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- ============
- Introduction
- ============
- BLINK is a linker written as a replacement for ALINK. It is fully
- ALINK compatible accepting all command line options and WITH files.
- BLINK supports many additional options not found in ALINK.
- BLINK has been produce through the combined efforts of
- The Software Distillery
- currently comprised of:
- Dave Baker
- Ed Burnette
- Stan Chow
- Jay Denebeim
- Gordon Keener
- Jack Rouse
- John Toebes
- Doug Walker
- It may be freely distributed provided:
- 1) No charge is made for its use or distribution
- 2) This manual is distributed along with the executable module
- 3) No modifications are made to the executable module
- Failure to comply with these rules will simply work to convince people
- that there is no value in producing good freely redistributable software.
- The latest version of BLINK and our other projects are available from
- our BBS:
- Deep Thought (919) 471-6436
- Address all correspondence to
- John Toebes
- The Software Distillery
- 235 Trillingham Lane
- Cary NC 27511
- Let us know what you do and don't like about it. There are several
- enhancements that WILL be out in the next major release:
- * Overlay support
- * Complete XREF of library references
- * Additional hunk coalescing features
- * More finely tuned code
- ===========
- Using BLINK
- ===========
- Command Line Syntax.
- --------------------
- BLINK is driven by keyword parameters in any order indicating the
- action to be performed. The basic syntax is:
- BLINK [FROM][ROOT] files [TO file][WITH file][VER file]
- [LIBRARY | LIB files][MAP file map_options][XREF file][options]
- where:
- file means a single file
- files means zero or more file names separated by a comma, plus sign
- or space
- and the following keywords are recognized:
- FROM files - specifies the object files that are the primary
- input to the linker. These object files will
- always be copied to the root of the object
- module. You must specify at least one object file
- for the root. If it appears as the first option
- to BLINK then the FROM keyword is optional and may
- be omitted. ROOT is an acceptable synonym for FROM.
- FROM may be used more than once with the files for
- each FROM adding to the list of files to be linked.
- TO file - specifies target object module to create. If
- omitted it defaults to the same name as the first
- object module listed on a FROM option with its .o
- suffix removed.
- WITH file - specifies a file containing BLINK command options
- to be processed for this link. More than one WITH
- file may be specified as may WITH files contain
- WITH statements. The contents of all with files
- will be treated as if they were specified on the
- BLINK command line.
- VER file - a destination file to contain all linker output
- messages. If you do not specify it then all
- messages go to the terminal.
- LIBRARY files - specifies the files to be scanned as libraries.
- Only referenced segments from library files will
- be included in the final object module. LIB is a
- valid synonym for LIBRARY.
- XREF file - specifies a file to which the cross reference
- information will be written. If not specified
- and a cross reference is requested with the MAP
- option, the cross reference listing will appear as
- part of the map file.
- FASTER - a do-nothing option that is included only for
- ALINK compatibility.
- VERBOSE - causes BLINK to print out the names of each file
- as it processes it.
- NODEBUG - supresses any HUNK_DEBUG, symbol table
- information or hunk names in the final object
- file. This is equivalent to the object file
- that would be produced if STRIPA were run on the
- final object file
- SMALLDATA - causes all DATA and BSS sections to be Coalesced
- into a single hunk. This is useful for combining all
- data hunks from a program into a single hunk - decreasing
- load time but potentially producing larger hunks that are
- difficult to scatter load
- SMALLCODE - causes all CODE hunks to be Coalesced into a single hunk.
- WIDTH n - sets the maximum line length for the map and cross
- reference listings. This is useful when sending
- the output to a divice that has different line
- length requirements. If not specified it defaults
- to 80.
- MAP file options - specifies a file to which a map is to be written.
- options controls which parts of the map will be
- written. See the MAP section for more information.
- OVERLAY - specifies the start of an overlay tree terminated
- by a line consisting of a single pound sign '#'.
- See the OVERLAY section for more information.
- DEFINE - allows for definition or re-definition of a symbol
- Useful for stubbing yet unwritten routines, resolving
- unresolved references and link time patches to your
- code. Possible combinations are: DEFINE symbola =
- symbolb where you want symbola to be resolved to symbolb
- and symbolb has been previously defined in your code.
- DEFINE symbola = some constant where the constant is
- either a decimal or hexadecimal number. If hexadecimal
- number is input it must be preceded with a $ sign. ie.
- DEFINE symbola = $dead or DEFINE symbola = 1234.
- Example Command Line Usage:
- ---------------------------
- ==========
- WITH Files
- ==========
- Although BLINK is completely compatible with ALINK WITH files the order
- and format used to input options is quite position independant. FROM files
- and LIBRARY options can span several lines with or without line continuation
- characters "+". I hope the examples below reflect this remarkable flexability.
- Gee a tool that is user-friendly. We must be doing something wrong !
- Example WITH files
- ------------------
- from c.o vt100.o init.o window.o xmodem.o remote.o kermit.o script.o
- lib lib:lc.lib lib:amiga.lib
- verbose smallcode smalldata
- to vt100
- or yet another way
- FROM c.o
- vt100.o
- init.o window.o
- xmdem.o remote.o kermit.o script.o
- lib:lc.lib
- lib:lc.lib
- MAP ram:vt100.map
- TO df1:vt100/vt100
- or better yet, a standard sort of header WITH file that you can append
- the specifics to the end of the file and save some typing every time you
- need to create a WITH file.
- ram:lc.lib
- ram:amiga.lib
- ram:mymap
- XREF ram:myxref
- FROM c.o
- vt100.0 init.o window.o xmodem.o remote.o kermit.o script.o
- In the above exmaple you will notice that no TO file was specified.
- BLINK will atomatically create a TO file for you in the current directory
- with the name of the first module in you FROM list no including the
- startup routine in this case c.o. So in the above example the executable
- will be called VT100 without the .o extension. Nice touch EH!
- ========
- Overlays
- ========
- Not supported in this release
- =========
- Map Files
- =========
- MAP <map file> <map options>
- <map options> are H S X F O PLAIN FANCY
- MAP [[filename],option,option,...]
- filename map output file
- option letter of report to produce (see below)
- WIDTH n columns allowed in map file (default 80)
- INDENT n columns to indent on a line (included in width) (default 0)
- default 0
- HEIGHT n lines on a page in map file (0 indicates no pagenation)
- (default 55)
- HWIDTH n width of hunk names (default 8)
- FWIDTH n width of file names (default 16)
- PWIDTH n width of program unit names (default 8)
- SWIDTH n width of symbol names (default 8)
- FANCY flag to allow printer control characters in the map file
- (this is the default condition)
- PLAIN turns off the FANCY option
- map: map has sub keywords, they are:
- h - MapHunk
- s - MapSym
- x - MapXref
- f - MapFile
- o - MapOvly
- additionaly it will accept other keywords that
- can have parameters:
- width - (1-132) def 80
- height - (1-255) def 55
- Hwidth - (1-255) def 8 (hunk name width)
- Fwidth - (1-255) def 16 (file name width)
- Swidth - (1-255) def 25 (Symbol width)
- indent - (1-255) def 0 (line indentation)
- ====================
- BLINK Error messages
- ====================
- 1 Parser failure.
- 2 Pass 1 failure.
- 4 Coalesce failure.
- 5 Map failure.
- 3 Pass 2 failure.
- 6 Symbol Initialization failure.
- 200 Out of memory!!
- 300 Read error on file '%s'
- 301 Write error on file '%s'
- 400 *** Break: Blink terminating.
- 425 Cannot find library %s
- 426 Cannot find object %s
- 444 Hunk_Symbol has bad %d symbol %s
- 445 Invalid HUNK_SYMBOL %s
- 446 Invalid symbol type %d for %s
- 447 %s is a load file
- 448 Invalid hunk #%d
- 449 No hunk_end seen for %s
- 501 Invalid Reloc 8 or 16 reference
- 502 Distance for Reloc16 > 32768
- 503 Distance for Reloc8 > 128
- 504 Distance for Data Reloc16 > 32768
- 505 Distance for Data Reloc8 > 128
- 506 Can't locate resolved symbol %s
- 507 Unknown Symbol type %d
- 508 Symbol type %d unimplemented
- 509 Unknown hunk type %d in Pass2
- 600 Invalid command '%s'
- 601 %s option specified more than once
- 602 Unable to open map file '%s'
- 603 %s is not a valid number
- 604 with file is not readable
- 605 Cannot open with file '%s'
- 606 Unable to open output file '%s'
- 607 No FROM/ROOT files specified
- 999 Unknown internal error <<<let us know if you get this one
- =============
- BLINK History
- =============
- 5.5 Released 18 August 1986
- 5.6 Released 20 August 1986
- Fixed problem with map file generation
- Fixed problem with map file error messages
- 5.7 Released 22 August 1986
- Corrected incompatibilities with Lattice 3.02 and 3.03 generating extra
- Added TABS to the with file/command line parser
- Fixed messages so last unresolved reference is not overwritten by VERBOSE
- messages in PASS2.
- 6.0 Unreleased
- Added support for patching reloc16s to allow that -r option of Lattice to
- used with Blink.
- Rewrote map sorting algorithm to significantly cut map generation time.
- Corrected various parser bugs.
- Added ability to BLINK files linked with ALINK
- 6.1 Unreleased
- Added link time to map page headers.
- Added define statement.
- Corrected problems in handling of CHIP and FAST hunk types
- 6.2 Unreleased
- Rewrote algorithm for patching reloc16s.
- Moved map to after pass2.
- Reduced memory usage by changing required alignment boundary from 4 to 2.
- Added suppression of dummy entry hunk.
- Added default TO file logic.
- 6.3 Unreleased
- Enhanced algorighm for pathing reloc16s to produce optimal size in two
- passes.
- Reduced size of patch jumps to 6 bytes.
- Added support for allowing startup code to initialize BSS section.
- Added support to allow startup code to produce a completely reentrant
- module to be used with 1.2 resident command.
- Added minimum size for memory requests to reduce likelyhood of a GURU when
- system is too tight on memory. If less than 1K contiguous is available,
- BLINK will terminate.
- 6.4 Released 22 September 1986
- Added cross reference of libraries to the map
- Major clean up oc return code checking internally
- Reduced large sections of code
- Deleted REACH and REALREACH keywords from parser.
- Corrected suppressing of dummy entry hunk.