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit:
- Done=TRUE;
- break;
- /* gadgets selected with keyboard or mouse */
- case ID_WBFONT:
- if (SelectFont(WI_Font,&FontPrefs[FP_WBFONT],
- "Select Workbench Icon Text",FALSE,TRUE)) SetFontTO (TO_Font,FontPrefs);
- break;
- case ID_SYSFONT:
- if (SelectFont(WI_Font,&FontPrefs[FP_SYSFONT],
- "Select System Default Text",TRUE,FALSE)) SetFontTO (TO_Font,FontPrefs);
- break;
- if (SelectFont(WI_Font,&FontPrefs[FP_SCREENFONT],
- "Select Screen Text...",FALSE,FALSE)) SetFontTO (TO_Font,FontPrefs);
- break;
- case ID_SAVE:
- if (Error=SavePrefs(FontPrefs,ENVARC_FILE))
- {
- ErrorReq (ENVARC_FILE,Error);
- break;
- }
- case ID_USE:
- set (WI_Font,MUIA_Window_Open,FALSE);
- if (Error=SavePrefs(FontPrefs,ENV_FILE)) ErrorReq (ENV_FILE,Error);
- Done=TRUE;
- break;
- /* handle menu entries */
- DefaultFontPrefs (FontPrefs);
- SetFontTO (TO_Font,FontPrefs);
- break;
- if (Error=LoadPrefs(FontPrefs,ENVARC_FILE)) ErrorReq (ENVARC_FILE,Error);
- else SetFontTO (TO_Font,FontPrefs);
- break;
- case ID_RESTORE:
- (void)memcpy(FontPrefs,RestorePrefs,sizeof(FontPrefs));
- SetFontTO (TO_Font,FontPrefs);
- }
- if (!Done&&(Signal!=0L)) (void)Wait(Signal);
- }
- /* remove GUI stuff */
- MUI_DisposeObject (AP_Font);
- if (DiskObject) FreeDiskObject (DiskObject);
- /* close our libraries */
- CloseLibrary (MUIMasterBase);
- CloseLibrary (IFFParseBase);
- #ifndef _DCC
- CloseLibrary (&IntuitionBase->LibNode);
- CloseLibrary (IconBase);
- #endif
- exit (0);
- }