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- sushi v37.10
- (c) Copyright 1992-93 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved
- Sushi - intercepts raw serial debugging output on your own machine. Opts:
- startup: [ON] [BUFK=n (pow 2 only)] [NOPROMPT] [QUIET] [ASKEXIT] [ASKSAVE]
- runtime: [OFF] [SAVE] [SAVEAS filename] [EMPTY]
- by Carolyn Scheppner - CATS
- Thanks to Steve Tibbett and Christian E. Hopps for their own
- implementations, "Reporter" and "Detective", which made me insatiably
- curious and drove me to write my own.
- Sushi is a tool to intercept the raw serial output of Enforcer 2.8b,
- Enforcer.megastack 26.f, Mungwall, and all tool and application debugging
- output that uses kprintf. This makes it possible to use serial debugging
- on a single Amiga, without interfering with attached serial hardware
- such as modems and serial printers. Sushi also provides optional
- signalling and buffer access to an external display/watcher program.
- Sushi 37.9 should fix command line redirection of sushi output to a file.
- Sushi 37.10 fixes the EMPTY keyword which tells another running Sushi
- to empty (i.e. not save) its buffer.
- ===========
- Here's what's in my user-startup:
- run >NIL: mungwall NAMETAG
- ; NOTE - with older Enforcer 2.8b, instead use: enforcer >NIL:
- run >NIL: enforcer RAWIO
- newsushi
- where "newsushi" is an s: script file (with "s" bit set) containing:
- --------------- cut here --------------
- .key none
- .bra {
- .ket }
- --------------- cut here --------------
- Note the INACTIVE keyword in the CON: string which tells the CON to open
- INACTIVE (thereby not changing your active window if it pops ups).
- WARNING - some third-party CON: replacements do not handle the in/out <>
- redirection shown above. If you are using a third-party CON, you may need
- to change to just out redirection (>) and remove the ASKSAVE and ASKEXIT
- options since your Sushi window will not have input.
- If Sushi can find Enforcer 2.8b, or 2.6f megastack resident, then it
- can patch these Enforcers to redirect their output. Other debugging
- output is intercepted by patching low level debugging output functions.
- Newer versions of Enforcer (37.x) have a RAWIO option which allows Sushi
- to capture their output. Warning - if you are using the older Enforcer
- 2.8b or 2.6f, and you need to turn off Enforcer, first remove Sushi.
- All standard serial debugging functions are intercepted. Currently,
- the patch to the serial debugging input function just returns a 'y'.
- Standard serial debugging output and Enforcer output go into sushi's
- circular buffer (user-definable size, default 32K), where it is noticed
- by the Sushi process and written to stdout. The Sushi process is signalled
- whenever a carriage return or linefeed comes through kprintf.
- if Enforcer 2.8b or 2.6f has been found and patched, Sushi will also
- wake up every 1/10 second to check for output in its buffer (since it
- is not safe for Sushi's Enforcer wedge to signal Sushi's process during
- an Enforcer bus error). If you are not using Enforcer 2.8b or 2.6f but
- you still want Sushi to wake up every 1/10 second to check for output
- (instead of only waking up on carriage returns and linefeeds), then pass
- the special hidden command line option "TimerOn" when you start up Sushi.
- Sushi's standard output can be redirected elsewhere (for example, to
- a multiserial handler or an AUTO/WAIT/CLOSE CON window). Or Sushi can
- be run in QUIET mode and external watcher/display tool can be signalled
- by Sushi for more elaborate display of the output. (i.e. If you personally
- want your machine to MOO when you get a mungwall hit, and flash purple
- polka dots for Enforcer hits, you can write an external sushi watcher
- or display tool to do that).
- Sushi has several startup options, and several runtime options:
- startup: [ON] [BUFK=n (pow 2 only)] [NOPROMPT] [QUIET] [ASKEXIT] [ASKSAVE]
- runtime: [OFF] [SAVE] [SAVEAS filename] [EMPTY]
- Startup Options
- ===============
- ON Default (not required)
- BUFK=n Changes circular buffer size from default 32K to specified
- power-of-2 K from 4K to 2028K. Sushi will always round
- the specified size down to a power of two K (32K, 64K, etc).
- NOPROMPT Turns off the "sushi installed" and "enforcer not found"
- prompts. Useful if redirecting sushi to an AUTO CON
- window in your user-startup.
- QUIET Causes Sushi to just buffer all debugging output.
- Effectively silences serial debugging output.
- Useful in conjunction with an external sushi watcher
- or displayer (see later explanation).
- ASKSAVE Cause Sushi to ask you if you want to save the buffer
- when you exit Sushi. If there's nothing in the buffer,
- it won't ask. Make SURE sushi has a stdin if you
- use this option. If sushi thinks it has no stdin,
- it will save to t:sushi.out. This option should only
- be used if Sushi has an input stream - i.e. if Sushi
- is not RUN/redirected, or if Sushi has in/out redirection
- in a CON: window.
- ASKEXIT Cause Sushi to ask you if you REALLY want to exit if
- a CTRL-C is received. This is good for people like
- me who might accidentally CTRL-C in a Sushi window when
- they meant to do it somewhere else. This option should
- only be used if Sushi has an input stream - i.e. if Sushi
- is not RUN/redirected, or if Sushi has in/out redirection
- in a CON: window.
- TIMERON Cause Sushi to wake up every 1/10 second to check for
- output even if Enforcer 2.8b or 2.6f have not been patched.
- Without this option, Sushi will just wake up every time a
- carriage return or linefeed is output.
- Runtime Options
- ===============
- OFF Signals active running copy of Sushi to exit (CTRL_C)
- EMPTY Signals active running copy of Sushi to empty its buffer.
- SAVE Finds active running copy of Sushi and saves its buffer
- as t:sushi.out
- SAVEAS name Finds active running copy of Sushi and saves its buffer
- as specified filename
- Example Startup Usage
- =====================
- sushi ASKSAVE (in its own shell window)
- run >NIL: sushi >"CON:0/20/640/120/Sushi/AUTO/CLOSE/WAIT/INACTIVE" ON NOPROMPT
- run >NIL: sushi <>"CON:0/20/640/120/Sushi/AUTO/CLOSE/WAIT/INACTIVE" ON NOPROMPT
- NOTE !!! The double redirection as above (<>) works with Amiga CON:
- V37 or higher. It may not work with some third-party CON's.
- The ASKSAVE and ASKEXIT options require input from a CON window.
- run sushi >ram:hits (all output redirected to a file)
- run sushi NOPROMPT QUIET (for use with external displayer)
- NOTE: You may want use the following title for a sushi AUTO CON window:
- /Sushi CTRL-E:Empty CTRL-F:File/
- Keyboard and BREAK signals
- ==========================
- CTRL-C: To quit Sushi, CTRL-C it (if it has its own window), send it
- a CTRL-C with the c:BREAK command, or run sushi a second time
- with the OFF keyword.
- CTRL-E: Tells Sushi to empty (clear) its buffer.
- CTRL-F: Tells Sushi to save its own buffer to file t:sushi.out
- Other Runtime Usage
- ===================
- sushi OFF ; tell active running Sushi to try to exit
- sushi SAVE ; save buffer of active Sushi
- sushi SAVEAS ram:myhits EMPTY ; save buffer as ram:myhits and clear buffer
- Usually, I just CTRL-F in the Sushi window, and it saves its buffer as
- t:sushi.out.
- Programmer Interface
- ====================
- Sushi allows a external tasks to find and read its buffer, and allows
- one external task to register itself to be signalled by Sushi
- whenever there is new information in the buffer. Sushi will refuse
- to exit as long as a task is registered with it. So make sure
- you remove your pointer from Sushi's port before you exit !!!!
- Here is an example that finds Sushi and installs itself as the
- external sigtask. Sushi will signal this task whenever there
- is new information in sushi's buffer.
- The example also shows (ifdef'd out) how to ask Sushi to
- write its buffer, flush its buffer, or exit.
- ;/* ext_sushi.c - Execute me to compile me with SAS C 5.10
- LC -b1 -cfistq -v -y -j73 ext_sushi.c
- Blink FROM LIB:c.o,ext_sushi.o TO ext_sushi LIBRARY LIB:LC.lib,LIB:Amiga.lib
- quit
- ext_sushi.c - An example of an external display or watcher program
- which is signalled by sushi.
- */
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <libraries/dos.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #ifdef LATTICE
- int CXBRK(void) { return(0); } /* Disable Lattice CTRL/C handling */
- void chkabort(void) { return; } /* really */
- extern struct Library *SysBase;
- extern struct Library *DOSBase;
- #include "pragmas/exec_pragmas.h"
- #include "pragmas/dos_pragmas.h"
- #endif
- #define MINARGS 1
- UBYTE *vers = "\0$VER: ext_sushi 37.2";
- UBYTE *Copyright =
- "ext_sushi v37.2\nCopyright (c) 1992 Commodore-Amiga, Inc. All Rights Reserved";
- UBYTE *usage = "Usage: ext_sushi";
- void bye(UBYTE *s, int e);
- void cleanup(void);
- UBYTE sushiname[] = "sushi_CAS_port";
- /* Definitions of WTP and AppStruct structures */
- struct AppStruct {
- /* These are for READ-ONLY use by external application */
- UBYTE *subuf; /* Sushi's circular output buffer */
- ULONG subufsize; /* Size of buffer in bytes (a power of 2K) */
- ULONG subufi; /* Where Sushi will place next char received */
- ULONG subufli; /* Sushi's local index of what it has processed */
- ULONG wrapcnt; /* How may times circular buffer has wrapped */
- ULONG wrapmask; /* Hex mask Sushi uses when wrapping subufi */
- /* External app writes to these if not in use; must clear them before exiting */
- struct Task *extsigtask;
- LONG extsignum;
- ULONG extsignal;
- /* Microseconds that Sushi waits between checking for Enforcer hits.
- * Default is 100000 (1/10 sec). If you find it necessary to touch this,
- * BE REASONABLE - and PUT BACK THE DEFAULT before you exit !!!!
- * Note that Sushi itself is Signalled for all other debugging output
- * any time a CR or LF is placed in buffer. Sushi will only signal
- * the external task if there is actually something in the buffer.
- */
- ULONG sumicros;
- /* private stuff here - subject to moving since any additional
- * public things will be added right here.
- */
- };
- /* Sushi's public named port - contains pointer to AppStruct above */
- struct WTP {
- struct MsgPort wtPort;
- struct AppStruct *appstruct;
- /* private stuff here - subject to moving since any additional
- * public things will be added right here.
- */
- };
- struct WTP *wtp = NULL;
- struct AppStruct *aps = NULL;
- LONG sushisignum = -1;
- BOOL GotSushi = FALSE;
- void main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- struct Task *mytask;
- UBYTE *buf;
- ULONG sushisignal, signals, bufi, bufli;
- BOOL Done;
- if(((argc)&&(argc<MINARGS))||(argv[argc-1][0]=='?'))
- {
- printf("%s\n%s\n",Copyright,usage);
- bye("",RETURN_OK);
- }
- bufli = 0; /* this application's last index into sushi buffer */
- mytask = FindTask(NULL);
- GotSushi = FALSE;
- Forbid();
- if (wtp = FindPort(sushiname))
- {
- aps = wtp->appstruct;
- if(! aps->extsigtask) /* You MUST not install if someone else has */
- {
- if((sushisignum = AllocSignal(-1)) != -1)
- {
- sushisignal = 1L << sushisignum;
- aps->extsigtask = mytask;
- aps->extsignum = sushisignum;
- aps->extsignal = sushisignal;
- buf = aps->subuf;
- GotSushi = TRUE;
- }
- }
- }
- Permit();
- if(!GotSushi)
- bye("Can't allocate sushi - not found or in use\n", RETURN_FAIL);
- Done = FALSE;
- while(!Done)
- {
- signals = Wait( SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C | sushisignal );
- /* Make sure you turn off your compiler's CTRL-C handling
- * if you use CTRL-C as your exit signal.
- */
- if( signals & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C)
- {
- Done = TRUE;
- }
- if(signals & sushisignal)
- {
- /* There's some new info in the sushi buffer.
- * Here we will just print it out.
- * You could instead copy it elsewhere for fancy display, etc.
- */
- bufi = aps->subufi; /* grab where sushi has filled to */
- if(bufi > bufli) /* buffer has not wrapped since last */
- {
- Write(Output(),&buf[bufli],bufi - bufli);
- }
- else if(bufli > bufi) /* buffer has wrapped since last */
- {
- /* Write end of buffer info, then new info at start of buffer */
- Write(Output(),&buf[bufli],aps->subufsize - bufli);
- Write(Output(),buf,bufi);
- }
- /* Update variable that saves where YOU are up to */
- bufli = bufi;
- }
- #if 0
- /* FYI - Other things you can tell Sushi to do */
- /* Tell Sushi to write its buffer as file t:sushi.out.
- * Sushi writes its buffer in chronological order -
- * i.e., if the buffer has wrapped, it writes older end of buffer,
- * then writes data from start of buffer to current position.
- */
- Signal(aps->sutask, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_F);
- /* Tell Sushi to empty (clear) its buffer (i.e. reset its indexes).
- * If you do this, you should probably reset your bufli to 0.
- */
- Signal(aps->sutask, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_E);
- /* Tell Sushi to exit if it can.
- * It can not exit if there is an aps->extsigtask.
- */
- Signal(aps->sutask, SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
- #endif
- }
- bye("",RETURN_OK); /* Will do Sushi and other cleanup */
- }
- void bye(UBYTE *s, int e)
- {
- cleanup();
- exit(e);
- }
- void cleanup()
- {
- /* Required cleanup for external sushi program before exiting ! */
- if(GotSushi && (aps != NULL))
- {
- /* Required Sushi cleanup before you exit !!!! */
- Forbid();
- aps->extsignum = 0L;
- aps->extsignal = 0L;
- aps->extsigtask = NULL;
- Permit();
- }
- if(sushisignum != -1) FreeSignal(sushisignum);
- }