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- Modula-Interface for MUI 2.1
- MUI (C) 1993/94 by Stefan Stuntz
- Modula Interface done by Christian "Kochtopf" Scholz (freeware)
- New Version 25.6.1994
- Here are the files you need to write MUI-Programs with M2Amiga.
- Present are in this version the macros defined in mui.h. They are
- implemented in MuiMacros and in MuiClasses (the ones related to
- custom-class-programming)
- Description of the files :
- MuiD.def : Definitions of MethodIDs, AttributeIDs, etc.
- MuiD.mod : Some additional PROCEDUREs for some #define's in mui.h
- MuiL.def : The interface for muimaster.library
- MuiSupport.def : Additional PROCEDUREs like DoMethod or fail.
- MuiSupport.mod : The implementation of these PROCEDUREs.
- MuiMacros.def : Some Macros converted from mui.h
- MuiMacros.mod : The implementation of these.
- MuiClasses.def : some things you need to write own classes
- MuiClasses.mod : implementation of the macros defined in mui.h for classes
- MuiTest.mod : A sample Module showing how to use the interface.
- ListDemo.mod : A sample Listview programm showing an DisplayHook!
- Class1.mod : A sample Module showing how to write own classes in M2.
- In this version you have to compile the interface yourself.
- For this can you use the CompilerScript. It will compile the
- interface and copy the files to m2:modules/sym|obj.
- The History :
- 22.10.1993 MuiSupport : changed fail-PROCEDURE, that it makes no use of
- Terminal, but now uses Arts.Requester.
- MuiMacros : Added macros AddMember, DelMember, MakeHook,
- MakeID, PopUp
- 26.10.1993 supplied CompilerScript
- 9.2.1994 MuiD : Updates to 1.5 (Popasl, Popstring, PopObject... )
- added mPaletteEntry, mScrmodelist.
- MuiL : Updates to 1.5 (Custom Class Functions)
- changed return-value of mAslRequest to BOOLEAN
- (thanx to Thilo Stoeferle)
- provided muiMasterVersion, etc. like System-Defs.
- MuiSupport : fail will set app to NIL, now VAR-parameter
- (so you can use it in a CLOSE-Routine)
- (thanx to Martin Koyro)
- MuiMacros : now it supports StrPtr instead of ARRAY OF CHAR.
- set the symbol Locale to TRUE to get it. (defaults to FALSE)
- added some macros by Martin Koyro (KeyRadio, (Key)Cycle, (Key)Slider)
- MuiClasses : new Module which implements things to write own classes.
- ComboBox : removed - use PopObject for a Popup-List.
- ListDemo : New Demo to show how to do lists.
- 18.2.1994 MuiMacros : Added functions for Register and the Pop*-Classes.
- Added some new Label-Macros (LLabel,... )
- MUIClasses : Added some macro-definitions and rearranged a bit the
- module. Now you can do easily custom classes with it.
- (i hope :) So look at it for more info and look also
- at Class1.mod which shows how it is used.
- Class1.mod : new demo which shows how to do custom classes.
- 25.6.1994 MuiD,
- MuiMacros,
- MuiL : upgraded to version 2.1
- added a new symbol MUIObsolete to MuiMacros. Set it to true,
- if you want the obsolete Macros, now you should use mMakeObj
- for them.
- Problems with MakeObject-Definition - does not work.
- I don't know why - you ? ;-) Please tell me!
- (so you should set MuiObsolete to TRUE ;-)
- MuiClasses : changed name from MUIClasses to MuiClasses - please note!!
- Note :
- This time I just wanted to say that this stuff is _completely_ untested because of lack
- of time. I am just happy that it compiles ;-)
- I think that I have the next days some free hours to play with the new MUI (perhaps
- writing a class :-)
- Perhaps I will then release a new version on aminet...
- For bug-reports or suggestion please send me a note. Thanks.
- My email-address :
- ruebe@pool.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
- Greets,
- Kochtopf