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- (*
- * VERY Incomplete.
- *
- * Only an Example for Using MuiBasics.PopupBegin() and
- * MuiBasics.PopupEnd and Hooks.
- *
- *
- *
- *)
- MODULE StickNote;
- Mui,
- mb := MuiBasics,
- Exec,
- u := Utility,
- l := StickNoteLocale,
- v := StickNoteVersion,
- y := SYSTEM,
- I := Intuition,
- Strings,
- Dos;
- id = 8000;
- idAbout = id+1;
- idMainWin = y.VAL(LONGINT, 'MAIN' );
- dumhook = PROCEDURE ( hook : u.HookPtr; object : Exec.APTR; message : Exec.APTR ) : LONGINT;
- cs = s2( y.ADR( "FooBar" ), NIL );
- VAR window, app : Mui.Object;
- btfirst, btnext, btprev, btlast, btok, btdel, btnew, btshow : Mui.Object;
- sttitle, stnote, btpopuptitle : Mui.Object;
- cbshow : Mui.Object;
- dum : Mui.Object;
- signals : LONGSET;
- running : BOOLEAN;
- activateHook, pressedHook : mb.Hook;
- PROCEDURE KeyButton( num : LONGINT ): Mui.Object;
- VAR pos : LONGINT;
- s : ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
- key : CHAR;
- COPY( l.GetString( num )^, s );
- pos := Strings.Occurs( s, "_" );
- IF pos = -1 THEN
- key := "\o";
- Strings.Delete( s, pos, 1 );
- key := u.ToLower( s[pos] );
- END;
- RETURN mb.KeyButton( s, key );
- END KeyButton;
- PROCEDURE KeyCheckMark( num : LONGINT; checked : Exec.LONGBOOL ): Mui.Object;
- VAR pos : LONGINT;
- s : ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
- key : CHAR;
- COPY( l.GetString( num )^, s );
- pos := Strings.Occurs( s, "_" );
- IF pos = -1 THEN
- key := "\o";
- Strings.Delete( s, pos, 1 );
- key := u.ToLower( s[pos] );
- END;
- mb.keyLabel1( s, key );
- mb.Child; RETURN mb.KeyCheckMark( checked, key );
- END KeyCheckMark;
- PROCEDURE KeyLabelString( num : LONGINT): Mui.Object;
- VAR pos : LONGINT;
- s : ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
- key : CHAR;
- COPY( l.GetString( num )^, s );
- pos := Strings.Occurs( s, "_" );
- IF pos = -1 THEN
- key := "\o";
- Strings.Delete( s, pos, 1 );
- key := u.ToLower( s[pos] );
- END;
- mb.keyLabel2( s, key );
- mb.Child; mb.StringObject;
- mb.StringFrame;
- mb.TagItem( Mui.aControlChar, ORD( key ) );
- RETURN mb.End();
- END KeyLabelString;
- PROCEDURE KeyLabel( num, what : LONGINT );
- VAR pos : LONGINT;
- s : ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
- key : CHAR;
- COPY( l.GetString( num )^, s );
- pos := Strings.Occurs( s, "_" );
- IF pos = -1 THEN
- key := "\o";
- Strings.Delete( s, pos, 1 );
- key := u.ToLower( s[pos] );
- END;
- CASE what OF
- | 0 : mb.keyLabel( s, key );
- | 1 : mb.keyLabel1( s, key );
- | 2 : mb.keyLabel2( s, key );
- END KeyLabel;
- PROCEDURE PopupString( num : LONGINT; hook : mb.Hook; img : LONGINT): Mui.Object;
- VAR pos : LONGINT;
- s : ARRAY 64 OF CHAR;
- key : CHAR;
- str : Mui.Object;
- COPY( l.GetString( num )^, s );
- pos := Strings.Occurs( s, "_" );
- IF pos = -1 THEN
- key := "\o";
- key := u.ToLower( s[pos+1] );
- END;
- mb.PopupBegin;
- mb.Child; mb.StringObject;
- mb.StringFrame;
- mb.TagItem( Mui.aControlChar, ORD ( key ) );
- str := mb.End();
- mb.popupEnd( hook, img, str );
- RETURN str;
- END PopupString;
- PROCEDURE PressedObject( hook : mb.Hook; obj : Mui.Object ; args : mb.Args) : LONGINT;
- Dos.PrintF(" Yeah! You pressed the Popup Object\n" );
- END PressedObject;
- PROCEDURE CreateApplication();
- (*------------------------------------------
- :Input.
- :Output.
- :Semantic. Erstellt das Application Objekt und alle
- :Semantic. dazugehörigen Fenster die zum bedienen das Programms gehören
- :Note. Es werden nicht die Fenster IN denen die Notizn stehen generiert.
- :Update. 22-Aug-1993 [awn] - erstellt.
- --------------------------------------------*)
- mb.ApplicationObject( Mui.aApplicationTitle , y.ADR(v.name),
- Mui.aApplicationVersion , y.ADR(v.ver),
- Mui.aApplicationCopyright , y.ADR("© 1993 BY Albert Weinert"),
- Mui.aApplicationAuthor , y.ADR("Albert Weinert"),
- Mui.aApplicationDescription, l.GetString( l.msgDescription ),
- Mui.aApplicationBase , y.ADR("STICKNOTE"),
- u.end );
- mb.SubWindow; mb.WindowObject( Mui.aWindowTitle, y.ADR( v.nameVer ),
- Mui.aWindowID , idMainWin,
- u.end );
- mb.WindowContents; mb.VGroup;
- mb.Child; mb.ColGroup( 2 );
- mb.GroupFrameT( l.GetString( l.frameNotes )^ );
- mb.Child; KeyLabel( l.gadTitle, 2 );
- mb.Child; mb.HGroup;
- pressedHook:=mb.MakeHook ( PressedObject );
- mb.Child; sttitle := PopupString( l.gadTitle, pressedHook, Mui.iPopUp );
- btpopuptitle := mb.GetHookObject( pressedHook );
- mb.Child; cbshow := KeyCheckMark( l.gadShow, Exec.true );
- mb.end;
- mb.Child; stnote := KeyLabelString( l.gadContent );
- mb.end;
- mb.Child; mb.VSpace( 2 );
- mb.Child; mb.ColGroup( 4 );
- mb.TagItem( Mui.aGroupSameSize, Exec.true );
- mb.Child; btfirst := KeyButton( l.gadFirst);
- mb.Child; btprev := KeyButton( l.gadPrev );
- mb.Child; btnext := KeyButton( l.gadNext );
- mb.Child; btlast := KeyButton( l.gadLast );
- mb.Child; btok := KeyButton( l.gadOK );
- mb.Child; btnew := KeyButton( l.gadNew );
- mb.Child; btdel := KeyButton( l.gadRemove );
- mb.Child; btshow := KeyButton( l.gadShowNotes );
- mb.end;
- mb.end;
- window := mb.End();
- IF window = NIL THEN
- Dos.PrintF("Failed to create Window\n");
- HALT( 20 );
- END;
- app := mb.End();
- IF app = NIL THEN
- Dos.PrintF("Failed to create Application\n");
- Mui.DisposeObject( window ); window := NIL;
- HALT(20);
- END;
- END CreateApplication;
- TYPE ObjectArg = STRUCT( d : mb.ArgsDesc );
- obj : Mui.Object;
- END;
- PROCEDURE ActivateObject( hook : mb.Hook; obj : Mui.Object ; args : mb.Args) : LONGINT;
- (*------------------------------------------
- :Input. hook : Hook; obj : Object auf welches der Hook ausgeführt wurde
- :Input. par : Parameter
- :Output.
- :Semantic. Aktiviert das Object welches zuletzt aktiv war (z.B. String)
- :Note. Wenn keins Aktiviert war, dann wird das Aktiviert was man
- :Note. beim DOMethod-Aufruf übergeben hat.
- :Update. 22-Aug-1993 [awn] - erstellt.
- --------------------------------------------*)
- (* $StackChk- *)
- VAR actObj : Mui.Object;
- mb.Get( obj, Mui.aWindowActiveObject, actObj );
- IF y.VAL(LONGINT, actObj) = Mui.vWindowActiveObjectNone THEN
- mb.Set( obj, Mui.aWindowActiveObject, args(ObjectArg).obj );
- ELSIF actObj # args(ObjectArg).obj THEN
- mb.Set( obj, Mui.aWindowActiveObject, actObj );
- END;
- END ActivateObject;
- l.OpenCatalog( NIL, "" );
- CreateApplication;
- activateHook := mb.MakeHook( ActivateObject );
- (* *)
- Mui.DoMethod( window, Mui.mWindowSetCycleChain,
- sttitle, btpopuptitle, stnote, cbshow,
- btfirst, btprev, btnext, btlast, btok, btnew, btdel, btshow, NIL );
- (* Aktivieren des CloseGadgets, so das die entsprechende ID gesendet wird *);
- Mui.DoMethod( window, Mui.mNotify, Mui.aWindowCloseRequest, Exec.true,
- app, 2, Mui.mApplicationReturnID, Mui.vApplicationReturnIDQuit );
- Mui.DoMethod( sttitle, Mui.mNotify, Mui.aStringAcknowledge, Mui.vEveryTime,
- window , 3, Mui.mSet, Mui.aWindowActiveObject, stnote );
- (* Installiere den Hook der wenn das Fenster aktiviert wird, das letze
- aktive Gadget aktiviert wenn keins aktiv war, dann soll das
- Popup Gadget aktiviert werden *)
- IF activateHook # NIL THEN
- Mui.DoMethod( window, Mui.mNotify, Mui.aWindowActivate, Exec.true,
- window, 3, Mui.mCallHook, activateHook, btpopuptitle );
- END;
- (* Öffnen das Hauptfenster *)
- mb.Set( window, Mui.aWindowOpen, Exec.true );
- running := TRUE ;
- WHILE running DO
- CASE Mui.DOMethod( app, Mui.mApplicationInput, y.ADR(signals), u.end ) OF
- | Mui.vApplicationReturnIDQuit :
- running := FALSE;
- IF (running) & (signals # LONGSET{}) THEN y.SETREG( 0, Exec.Wait(signals) ) END;
- END;
- mb.Set(window, Mui.aWindowOpen, Exec.false );
- IF app # NIL THEN
- Mui.DisposeObject( app );
- IF window # NIL THEN
- Mui.DisposeObject( window );
- END;
- END;
- END StickNote.