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- MODULE Class1;
- (*$ StackChk:=FALSE NilChk:=FALSE EntryClear:=FALSE
- RangeChk:=FALSE
- *)
- (*
- ** Class1
- ** the M2 interpretation of the famous class written by Stefan Stuntz
- ** for MUI in C.
- ** This demonstration was performed by Christian 'Kochtopf' Scholz in
- ** order to show how the same is done in M2.
- ** (ofcourse inspired by class1.c ;-) )
- **
- ** please note that there are some foldmarkers inside this file, which
- ** are used by GoldEd.
- *)
- (*{{{ "Imports" *)
- IMPORT MM:MuiMacros;
- IMPORT Arts;
- FROM MuiMacros IMPORT MakeHook, HookDef, NoteClose, set;
- FROM MuiSupport IMPORT fail, DoMethod, DOMethod, APTR;
- FROM IntuitionD IMPORT IClassPtr, ObjectPtr, DrawPens, DrawInfo, Msg, IClass;
- FROM IntuitionL IMPORT FreeClass, MakeClass, NewObjectA;
- FROM MuiClasses IMPORT mpAskMinMax, mpAskMinMaxPtr, mpDraw, mpDrawPtr,
- MADFlagSet, MADFlags,
- OBJ_rp, OBJ_dri, OBJ_mleft, OBJ_mtop, OBJ_mbottom, OBJ_mright,
- mpSetUp, mMinMax, FillMinMaxInfo, MakeDispatcher;
- FROM AmigaLib IMPORT DoSuperMethodA;
- FROM GraphicsL IMPORT SetAPen, Move, Draw;
- FROM GraphicsD IMPORT RastPortPtr;
- FROM UtilityD IMPORT HookPtr, Hook, tagDone, tagEnd;
- FROM Terminal IMPORT Format;
- (*}}}*)
- (*{{{ "the class" *)
- (***************************************************************************)
- (* Here is the beginning of our simple new class... *)
- (***************************************************************************)
- (*
- ** This is an example for the simplest possible MUI class. It's just some
- ** kind of custom image and supports only two methods:
- ** mAskMinMax and mDraw.
- *)
- (*
- ** This is the instance data for our custom class.
- ** Since it's a very simple class, it contains just a dummy entry.
- *)
- dummy : LONGINT;
- END;
- VAR MyData : Data;
- (*{{{ "mAskMinMax" *)
- (*
- ** AskMinMax method will be called before the window is opened
- ** and before layout takes place. We need to tell MUI the
- ** minimum, maximum and default size of our object.
- *)
- PROCEDURE mAskMinMax(cl : IClassPtr; obj : ObjectPtr; msg : mpAskMinMaxPtr) : ADDRESS;
- VAR dummy : ADDRESS;
- (*
- ** let our superclass first fill in what it thinks about sizes.
- ** this will e.g. add the size of frame and inner spacing.
- *)
- dummy:=DoSuperMethodA(cl,obj,msg);
- (*
- ** now add the values specific to our object. note that we
- ** indeed need to *add* these values, not just set them!
- *)
- msg^.MinMaxInfo^.MinWidth := msg^.MinMaxInfo^.MinWidth +100;
- msg^.MinMaxInfo^.DefWidth := msg^.MinMaxInfo^.DefWidth +120;
- msg^.MinMaxInfo^.MaxWidth := msg^.MinMaxInfo^.MaxWidth +500;
- msg^.MinMaxInfo^.MinHeight := msg^.MinMaxInfo^.MinHeight +40;
- msg^.MinMaxInfo^.DefHeight := msg^.MinMaxInfo^.DefHeight +90;
- msg^.MinMaxInfo^.MaxHeight := msg^.MinMaxInfo^.MaxHeight +300;
- (*
- ** please note that there is a PROCEDURE defined in MUIClasses,
- ** which does the settings of the MinMaxInfo.
- ** just call
- ** FillMinMaxInfo(msg, 100, 120, 500, 40, 90, 300);
- ** in order to do the same as above in one line.
- *)
- END mAskMinMax;
- (*}}}*)
- (*{{{ "mDraw" *)
- (*
- ** Draw method is called whenever MUI feels we should render
- ** our object. This usually happens after layout is finished
- ** or when we need to refresh in a simplerefresh window.
- ** Note: You may only render within the rectangle
- ** OBJ_mleft(obj), OBJ_mtop(obj), OBJ_mwidth(obj), OBJ_mheight(obj).
- *)
- PROCEDURE mDraw(cl : IClassPtr; obj : ObjectPtr; msg : mpDrawPtr) : ADDRESS;
- i : INTEGER;
- dummy : ADDRESS;
- mt, ml, mr, mb : INTEGER;
- (*
- ** let our superclass draw itself first, area class would
- ** e.g. draw the frame and clear the whole region. What
- ** it does exactly depends on msg->flags.
- *)
- dummy:=DoSuperMethodA(cl,obj,msg);
- (*
- ** if drawObject isn't in MADFlagSet, we shouldn't draw anything.
- ** MUI just wanted to update the frame or something like that.
- *)
- IF (drawObject IN msg^.flags) THEN
- (*
- ** ok, everything ready to render...
- *)
- mt:=OBJ_mtop(obj);
- ml:=OBJ_mleft(obj);
- mr:=OBJ_mright(obj);
- mb:=OBJ_mbottom(obj);
- SetAPen(OBJ_rp(obj), OBJ_dri(obj)^.pens^[textPen]);
- FOR i:=ml TO mr BY 5 DO
- Move(OBJ_rp(obj), ml, mb);
- Draw(OBJ_rp(obj), i, mt);
- Move(OBJ_rp(obj), mr, mb);
- Draw(OBJ_rp(obj), i, mt);
- END;
- END; (* if *)
- END mDraw;
- (*}}}*)
- (*{{{ "MyDispatcher" *)
- (*
- ** Here comes the dispatcher for our custom class. We only need to
- ** care about mAskMinMax and mDraw in this simple case.
- ** Unknown/unused methods are passed to the superclass immediately.
- *)
- PROCEDURE MyDispatcher(cl : IClassPtr; obj : ADDRESS; msg : ADDRESS) : ADDRESS;
- (* sorry, no CASE here, because the range is too big... *)
- IF CAST(Msg, msg)^.methodID=MD.mmAskMinMax THEN
- RETURN mAskMinMax(cl, obj, msg);
- ELSIF CAST(Msg, msg)^.methodID=MD.mmDraw THEN
- RETURN mDraw(cl, obj,msg);
- RETURN DoSuperMethodA(CAST(IClassPtr, cl), obj, msg);
- END;
- END MyDispatcher;
- (*}}}*)
- (*}}}*)
- (***************************************************************************)
- (* Thats all there is about it. Now lets see how things are used... *)
- (***************************************************************************)
- (*{{{ "VAR" *)
- VAR app, window, MyObj, SuperClass : APTR;
- myObj : APTR;
- MyClass : IClassPtr;
- signals : LONGSET;
- running :=BOOLEAN{TRUE};
- myHookPtr : HookPtr;
- buffer, buffer2 : ARRAY[0..60] OF LONGINT;
- du : BOOLEAN;
- (*}}}*)
- (*{{{ "usage of the class" *)
- (* Get a pointer to the superclass. MUI will lock this *)
- (* and prevent it from being flushed during you hold *)
- (* the pointer. When you're done, you have to call *)
- (* moFreeClass() to release this lock. *)
- SuperClass:=ML.moGetClass(ADR(MD.mcArea));
- IF SuperClass=NIL THEN fail(NULL, "Superclass for the new class not found,"); END;
- (* create the new class *)
- MyClass:=MakeClass(NIL, NIL, SuperClass, SIZE(MyData), LONGSET{});
- ML.moFreeClass(SuperClass);
- fail(NULL, "Failed to create class!");
- END;
- (* set the dispatcher for the new class *)
- MakeDispatcher(MyDispatcher, MyClass);
- (* create a little GUI with our new class *)
- MyObj := NewObjectA(MyClass, NIL, TAG(buffer,
- MD.maFrame, MD.mvFrameText,
- MD.maBackground, MD.miBACKGROUND,
- tagDone));
- window := MM.WindowObject(TAG(buffer,
- MD.maWindowTitle, ADR("A test of our custom class"),
- MM.WindowContents, MM.VGroup(TAG(buffer2,
- MM.Child, MyObj,
- tagEnd)),
- tagEnd));
- app := MM.ApplicationObject(TAG(buffer,
- MD.maApplicationTitle, ADR("M2Class1"),
- MD.maApplicationAuthor, ADR("Christian Scholz and Stefan Stuntz"),
- MD.maApplicationVersion, ADR("$VER: M2Class1 1.0 (18.04.94)"),
- MD.maApplicationCopyright, ADR("© KT SS"),
- MD.maApplicationDescription, ADR("demonstrates how to write own classes in M2!"),
- MD.maApplicationBase, ADR("M2CLASS1"),
- MM.SubWindow, window,
- tagEnd));
- IF app=NIL THEN fail(app, "failed to create application!!"); END;
- NoteClose(app, window, MD.mvApplicationReturnIDQuit); (* set up a notify on closing the window *)
- (*
- ** Input loop...
- *)
- set(window,MD.maWindowOpen,1);
- WHILE running DO
- CASE DOMethod(app, TAG(buffer,
- MD.mmApplicationInput, ADR(signals))) OF
- | MD.mvApplicationReturnIDQuit :
- running:=FALSE;
- END;
- IF running AND (signals <> LONGSET{} ) THEN signals:=Wait(signals);
- END;
- END; (* While *)
- set(window,MD.maWindowOpen,0);
- (*
- ** Shut down...
- *)
- ML.mDisposeObject(app); (* free our application resources *)
- du:=FreeClass(MyClass); (* free our own class *)
- ML.moFreeClass(SuperClass); (* free our SuperClass *)
- fail(NULL,""); (* and the end..... *)
- (*}}}*)
- END Class1.