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- ************************************************************************
- MUI - MagicUserInterface
- (c) Copyright 1992-94 by Stefan Stuntz
- This file describes all changes since version 1.0 of MUI
- ************************************************************************
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 2.1 (03-Jul-94) (muimaster.library V8.697)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I planned to have a lot more new things for V2.1. Unfortunately, time
- was missing. Next versions of MUI will probably be split into a basic
- muimaster.library and a muifancy.library. The fancy library will hold
- all the additional features, users with low memory or slow machines may
- decide to leave out this stuff. For more infos, see the "Future" file
- in the developer archive.
- Changes for users:
- - From version 2.1 on, MUI is distributed under the rules of the SASG,
- the Standardized Amiga Shareware Group. See the accompanying program
- "Registration" for details.
- - Screen preferences were not saved correctly sometimes.
- - When changing the application with the preferences program,
- MUI offers the possibility to use/save changed settings.
- - Sliders can be configured to have their info text at the left side.
- - Listview multiselect mode was sometimes triggered accidently.
- - Enhanced popup menu configuration possibilities, including
- custom background and frame settings and animated appearance.
- - Removed the startup and shutdown command config options.
- Changes for programmers:
- - Implemented MUIV_NotTriggerValue. See autodocs of MUIM_Notify for
- details.
- - Fixed some autodoc syntax bugs, added version information for every
- class and attribute.
- - Implemented MUIA_Application_ForceQuit. See autodocs for details.
- - Invisible or disabled objects don't trigger MUIA_AppMessage
- notification anymore.
- - Fixed Dirlist class problems with short directory names.
- - When MUI fails to open a window, notifications on MUIA_Window_Open
- are not triggered anymore.
- - Fixed a little memory eating bug.
- - Added a "often used object" collection to muimaster.library. You
- should use this collection as frequently as possible instead of
- building your own objects or using the supplied macros. See
- autodocs of MUI_MakeObject() for details.
- - Simplified the creation of labels with underscore. This makes
- localization much easier. See autodocs of MUI_MakeObject()
- for details.
- - Added object oriented menus. See new demo program and autodocs of
- menustrip, menu and menu item class for details.
- - Controlling a slider object with keyboard accidently triggered
- notification twice.
- - Fixed problems when language specific special characters were
- used as shortcut.
- - Included documentation on how to write external public
- custom classes. See developer docs and new examples in
- "MUI/Developer/C/Examples/Classes" for details.
- - Fixed a crash when the colorwheel.gadget was not available under V39.
- - Implemented new builtin classes MUIC_Poplist, MUIC_Bitmap and
- MUIC_Bodychunk. Just a few bytes of code but very useful.
- - Rewrote some critical parts of MUI in assembler.
- - Fixed a problem when MUIA_ShowMe was used on groups.
- - Implemented MUIA_Window_FancyDrawing for highspeed programs.
- - Fixed some notification bugs for register objects.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 2.0 (11-Feb-94) (muimaster.library V7.973)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Changes for users:
- - Rearranged libraries. Classes which are needed by all applications or
- which are very small are integrated in muimaster.library. Fancy and
- rarely used classes come as external files. This speeds up starting
- the first MUI application and simplifies installation procedure for
- commercial applications.
- - Integration of classes increases performance significantly.
- - Rearranged the prefs program completely. Major changes include
- "single application" mode, image multiselect, presets and localization.
- I cannot list all the other news here in detail, but together they should
- make adjusting preferences a lot easier.
- - Included beautiful new 8 color images, patterns and button designs from
- Martin "MagicWB" Huttenloher. Give them a try!
- - Fixed several screenmode requester bugs.
- - Fixed problems with crazy going prop gadgets.
- - Changed "active object" display. No more ugly active background but
- instead a nice extra frame will be displayed.
- - Getting the name of the used public screen is possible with
- new ARexx command "info screen".
- - Documented ARexx command error result codes.
- Changes for programmers:
- - More detailed developer documentation including information about
- writing custom classes and a MUI style guide. Read it!
- - Included new demos "Class<n>" to show how to implement custom
- classes.
- - Added the ability to specify a listview multiselect type directly.
- See MUIA_Listview_MultiSelect attribute for details.
- - The MUIA_ShowMe attribute can be used to hide objects. Using this
- attribute is even possible in open windows, hiding object will
- then cause a new layout to take place. When necessary, the parent
- window will be resized automatically. Included new demo program
- "ShowHide".
- - Implemented popstring, popasl, popobject classes for asynchronous
- popups. popasl class is the recommended way to include file/font/etc.
- requesters. Included new demo program "Popup" to demonstrate the new
- popup classes.
- - Added a register class. No, this is not for registrating your MUI,
- its used to create flexible titled page groups. See the prefs
- program and the pages demo for details.
- - Added the ability to specify a listview multiselect type directly.
- See MUIA_Listview_MultiSelect attribute for details.
- - Implemented MUIM_List_InsertSingle method.
- - Multiline entries ("foo\nbar") in a cycle gadget were not handled
- correctly.
- - Implemented MUIA_Rectangle_HBar and MUIA_Rectangle_VBar to create
- nice single border lines.
- - Implemented MUIM_MultiSet method, MUIA_NoNotify attribute and
- MUIM_KillNotify method for notify class.
- - Implemented MUIA_Gauge_InfoText attribute.
- - Implemented MUIA_Listview_ClickColumn, MUIA_Listview_DefClickColumn.
- - Fixed problem with MUIA_Application_Iconified notification.
- - Implemented MUIV_List_Select_All for MUIM_List_Select method.
- - Fixed some problems with sleeping windows and applications.
- - MUIA_List_First and MUIA_List_Visible are really get()able.
- - Fixed a problem with keyboard control for MUIA_Slider_Quiet sliders,
- implemented MUIA_Slider_Reverse tag.
- - Tag value and documentation for MUIA_List_Title attribute was
- missing.
- - Specifying images with "1:<x>" never worked, use "6:<x>" instead.
- See MUIA_Image_Spec for details.
- - MUI_Request() gadgets may contain '_' characters to indicate keyboard
- shortcuts.
- - Implemented MUIA_Application_RexxHook.
- - Implemented MUIA_String_EditHook.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 1.4 (27-Oct-93) (muimaster.library V6.435)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- From V1.4 on, MUI is distributed in two separate archives:
- muiXXusr.lha - libraries, classes, demos, user documentation.
- muiXXdev.lha - programmer interfaces and programmer documentation.
- Changes for users:
- - Important Note:
- Due to some enhancements in image processing, registered users will
- have to readjust their image settings. Otherwise some images might
- not be visible!
- - I accept every currency for registration now. Please read the
- registration section of the manual for details.
- - Rearranged preferences program. Instead of many different windows,
- page groups are used and should make things a lot easier.
- - Implemented palette gadget for public screens.
- - Added the possibility to use an RGB color as image (V39 and above).
- - Implemented background pattern for screens (V39 and above).
- - Background pictures allocate their colors correctly (V39 and above).
- - Gauge frame and radio button spacing didn't work.
- - Reduced flicker when resizing a window with a fancy background.
- - Added configuration switch for window redraw type. Possible settings
- are fast/ugly and slow/nice. Defaults to fast/ugly, which isn't really
- really ugly but maybe faster.
- - Added special screen type to address the frontmost public screen.
- - Speeded up first drawing of a window.
- - Fixed some simple refresh problems with page groups.
- - Iconify Gadget wasn't visible on a one plane display.
- - Improved text rendering speed about 20% (maybe even more if you have
- some data cache).
- - Made cycle popups blazingly fast and more configurable (frame setting).
- - One gadget requesters can always be answered with the <Press> key.
- - Two gadget requesters can always be answered with 'y' for the left
- and 'n' for the right gadget.
- - Requester buttons sometimes were layouted with no intermediate
- spacing.
- - Scrolling a partially obscured listview in a simple refresh window
- would create some pixel garbage.
- - Reasonably speeded up listview drawing, cursor handling and multi
- selecting. Together with keyboard scrolling, display is even faster
- if a listview's height is exactly a multiple of its line height.
- - Implemented configuration switch for full line listviews. These
- listviews won't show incomplete lines are and are somewhat
- faster. Default are full line listviews.
- - Fixed some public screen open and close problems.
- - Tab size in floattext class was handled wrong.
- - Eliminated first and last line flicker when scrolling listviews.
- - Rearranged and rewrote parts of the documentation.
- - Please read the manuals "Discussion" section before reporting
- any problems!
- Changes for programmers:
- - Attention... very powerful feature... :-)
- Implemented virtual (scrolling) groups. Included new program
- "Virtual" for demonstration.
- - New color oriented classes: Colorfield, Coloradjust, Palette.
- - Fixed vertical slider problem.
- - Trying to create an object from a non existing class caused an
- enforcer hit.
- - Enabling a group containing prop/string gadgets didn't really enable
- the gadgets.
- - Implemented MUIM_WriteString and MUIM_WriteLong methods for easy
- structure updating.
- - Implemented MUIA_ControlChar for slider objects.
- - MUIA_Group_ActivePage didn't trigger notification.
- - Fixed some minor text engine bugs.
- - During the execution of a MUIM_CallHook in a notify method,
- other MUI tasks were locked.
- - Implemented MUIA_Version and MUIA_Revision attributes to allow
- version checking for applications.
- - The number of the current entry is passed to a list display
- hook as additional parameter.
- - Setting a boopsi gadgets attributes didn't cause a display update.
- - Setting MUIA_Background wouldn't always update the display.
- - Children of MUIA_Group_SameXXXX groups could accidently be enlarged
- beyond their maximum size.
- - Implemented MUIA_Application_BrokerPri attribute.
- - Implemented MUIA_Application_BrokerPort attribute. This port can
- e.g. be used to add additional HotKeys with the HotKey() amiga.lib
- function.
- - Recognizing a press/release of a prop gadget is possible by
- listening to the MUIA_Prop_Pressed attribute.
- - Adding and removing members of groups could accidently change
- the groups orientation.
- - Implemented some new standard images concerning tape deck and network
- issues.
- - MUIM_Application_Get/SetMenuCheck didn't work.
- - Some Modula and Oberon interface changes.
- - Implemented MUIA_Slider_Quiet tag to hide the number output.
- - Implemented MUIA_Dirlist_MultiSelDirs attribute.
- - Implemented MUIA_Window_PublicScreen tag to force opening windows
- on certain public screens.
- - Implemented MUIM_List_NextSelected to help stepping through selected
- entries of a list.
- - Implemented MUIA_List_Title attribute to support titles for
- (multi columned) lists.
- - MUIA_List_Active wasn't reported during a MUIM_List_Clear.
- - MUIA_List_Active was reported twice during a MUIM_List_Remove.
- - MUIA_Boopsi_Object didn't trigger notification.
- - Implemented default sizes for all classes. New windows will
- be opened using these default sizes instead of
- MUIV_Window_Width/Height_MinMax(10).
- - Menu multi select didn't work.
- - Autodocs are alphabetically sorted now.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 1.3 (29-Aug-93) (muimaster.library V5.141)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- - MUIA_String_Secret string gadgets crashed on an 68000.
- - Corrected assembler includes.
- - Fixed bug with MUIA_Window_ActiveObject.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 1.2 (28-Aug-93) (muimaster.library V5.140)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- - Fixed enforcer hits in ARexx HELP command.
- - Setting MUIA_Background did not refresh the display.
- - Added validity check on key description strings in prefs program.
- - Initializing string or prop gadgets with MUIA_Disabled didn't really
- disable the gadget.
- - Fixed some sync problems with MUIA_String_Integer.
- - Menu checkmarks would disappear when a window was closed and reopened.
- - Specifying a non existing font caused windows to disappear.
- - Included Manx, Assembler, Modula, Oberon and Amiga-E interfaces.
- - Implemented MUIA_Window_Screen attribute. This allows opening a
- MUI window on an explicitly defined intuition screen.
- - Rewrote the image caching mechanism. This should fix some bugs
- and system crashes with non existing external image files.
- - Fixed a bad bug that could trash the stack under certain
- circumstances.
- - MUIA_Selected didn't work at object creation time.
- - Better MOUSEMOVE and INTUITICKS handling to improve performance.
- - Using simple refresh windows would sometimes freeze the system.
- - Attention... very powerful feature... :-)
- Implemented two new attributes for group class:
- MUIA_Group_PageMode (TRUE/FALSE) this group is a page group.
- MUIA_Group_ActivePage (0...numchilds-1) this child shall be displayed.
- Page groups always show exactly one of their childs. The number of
- this child can be changed dynamically, even in an open window.
- New demo "Pages" demonstrates the new page groups.
- - Included AppWindow support. See MUIA_Window_AppWindow,
- MUIA_Application_DropObject and MUIA_AppMessage for details.
- New demo "AppWindow" for demonstration.
- - Bumped version number of all libs to 5. You must not mix MUI
- classes and libraries with different version numbers, this
- will lead into problems. Revision numbers are uncritical.
- Note: This does not affect applications. They will of course
- work with all MUI releases, as long as all version numbers
- are identical.
- - Included version number checking. MUI will refuse to open
- classes when the class version doesn't match the master
- library. Note: when I'm sure about internal class communication
- (maybe in a few months...), this check will become obsolete.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 1.1 (15-Aug-93) (muimaster.library V4.58)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- - Removed a remaining serial debug output.
- - Corrected installation script for 2.x systems.
- - Corrected HELP: assign of "StartMeFirst" script.
- - Corrected some autodocs and header file bugs.
- - Added system configuration switch to adjust window refresh
- type, possibilities are simple refresh and smart refresh.
- - Made some changes to the Oberon interface.
- - String gadgets with an invisible font ate some bytes of memory.
- - Fixed some bugs with failing boopsi images.
- - Some minor changes to some of the demo programs.
- - Speeded object creation about 10%.
- - For boopsi image implementors: boopsi images now have the ability
- to specify a desired minimum and maximum size. See "mui.h"
- for details.
- - Implemented MUIA_Window_DefaultObject attribute. See autodocs
- for details.
- - Added some new boopsi images.
- - Implemented MUIA_ControlChar for radio buttons. Pressing
- the control char will activate the next (shift -> previous)
- radio button element.
- - Implemented MUIA_ControlChar for string gadgets. Pressing
- the control char will activate the gadget.
- - Added some more keyboard shortcuts to the prefs program.
- - Minimum width for MUIA_Window_SizeRight windows was calculated wrong.
- - Last characters of some text fields were not displayed with
- certain fonts.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Version 1.0 (08-Aug-93) (muimaster.library V4.4)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- - Initial Release.