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- *************************************************************************
- *
- * Copyright (C) 1986,1988,1989 Commodore Amiga Inc. All rights reserved.
- * Permission granted for non-commercial use.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- *
- * ramdev.asm -- Skeleton device code.
- *
- * A sample 4 unit ramdisk that can be bound to an expansion slot device,
- * or used without. Works with the Fast File System.
- * This code is required reading for device driver writers. It contains
- * information not found elsewhere. This code is somewhat old; you probably
- * don't want to copy it directly.
- *
- * This example includes a task, though a task is not actually needed for
- * a simple ram disk. Unlike a single set of hardware registers that
- * may need to be shared by multiple tasks, ram can be freely shared.
- * This example does not show arbitration of hardware resources.
- *
- * Tested with CAPE and Metacomco
- *
- * Based on mydev.asm
- * 10/07/86 Modified by Lee Erickson to be a simple disk device
- * using RAM to simulate a disk.
- * 02/02/88 Modified by C. Scheppner, renamed ramdev
- * 09/28/88 Repaired by Bryce Nesbitt for new release
- * 11/02/88 More clarifications
- * 02/01/89 Even more clarifications & warnings
- * 02/22/89 START/STOP fix from Marco Papa
- *
- * Bugs: If RTF_AUTOINIT fails, library base still left in memory.
- *
- *************************************************************************
- SECTION firstsection
- include "exec/types.i"
- include "exec/devices.i"
- include "exec/initializers.i"
- include "exec/memory.i"
- include "exec/resident.i"
- include "exec/io.i"
- include "exec/ables.i"
- include "exec/errors.i"
- include "exec/tasks.i"
- include "hardware/intbits.i"
- include "asmsupp.i" ;standard asmsupp.i, same as used for library
- include "ramdev.i"
- include "libraries/expansion.i"
- include "libraries/configvars.i"
- include "libraries/configregs.i"
- ABSEXECBASE equ 4 ;Absolute location of the pointer to exec.library base
- ;------ These don't have to be external, but it helps some
- ;------ debuggers to have them globally visible
- XDEF Init
- XDEF Open
- XDEF Close
- XDEF Expunge
- XDEF Null
- XDEF myName
- XDEF BeginIO
- XDEF AbortIO
- ;Pull these _LVOs in from amiga.lib
- XLIB AddIntServer
- XLIB RemIntServer
- XLIB Debug
- XLIB InitStruct
- XLIB OpenLibrary
- XLIB CloseLibrary
- XLIB Alert
- XLIB FreeMem
- XLIB Remove
- XLIB AddPort
- XLIB AllocMem
- XLIB AddTask
- XLIB PutMsg
- XLIB RemTask
- XLIB ReplyMsg
- XLIB Signal
- XLIB GetMsg
- XLIB Wait
- XLIB WaitPort
- XLIB AllocSignal
- XLIB SetTaskPri
- XLIB GetCurrentBinding ;Use to get list of boards for this driver
- XLIB MakeDosNode
- XLIB AddDosNode
- XLIB CopyMemQuick ;Highly optimized copy function from exec.library
- INT_ABLES ;Macro from exec/ables.i
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; The first executable location. This should return an error
- ; in case someone tried to run you as a program (instead of
- ; loading you as a device).
- FirstAddress:
- moveq #-1,d0
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; A romtag structure. After your driver is brought in from disk, the
- ; disk image will be scanned for this structure to discover magic constants
- ; about you (such as where to start running you from...).
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Most people will not need a priority and should leave it at zero.
- ; the RT_PRI field is used for configuring the roms. Use "mods" from
- ; wack to look at the other romtags in the system
- initDDescrip:
- DC.L initDDescrip ; APTR RT_MATCHTAG (Back pointer)
- DC.L EndCode ; APTR RT_ENDSKIP (To end of this hunk)
- DC.B RTF_AUTOINIT ; UBYTE RT_FLAGS (magic-see "Init:")
- DC.B NT_DEVICE ; UBYTE RT_TYPE (must be correct)
- DC.L myName ; APTR RT_NAME (exec name)
- DC.L idString ; APTR RT_IDSTRING (text string)
- ;This name for debugging use
- IFNE INFO_LEVEL ;If any debugging enabled at all
- subSysName:
- dc.b "ramdev",0
- ; this is the name that the device will have
- ExLibName dc.b 'expansion.library',0 ; Expansion Library Name
- ; a major version number.
- ; A particular revision. This should uniquely identify the bits in the
- ; device. I use a script that advances the revision number each time
- ; I recompile. That way there is never a question of which device
- ; that really is.
- ; this is an identifier tag to help in supporting the device
- ; format is 'name version.revision (d.m.yy)',<cr>,<lf>,<null>
- idString: dc.b 'ramdev 37.1 (28.8.91)',13,10,0
- ; force word alignment
- ds.w 0
- ; The romtag specified that we were "RTF_AUTOINIT". This means
- ; that the RT_INIT structure member points to one of these
- ; tables below. If the AUTOINIT bit was not set then RT_INIT
- ; would point to a routine to run.
- Init:
- DC.L MyDev_Sizeof ; data space size
- DC.L funcTable ; pointer to function initializers
- DC.L dataTable ; pointer to data initializers
- DC.L initRoutine ; routine to run
- funcTable:
- ;------ standard system routines
- dc.l Open
- dc.l Close
- dc.l Expunge
- dc.l Null ;Reserved for future use!
- ;------ my device definitions
- dc.l BeginIO
- dc.l AbortIO
- ;------ custom extended functions
- dc.l FunctionA
- dc.l FunctionB
- ;------ function table end marker
- dc.l -1
- ;The data table initializes static data structures. The format is
- ;specified in exec/InitStruct routine's manual pages. The
- ;INITBYTE/INITWORD/INITLONG macros are in the file "exec/initializers.i".
- ;The first argument is the offset from the device base for this
- ;byte/word/long. The second argument is the value to put in that cell.
- ;The table is null terminated
- ;
- dataTable:
- DC.W 0 ;terminate list
- ;-------- initRoutine -------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; This routine gets called after the device has been allocated.
- ; The device pointer is in D0. The AmigaDOS segment list is in a0.
- ; If it returns the device pointer, then the device will be linked
- ; into the device list. If it returns NULL, then the device
- ; will be unloaded.
- ;
- ; If you don't use the "RTF_AUTOINIT" feature, there is an additional
- ; caveat. If you allocate memory in your Open function, remember that
- ; allocating memory can cause an Expunge... including an expunge of your
- ; device. This must not be fatal. The easy solution is don't add your
- ; device to the list until after it is ready for action.
- ;
- ; This call is single-threaded by exec; please read the description for
- ; "Open" below.
- ;
- ; Register Usage
- ; ==============
- ; a3 -- Points to temporary RAM
- ; a4 -- Expansion library base
- ; a5 -- device pointer
- ; a6 -- Exec base
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- initRoutine:
- ;------ get the device pointer into a convenient A register
- PUTMSG 5,<'%s/Init: called'>
- movem.l d1-d7/a0-a5,-(sp) ; Preserve ALL modified registers
- move.l d0,a5
- ;------ save a pointer to exec
- move.l a6,md_SysLib(a5) ;faster access than move.l 4,a6
- ;------ save pointer to our loaded code (the SegList)
- move.l a0,md_SegList(a5)
- **************************************************************************
- *
- * Here starts the AutoConfig stuff. If this driver was to be tied to
- * an expansion board, you would put this driver in the expansion drawer,
- * and be called when BindDrivers finds a board that matches this driver.
- * The Commodore-Amiga assigned product number of your board must be
- * specified in the "PRODUCT=" field in the TOOLTYPES of this driver's icon.
- * GetCurrentBinding() returns your (first) board.
- *
- lea.l ExLibName,A1 ; Get expansion lib. name
- moveq.l #0,D0
- CALLSYS OpenLibrary ; Open the expansion library
- tst.l D0
- beq Init_Error
- ;------ init_OpSuccess:
- move.l D0,A4 ;[expansionbase to A4]
- moveq #0,D3
- lea md_Base(A5),A0 ; Get the Current Bindings
- moveq #4,D0 ; Just get address (length = 4 bytes)
- LINKLIB _LVOGetCurrentBinding,A4
- move.l md_Base(A5),D0 ; Get start of list
- tst.l D0 ; If controller not found
- beq Init_End ; Exit and unload driver
- PUTMSG 10,<'%s/Init: GetCurrentBinding returned non-zero'>
- move.l D0,A0 ; Get config structure address
- move.l cd_BoardAddr(A0),md_Base(A5); Save board base address
- bclr.b #CDB_CONFIGME,cd_Flags(A0); Mark board as configured
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; Here we build a packet describing the characteristics of our disk to
- ; pass to AmigaDOS. This serves the same purpose as a "mount" command
- ; of this device would. For disks, it might be useful to actually
- ; get this information right from the disk itself. Just as mount,
- ; it could be for multiple partitions on the single physical device.
- ; For this example, we will simply hard code the appropriate parameters.
- ;
- ; The AddDosNode call adds things to dos's list without needing to
- ; use mount. We'll mount all 4 of our units whenever we are
- ; started.
- ;
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;!!! If your card was successfully configured, you can mount the
- ;!!! units as DOS nodes
- ;------ Allocate temporary RAM to build MakeDosNode parameter packet
- move.l #mdn_Sizeof,d0 ; Enough room for our parameter packet
- CALLSYS AllocMem
- move.l d0,a3 ;:BUG: AllocMem error not checked here.
- ;----- Use InitStruct to initialize the constant portion of packet
- move.l d0,a2 ; Point to memory to initialize
- moveq.l #0,d0 ; Don't need to re-zero it
- lea.l mdn_Init(pc),A1
- CALLSYS InitStruct
- lea mdn_dName(a3),a0 ; Get addr of Device name
- move.l a0,mdn_dosName(a3) ; and save in environment
- moveq #0,d6 ; Now tell AmigaDOS about all units UNITNUM
- Uloop:
- move.b d6,d0 ; Get unit number
- add.b #$30,d0 ; Make ASCII, minus 1
- move.b d0,mdn_dName+2(a3) ; and store in name
- move.l d6,mdn_unit(a3) ; Store unit # in environment
- ;
- ;! Before adding to the dos list, you should really check if you
- ;! are about to cause a name collision. This example does not.
- ;
- move.l a3,a0
- LINKLIB _LVOMakeDosNode,a4 ; Build AmigaDOS structures
- ;This can fail, but so what?
- move.l d0,a0 ; Get deviceNode address
- moveq.l #0,d0 ; Set device priority to 0
- moveq.l #0,d1
- * moveq.l #ADNF_STARTPROC,d1 ; See note below
- ;It's ok to pass a zero in here
- LINKLIB _LVOAddDosNode,a4
- ; ADNF_STARTPROC will work, but only if dn_SegList is filled in
- ; in the SegPtr of the handler task.
- addq #1,d6 ; Bump unit number
- cmp.b #MD_NUMUNITS,d6
- bls.s Uloop ; Loop until all units installed
- move.l a3,a1 ; Return RAM to system
- move.l #mdn_Sizeof,d0
- Init_End:
- move.l a4,a1 ; Now close expansion library
- CALLSYS CloseLibrary
- *
- * You would normally set d0 to a NULL if your initialization failed,
- * but I'm not doing that for this demo, since it is unlikely
- * you actually have a board with any particular manufacturer ID
- * installed when running this demo.
- *************************************************************************
- move.l a5,d0
- Init_Error:
- movem.l (sp)+,d1-d7/a0-a5
- rts
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; Here begins the system interface commands. When the user calls
- ; OpenDevice/CloseDevice/RemDevice, this eventually gets translated
- ; into a call to the following routines (Open/Close/Expunge).
- ; Exec has already put our device pointer in a6 for us.
- ;
- ; These calls are guaranteed to be single-threaded; only one task
- ; will execute your Open/Close/Expunge at a time.
- ;
- ; For Kickstart V33/34, the single-threading method involves "Forbid".
- ; There is a good chance this will change. Anything inside your
- ; Open/Close/Expunge that causes a direct or indirect Wait() will break
- ; the Forbid(). If the Forbid() is broken, some other task might
- ; manage to enter your Open/Close/Expunge code at the same time.
- ; Take care!
- ;
- ; Since exec has turned off task switching while in these routines
- ; (via Forbid/Permit), we should not take too long in them.
- ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; Open sets the IO_ERROR field on an error. If it was successfull,
- ; we should also set up the IO_UNIT and LN_TYPE fields.
- ; exec takes care of setting up IO_DEVICE.
- Open: ; ( device:a6, iob:a1, unitnum:d0, flags:d1 )
- ;** Subtle point: any AllocMem() call can cause a call to this device's
- ;** expunge vector. If LIB_OPENCNT is zero, the device might get expunged.
- addq.w #1,LIB_OPENCNT(a6) ;Fake an opener for duration of call <|>
- PUTMSG 20,<'%s/Open: called'>
- movem.l d2/a2/a3/a4,-(sp)
- move.l a1,a2 ; save the iob
- ;------ see if the unit number is in range *!* UNIT 0 to 3 *!*
- cmp.l #MD_NUMUNITS,d0
- bcc.s Open_Range_Error ; unit number out of range (BHS)
- ;------ see if the unit is already initialized
- move.l d0,d2 ; save unit number
- lsl.l #2,d0
- lea.l md_Units(a6,d0.l),a4
- move.l (a4),d0
- bne.s Open_UnitOK
- ;------ try and conjure up a unit
- bsr InitUnit ;scratch:a3 unitnum:d2 devpoint:a6
- ;------ see if it initialized OK
- move.l (a4),d0
- beq.s Open_Error
- Open_UnitOK:
- move.l d0,a3 ; unit pointer in a3
- move.l d0,IO_UNIT(a2)
- ;------ mark us as having another opener
- addq.w #1,LIB_OPENCNT(a6)
- addq.w #1,UNIT_OPENCNT(a3) ;Internal bookkeeping
- ;------ prevent delayed expunges
- bclr #LIBB_DELEXP,md_Flags(a6)
- CLEAR d0
- move.b d0,IO_ERROR(a2)
- move.b #NT_REPLYMSG,LN_TYPE(a2) ;IMPORTANT: Mark IORequest as "complete"
- Open_End:
- subq.w #1,LIB_OPENCNT(a6) ;** End of expunge protection <|>
- movem.l (sp)+,d2/a2/a3/a4
- rts
- Open_Range_Error:
- Open_Error:
- moveq #IOERR_OPENFAIL,d0
- move.b d0,IO_ERROR(a2)
- move.l d0,IO_DEVICE(a2) ;IMPORTANT: trash IO_DEVICE on open failure
- PUTMSG 2,<'%s/Open: failed'>
- bra.s Open_End
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; There are two different things that might be returned from the Close
- ; routine. If the device wishes to be unloaded, then Close must return
- ; the segment list (as given to Init). Otherwise close MUST return NULL.
- Close: ; ( device:a6, iob:a1 )
- movem.l d1/a2-a3,-(sp)
- PUTMSG 20,<'%s/Close: called'>
- move.l a1,a2
- move.l IO_UNIT(a2),a3
- ;------ IMPORTANT: make sure the IORequest is not used again
- ;------ with a -1 in IO_DEVICE, any BeginIO() attempt will
- ;------ immediatly halt (which is better than a subtle corruption
- ;------ that will lead to hard-to-trace crashes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- moveq.l #-1,d0
- move.l d0,IO_UNIT(a2) ;We're closed...
- move.l d0,IO_DEVICE(a2) ;customers not welcome at this IORequest!!
- ;------ see if the unit is still in use
- subq.w #1,UNIT_OPENCNT(a3)
- ;!!!!!! Since this example is a RAM disk (and we don't want the contents to
- ;!!!!!! disappear between opens, ExpungeUnit will be skipped here. It would
- ;!!!!!! be used for drivers of "real" devices
- ;!!!!!! bne.s Close_Device
- ;!!!!!! bsr ExpungeUnit
- Close_Device:
- CLEAR d0
- ;------ mark us as having one fewer openers
- subq.w #1,LIB_OPENCNT(a6)
- ;------ see if there is anyone left with us open
- bne.s Close_End
- ;------ see if we have a delayed expunge pending
- btst #LIBB_DELEXP,md_Flags(a6)
- beq.s Close_End
- ;------ do the expunge
- bsr Expunge
- Close_End:
- movem.l (sp)+,d1/a2-a3
- rts ;MUST return either zero or the SegList!!!
- ;------- Expunge -----------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ; Expunge is called by the memory allocator when the system is low on
- ; memory.
- ;
- ; There are two different things that might be returned from the Expunge
- ; routine. If the device is no longer open then Expunge may return the
- ; segment list (as given to Init). Otherwise Expunge may set the
- ; delayed expunge flag and return NULL.
- ;
- ; One other important note: because Expunge is called from the memory
- ; allocator, it may NEVER Wait() or otherwise take long time to complete.
- ;
- ; A6 - library base (scratch)
- ; D0-D1/A0-A1 - scratch
- ;
- Expunge: ; ( device: a6 )
- PUTMSG 10,<'%s/Expunge: called'>
- movem.l d1/d2/a5/a6,-(sp) ; Save ALL modified registers
- move.l a6,a5
- move.l md_SysLib(a5),a6
- ;------ see if anyone has us open
- tst.w LIB_OPENCNT(a5)
- ;!!!!! The following line is commented out for this RAM disk demo, since
- ;!!!!! we don't want the RAM to be freed after FORMAT, for example.
- ; beq 1$
- ;------ it is still open. set the delayed expunge flag
- bset #LIBB_DELEXP,md_Flags(a5)
- CLEAR d0
- bra.s Expunge_End
- 1$:
- ;------ go ahead and get rid of us. Store our seglist in d2
- move.l md_SegList(a5),d2
- ;------ unlink from device list
- move.l a5,a1
- CALLSYS Remove ;Remove first (before FreeMem)
- ;
- ; device specific closings here...
- ;
- ;------ free our memory (must calculate from LIB_POSSIZE & LIB_NEGSIZE)
- move.l a5,a1 ;Devicebase
- CLEAR d0
- move.w LIB_NEGSIZE(a5),d0
- suba.l d0,a1 ;Calculate base of functions
- add.w LIB_POSSIZE(a5),d0 ;Calculate size of functions + data area
- ;------ set up our return value
- move.l d2,d0
- Expunge_End:
- movem.l (sp)+,d1/d2/a5/a6
- rts
- ;------- Null ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Null:
- PUTMSG 1,<'%s/Null: called'>
- CLEAR d0
- rts ;The "Null" function MUST return NULL.
- ;------- Custom ------------------------------------------------------------
- ;
- ;Two "do nothing" device-specific functions
- ;
- FunctionA:
- add.l d1,d0 ;Add
- rts
- FunctionB:
- add.l d0,d0 ;Double
- rts
- ****************************************************************************
- InitUnit: ; ( d2:unit number, a3:scratch, a6:devptr )
- PUTMSG 30,<'%s/InitUnit: called'>
- movem.l d2-d4/a2,-(sp)
- ;------ allocate unit memory
- move.l #MyDevUnit_Sizeof,d0
- LINKSYS AllocMem,md_SysLib(a6)
- tst.l d0
- beq InitUnit_End
- move.l d0,a3
- moveq.l #0,d0 ; Don't need to re-zero it
- move.l a3,a2 ; InitStruct is initializing the UNIT
- lea.l mdu_Init(pc),A1
- LINKSYS InitStruct,md_SysLib(a6)
- ;!! IMPORTANT !!
- move.l #42414400,mdu_RAM(a3) ;Mark offset zero as ASCII "BAD "
- ;!! IMPORTANT !!
- move.b d2,mdu_UnitNum(a3) ;initialize unit number
- move.l a6,mdu_Device(a3) ;initialize device pointer
- ;------ start up the unit task. We do a trick here --
- ;------ we set his message port to PA_IGNORE until the
- ;------ new task has a change to set it up.
- ;------ We cannot go to sleep here: it would be very nasty
- ;------ if someone else tried to open the unit
- ;------ (exec's OpenDevice has done a Forbid() for us --
- ;------ we depend on this to become single threaded).
- ;------ Initialize the stack information
- lea mdu_stack(a3),a0 ; Low end of stack
- move.l a0,mdu_tcb+TC_SPLOWER(a3)
- lea MYPROCSTACKSIZE(a0),a0 ; High end of stack
- move.l a0,mdu_tcb+TC_SPUPPER(a3)
- move.l a3,-(A0) ; argument -- unit ptr (send on stack)
- move.l a0,mdu_tcb+TC_SPREG(a3)
- lea mdu_tcb(a3),a0
- move.l a0,MP_SIGTASK(a3)
- move.l a0,-(SP)
- move.l a3,-(SP)
- PUTMSG 30,<'%s/InitUnit, unit= %lx, task=%lx'>
- addq.l #8,sp
- ;------ initialize the unit's message port's list
- lea MP_MSGLIST(a3),a0
- ;work magic on them before use. (AddPort()
- ;can do this for you)
- move.l a3,mdu_is+IS_DATA(a3) ; Pass unit addr to interrupt server
- ; Startup the task
- lea mdu_tcb(a3),a1
- lea Task_Begin(PC),a2
- move.l a3,-(sp) ; Preserve UNIT pointer
- lea -1,a3 ; generate address error
- ; if task ever "returns" (we RemTask() it
- ; to get rid of it...)
- CLEAR d0
- PUTMSG 30,<'%s/About to add task'>
- LINKSYS AddTask,md_SysLib(a6)
- move.l (sp)+,a3 ; restore UNIT pointer
- ;------ mark us as ready to go
- move.l d2,d0 ; unit number
- lsl.l #2,d0
- move.l a3,md_Units(a6,d0.l) ; set unit table
- PUTMSG 30,<'%s/InitUnit: ok'>
- InitUnit_End:
- movem.l (sp)+,d2-d4/a2
- rts
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FreeUnit: ; ( a3:unitptr, a6:deviceptr )
- move.l a3,a1
- move.l #MyDevUnit_Sizeof,d0
- LINKSYS FreeMem,md_SysLib(a6)
- rts
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ExpungeUnit: ; ( a3:unitptr, a6:deviceptr )
- PUTMSG 10,<'%s/ExpungeUnit: called'>
- move.l d2,-(sp)
- ;
- ; If you can expunge you unit, and each unit has it's own interrupts,
- ; you must remember to remove its interrupt server
- ;
- lea.l mdu_is(a3),a1 ; Point to interrupt structure
- moveq #INTB_PORTS,d0 ; Portia interrupt bit 3
- LINKSYS RemIntServer,md_SysLib(a6) ;Now remove the interrupt server
- ;------ get rid of the unit's task. We know this is safe
- ;------ because the unit has an open count of zero, so it
- ;------ is 'guaranteed' not in use.
- lea mdu_tcb(a3),a1
- LINKSYS RemTask,md_SysLib(a6)
- ;------ save the unit number
- CLEAR d2
- move.b mdu_UnitNum(a3),d2
- ;------ free the unit structure.
- bsr FreeUnit
- ;------ clear out the unit vector in the device
- lsl.l #2,d2
- clr.l md_Units(a6,d2.l)
- move.l (sp)+,d2
- rts
- *****************************************************************************
- ;
- ; here begins the device functions
- ;
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; cmdtable is used to look up the address of a routine that will
- ; implement the device command.
- ;
- ; NOTE: the "extended" commands (ETD_READ/ETD_WRITE) have bit 15 set!
- ; We deliberately refuse to operate on such commands. However a driver
- ; that supports removable media may want to implement this. One
- ; open issue is the handling of the "seclabel" area. It is probably
- ; best to reject any command with a non-null "seclabel" pointer.
- ;
- cmdtable:
- DC.L Invalid ;$00000001 ;0 CMD_INVALID
- DC.L MyReset ;$00000002 ;1 CMD_RESET
- DC.L RdWrt ;$00000004 ;2 CMD_READ (\/common)
- DC.L RdWrt ;$00000008 ;3 CMD_WRITE (/\common) ETD_
- DC.L Update ;$00000010 ;4 CMD_UPDATE (NO-OP) ETD_
- DC.L Clear ;$00000020 ;5 CMD_CLEAR (NO-OP) ETD_
- DC.L MyStop ;$00000040 ;6 CMD_STOP ETD_
- DC.L Start ;$00000080 ;7 CMD_START
- DC.L Flush ;$00000100 ;8 CMD_FLUSH
- DC.L Motor ;$00000200 ;9 TD_MOTOR (NO-OP) ETD_
- DC.L Seek ;$00000400 ;A TD_SEEK (NO-OP) ETD_
- DC.L RdWrt ;$00000800 ;B TD_FORMAT (Same as write)
- DC.L MyRemove ;$00001000 ;C TD_REMOVE (NO-OP)
- DC.L ChangeNum ;$00002000 ;D TD_CHANGENUM (returns 0)
- DC.L ChangeState ;$00004000 ;E TD_CHANGESTATE (returns 0)
- DC.L ProtStatus ;$00008000 ;F TD_PROTSTATUS (returns 0)
- DC.L RawRead ;$00010000 ;10 TD_RAWREAD (INVALID)
- DC.L RawWrite ;$00020000 ;11 TD_RAWWRITE (INVALID)
- DC.L GetDriveType ;$00040000 ;12 TD_GETDRIVETYPE (Returns 1)
- DC.L GetNumTracks ;$00080000 ;13 TD_GETNUMTRACKS (Returns NUMTRKS)
- DC.L AddChangeInt ;$00100000 ;14 TD_ADDCHANGEINT (NO-OP)
- DC.L RemChangeInt ;$00200000 ;15 TD_REMCHANGEINT (NO-OP)
- cmdtable_end:
- ; this define is used to tell which commands should be handled
- ; immediately (on the caller's schedule).
- ;
- ; The immediate commands are Invalid, Reset, Stop, Start, Flush
- ;
- ; Note that this method limits you to just 32 device specific commands,
- ; which may not be enough.
- ;IMMEDIATES EQU %00000000000000000000000111000011
- ;; --------========--------========
- ;; FEDCBA9876543210FEDCBA9876543210
- ;;An alternate version. All commands that are trivially short
- ;;and %100 reentrant are included. This way you won't get the
- ;;task switch overhead for these commands.
- ;;
- IMMEDIATES EQU %11111111111111111111011111110011
- ; --------========--------========
- ; FEDCBA9876543210FEDCBA9876543210
- IFD INTRRUPT ; if using interrupts,
- ; These commands can NEVER be done "immediately" if using interrupts,
- ; since they would "wait" for the interrupt forever!
- ; Read, Write, Format
- ;--------------------------------
- ; BeginIO starts all incoming io. The IO is either queued up for the
- ; unit task or processed immediately.
- ;
- ;
- ; BeginIO often is given the responsibility of making devices single
- ; threaded... so two tasks sending commands at the same time don't cause
- ; a problem. Once this has been done, the command is dispatched via
- ; PerformIO.
- ;
- ; There are many ways to do the threading. This example uses the
- ; UNITB_ACTIVE bit. Be sure this is good enough for your device before
- ; using! Any method is ok. If immediate access can not be obtained, the
- ; request is queued for later processing.
- ;
- ; Some IO requests do not need single threading, these can be performed
- ; immediatley.
- ;
- ; The exec WaitIO() function uses the IORequest node type (LN_TYPE)
- ; as a flag. If set to NT_MESSAGE, it assumes the request is
- ; still pending and will wait. If set to NT_REPLYMSG, it assumes the
- ; request is finished. It's the responsibility of the device driver
- ; to set the node type to NT_MESSAGE before returning to the user.
- ;
- BeginIO: ; ( iob: a1, device:a6 )
- bchg.b #1,$bfe001 ;Blink the power LED
- clr.l -(sp)
- move.w IO_COMMAND(a1),2(sp) ;Get entire word
- PUTMSG 3,<'%s/BeginIO -- $%lx'>
- addq.l #4,sp
- movem.l d1/a0/a3,-(sp)
- move.b #NT_MESSAGE,LN_TYPE(a1) ;So WaitIO() is guaranteed to work
- move.l IO_UNIT(a1),a3 ;bookkeeping -> what unit to play with
- move.w IO_COMMAND(a1),d0
- ;Do a range check & make sure ETD_XXX type requests are rejected
- cmp.w #MYDEV_END,d0 ;Compare all 16 bits
- bcc BeginIO_NoCmd ;no, reject it. (bcc=bhs - unsigned)
- ;------ process all immediate commands no matter what
- move.l #IMMEDIATES,d1
- DISABLE a0 ;<-- Ick, nasty stuff, but needed here.
- btst.l d0,d1
- bne BeginIO_Immediate
- IFD INTRRUPT ; if using interrupts,
- ;------ queue all NEVERIMMED commands no matter what
- move.w #NEVERIMMED,d1
- btst d0,d1
- bne.s BeginIO_QueueMsg
- ;------ see if the unit is STOPPED. If so, queue the msg.
- bne BeginIO_QueueMsg
- ;------ This is not an immediate command. See if the device is
- ;------ busy. If the device is not, do the command on the
- ;------ user schedule. Else fire up the task.
- ;------ This type of arbitration is not really needed for a ram
- ;------ disk, but is essential for a device to reliably work
- ;------ with shared hardware
- ;------
- ;------ When the lines below are ";" commented out, the task gets
- ;------ a better workout. When the lines are active, the calling
- ;------ process is usually used for the operation.
- ;------
- ;------ REMEMBER:::: Never Wait() on the user's schedule in BeginIO()!
- ;------ The only exception is when the user has indicated it is ok
- ;------ by setting the "quick" bit. Since this device copies from
- ;------ ram that never needs to be waited for, this subtlely may not
- ;------ be clear.
- ;------
- bset #UNITB_ACTIVE,UNIT_FLAGS(a3) ;<---- comment out these
- beq.s BeginIO_Immediate ;<---- lines to test task.
- ;------ we need to queue the device. mark us as needing
- ;------ task attention. Clear the quick flag
- BeginIO_QueueMsg:
- bclr #IOB_QUICK,IO_FLAGS(a1) ;We did NOT complete this quickly
- move.l a1,-(sp)
- move.l a3,-(sp)
- PUTMSG 250,<'%s/PutMsg: Port=%lx Message=%lx'>
- addq.l #8,sp
- move.l a3,a0
- LINKSYS PutMsg,md_SysLib(a6) ;Port=a0, Message=a1
- bra.s BeginIO_End
- ;----- return to caller before completing
- ;------ Do it on the schedule of the calling process
- ;------
- BeginIO_Immediate:
- bsr.s PerformIO
- BeginIO_End:
- PUTMSG 200,<'%s/BeginIO_End'>
- movem.l (sp)+,d1/a0/a3
- rts
- BeginIO_NoCmd:
- move.b #IOERR_NOCMD,IO_ERROR(a1)
- bra.s BeginIO_End
- ;
- ; PerformIO actually dispatches an io request. It might be called from
- ; the task, or directly from BeginIO (thus on the callers's schedule)
- ;
- ; It expects a3 to already
- ; have the unit pointer in it. a6 has the device pointer (as always).
- ; a1 has the io request. Bounds checking has already been done on
- ; the I/O Request.
- ;
- PerformIO: ; ( iob:a1, unitptr:a3, devptr:a6 )
- clr.l -(sp)
- move.w IO_COMMAND(a1),2(sp) ;Get entire word
- PUTMSG 150,<'%s/PerformIO -- $%lx'>
- addq.l #4,sp
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b d0,IO_ERROR(A1) ; No error so far
- move.b IO_COMMAND+1(a1),d0 ;Look only at low byte
- lsl.w #2,d0 ; Multiply by 4 to get table offset
- lea.l cmdtable(pc),a0
- move.l 0(a0,d0.w),a0
- jmp (a0) ;iob:a1 unit:a3 devprt:a6
- ;
- ; TermIO sends the IO request back to the user. It knows not to mark
- ; the device as inactive if this was an immediate request or if the
- ; request was started from the server task.
- ;
- TermIO: ; ( iob:a1, unitptr:a3, devptr:a6 )
- PUTMSG 160,<'%s/TermIO'>
- move.w IO_COMMAND(a1),d0
- move.w #IMMEDIATES,d1
- btst d0,d1
- bne.s TermIO_Immediate ;IO was immediate, don't do task stuff...
- ;------ we may need to turn the active bit off.
- bne.s TermIO_Immediate ;IO was came from task, don't clear ACTIVE...
- ;------ the task does not have more work to do
- TermIO_Immediate:
- ;------ if the quick bit is still set then we don't need to reply
- ;------ msg -- just return to the user.
- btst #IOB_QUICK,IO_FLAGS(a1)
- bne.s TermIO_End
- LINKSYS ReplyMsg,md_SysLib(a6) ;a1-message
- ;(ReplyMsg sets the LN_TYPE to NT_REPLYMSG)
- TermIO_End:
- rts
- *****************************************************************************
- ;
- ; Here begins the functions that implement the device commands
- ; all functions are called with:
- ; a1 -- a pointer to the io request block
- ; a3 -- a pointer to the unit
- ; a6 -- a pointer to the device
- ;
- ; Commands that conflict with 68000 instructions have a "My" prepended
- ; to them.
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ;We can't AbortIO anything, so don't touch the IORequest!
- ;
- ;AbortIO() is a REQUEST to "hurry up" processing of an IORequest.
- ;If the IORequest was already complete, nothing happens (if an IORequest
- ;is quick or LN_TYPE=NT_REPLYMSG, the IORequest is complete).
- ;The message must be replied with ReplyMsg(), as normal.
- ;
- AbortIO: ; ( iob: a1, device:a6 )
- moveq #IOERR_NOCMD,d0 ;return "AbortIO() request failed"
- rts
- RawRead: ; 10 Not supported (INVALID)
- RawWrite: ; 11 Not supported (INVALID)
- Invalid:
- move.b #IOERR_NOCMD,IO_ERROR(a1)
- bra.s TermIO
- ;
- ; Update and Clear are internal buffering commands. Update forces all
- ; io out to its final resting spot, and does not return until this is
- ; totally done. Since this is automatic in a ramdisk, we simply return "Ok".
- ;
- ; Clear invalidates all internal buffers. Since this device
- ; has no internal buffers, these commands do not apply.
- ;
- Update:
- Clear:
- MyReset: ;Do nothing (nothing reasonable to do)
- AddChangeInt: ;Do nothing
- RemChangeInt: ;Do nothing
- MyRemove: ;Do nothing
- Seek: ;Do nothing
- Motor: ;Do nothing
- ChangeNum: ;Return zero (changecount =0)
- ChangeState: ;Zero indicates disk inserted
- ProtStatus: ;Zero indicates unprotected
- clr.l IO_ACTUAL(a1)
- bra.s TermIO
- GetDriveType: ;make it look like 3.5" (90mm) drive
- moveq #DRIVE3_5,d0
- move.l d0,IO_ACTUAL(a1)
- bra.s TermIO
- GetNumTracks:
- move.l #RAMSIZE/BYTESPERTRACK,IO_ACTUAL(a1) ;Number of tracks
- bra.s TermIO
- ;
- ; Foo and Bar are two device specific commands that are provided just
- ; to show you how commands are added. They currently return that
- ; no work was done.
- ;
- Foo:
- Bar:
- clr.l IO_ACTUAL(a1)
- bra TermIO
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This device is designed so that no combination of bad
- ; inputs can ever cause the device driver to crash.
- ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- RdWrt:
- move.l IO_DATA(a1),-(sp)
- move.l IO_OFFSET(a1),-(sp)
- move.l IO_LENGTH(a1),-(sp)
- PUTMSG 200,<'%s/RdWrt len %ld offset %ld data $%lx'>
- addq.l #8,sp
- addq.l #4,sp
- movem.l a2/a3,-(sp)
- move.l a1,a2 ;Copy iob
- move.l IO_UNIT(a2),a3 ;Get unit pointer
- * check operation for legality
- btst.b #0,IO_DATA+3(a2) ;check if user's pointer is ODD
- bne.s IO_LenErr ;bad...
- ;[D0=offset]
- move.l IO_OFFSET(a2),d0
- move.l d0,d1
- and.l #SECTOR-1,d1 ;Bad sector boundary or alignment?
- bne.s IO_LenErr ;bad...
- ;[D0=offset]
- * check for IO within disc range
- ;[D0=offset]
- add.l IO_LENGTH(a2),d0 ;Add length to offset
- bcs.s IO_LenErr ;overflow... (important test)
- cmp.l #RAMSIZE,d0 ;Last byte is highest acceptable total
- bhi.s IO_LenErr ;bad... (unsigned compare)
- and.l #SECTOR-1,d0 ;Even sector boundary?
- bne.s IO_LenErr ;bad...
- * We've gotten this far, it must be a valid request.
- move.l mdu_SigMask(a3),d0 ; Get signals to wait for
- LINKSYS Wait,md_SysLib(a6) ; Wait for interrupt before proceeding
- lea.l mdu_RAM(a3),a0 ; Point to RAMDISK "sector" for I/O
- add.l IO_OFFSET(a2),a0 ; Add offset to ram base
- move.l IO_LENGTH(a2),d0
- move.l d0,IO_ACTUAL(a2) ; Indicate we've moved all bytes
- beq.s RdWrt_end ;---deal with zero length I/O
- move.l IO_DATA(a2),a1 ; Point to data buffer
- ;
- ;A0=ramdisk index
- ;A1=user buffer
- ;D0=length
- ;
- cmp.b #CMD_READ,IO_COMMAND+1(a2) ; Decide on direction
- BEQ.S CopyTheBlock
- EXG A0,A1 ; For Write and Format, swap source & dest
- CopyTheBlock:
- LINKSYS CopyMemQuick,md_SysLib(a6) ;A0=source A1=dest D0=size
- ;CopyMemQuick is very fast
- RdWrt_end:
- move.l a2,a1
- movem.l (sp)+,a2/a3
- bra TermIO ;END
- IO_LenErr:
- PUTMSG 10,<'bad length'>
- IO_End:
- clr.l IO_ACTUAL(a2) ;Initially, no data moved
- bra.s RdWrt_end
- ;
- ; the Stop command stop all future io requests from being
- ; processed until a Start command is received. The Stop
- ; command is NOT stackable: e.g. no matter how many stops
- ; have been issued, it only takes one Start to restart
- ; processing.
- ;
- ;Stop is rather silly for a ramdisk
- MyStop:
- PUTMSG 30,<'%s/MyStop: called'>
- bra TermIO
- Start:
- PUTMSG 30,<'%s/Start: called'>
- bsr.s InternalStart
- bra TermIO
- ;[A3=unit A6=device]
- InternalStart:
- move.l a1,-(sp)
- ;------ turn processing back on
- ;------ kick the task to start it moving
- move.b MP_SIGBIT(a3),d1
- CLEAR d0
- bset d1,d0 ;prepared signal mask
- move.l MP_SIGTASK(a3),a1 ;:FIXED:marco-task to signal
- LINKSYS Signal,md_SysLib(a6) ;:FIXED:marco-a6 not a3
- move.l (sp)+,a1
- rts
- ;
- ; Flush pulls all I/O requests off the queue and sends them back.
- ; We must be careful not to destroy work in progress, and also
- ; that we do not let some io requests slip by.
- ;
- ; Some funny magic goes on with the STOPPED bit in here. Stop is
- ; defined as not being reentrant. We therefore save the old state
- ; of the bit and then restore it later. This keeps us from
- ; needing to DISABLE in flush. It also fails miserably if someone
- ; does a start in the middle of a flush. (A semaphore might help...)
- ;
- Flush:
- PUTMSG 30,<'%s/Flush: called'>
- movem.l d2/a1/a6,-(sp)
- move.l md_SysLib(a6),a6
- sne d2
- Flush_Loop:
- move.l a3,a0
- CALLSYS GetMsg ;Steal messages from task's port
- tst.l d0
- beq.s Flush_End
- move.l d0,a1
- CALLSYS ReplyMsg
- bra.s Flush_Loop
- Flush_End:
- move.l d2,d0
- movem.l (sp)+,d2/a1/a6
- tst.b d0
- beq.s 1$
- bsr InternalStart
- 1$:
- bra TermIO
- *****************************************************************************
- ;
- ; Here begins the task related routines
- ;
- ; A Task is provided so that queued requests may be processed at
- ; a later time. This is not very justifiable for a ram disk, but
- ; is very useful for "real" hardware devices. Take care with
- ; your arbitration of shared hardware with all the multitasking
- ; programs that might call you at once.
- ;
- ; Register Usage
- ; ==============
- ; a3 -- unit pointer
- ; a6 -- syslib pointer
- ; a5 -- device pointer
- ; a4 -- task (NOT process) pointer
- ; d7 -- wait mask
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; some dos magic, useful for Processes (not us). A process is started at
- ; the first executable address after a segment list. We hand craft a
- ; segment list here. See the the DOS technical reference if you really
- ; need to know more about this.
- ; The next instruction after the segment list is the first executable address
- cnop 0,4 ; long word align
- DC.L 16 ; segment length -- any number will do (this is 4
- ; bytes back from the segment pointer)
- myproc_seglist:
- DC.L 0 ; pointer to next segment
- Task_Begin:
- PUTMSG 35,<'%s/Task_Begin'>
- move.l ABSEXECBASE,a6
- ;------ Grab the argument passed down from our parent
- move.l 4(sp),a3 ; Unit pointer
- move.l mdu_Device(a3),a5 ; Point to device structure
- ;------ Allocate a signal for "I/O Complete" interrupts
- moveq #-1,d0 ; -1 is any signal at all
- CALLSYS AllocSignal
- move.b d0,mdu_SigBit(A3) ; Save in unit structure
- moveq #0,d7 ; Convert bit number signal mask
- bset d0,d7
- move.l d7,mdu_SigMask(A3) ; Save in unit structure
- lea.l mdu_is(a3),a1 ; Point to interrupt structure
- moveq #INTB_PORTS,d0 ; Portia interrupt bit 3
- CALLSYS AddIntServer ; Now install the server
- move.l md_Base(a5),a0 ; Get board base address
- * bset.b #INTENABLE,INTCTRL2(a0) ; Enable interrupts
- ;------ Allocate a signal
- moveq #-1,d0 ; -1 is any signal at all
- CALLSYS AllocSignal
- move.b d0,MP_SIGBIT(a3)
- move.b #PA_SIGNAL,MP_FLAGS(a3) ;Make message port "live"
- ;------ change the bit number into a mask, and save in d7
- moveq #0,d7 ;Clear D7
- bset d0,d7
- move.l $114(a6),-(sp)
- move.l a5,-(sp)
- move.l a3,-(sp)
- move.l d0,-(sp)
- PUTMSG 40,<'%s/Signal=%ld, Unit=%lx Device=%lx Task=%lx'>
- add.l #4*4,sp
- bra.s Task_StartHere
- ; OK, kids, we are done with initialization. We now can start the main loop
- ; of the driver. It goes like this. Because we had the port marked
- ; PA_IGNORE for a while (in InitUnit) we jump to the getmsg code on entry.
- ; (The first message will probably be posted BEFORE our task gets a chance
- ; to run)
- ;------ wait for a message
- ;------ lock the device
- ;------ get a message. If no message, unlock device and loop
- ;------ dispatch the message
- ;------ loop back to get a message
- ;------ no more messages. back ourselves out.
- Task_Unlock:
- ;------ main loop: wait for a new message
- Task_MainLoop:
- PUTMSG 75,<'%s/++Sleep'>
- move.l d7,d0
- bchg.b #1,$bfe001 ;Blink the power LED
- Task_StartHere:
- PUTMSG 75,<'%s/++Wakeup'>
- ;------ see if we are stopped
- bne.s Task_MainLoop ; device is stopped, ignore messages
- ;------ lock the device
- bne Task_MainLoop ; device in use (immediate command?)
- ;------ get the next request
- Task_NextMessage:
- move.l a3,a0
- PUTMSG 1,<'%s/GotMsg'>
- tst.l d0
- beq Task_Unlock ; no message?
- ;------ do this request
- move.l d0,a1
- exg a5,a6 ; put device ptr in right place
- bsr PerformIO
- exg a5,a6 ; get syslib back in a6
- bra.s Task_NextMessage
- *****************************************************************************
- ;
- ; Here is a dummy interrupt handler, with some crucial components commented
- ; out. If the IFD INTRRUPT is enabled, this code will cause the device to
- ; wait for a level two interrupt before it will process each request
- ; (pressing RETURN on the keyboard will do it). This code is normally
- ; disabled, and must fake or omit certain operations since there isn't
- ; really any hardware for this driver. Similar code has been used
- ; successfully in other, "REAL" device drivers.
- ;
- ; A1 should be pointing to the unit structure upon entry! (IS_DATA)
- myintr:
- * move.l md_Base(a0),a0 ; point to board base address
- * btst.b #IAMPULLING,INTCTRL1(a0);See if I'm interrupting
- * beq.s myexnm ; if not set, exit, not mine
- * move.b #0,INTACK(a0) ; toggle controller's int2 bit
- ; ------ signal the task that an interrupt has occurred
- move.l mdu_Device(a1),a0 ; Get device pointer
- move.l mdu_SigMask(a1),d0
- lea.l mdu_tcb(a1),a1
- move.l md_SysLib(a0),a6 ; Get pointer to system
- CALLSYS Signal
- ; now clear the zero condition code so that
- ; the interrupt handler doesn't call the next
- ; interrupt server.
- ;
- * moveq #1,d0 clear zero flag
- * bra.s myexit now exit
- ;
- ; this exit point sets the zero condition code
- ; so the interrupt handler will try the next server
- ; in the interrupt chain
- ;
- myexnm moveq #0,d0 set zero condition code
- ;
- myexit rts
- *****************************************************************************
- mdu_Init:
- ; ------ Initialize the device
- INITBYTE MP_FLAGS,PA_IGNORE ;Unit starts with a message port
- INITLONG mdu_tcb+LN_NAME,myName
- INITBYTE mdu_tcb+LN_PRI,5
- INITBYTE mdu_is+LN_PRI,4 ; Int priority 4
- INITLONG mdu_is+IS_CODE,myintr ; Interrupt routine addr
- INITLONG mdu_is+LN_NAME,myName
- DC.W 0
- mdn_Init:
- * ;------ Initialize packet for MakeDosNode
- INITLONG mdn_execName,myName ; Address of driver name
- INITLONG mdn_tableSize,12 ; # long words in AmigaDOS env.
- INITLONG mdn_dName,$524d0000 ; Store 'RM' in name
- INITLONG mdn_sizeBlock,SECTOR/4 ; # longwords in a block
- INITLONG mdn_numHeads,1 ; RAM disk has only one "head"
- INITLONG mdn_secsPerBlk,1 ; secs/logical block, must = "1"
- INITLONG mdn_blkTrack,SECTORSPER ; secs/track (must be reasonable)
- INITLONG mdn_resBlks,1 ; reserved blocks, MUST > 0!
- INITLONG mdn_upperCyl,(RAMSIZE/BYTESPERTRACK)-1 ; upper cylinder
- INITLONG mdn_numBuffers,1 ; # AmigaDOS buffers to start
- DC.W 0
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; EndCode is a marker that shows the end of your code. Make sure it does not
- ; span hunks, and is not before the rom tag! It is ok to put it right after
- ; the rom tag -- that way you are always safe. I put it here because it
- ; happens to be the "right" thing to do, and I know that it is safe in this
- ; case (this program has only a single code hunk).
- ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
- EndCode: END