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- /*
- ** Little tool to show the UserData custom class.
- */
- #include "demo.h"
- #include "UserData_mcc.h"
- int main(int argc,char *argv[])
- {
- Object *app,*win,*sasg;
- ULONG signals;
- BOOL running = TRUE;
- init();
- app = ApplicationObject,
- MUIA_Application_Title , "ShowUserData",
- MUIA_Application_Version , "$VER: ShowUserData 8.12 (03.07.94)",
- MUIA_Application_Copyright , "©1994 by Stefan Stuntz",
- MUIA_Application_Author , "Stefan Stuntz",
- MUIA_Application_Description, "Show the UserData custom class",
- MUIA_Application_Base , "SHOWUSERDATA",
- SubWindow, win = WindowObject,
- MUIA_Window_Title, "Show the UserData public custom class",
- MUIA_Window_ID , MAKE_ID('S','A','S','G'),
- WindowContents, VGroup,
- Child, sasg = MUI_NewObject(MUIC_UserData,
- MUIA_UserData_First , "Jo",
- MUIA_UserData_Name , "User",
- MUIA_UserData_Street , "Fakestreet 12",
- MUIA_UserData_City , "Faketown, FT 1234",
- MUIA_UserData_Country, "Wonderland",
- MUIA_UserData_Phone , "+1-234-567-8901",
- MUIA_UserData_EMail , "jouser@fake.wonder.land",
- End,
- End,
- End;
- if (!app)
- fail(app,"Failed to create Application.");
- /*
- ** Install notification events...
- */
- DoMethod(win,MUIM_Notify,MUIA_Window_CloseRequest,TRUE,
- app,2,MUIM_Application_ReturnID,MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit);
- /*
- ** Input loop...
- */
- set(win,MUIA_Window_Open,TRUE);
- while (running)
- {
- switch (DoMethod(app,MUIM_Application_Input,&signals))
- {
- case MUIV_Application_ReturnID_Quit:
- running = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- if (running && signals) Wait(signals);
- }
- set(win,MUIA_Window_Open,FALSE);
- /*
- ** Shut down...
- */
- fail(app,NULL);
- }