"The installation procedure has changed significantly for version 2.1 of "
"MagicUserInterface. Instead of spreading the MUI related files all "
"over your system, one single MUI directory will be created at some place "
"of your choice. This directory will hold all necessary programs and "
"libraries for a complete MUI installation. Depending on the available "
"space on your harddisk, you may decide to install additional "
"demonstration programs, documentation material and images."
;***** Old File Deletion
(complete 5)
(if (<> (exists "sys:classes/mui") 0)
(if (askbool (help @askbool-help) (prompt "Some old MUI stuff is in your libs: drawer. Do you want to delete it now?"))
(if (<> (exists "sys:libs/muimaster.library") 0)
(prompt "Deleting old muimaster.library...")
(help @deletefile-help)
(foreach "sys:Classes/MUI" "#?.mui"
(tackon "sys:Classes/MUI" @each-name)
(help @deletefile-help)
(if (<> (exists "sys:Classes/Images") 0)
(foreach "sys:Classes/Images" "mui#?.image"
(tackon "sys:Classes/Images" @each-name)
(help @deletefile-help)
(help @deletefile-help)
(if (<> (exists "sys:prefs/mui") 0)
(if (askbool (help @askbool-help) (prompt "The old preferences program is obsolete. Do you want to delete it now?"))
(help @deletefile-help)
(help @deletefile-help)
(if (<> (exists "sys:prefs/MUI-Images") 0)
(if (askbool (help @askbool-help) (prompt "The images in sys:prefs/MUI-Images have moved. Do you want to delete it now? CAUTION: If you have added some extra images here, be sure to copy them somewhere else before proceeding!"))
(run "delete sys:Prefs/MUI-images#? all >nil:")
(if (askbool (help @askbool-help) (prompt "Due to the new directory structure, your old preferences settings are no longer valid and must be deleted. This will not affect window positions and application private settings. Please don't worry, instead take a look at the prefs program's preset menu when reconfiguring MUI. Do you want to delete the old settings now?"))
(if (askbool (help @askbool-help) (prompt "The old catalog file is obsolete. Do you want to delete it now?"))
(help @deletefile-help)
;***** Destination Directory Selection & Creation
(complete 10)
(set destination
(prompt "Please select a place for \"MagicUserInterface\". A drawer called \"MUI\" will be created here. The minimum space required is about 500 kB, a complete installation takes 2.5 MB.")
(help @askdir-help)
(default @default-dest)
(set destination (tackon destination "MUI"))
(if (= (exists destination) 2)
"The selected directory does already exist. By selecting \"Proceed\", "
"you indicate that you want to update the MUI installation with the "
"most recent version. Several MUI specific files will be overwritten!"
(prompt "Please choose which of the following parts to install. They are not absolutely required, but if you have enough space left, you shoud install them anyway.")