home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* hfs.c:
- *
- * Support for the Macintosh HFS filing system.
- *
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * This code is (C) Copyright 1993,1994 by Frank Munkert.
- * All rights reserved.
- * This software may be freely distributed and redistributed for
- * non-commercial purposes, provided this notice is included.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * History:
- *
- * 15-Apr-93 fmu - Improved conversion routines.
- * - Fixed bug in HFS_Find_Parent().
- * - Fixed bug in date conversion routine.
- * 02-Jan-93 fmu Improved search method for master directory block.
- * 03-Dec-93 fmu - Fixed bug in HFS_Find_Leaf_Record().
- * - Convert ':' and '/' characters.
- * - Also convert volume names.
- * 29-Nov-93 fmu New function HFS_Block_Size().
- * 15-Nov-93 fmu Corrected some typing mistakes in the HFS->ISO conversion
- * table.
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/utility_protos.h>
- #ifdef AZTEC_C
- #include <pragmas/exec_lib.h>
- #include <pragmas/utility_lib.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef LATTICE
- #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/utility_pragmas.h>
- extern struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- extern struct Library *UtilityBase;
- #endif
- #if defined(_DCC) && defined(REGISTERED)
- #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
- #include <pragmas/utility_pragmas.h>
- extern struct Library *SysBase;
- extern struct Library *UtilityBase;
- #endif
- #include "cdrom.h"
- #include "generic.h"
- #include "hfs.h"
- #include "params.h"
- char g_data_fork_extension[17] = { 0, };
- char g_resource_fork_extension[17] = { 0, };
- t_bool g_convert_hfs_filenames = FALSE;
- t_bool g_convert_hfs_spaces = FALSE;
- typedef struct hfs_vol_info {
- t_mdb mdb;
- int start_block;
- t_ulong root_node;
- } t_hfs_vol_info;
- typedef struct hfs_obj_info {
- t_bool data_fork;
- t_ulong parent_id;
- char name[50];
- t_catalog_record cat_rec;
- } t_hfs_obj_info;
- typedef struct leaf_record_pos {
- t_ulong node;
- t_ushort record;
- t_node_descr node_descr;
- t_catalog_record cat_rec;
- t_leaf_record leaf_rec;
- char pad[32]; /* space for name from t_leaf_record */
- } t_leaf_record_pos;
- #define VOL(vol,tag) (((t_hfs_vol_info *)(vol->vol_info))->tag)
- #define OBJ(obj,tag) (((t_hfs_obj_info *)(obj->obj_info))->tag)
- /* Number of seconds betweem 01-Jan-1904 and 01-Jan-1978: */
- #define TIME_DIFF ((74 * 365 + 19) * 24 * 60 * 60)
- static char g_conv_table[128] = {
- 'Ä', 'Å', 'Ç', 'É', 'Ñ', 'Ö', 'Ü',
- 'á', 'à', 'â', 'ä', 'ã', 'å', 'ç',
- 'é', 'è', 'ê', 'ë', 'í', 'ì', 'î',
- 'ï', 'ñ', 'ó', 'ò', 'ô', 'ö', 'õ',
- 'ú', 'ù', 'û', 'ü', '¿', '°', '¢',
- '£', '§', '·', '¶', 'ß', '®', '©',
- '¿', '´', '¨', '¿', 'Æ', 'Ø', '¿',
- '±', '¿', '¿', '¥', 'µ', 'ð', '¿',
- '¿', '¿', '¿', 'ª', 'º', '¿', 'æ',
- 'ø', '¿', '¡', '¬', '¿', '¿', '¿',
- '¿', '«', '»', '¿', ' ', 'À', 'Ã',
- 'Õ', '¿', '¿', '', '-', '\"', '\"',
- '`', '´', '÷', '¿', 'ÿ', '¿', '/',
- '¤', '¿', '¿', '¿', '¿', '¿', '.',
- '¸', '¿', '¿', 'Â', 'Ê', 'Á', 'Ë',
- 'È', 'Í', 'Î', 'Ï', 'Ì', 'Ó', 'Ô',
- '¿', 'Ò', 'Ú', 'Û', 'Ù', '¿', '^',
- '~', '', '¿', '·', '°', '¿', '\"',
- '.', '¿'
- };
- void Convert_Mac_Characters (char *p_buf, int p_buf_len)
- {
- unsigned char *cp = (unsigned char *) p_buf;
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<p_buf_len; i++, cp++)
- if (*cp >= 128)
- *cp = g_conv_table[*cp-128];
- else if (*cp == ':')
- *cp = '.';
- else if (*cp == '/')
- *cp = '-';
- else if (*cp < 32)
- *cp = 0xBF /* ¿ */;
- }
- void Convert_HFS_Spaces (char *p_buf, int p_buf_len)
- {
- unsigned char *cp = (unsigned char *) p_buf;
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<p_buf_len; i++, cp++)
- if (*cp == ' ' || *cp == 0xA0)
- *cp = '_';
- }
- t_uchar *Read_Block (CDROM *p_cdrom, t_ulong p_block)
- {
- if (!Read_Sector (p_cdrom, p_block >> 2))
- return NULL;
- return p_cdrom->buffer + ((p_block & 3) << 9);
- }
- t_uchar *Read_Contiguous_Blocks (CDROM *p_cdrom, t_ulong p_block,
- t_ulong p_last_block)
- {
- if (!Read_Contiguous_Sectors (p_cdrom, p_block >> 2, p_last_block >> 2))
- return NULL;
- return p_cdrom->buffer + ((p_block & 3) << 9);
- }
- /* Convert allocation block number into 512 byte block number.
- */
- t_ulong AB_to_Block (VOLUME *p_volume, t_ulong p_alloc_block)
- {
- return p_alloc_block * (VOL(p_volume,mdb).AlBlkSiz >> 9) +
- VOL(p_volume,mdb).AlBlSt + VOL(p_volume,start_block);
- }
- int HFS_Find_Master_Directory_Block (CDROM *p_cd, t_mdb *p_mdb)
- {
- t_uchar *block;
- typedef __unaligned struct partition_map {
- t_ushort pmSig;
- t_ushort reSigPad;
- t_ulong pmMapBlkCnt;
- t_ulong pmPyPartStart;
- t_ulong pmPartBlkCnt;
- char pmPartName[32];
- char pmPartType[32];
- } t_partition_map;
- int i, entries;
- int result;
- block = Read_Block (p_cd, 1);
- if (!block || block[0] != 0x50 || block[1] != 0x4D)
- return -1;
- entries = ((t_partition_map *) block)->pmMapBlkCnt;
- for (i=0; i<entries; i++) {
- block = Read_Block (p_cd, i+1);
- if (!block || block[0] != 0x50 || block[1] != 0x4D)
- return -1;
- if (memcmp (((t_partition_map *) block)->pmPartType,
- "Apple_HFS", 9) == 0) {
- result = ((t_partition_map *) block)->pmPyPartStart + 2;
- block = Read_Block (p_cd, result);
- if (!block || block[0] != 0x42 || block[1] != 0x44)
- return -1;
- else {
- memcpy (p_mdb, block, sizeof (*p_mdb));
- return result;
- }
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- t_bool Uses_HFS_Protocol (CDROM *p_cd, int *p_skip)
- {
- t_mdb mdb;
- int blk;
- blk = HFS_Find_Master_Directory_Block (p_cd, &mdb);
- if (blk == -1)
- return FALSE;
- *p_skip = blk - 2; /* *p_skip holds the start block of the volume */
- return TRUE;
- }
- t_bool HFS_Get_Header_Node (CDROM *p_cd, t_ulong p_mdb_pos,
- t_mdb *p_mdb, t_hdr_node *p_hdr_node)
- {
- t_ulong pos = (p_mdb_pos - 2 + p_mdb->AlBlSt +
- p_mdb->CTExtRec[0].StABN * (p_mdb->AlBlkSiz >> 9));
- t_hdr_node *hdr;
- hdr = (t_hdr_node *) Read_Block (p_cd, pos);
- if (!hdr)
- return FALSE;
- memcpy (p_hdr_node, hdr, sizeof (t_hdr_node));
- return TRUE;
- }
- t_node_descr *HFS_Get_Node (CDROM *p_cd, t_ulong p_mdb_pos, t_mdb *p_mdb,
- t_ulong p_node)
- {
- t_ulong first_node;
- t_ulong pos;
- t_ulong max = 0;
- t_ulong sub = 0;
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
- max += p_mdb->CTExtRec[i].NumABlks * (p_mdb->AlBlkSiz >> 9);
- if (p_node < max)
- break;
- sub = max;
- }
- if (i==3)
- return NULL;
- first_node = (p_mdb_pos - 2 + p_mdb->AlBlSt +
- p_mdb->CTExtRec[i].StABN * (p_mdb->AlBlkSiz >> 9));
- pos = first_node + (p_node - sub);
- return (t_node_descr *) Read_Block (p_cd, pos);
- }
- t_node_descr *HFS_Node (VOLUME *p_volume, t_ulong p_node)
- {
- return HFS_Get_Node (p_volume->cd, VOL(p_volume,start_block) + 2,
- &VOL(p_volume,mdb), p_node);
- }
- void HFS_Load_Catalog_Record (t_catalog_record *p_cat_rec,
- char *p_node, int p_record)
- {
- short *sp = (short *) p_node;
- int len;
- int start;
- start = sp[255-p_record];
- start += p_node[start] + 1;
- if (start & 1)
- start++;
- len = sp[254-p_record] - start;
- memcpy (p_cat_rec, p_node + start, len);
- }
- t_bool HFS_Find_Next_Leaf (VOLUME *p_volume, t_leaf_record_pos *p_leaf)
- {
- t_node_descr *node;
- short *sp;
- int pos;
- node = HFS_Node (p_volume, p_leaf->node);
- if (!node)
- return FALSE;
- p_leaf->record++;
- if (p_leaf->record == node->NRecs) {
- if (node->FLink) {
- node = HFS_Node (p_volume, p_leaf->node = node->FLink);
- if (!node)
- return FALSE;
- p_leaf->record = 0;
- } else
- return FALSE;
- }
- sp = (short *) node;
- pos = sp[255-p_leaf->record];
- memcpy (&p_leaf->node_descr, node, sizeof (t_node_descr));
- memcpy (&p_leaf->leaf_rec, (char *) node + pos, ((char *) node)[pos] + 1);
- HFS_Load_Catalog_Record (&p_leaf->cat_rec, (char *) node, p_leaf->record);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* Find leaf record p_leaf->record in node p_leaf->node.
- * Store the result in *p_leaf.
- */
- t_bool HFS_Find_This_Leaf (VOLUME *p_volume, t_leaf_record_pos *p_leaf)
- {
- t_node_descr *node;
- short *sp;
- int pos;
- node = HFS_Node (p_volume, p_leaf->node);
- if (!node)
- return FALSE;
- sp = (short *) node;
- pos = sp[255-p_leaf->record];
- memcpy (&p_leaf->node_descr, node, sizeof (t_node_descr));
- memcpy (&p_leaf->leaf_rec, (char *) node + pos, ((char *) node)[pos] + 1);
- HFS_Load_Catalog_Record (&p_leaf->cat_rec, (char *) node, p_leaf->record);
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* Find the first leaf record with parent ID p_parent_id.
- * If the leaf node is found, TRUE is returned and *p_cat_rec will be
- * loaded with the catalog record. Otherwise, FALSE is returned.
- */
- t_bool HFS_Find_Leaf_Record (VOLUME *p_volume, t_leaf_record_pos *p_leaf,
- t_ulong p_parent_id)
- {
- t_node_descr *node;
- short *sp;
- int i;
- t_ulong this_node = VOL(p_volume,root_node);
- t_ulong next_node;
- node = HFS_Node (p_volume, VOL(p_volume,root_node));
- if (!node) {
- iso_errno = ISOERR_SCSI_ERROR;
- return FALSE;
- }
- for (;;) {
- if (node->Type == 0) { /* index node */
- sp = (short *) node;
- next_node = -1;
- for (i=0; i<node->NRecs; i++) {
- t_idx_record *idx = (t_idx_record *) ((char *) node + sp[255-i]);
- if (idx->length != 0) {
- if (idx->parent_id >= p_parent_id)
- break;
- next_node = idx->pointer;
- }
- }
- } else if (node->Type == 0xff) { /* leaf node */
- break;
- } else {
- iso_errno = ISOERR_INTERNAL;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (next_node == -1) {
- iso_errno = ISOERR_INTERNAL;
- return FALSE;
- }
- node = HFS_Node (p_volume, next_node);
- if (!node) {
- iso_errno = ISOERR_SCSI_ERROR;
- return FALSE;
- }
- this_node = next_node;
- }
- p_leaf->node = this_node;
- p_leaf->record = 0;
- memcpy (&p_leaf->node_descr, node, sizeof (t_node_descr));
- memcpy (&p_leaf->leaf_rec, (char *) node + 0xe, ((char *) node)[0xe] + 1);
- HFS_Load_Catalog_Record (&p_leaf->cat_rec, (char *) node, 0);
- /* walk forwards until the same key is found: */
- for (;;) {
- if (p_leaf->leaf_rec.parent_id == p_parent_id)
- return TRUE;
- if (p_leaf->leaf_rec.parent_id > p_parent_id) {
- iso_errno = ISOERR_INTERNAL;
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!HFS_Find_Next_Leaf (p_volume, p_leaf)) {
- iso_errno = ISOERR_INTERNAL;
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
- t_bool HFS_Init_Vol_Info (VOLUME *p_volume, int p_start_block)
- {
- extern t_handler g_hfs_handler;
- t_uchar *block;
- t_hdr_node hdr;
- /* Here is a good place to check whether the values of the variables
- * g_data_fork_extension and g_resource_fork_extension are OK.
- */
- if (g_data_fork_extension[0] == 0 &&
- g_resource_fork_extension[0] == 0)
- strcpy (g_resource_fork_extension, ".rsrc");
- /*
- * Volume info initialization:
- */
- p_volume->handler = &g_hfs_handler;
- p_volume->vol_info = AllocMem (sizeof (t_hfs_vol_info), MEMF_PUBLIC);
- if (!p_volume->vol_info) {
- iso_errno = ISOERR_NO_MEMORY;
- return FALSE;
- }
- VOL(p_volume,start_block) = p_start_block;
- if (!(block = Read_Block (p_volume->cd, p_start_block + 2))) {
- iso_errno = ISOERR_SCSI_ERROR;
- FreeMem (p_volume->vol_info, sizeof (t_hfs_vol_info));
- return FALSE;
- }
- memcpy (&VOL(p_volume,mdb), block, sizeof (t_mdb));
- if (!HFS_Get_Header_Node (p_volume->cd, p_start_block + 2,
- &VOL(p_volume,mdb), &hdr)) {
- iso_errno = ISOERR_SCSI_ERROR;
- FreeMem (p_volume->vol_info, sizeof (t_hfs_vol_info));
- return FALSE;
- }
- VOL(p_volume,root_node) = hdr.Root;
- p_volume->mixed_char_filenames = TRUE;
- return TRUE;
- }
- void HFS_Close_Vol_Info (VOLUME *p_volume)
- {
- FreeMem (p_volume->vol_info, sizeof (t_hfs_vol_info));
- }
- CDROM_OBJ *HFS_Alloc_Obj (void)
- {
- CDROM_OBJ *obj = AllocMem (sizeof (CDROM_OBJ), MEMF_PUBLIC | MEMF_CLEAR);
- if (!obj) {
- iso_errno = ISOERR_NO_MEMORY;
- return NULL;
- }
- obj->obj_info = AllocMem (sizeof (t_hfs_obj_info), MEMF_PUBLIC | MEMF_CLEAR);
- if (!obj->obj_info) {
- FreeMem (obj, sizeof (CDROM_OBJ));
- return NULL;
- }
- return obj;
- }
- CDROM_OBJ *HFS_Open_Top_Level_Directory (VOLUME *p_volume)
- {
- CDROM_OBJ *obj = HFS_Alloc_Obj ();
- if (!obj)
- return NULL;
- obj->directory_f = TRUE;
- obj->volume = p_volume;
- OBJ(obj,parent_id) = 1;
- strcpy (OBJ(obj,name), ":");
- OBJ(obj,cat_rec).d.DirID = 2;
- return obj;
- }
- CDROM_OBJ *HFS_Open_Object (VOLUME *p_volume, char *p_name, t_ulong p_parent)
- {
- t_leaf_record_pos leaf;
- CDROM_OBJ *obj;
- char name[50];
- char type;
- t_bool data_fork;
- if (!HFS_Find_Leaf_Record (p_volume, &leaf, p_parent))
- return NULL;
- for (;;) {
- type = leaf.cat_rec.d.type;
- if (type == 1 || type == 2) {
- if (leaf.leaf_rec.parent_id != p_parent) {
- iso_errno = ISOERR_NOT_FOUND;
- return NULL;
- }
- memcpy (name, leaf.leaf_rec.name, leaf.leaf_rec.name_length);
- name[leaf.leaf_rec.name_length] = 0;
- if (g_convert_hfs_filenames)
- Convert_Mac_Characters (name, leaf.leaf_rec.name_length);
- if (g_convert_hfs_spaces)
- Convert_HFS_Spaces (name, leaf.leaf_rec.name_length);
- if (type == 1) {
- if (Stricmp ((UBYTE *) p_name, (UBYTE *) name) == 0)
- break;
- } else {
- strcat (name, g_data_fork_extension);
- if (Stricmp ((UBYTE *) p_name, (UBYTE *) name) == 0) {
- data_fork = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- name[leaf.leaf_rec.name_length] = 0;
- strcat (name, g_resource_fork_extension);
- if (Stricmp ((UBYTE *) p_name, (UBYTE *) name) == 0) {
- data_fork = FALSE;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (!HFS_Find_Next_Leaf (p_volume, &leaf))
- return NULL;
- }
- obj = HFS_Alloc_Obj ();
- obj->directory_f = (type == 1);
- obj->volume = p_volume;
- OBJ(obj,data_fork) = data_fork;
- OBJ(obj,parent_id) = p_parent;
- strcpy (OBJ(obj,name), name);
- memcpy (&OBJ(obj,cat_rec), &leaf.cat_rec, sizeof (t_catalog_record));
- return obj;
- }
- /* Open the object with name p_name in the directory p_dir.
- * p_name must not contain '/' or ':' characters.
- */
- CDROM_OBJ *HFS_Open_Obj_In_Directory (CDROM_OBJ *p_dir, char *p_name)
- {
- return HFS_Open_Object (p_dir->volume, p_name, OBJ(p_dir,cat_rec).d.DirID);
- }
- CDROM_OBJ *HFS_Find_Parent (CDROM_OBJ *p_obj)
- {
- t_leaf_record_pos leaf;
- if (OBJ(p_obj,parent_id) == 2)
- return HFS_Open_Top_Level_Directory (p_obj->volume);
- if (!HFS_Find_Leaf_Record (p_obj->volume, &leaf, OBJ(p_obj,parent_id)))
- return NULL;
- for (;;) {
- if (leaf.leaf_rec.parent_id != OBJ(p_obj,parent_id)) {
- iso_errno = ISOERR_INTERNAL;
- return NULL;
- }
- if (leaf.cat_rec.d.type == 3) {
- char buf[50];
- memcpy (buf, leaf.cat_rec.dt.CName, leaf.cat_rec.dt.CNameLen);
- buf[leaf.cat_rec.dt.CNameLen] = 0;
- if (g_convert_hfs_filenames)
- Convert_Mac_Characters (buf, leaf.cat_rec.dt.CNameLen);
- if (g_convert_hfs_spaces)
- Convert_HFS_Spaces (buf, leaf.cat_rec.dt.CNameLen);
- return HFS_Open_Object (p_obj->volume, buf, leaf.cat_rec.dt.ParID);
- }
- if (!HFS_Find_Next_Leaf (p_obj->volume, &leaf))
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- void HFS_Close_Obj (CDROM_OBJ *p_obj)
- {
- FreeMem (p_obj->obj_info, sizeof (t_hfs_obj_info));
- FreeMem (p_obj, sizeof (CDROM_OBJ));
- }
- int HFS_Read_From_File (CDROM_OBJ *p_file, char *p_buffer, int p_buffer_length)
- {
- unsigned long block;
- int remain_block, remain_file, remain;
- int len;
- CDROM *cd;
- int pos;
- int buf_pos = 0;
- int todo;
- t_bool data_fork = OBJ(p_file,data_fork);
- t_ulong first_block;
- t_ulong last_block;
- t_ulong data_length = (data_fork ? OBJ(p_file,cat_rec).f.LgLen :
- OBJ(p_file,cat_rec).f.RLgLen);
- if (p_file->pos == data_length)
- /* at end of file: */
- return 0;
- cd = p_file->volume->cd;
- first_block = AB_to_Block (p_file->volume,
- data_fork ?
- OBJ(p_file,cat_rec).f.ExtRec[0].StABN :
- OBJ(p_file,cat_rec).f.RExtRec[0].StABN);
- block = first_block + (p_file->pos >> 9);
- last_block = first_block + ((data_length-1) >> 11);
- todo = p_buffer_length;
- while (todo) {
- t_uchar *data;
- if (!(data = Read_Contiguous_Blocks (cd, block, last_block))) {
- iso_errno = ISOERR_SCSI_ERROR;
- return -1;
- }
- remain_block = 512 - (pos = (p_file->pos & 511));
- remain_file = data_length - p_file->pos;
- remain = (remain_block < remain_file) ? remain_block : remain_file;
- len = (todo < remain) ? todo : remain;
- CopyMem ((APTR) (data + pos), (APTR) (p_buffer + buf_pos), len);
- buf_pos += len;
- p_file->pos += len;
- todo -= len;
- if (p_file->pos >= data_length)
- break;
- block++;
- }
- return buf_pos;
- }
- t_bool HFS_Cdrom_Info (CDROM_OBJ *p_obj, CDROM_INFO *p_info)
- {
- p_info->symlink_f = 0;
- p_info->directory_f = p_obj->directory_f;
- p_info->name_length = strlen (OBJ(p_obj,name));
- memcpy (p_info->name, OBJ(p_obj,name), p_info->name_length);
- if (p_info->directory_f) {
- p_info->file_length = 0;
- p_info->date = OBJ(p_obj,cat_rec).d.CrDat - TIME_DIFF;
- } else {
- if (OBJ(p_obj,data_fork))
- p_info->file_length = OBJ(p_obj,cat_rec).f.LgLen;
- else
- p_info->file_length = OBJ(p_obj,cat_rec).f.RLgLen;
- p_info->date = OBJ(p_obj,cat_rec).f.CrDat - TIME_DIFF;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- /* The 'offset' is a long integer coded like this:
- *
- * Bit: | 31 ... 8 | 7 6 | 5 4 3 2 1 0
- * | | |
- * Contents: | Node number | Fork | Record number
- *
- * The "Fork" value is encoded as follows:
- *
- * 0 - data fork
- * 1 - resource fork
- * 2 - directory
- * 3 - illegal
- */
- t_bool HFS_Examine_Next (CDROM_OBJ *p_obj, CDROM_INFO *p_info,
- unsigned long *p_offset)
- {
- t_leaf_record_pos leaf;
- short fork = 3;
- while (fork == 3) {
- if (*p_offset == 0) {
- if (!HFS_Find_Leaf_Record (p_obj->volume, &leaf, OBJ(p_obj,cat_rec).d.DirID))
- return FALSE;
- } else {
- leaf.node = *p_offset >> 8;
- leaf.record = *p_offset & 63;
- fork = (*p_offset & 0xC0) >> 6;
- if (fork == 0) {
- if (!HFS_Find_This_Leaf (p_obj->volume, &leaf))
- return FALSE;
- } else {
- if (!HFS_Find_Next_Leaf (p_obj->volume, &leaf))
- return FALSE;
- if (leaf.leaf_rec.parent_id != OBJ(p_obj,cat_rec).d.DirID)
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- if (leaf.cat_rec.d.type == 1)
- fork = 2;
- else if (leaf.cat_rec.d.type != 2)
- fork = 3;
- else if (fork != 0 && leaf.cat_rec.f.LgLen > 0)
- fork = 0;
- else if (leaf.cat_rec.f.RLgLen > 0)
- fork = 1;
- else
- fork = 3;
- *p_offset = ((leaf.node << 8) + (fork << 6) + leaf.record);
- }
- p_info->symlink_f = 0;
- p_info->directory_f = (leaf.cat_rec.d.type == 1);
- p_info->name_length = leaf.leaf_rec.name_length;
- memcpy (p_info->name, leaf.leaf_rec.name, leaf.leaf_rec.name_length);
- if (g_convert_hfs_filenames)
- Convert_Mac_Characters (p_info->name, p_info->name_length);
- if (g_convert_hfs_spaces)
- Convert_HFS_Spaces (p_info->name, p_info->name_length);
- if (p_info->directory_f) {
- p_info->file_length = 0;
- p_info->date = leaf.cat_rec.d.CrDat - TIME_DIFF;
- } else {
- if (fork == 0) {
- memcpy (p_info->name + p_info->name_length, g_data_fork_extension,
- strlen (g_data_fork_extension));
- p_info->name_length += strlen (g_data_fork_extension);
- p_info->file_length = leaf.cat_rec.f.LgLen;
- } else {
- memcpy (p_info->name + p_info->name_length, g_resource_fork_extension,
- strlen (g_resource_fork_extension));
- p_info->name_length += strlen (g_resource_fork_extension);
- p_info->file_length = leaf.cat_rec.f.RLgLen;
- }
- p_info->date = leaf.cat_rec.f.CrDat - TIME_DIFF;
- }
- p_info->suppl_info = NULL;
- return TRUE;
- }
- void *HFS_Clone_Obj_Info (void *p_info)
- {
- t_hfs_obj_info *info = (t_hfs_obj_info *) p_info;
- t_hfs_obj_info *new;
- new = AllocMem (sizeof (t_hfs_obj_info), MEMF_PUBLIC);
- if (!new)
- return NULL;
- memcpy (new, info, sizeof (t_hfs_obj_info));
- return new;
- }
- t_bool HFS_Is_Top_Level_Obj (CDROM_OBJ *p_obj)
- {
- return OBJ(p_obj,parent_id) == 1;
- }
- t_bool HFS_Same_Objects (CDROM_OBJ *p_obj1, CDROM_OBJ *p_obj2)
- {
- if (OBJ(p_obj1,cat_rec).d.type != OBJ(p_obj2,cat_rec).d.type)
- return FALSE;
- if (OBJ(p_obj1,cat_rec).d.type == 1)
- return OBJ(p_obj1,cat_rec).d.DirID == OBJ(p_obj2,cat_rec).d.DirID;
- else
- return OBJ(p_obj1,cat_rec).f.FlNum == OBJ(p_obj2,cat_rec).f.FlNum;
- }
- t_ulong HFS_Creation_Date (VOLUME *p_volume)
- {
- return VOL(p_volume,mdb).CrDate - TIME_DIFF;
- }
- /* Return volume size in 2048 byte blocks:
- */
- t_ulong HFS_Volume_Size (VOLUME *p_volume)
- {
- return (VOL(p_volume,mdb).NmAlBlks * (VOL(p_volume,mdb).AlBlkSiz >> 9));
- }
- t_ulong HFS_Block_Size (VOLUME *p_volume)
- {
- return 512;
- }
- void HFS_Volume_Id (VOLUME *p_volume, char *p_buf, int p_buf_length)
- {
- int len = p_buf_length - 1;
- if (len > VOL(p_volume,mdb).VolNameLen)
- len = VOL(p_volume,mdb).VolNameLen;
- memcpy (p_buf, VOL(p_volume,mdb).VolName, len);
- p_buf[len] = 0;
- if (g_convert_hfs_filenames)
- Convert_Mac_Characters (p_buf, len);
- if (g_convert_hfs_spaces)
- Convert_HFS_Spaces (p_buf, len);
- }
- t_ulong HFS_Location (CDROM_OBJ *p_obj)
- {
- if (p_obj->directory_f) {
- if (Is_Top_Level_Object (p_obj))
- return FALSE;
- return OBJ(p_obj,cat_rec).d.DirID;
- } else
- return OBJ(p_obj,cat_rec).f.FlNum;
- }
- t_ulong HFS_File_Length (CDROM_OBJ *p_obj)
- {
- return (OBJ(p_obj,data_fork) ?
- OBJ(p_obj,cat_rec).f.LgLen :
- OBJ(p_obj,cat_rec).f.RLgLen);
- }
- t_handler g_hfs_handler = {
- HFS_Close_Vol_Info,
- HFS_Open_Top_Level_Directory,
- HFS_Open_Obj_In_Directory,
- HFS_Find_Parent,
- HFS_Close_Obj,
- HFS_Read_From_File,
- HFS_Cdrom_Info,
- HFS_Examine_Next,
- HFS_Clone_Obj_Info,
- HFS_Is_Top_Level_Obj,
- HFS_Same_Objects,
- HFS_Creation_Date,
- HFS_Volume_Size,
- HFS_Volume_Id,
- HFS_Location,
- HFS_File_Length,
- HFS_Block_Size
- };