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- ****************************************************************************
- * *
- * VisualMaker V1.00 (first release, internal V5.3) by David Lübbren *
- * 24-May-1994 *
- * *
- * Copyright (C) 1994 by David Lübbren. All rights reserved. *
- * *
- * Written in C with Dice 2.07.54 and MG3a on an Amiga 500 (accelerated). *
- * *
- * David Lübbren *
- * Leopoldstr. 3 *
- * 76133 Karlsruhe *
- * Germany *
- * *
- * *
- ****************************************************************************
- VisualMaker V1.0 © David Lübbren
- I. Legal Stuff
- II. Introduction
- III. Usage
- IV. Gadgets
- V. Local compiler options
- VI. Global compiler options
- VII. The backpanel
- VIII. The menues
- IX. Using the DMakefile
- X. Making Protos
- XI. Timer problems
- XII. Make primer
- VisualMaker is SHAREWARE, and may be distributed in a non-commercial
- way (you may copy, spread, and use it but don't make money out of it).
- If you like VisualMaker and regularly use it, I would appreciate being
- sent a $10 contribution to the above address. Contributors will
- receive the complete copyrighted source in C.
- Suggestions, comments and criticisms are also welcome at the above
- address. If any problems are encountered, PLEASE report them!
- VisualMaker is a 'MakeFile' generator for the DiCe compiler package.
- The program is fully controlled through an Intuition interface and
- allows compiler options to be set for individual files with just a
- couple of mouse clicks. All compiler options are supported. The gen-
- erated 'DMakefile' includes the basic object->source, executable->
- object dependancies as well as dependancies for all included headers,
- precompiled headers and errorfile deletion prior to a new run. The
- output format is such that all files with the same options and head-
- ers are arranged in groups and referenced through symbolic names
- where possible. VisualMaker reads your DCCOPTS environment variable
- and shows them on the GUI. An option is included for setting this
- variable.
- Header dependancies are obtained through scanning of the source files
- recursively, so even deeply nested subheaders are found. Every time a
- headerfile is edited the corresponding source gets recompiled. If the
- precompile option is selected, precompiled headers will be deleted if
- any of their dependancies are altered, thus causing DiCe to precompile
- anew. If compiler error output is redirected to a file, this errorfile
- will be deleted prior to every new compile run.
- Only headers included in double quotes (e.g. #include "defs.h") will
- be searched for (angle brackets should be reserved for system headers).
- Headers included inside of plain C comments (/*...*/) will be ignored,
- nested comments are not supported.
- The 'DMakefile' itself includes a list of dependancies and commands
- necessary for creating the executable, the object files, disassembled
- files, automatic deletion of the Errorfile on startup, and for dele-
- tion of objects and preprocessed files.
- Invoke VisualMaker from the directory where you would like the
- 'DMakefile' to be written to. This is usually the directory
- containing the brunch of your source files and from where the
- compiler is started.
- The first thing 'VisualMaker' will do after invocation is to read
- your DCCOPTS environment variable, if found, and activate the cor-
- responding gadgets to reflect your default settings.
- Choose all the files for your project with the GetFile Gadget in
- the upper left corner (underneath the 'Generate' Button). This will
- bring up an ASL FileRequester. You can multiselect files by simul-
- taneously pressing the SHIFT key. Alternatively you can use the 'A'
- Button (All) to choose all the files in your current directory in
- one go. The files will show up in the 'Source List' ListviewGadget.
- (All files without a '.c', '.a' or '.o' extension will be filtered
- out, as well as object files which have a corresponding source).
- To remove files from the list, select them and press the 'R' Button
- (Remove). Now you can select your compiler options. The options are
- divided into two classes, the global compiler options, which are
- located underneath the 'Source List' Listview gadget, apply to all
- files in your project (e.g. Resident, Small/Large-Data model), and
- the local compiler option, above the 'Source List' (proto, -H, Stack,
- NoProf). These may apply to only particular files (e.g. profiling of
- only the time critical routines) as well as to all files. To turn on
- local options select the files in question. To select a single file,
- press the left mousebutton (LMB) over the file name. To select seve-
- ral files, drag the mouse while keeping the LMB pressed. To select
- (or unselect) files which are momentarily not in the visible region,
- drag the mouse over the rim of the gadget while keeping the button
- pressed. Pressing a local option button now will effect the selected
- files, showing the option behind the file name. For a comprehensive
- explanation of the individual compiler options see the DiCe documen-
- tation (dcc.doc).
- The Program Name defaults to one of the source filenames in the
- Source List (minus the extension). The name can be easily changed to
- another source filname by selecting that particular file in the Source
- List, or of course by typing it into the string gadget.
- The 'Errorfile' StringGadget specifies the output of compiler
- (Error)messages which is by default STDOUT.
- The 'Output Dir' StringGadget determines where the object files
- are written to. If not specified they are written into the same di-
- rectory as the source files.
- The 'Temporary Dir' StringGadget specifies the directory for pre-
- processed files.
- To generate the 'DMakefile' press the 'Generate' Button. All Files
- will now be scanned, searching for any included headers in double
- quotes (e.g. #include "defs.h") and, if found, these will be scanned
- as well searching for subheaders and so on. Note: headers inside of
- comments will not be searched. After the file has been written into
- the current directory the program will exit.
- To leave the program without writing the 'DMakefile', press the
- Close-Window gadget, or select 'Exit' in the menu.
- CloseWindow
- terminates the program WITHOUT writing the 'DMakefile'.
- Generate
- The 'DMakefile' will be written, and 'VisualMaker' will terminate.
- GetFileGadget
- Pressing the GetFileGadget brings up either a file- or directory
- requester. Some of the Requesters allow multiselection by hold-
- ding down the SHIFT key. After selection, files/directories will
- be listed in the corresponding listview-gadget.
- Source List (ListviewGadget)
- Here all Sourcefiles chosen with the FileRequester or 'A' button
- are listed. Any '.o' or '.a' files which also have a corresponding
- '*.c' file will NOT be listed. When a particular file is selected
- the local compiler options apply to this file. (De-)Selection is
- simply done by pressing the nouse button over a particular source
- name. Keeping the button pressed and dragging, allows multiselec-
- tion. The name of the executable is automatically set to the last
- selected file.
- R (Remove)
- Removes a selected file/Directory/Path from a Listview Gadget.
- A (All)
- This is a convenience button to select all files in the current di-
- rectory, bypassing the filerequester. Only files with a '.c', '.a'
- or '.o' extension are selected and shown in the listviewgadget. If
- a source and object file of the same name exist, only the source
- file will be shown.
- e.g. CURRENT DIR Source List
- main.c main.o -> main.c
- main.a main.o -> main.a
- main.o -> main.o
- In other words, object files will only be shown if they are 'extra
- objects'.
- Program Name
- Name of the executable program. If you select a filename from the
- Source List the extension will automatically be truncated and the
- rest placed into this string gadget. If this mechanism annoys you,
- just simpy type something into this Gadget manualy (a 'RETURN' will
- do) and the name will be "frozen".
- Errorfile
- Compiler error messages can be diverted to a particular file instead
- of STDOUT. Useful if you have a means of proccessing these from your
- Editor with say an AREXX-script.
- Output Dir
- The Directory where all object files ('.o') will be written to. If
- not specified, each objectfile will be written into the same direc-
- tory its source resides in.
- Temporary Dir
- The Directory where preprocessed files are written to.
- -proto
- Sets the "-proto" compiler option, enabling prototype checking. All
- functions not prototyped will cause an error during compilation. For
- the amiga library functions, the corresponding '*_protos.h' files in
- the 'clib' direrctory have to be included. When compiling with regis-
- tered arguments (-mr/-mR/-mRR) prototyping is mandatory.
- -H
- Any header files referenced in the source file with #include "name.h"
- (NOTICE: Header file in Quotes, NOT angle brackets) will be precom-
- piled and placed into the temporary directory (Default: 'T:') with
- the name 'name.m'. This can speed up compilation time tremendously.
- In the DMakefile a dependancy will be created, deleting the pre-
- compiled file whenever the corresponding headerfile or any subheaders
- included in it are changed causing the compiler to generate a new
- precompiled file. To precompile system headers e.g. '<stdio.h>' or
- '<intuition/intuition.h>', just include them in a header- or sub-
- headerfile, not in the source files or replace the angle brackets
- with double quotes, but you'll probably have to add an absolute path.
- Stack/-mr/-mR/-mRR
- Handling of function arguments.
- Stack - allows normal passing of function arguments via the stack.
- -mr - cause the compiler to create both a stack and registered
- argument entry point for functions.
- -mR - cause the compiler to generate a single registered argument
- entry point for each function.
- -mRR - as above, but extends registration to indirect function
- calls.
- The registered argument options switch on prototyping auto-
- matically, as this is mandatory.
- NoProf/-prof1/-prof2/-prof3
- En-/Disable profiling of either only the source (-prof1), source
- and clib functions (-prof2) or source, clib and amigalib functions
- (-prof3). With the latter two options, objects have to be linked
- with the corresponding profiling libraries.
- Resident
- Sets the "-r" compiler option, or if 'No Reloc Hunk' is enabled
- the "-pr" compiler option. This makes the code resident.
- Dynamic Stack
- Sets the "-gs" compiler option, adding code for automatic stack
- allocation if stack falls below a certain limit. (I have encountered
- some problems with this option).
- No Reloc Hunk
- Sets either "-pi", or "-pr" if 'Resident' is also enabled, causing
- the compiler NOT to generate a relocation hunk.
- Small Data / Large Data
- Sets the "-md" / "-mD" compiler options to create either a small
- (PC-relative) data model, or a large (absolute) data model.
- OS 2.0 / OS 3.0 / OS 1.3
- Sets the "-2.0"/"-3.0"/"-1.3" compiler options, telling the linker
- with which amiga library to link with.
- C++ Comments
- Sets the "-//" comiler option, letting the compiler recognize
- C++ style comments.
- Verbose
- Sets the "-v" compiler option which will show all 'dcc' commands
- in STDOUT while executing.
- 68000 / 68020 / 68030
- Sets the "-020"/"-030" options, specifing the processor for which
- the executable is written. (Default 68000)
- Small Code / Large Code
- Sets the "-mc" / "-mC" compiler options for either small code
- (Default) or large code model.
- -ms0 / -ms1 / -ms2
- ms0 - only 'const' data is put in code-hunk.
- ms1 - string constants are also placed in code-hunk.
- ms2 - as above, but all external 'const' references use near
- addressing.
- -unix
- Objects are linked with the unix libraries.
- -chip
- Force all hunks into chip memory.
- NoCoPro / -881 / -882
- Tells the compiler to produce floatpoint code for corresponding
- co-processor.
- -lm
- Objects are linked with the maths library for floatpoint output
- e.g. printf("%lf", ...). By default this is turned on whenever
- VisualMaker encounters an "%*lf" in the source code. See also
- the menu options.
- -s
- Add symbolic debugging information in the executable.
- -I0
- Remove default include paths.
- -L0
- Remove default library paths.
- As you've probably noticed, you access this second panel of gadgets
- by pressing the LMB anywhere inside the window outside of gadget
- activation areas. The top row of gadgets activates more esoteric
- options of the compiler and I will not go into these (see dcc.doc).
- The listview gadgets underneath allow you to specify additional
- link libraries, library- and include paths. Their functionality is
- the same as with the 'Source List'.
- Link Library
- You may specify additional libraries you want to link your code with.
- Only files with a ".lib" extension are accessible through the library-
- requester. It is generally not necessary to add a particular model of
- the standard c-, amiga-, or maths-library here since these are auto-
- matically dealt with.
- (e.g. muis.lib - if you're working on a MUI project).
- Library Paths
- Specify additional paths (directories) where the compiler should look
- for libraries if they are not located in the standard DLIB: directory.
- Include Paths
- Specify additional paths where the compiler should look for include
- files not found in the standard DINCLUDE: directory. The specified
- path will also be searched by VisualMaker if it can't find one of your
- header files either in the current directory or the one the corres-
- ponding source file is located in.
- This will pop up a requester allowing you to save the currently set
- compiler options in VisualMaker to the DCCOPTS environment variable.
- Three options are available:
- Options are saved permanently in ENVARC:DCCOPTS.
- Options are saved in ENV:DCCOPTS and will be gone when computer
- is turned off (provided your ENV: directory is in ram:).
- Self-explanatory.
- check %lf
- This option causes VisualMaker to search for any output of float-point
- numbers in the source code and if found automatically set the "-lm"
- option in the DMakefile which causes the compiler to link with math
- library enabling output of 'float' and 'double' numbers (if not used
- float numbers are literally ouput as "<float>"). The program does not
- actually look for a
- '(s|f|v)printf("%...f")'
- command but rather just the format string
- "%[0-9.l+-\*]*(E|e|f|F|g|G)",
- that is it does not know whether the expression is inside a printf-
- family type of command or just a simple string. The option is on by
- default but if it causes any problems due to the above mentioned,
- just turn it off (the -lm option increases the executable size).
- Leave program without writing the DMakefile.
- 'DMake can be called with several keywords, which determine what
- it does. These are:
- DMake all
- or
- DMake <executable>
- -generates the executable (Program Name), recompiling every-
- thing that's necessary. The previous errofile (if specified
- in 'VisualMaker') is deleted prior to compilation. Note, if
- a full pathname was specified for the executable in
- 'VisualMaker' it should also be input here. This is case
- sensitive.
- DMake <file>.o
- -generates only the specified object file. Note, if an
- output directory was given this will have to be included,
- and is also case sensitive.
- e.g. OUTDIR = dtmp: , OBJ = main.o
- ==> DMake dtmp:main.o and not DTMP:main.o
- DMake <file>.a
- -generates only the specified disassembled file. The same
- applies as above.
- DMake clean
- -deletes all object-, precompiled- and error- files.
- DMake cleano
- -only deletes all objectfiles.
- If you want a dependancy for the automatic creation of a prototypes
- file (e.g. 'protos.h') then create an environment variable called
- 'MAKEPROTO'. Place a string with your 'makeproto' calling format fol-
- lowed by a blank and then the prototype filename.
- Example1:
- If you use Matt Dillon's 'makeproto' and your prototype file is
- called 'protos.h' use the following command;
- Setenv MAKEPROTO "makeproto -o protos.h protos.h"
- Example2:
- If you use Eric Smith's Public Domain 'mkproto' utility (my choice,
- since it extracts the prototypes directly out of the declared func-
- tions) use the following command:
- Setenv MAKEPROTO "mkproto >protos.h protos.h"
- To make this setting permanent copy 'env:MAKEPROTO' into the 'envarc:'
- directory.
- DMake uses the time-stamp of the files to determine whether a re-
- compilation is neccessary. If you do not have a clock, or it doesn't
- always function properly (mine sometimes sets itself back to Jan-78)
- in an unlucky case it could happen that a freshly edited dependent
- file has an older time stamp than its target file, causing DMake
- not to resolve the dependency (and your bug-fix or added feature
- not showing up).
- e.g. having the following dependancy,
- main.o : main.c
- dcc main.c -o main.o
- say the target 'main.o' already exists from a previous session,
- in this session your timer misbehaves (setting itself back to the
- 70's) and you edited 'main.c', the new file won't be recompiled.
- The solution is either
- a) to always check and set the timer before starting a session,
- b) to manually set the date of 'main.c' with 'Date' or 'touch'
- to something newer than 'main.o',
- c) just simply by deleting the target 'main.o'.
- Make is a utility program included in all serious compiler-packages
- that automates the recompilation process for large programs made up
- of several files. When making changes to a particular file only
- those files which are directly influenced by these changes (i.e. which
- are dependant ) are recompiled, usually not all of them, which can
- result in tremendous time savings as well as relieving the programer
- from the burden of remembering and typing endless lines of compiler
- commands.
- Make uses the file time-stamp in its considerations. The Make
- program is driven by a Makefile which consists of a list of file
- dependancies and command lines. Consider the following simple example:
- main.o : main.c
- dcc -c main.c -o main.o
- Here 'main.o' (target file) depends on 'main.c' (dependant file). If
- the dependant file is newer than the target file or the target does
- not exist, the dependancy is resolved, that is the command below is
- executed. Several other forms of declaring dependancies are available.
- Furthermore commands may be AmigaDOS commands such as 'Delete' etc.
- For details of the syntax see the DMake manual.
- (A feature not documented is the prefixing of commands with a minus
- sign which will inhibit premature termination of DMake if a command
- returns an error or warning).
- Anyway, with VisualMaker you should not have to worry about this!!
- Even if you are just compiling a single file, a DMakefile can still
- be of use. Your particular compiler options are saved and you don't
- have to worry about deleting the 'errorfile' (if redirected) prior
- to a new run (remember, the errors and warnings are always appended).
- An option I particularly recommend is the precompilation of header
- files. If you have enough memory, all headers, including the system
- headers (e.g. <intuition/intuition.h>) may be precompiled. Since the
- compiler will then only have to read them ONCE from your diskdrive,
- this saves a lot of time. To do this put all your definitions and
- (system) include files in one header, say 'defs.h', and reference
- them with #include "defs.h" from every source file which needs them.