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- ======================================================================
- Please fill out this form as best as possible in the event of some
- kind of problem with DiskSalv. I certainly want DiskSalv to work all
- the time and fix every possible disk problem, but I can't solve a
- problem I don't know about. So reports like this are very important.
- Thank You,
- -Dave Haynie
- In the event that DiskSalv can't fix your disk, I will examine it for
- basically the price of return postage. See the OrderForm.txt file for
- more information.
- ======================================================================
- Your Configuration:
- [] A500 []A1000 []A2500 []A1200 []CDTV/CD32
- [] A600 []A2000 []A3000 []A4000 []Other
- KS Version___________ RAM__________ Other HW__________________
- WB Version___________ HD___________ HD Controller_____________
- ======================================================================
- Please explain the problem as completely as possible:
- File System Version/Type__________________________________________
- ScreenMode________________________ Font__________________________
- []Shell/CLI []Workbench Locale________________________
- Problem: []Full Lockup []GURU/Crash []DS Can't fix the disk
- Steps to see this problem?________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________________
- Other Comments____________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________________
- __________________________________________________________________
- ======================================================================
- Special note on floppies:
- Many problems so far enountered will show up on a disk duplicated
- with the DiskCopy program. If you're experiencing a problem that
- will copy this way, I would really appreciate receiving such a
- copy by mail. Assuming the problem is a real one (and, of course,
- disk-related), I have been very successful at fixing problems I
- can actually get my hands on. You will get a free update, and of
- course your restored disk, if such a problem sent in turns out to
- be a real problem with DiskSalv.
- ======================================================================
- Please Tape Here
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- +-------+
- Dave Haynie
- DiskSalv Bug Reports
- 284 Memorial Avenue
- Gibbstown, NJ USA
- 08027
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------