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- /* rock.c:
- *
- * Support for the Rock Ridge filing system.
- *
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * This code is (C) Copyright 1993,1994 by Frank Munkert.
- * All rights reserved.
- * This software may be freely distributed and redistributed for
- * non-commercial purposes, provided this notice is included.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * History:
- *
- * 05-Feb-94 fmu Added support for relocated directories.
- * 16-Oct-93 fmu Adapted to new VOLUME structure.
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #ifdef AZTEC_C
- #include <pragmas/exec_lib.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef LATTICE
- #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
- #endif
- #if defined(_DCC) && defined(REGISTERED)
- #include <pragmas/exec_pragmas.h>
- extern struct Library *SysBase;
- #endif
- #include "rock.h"
- #define VOL(vol,tag) (((t_iso_vol_info *)(vol->vol_info))->tag)
- #define OBJ(obj,tag) (((t_iso_obj_info *)(obj->obj_info))->tag)
- /* Check whether the given volume uses the Rock Ridge Interchange Protocol.
- * The protocol is identified by the sequence
- * 'S' 'P' 7 1 0xbe 0xef
- * in the system use field of the (00) directory in the root directory of
- * the volume.
- *
- * Returns 1 iff the RR protocol is used; 0 otherwise.
- * If the RR protocol is used, *p_skip will be set to the skip length
- * specified in the SP system use field.
- */
- t_bool Uses_Rock_Ridge_Protocol (VOLUME *p_volume, int *p_skip)
- {
- unsigned long loc = VOL(p_volume,pvd).root.extent_loc_m;
- directory_record *dir;
- int system_use_pos;
- unsigned char *sys;
- if (!(dir = Get_Directory_Record (p_volume, loc, 0)))
- return 0;
- system_use_pos = 33 + dir->file_id_length;
- if (system_use_pos & 1)
- system_use_pos++;
- if (system_use_pos >= dir->length)
- return 0;
- sys = (unsigned char *) dir + system_use_pos;
- if (sys[0] == 'S' && sys[1] == 'P' && sys[2] == 7 &&
- sys[3] == 1 && sys[4] == 0xbe && sys[5] == 0xef) {
- *p_skip = sys[6];
- return 1;
- } else
- return 0;
- }
- /* Searches for the system use field with name p_name in the directory record
- * p_dir and fills the buffer p_buf (with length p_buf_len) with the information
- * contained in the system use field.
- *
- * p_index is the ordinal number of the system use field (if more than one
- * system use field with the same name is recorded.) 0=first occurrence,
- * 1=second occurrence, and so on.
- *
- * 1 is returned if the system use field has been found; otherwise 0
- * is returned.
- */
- int Get_System_Use_Field (VOLUME *p_volume, directory_record *p_dir,
- char *p_name, char *p_buf, int p_buf_len,
- int p_index)
- {
- int system_use_pos;
- int slen, len;
- unsigned long length = p_dir->length;
- unsigned char *buf = (unsigned char *) p_dir;
- system_use_pos = 33 + p_dir->file_id_length;
- if (system_use_pos & 1)
- system_use_pos++;
- system_use_pos += VOL(p_volume,skip);
- /* the system use field must be at least 4 bytes long */
- while (system_use_pos + 3 < length) {
- slen = buf[system_use_pos+2];
- if (buf[system_use_pos] == p_name[0] &&
- buf[system_use_pos+1] == p_name[1]) {
- if (p_index)
- p_index--;
- else {
- len = (slen < p_buf_len) ? slen : p_buf_len;
- memcpy (p_buf, buf + system_use_pos, len);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- /* look for continuation area: */
- if (buf[system_use_pos] == 'C' &&
- buf[system_use_pos+1] == 'E') {
- unsigned long newloc, offset;
- memcpy (&newloc, buf + system_use_pos + 8, 4);
- memcpy (&offset, buf + system_use_pos + 16, 4);
- memcpy (&length, buf + system_use_pos + 24, 4);
- if (!Read_Sector (p_volume->cd, newloc))
- return 0;
- buf = p_volume->cd->buffer;
- system_use_pos = offset;
- continue;
- }
- /* look for system use field terminator: */
- if (buf[system_use_pos] == 'S' &&
- buf[system_use_pos+1] == 'T')
- return 0;
- system_use_pos += slen;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Determines the Rock Ridge file name of the CDROM object p_obj.
- * The file name will be stored in the buffer p_buf (with length p_buf_len).
- * The file name will NOT be null-terminated. The number of characters in
- * the file name is returned. If there is no Rock Ridge file name for
- * p_obj, then -1 is returned.
- */
- int Get_RR_File_Name (VOLUME *p_volume, directory_record *p_dir,
- char *p_buf, int p_buf_len)
- {
- __unaligned struct nm_system_use_field {
- char id[2];
- unsigned char length;
- unsigned char version;
- unsigned char flags;
- char name[210];
- } nm;
- int len, slen;
- int index = 0;
- int total = 0;
- for (;;) {
- if (!Get_System_Use_Field (p_volume, p_dir, "NM",
- (char *) &nm, sizeof (nm), index))
- return -1;
- slen = nm.length-5;
- len = (p_buf_len < slen) ? p_buf_len : slen;
- if (len)
- memcpy (p_buf, nm.name, len);
- total += len;
- if (!(nm.flags & 1))
- return total;
- p_buf += len;
- p_buf_len -= len;
- index++;
- }
- }
- /* Returns 1 if the PX system use field indicates a symbolic link.
- */
- int Is_A_Symbolic_Link (VOLUME *p_volume, directory_record *p_dir)
- {
- __unaligned struct px_system_use_field {
- char id[2];
- unsigned char length;
- unsigned char version;
- unsigned long mode_i;
- unsigned long mode_m;
- unsigned long links_i;
- unsigned long links_m;
- unsigned long user_id_i;
- unsigned long user_id_m;
- unsigned long group_id_i;
- unsigned long group_id_m;
- } px;
- if (!Get_System_Use_Field (p_volume, p_dir, "PX", (char *) &px, sizeof (px), 0))
- return 0;
- /* 0120000 is the POSIX code for symbolic links:
- */
- return (px.mode_m & 0770000) == 0120000;
- }
- /* Read content of SL system use field.
- * A full path name (starting with ":" or "sys:") will always be returned.
- */
- t_bool Get_Link_Name (CDROM_OBJ *p_obj, char *p_buf, int p_buf_len)
- {
- unsigned char buf[256];
- char out[530];
- int index = 0;
- int len;
- int offs;
- char c;
- out[0] = 0;
- for (;; ) {
- if (!Get_System_Use_Field (p_obj->volume, OBJ(p_obj,dir), "SL", (char *) buf,
- sizeof (buf), index)) {
- return (index == 0) ? 0 : 1;
- }
- offs = 5;
- for (;;) {
- if (strlen (out) > 256)
- return 0;
- if (index == 0 && offs == 5) {
- /* handle the first component record: */
- if (buf[5] & 4) /* parent directory */ {
- CDROM_OBJ *parent1 = Find_Parent (p_obj);
- CDROM_OBJ *parent2;
- char fullpath[256];
- if (!parent1)
- return 0;
- parent2 = Find_Parent (parent1);
- if (!parent2)
- return 0;
- if (!Full_Path_Name (parent2, fullpath, sizeof (fullpath)))
- return 0;
- Close_Object (parent1);
- Close_Object (parent2);
- strcat (out, fullpath);
- if (out[1] != 0)
- strcat (out, "/");
- } else if (buf[5] & 8) /* root */
- strcat (out, "sys:");
- else if (buf[5] & 16) /* volume root */
- strcat (out, ":");
- else { /* current directory */
- CDROM_OBJ *parent = Find_Parent (p_obj);
- char fullpath[256];
- if (!parent)
- return 0;
- if (!Full_Path_Name (parent, fullpath, sizeof (fullpath)))
- return 0;
- Close_Object (parent);
- strcat (out, fullpath);
- if (out[1] != 0)
- strcat (out, "/");
- }
- }
- if (out[0] && (c = out[strlen(out)-1]) != ':' && c != '/')
- strcat (out, "/");
- if (buf[offs] & 32) /* host name */
- strcat (out, "AMIGA");
- len = strlen (out);
- memcpy (out + len, buf + offs + 2, buf[offs+1]);
- out[len + buf[offs+1]] = 0;
- offs += 2 + buf[offs+1];
- if (offs >= buf[2])
- break;
- }
- if (!(buf[4] & 1)) /* continue flag */
- break;
- index++;
- }
- strncpy (p_buf, out, p_buf_len - 1);
- p_buf[p_buf_len-1] = 0;
- return 1;
- }
- /* Check whether a system use field is present: */
- int Has_System_Use_Field (VOLUME *p_volume, directory_record *p_dir,
- char *p_name)
- {
- return Get_System_Use_Field (p_volume, p_dir, p_name, NULL, 0, 0);
- }
- /* Return content of "CL" system use field, or -1, if no such system use field
- * is present.
- */
- long RR_Child_Link (VOLUME *p_volume, directory_record *p_dir)
- {
- __unaligned struct cl {
- char name[2];
- char length[1];
- char version[1];
- long pos_i;
- long pos_m;
- } buf;
- if (!Get_System_Use_Field (p_volume, p_dir, "CL", (char*) &buf, sizeof (buf), 0))
- return -1;
- else
- return buf.pos_m;
- }
- /* Return content of "PL" system use field, or -1, if no such system use field
- * is present.
- */
- long RR_Parent_Link (VOLUME *p_volume, directory_record *p_dir)
- {
- __unaligned struct pl {
- char name[2];
- char length[1];
- char version[1];
- long pos_i;
- long pos_m;
- } buf;
- if (!Get_System_Use_Field (p_volume, p_dir, "PL", (char*) &buf, sizeof (buf), 0))
- return -1;
- else
- return buf.pos_m;
- }