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- **********************************************
- triton.library
- The object oriented GUI creation system.
- Release 1.0
- (c) 1993-1994 Stefan Zeiger
- **********************************************
- The programs and files in this distribution are freely distributable,
- but are also Copyright (c) Stefan Zeiger. They may be freely distributed as
- long as no more than a nominal fee is charged to cover time and copying
- costs. Triton is distributed as non-crippled shareware; it is fully
- functional.
- If you want to register Triton, please send US$25 to:
- Stefan Zeiger
- Seligenstädter Weg 24
- D-63796 Kahl
- Germany
- Send money by EuroCheck (only in German Marks (DM)!), postal(!) money
- order or cash! It's impossible for me to cash in foreign checks, even if
- the amount is in DM. Please state the version of triton.library you have
- (use the C:Version command to display the version).
- By registering you support the further development of Triton. If you
- use it and like it, please consider registering.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- The Triton support BBS is:
- >---------------------------------------<
- Plus BBS
- SysOp : Daniel Schrod
- Z-Netz: plus.zer
- V.32b (14k4), ZyX (19k2), V.42b, 8N1
- Phone: +49-(0)6023-32603
- >---------------------------------------<
- You may log in as 'SAUGER' and download Triton from the sub-board
- /WIZARDWORKS/PROGRAMME. Curently there is only a german user interface
- available at Plus BBS!
- The latest Triton version may also be obtained via FidoNet file
- request as 'TRITON' from 'Publishers Treff BBS':
- >---------------------------------------<
- Publishers Treff BBS
- SysOp: Christoph Reichert
- Fido : 2:244/6302.0
- V.32b (14k4), ZyX (19k2), V.42b, 8N1
- >---------------------------------------<
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Commercial usage is allowed if the following conditions are met:
- a) You register Triton (see above).
- b) You state in your documentation that your program uses triton.library
- and that Triton is Copyright (c) Stefan Zeiger.
- c) You send me a copy of your finished product(s) (including free
- updates) using triton.library.
- If these conditions are met you are allowed to use Triton in your
- commercial product and include the Distribution drawer of Triton (see below)
- with your distribution.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- All of the files copyrighted by the author must remain unmodified. None
- of these files may be distributed on its own, the entire package must be
- distributed as one whole. The demo programs 'Demo', 'ExampleBevelBox' and
- 'HeightDemo' are public domain and you may use them in any way you like.
- There is one exception to the above. If you plan to release a freely
- distributable program or if you are a registered Triton user and plan to
- release a commercial program, you may include the Distribution drawer (which
- can be found under the name 'Triton' in the 'Programmer/Distribution'
- directory) with your distribution. It is left to the programmer to decide
- whether he wishes to register Triton. Registration is not required,
- but would certainly be appreciated. If you include Triton with a
- crippled shareware program I'd like to ask you to send me a full working
- version.
- Whether your program is freely distributable or commercial, you must
- state in your documentation that your program uses triton.library and
- that Triton is Copyright (c) Stefan Zeiger.