home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* volumes.c:
- *
- * Volume management.
- *
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * This code is (C) Copyright 1993,1994 by Frank Munkert.
- * All rights reserved.
- * This software may be freely distributed and redistributed for
- * non-commercial purposes, provided this notice is included.
- * ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- * History:
- *
- * 22-May-94 fmu Performance improvement for lock+filehandle processing.
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "cdrom.h"
- #include "device.h"
- #include "devsupp.h"
- #include "generic.h"
- extern char *g_vol_name;
- extern VOLUME *g_volume;
- extern CDROM_OBJ *g_top_level_obj;
- extern DEVLIST *DevList;
- typedef struct lock_node {
- LOCK *lock;
- char *vol_name;
- t_path_list pathlist;
- struct lock_node *next;
- } t_lock_node;
- t_lock_node *g_lock_list = NULL;
- /* Associate p_lock with the pathname of the locked object on the current
- * volume.
- */
- void Register_Lock (LOCK *p_lock)
- {
- t_lock_node *new;
- BUG(char pathname[300];)
- #ifndef NDEBUG
- if (!Full_Path_Name ((CDROM_OBJ*) p_lock->fl_Key, pathname, sizeof (pathname))) {
- dbprintf ("[Cannot install lock / cannot determine pathname]");
- return;
- }
- #endif
- new = (t_lock_node*) AllocMem (sizeof (t_lock_node), MEMF_PUBLIC);
- if (!new) {
- BUG(dbprintf ("[Cannot install lock on '%s']", pathname);)
- return;
- }
- new->pathlist = Copy_Path_List (((CDROM_OBJ*) p_lock->fl_Key)->pathlist, FALSE);
- new->vol_name = (char*) AllocMem (strlen (g_vol_name+1) + 1,
- if (!new->vol_name) {
- BUG(dbprintf ("[Cannot install lock on '%s']", pathname);)
- FreeMem (new, sizeof (t_lock_node));
- return;
- }
- strcpy (new->vol_name, g_vol_name+1);
- new->lock = p_lock;
- new->next = g_lock_list;
- g_lock_list = new;
- BUG(dbprintf ("[Installing lock on '%s']", pathname);)
- }
- /* Remove the entry for p_lock in the list g_lock_list.
- */
- void Unregister_Lock (LOCK *p_lock)
- {
- t_lock_node *ptr, *old;
- BUG(char pathname[300];)
- for (ptr=g_lock_list, old = NULL; ptr; old = ptr, ptr = ptr->next)
- if (ptr->lock == p_lock) {
- #ifndef NDEBUG
- if (!Path_Name_From_Path_List (ptr->pathlist, pathname,
- sizeof (pathname))) {
- dbprintf ("[cannot determine pathname]");
- return;
- }
- dbprintf ("[Removing lock from '%s']", pathname);
- #endif
- if (old)
- old->next = ptr->next;
- else
- g_lock_list = ptr->next;
- Free_Path_List (ptr->pathlist);
- FreeMem (ptr->vol_name, strlen (ptr->vol_name) + 1);
- FreeMem (ptr, sizeof (t_lock_node));
- return;
- }
- BUG(dbprintf ("[Lock cannot be removed %08lx]", (unsigned long) p_lock);)
- }
- /* Update the fl_Key values for all locks that have been
- * registered for a volume with the name g_vol_name.
- * The fl_Key value is a pointer to a CDROM_OBJ object which
- * respresents the locked file or directory.
- *
- * Returns the number of locks on the volume.
- */
- int Reinstall_Locks (void)
- {
- t_lock_node *ptr;
- CDROM_OBJ* obj;
- int result = 0;
- char pathname[300];
- for (ptr=g_lock_list; ptr; ptr = ptr->next) {
- if (strcmp (g_vol_name+1, ptr->vol_name) == 0) {
- result++;
- if (!Path_Name_From_Path_List (ptr->pathlist, pathname, sizeof (pathname))) {
- BUG(dbprintf ("[cannot determine pathname]");)
- break;
- }
- BUG(dbprintf ("[Reinstalling lock on '%s'", pathname);)
- if (ptr->pathlist != NULL) {
- obj = Open_Object (g_top_level_obj, pathname);
- if (obj) {
- BUG(dbprintf ("]\n");)
- } else {
- BUG(dbprintf ("(FAILED) ]\n");)
- continue;
- }
- ptr->lock->fl_Key = (LONG) obj;
- } else {
- ptr->lock->fl_Key = (LONG) 0;
- BUG(dbprintf ("]\n");)
- }
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- typedef struct fh_node {
- char *vol_name;
- BUG(char *pathname;)
- CDROM_OBJ* obj;
- DEVLIST* devlist;
- struct fh_node *next;
- } t_fh_node;
- t_fh_node *g_fh_list = NULL;
- /* Associate p_obj with the pathname of the associated disk object on the current
- * volume.
- */
- void Register_File_Handle (CDROM_OBJ *p_obj)
- {
- t_fh_node *new;
- BUG(static char pathname[300];)
- #ifndef NDEBUG
- if (!Full_Path_Name (p_obj, pathname, sizeof (pathname))) {
- BUG(dbprintf ("[Cannot install file handle / cannot determine pathname]");)
- return;
- }
- #endif
- new = (t_fh_node*) AllocMem (sizeof (t_fh_node), MEMF_PUBLIC);
- if (!new) {
- BUG(dbprintf ("[Cannot install file handle on '%s']", pathname);)
- return;
- }
- new->vol_name = (char*) AllocMem (strlen (g_vol_name+1) + 1,
- if (!new->vol_name) {
- BUG(dbprintf ("[Cannot install file handle on '%s']", pathname);)
- FreeMem (new, sizeof (t_fh_node));
- return;
- }
- strcpy (new->vol_name, g_vol_name+1);
- #ifndef NDEBUG
- new->pathname = (char*) AllocMem (strlen (pathname) + 1,
- if (!new->pathname) {
- BUG(dbprintf ("[Cannot install file handle on '%s']", pathname);)
- FreeMem (new->vol_name, strlen (new->vol_name) + 1);
- FreeMem (new, sizeof (t_fh_node));
- return;
- }
- strcpy (new->pathname, pathname);
- #endif
- new->obj = p_obj;
- new->devlist = DevList;
- new->next = g_fh_list;
- g_fh_list = new;
- BUG(dbprintf ("[Installing file handle on '%s']", pathname);)
- }
- /* Remove the entry for the file handle p_obj in the list g_fh_list.
- */
- void Unregister_File_Handle (CDROM_OBJ *p_obj)
- {
- t_fh_node *ptr, *old;
- for (ptr=g_fh_list, old = NULL; ptr; old = ptr, ptr = ptr->next)
- if (ptr->obj == p_obj && strcmp (g_vol_name+1, ptr->vol_name) == 0) {
- if (old)
- old->next = ptr->next;
- else
- g_fh_list = ptr->next;
- BUG(dbprintf ("[Removing file handle from '%s']", ptr->pathname);)
- BUG(FreeMem (ptr->pathname, strlen (ptr->pathname) + 1);)
- FreeMem (ptr->vol_name, strlen (ptr->vol_name) + 1);
- FreeMem (ptr, sizeof (t_fh_node));
- return;
- }
- BUG(dbprintf ("[File handle cannot be removed]");)
- }
- /* Update the volume pointer for all CDROM_OBJs which are used as
- * filehandles for the current volume.
- *
- * Returns the number of file handles on the volume.
- */
- int Reinstall_File_Handles (void)
- {
- t_fh_node *ptr;
- int result = 0;
- for (ptr=g_fh_list; ptr; ptr = ptr->next) {
- if (strcmp (g_vol_name+1, ptr->vol_name) == 0) {
- result++;
- BUG(dbprintf ("[Reinstalling file handle on '%s']\n", ptr->pathname);)
- ptr->obj->volume = g_volume;
- }
- }
- return result;
- }
- DEVLIST *Find_Dev_List (CDROM_OBJ *p_obj)
- {
- t_fh_node *ptr;
- for (ptr=g_fh_list; ptr; ptr = ptr->next) {
- if (ptr->obj == p_obj) {
- return ptr->devlist;
- }
- }
- BUG(dbprintf("\n[ERROR: file handle not found!]\n");)
- return NULL;
- }
- typedef struct vol_reg_node {
- char *name;
- DEVLIST *volume;
- struct vol_reg_node *next;
- } t_vol_reg_node;
- t_vol_reg_node *g_volume_list = NULL;
- /* Register a volume node as owned by this handler.
- */
- void Register_Volume_Node (DEVLIST *p_volume)
- {
- t_vol_reg_node *new;
- int len;
- new = (t_vol_reg_node*) AllocMem (sizeof (t_vol_reg_node), MEMF_PUBLIC);
- if (!new)
- return;
- new->volume = p_volume;
- len = strlen ((char*) (BTOC (p_volume->dl_Name)) + 1);
- new->name = (char*) AllocMem (len + 1, MEMF_PUBLIC);
- if (!new) {
- FreeMem (new, sizeof (t_vol_reg_node));
- return;
- }
- memcpy (new->name, (char*) (BTOC (p_volume->dl_Name)) + 1, len);
- new->name[len] = 0;
- new->next = g_volume_list;
- g_volume_list = new;
- }
- /* Remove the registration for the volume node.
- */
- void Unregister_Volume_Node (DEVLIST *p_volume)
- {
- t_vol_reg_node *ptr, *old;
- for (ptr=g_volume_list, old=NULL; ptr; old=ptr, ptr=ptr->next) {
- if (p_volume == ptr->volume) {
- if (old)
- old->next = ptr->next;
- else
- g_volume_list = ptr->next;
- FreeMem (ptr->name, strlen (ptr->name) + 1);
- FreeMem (ptr, sizeof (t_vol_reg_node));
- return;
- }
- }
- BUG(dbprintf("ERROR: cannot unregister volume node!\n");)
- }
- /* Find a volume node with a matching name.
- */
- DEVLIST *Find_Volume_Node (char *p_name)
- {
- t_vol_reg_node *ptr;
- for (ptr=g_volume_list; ptr; ptr=ptr->next) {
- if (Stricmp (ptr->name, p_name) == 0)
- return ptr->volume;
- }
- return NULL;
- }