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- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; DiskSalv boot disk generator -- $VER: MakeBoot 11.4 (12.8.93)
- ;
- ; 11.4 Added additional libraries for copy.
- ; Now copies "Devs:system-configuration" for better preferences
- ; support.
- ; Better checks in place for existance of locale archives.
- ; 11.3 Bugs fixed in library copy pattern.
- ;
- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; Some basic strings
- (set #disksalv-install
- (cat "\nDiskSalv Boot Disk Generator\n"
- "\nThis utility will format a floppy disk and install DiskSalv"
- " and its support files based on your hard disk setup. The"
- " result is a bootable floppy with DiskSalv on it. Proceed?"))
- (set #disksalv-install-help
- (cat "\nIn the case of a severe hard disk failure, DiskSalv isn't"
- " going to be real useful on your hard disk. This utility"
- " builds a bootable floppy that may be used in such cases to"
- " streamline such repair activity." ))
- (set #which-disk
- "In which floppy disk drive should DiskSalv be installed?")
- (set #any-locale
- (cat "\nInstall DiskSalv Localizations\n"
- "\nYou may install the DiskSalv locale files for various"
- " languages in the Locale directory. Proceed?"))
- (set #any-locale-help
- (cat "\nDiskSalv can be operated in different languages."
- "\n\nIf you choose to proceed, you will be asked to"
- " select the translations you want available on your"
- " system."))
- (set #which-language "\nWhich catalogs should be installed?")
- (set #which-language-help
- (cat "\nDiskSalv can be operated in many different"
- " languages. One file will be copied to your "
- " hard drive for each language supported.\n\n"
- "To reduce the amount of space consumed by the"
- " language files, you can select only the"
- " files of specific languages to be copied.\n\n"
- "Check the boxes of the languages you wish to"
- " have available on your system.\n\n"
- @askoptions-help))
- (set #subdir-catalog "locale/catalogs"
- #outdisk-name "DiskSalv Boot"
- #dscatname "DiskSalv.catalog"
- #tmp-dir "T:DiskSalv")
- (set #get-dearchiver
- (cat "\nPlease specify the file name of a de-archiver "
- "program for \"LHA\"-type files."))
- (set #ds-done
- (cat "\nDiskSalv boot disk construction is complete.\n"
- "\nPlease be aware that, while every effort has been made"
- " to support your particular setup, it is possible that"
- " some files you need for a simple bootup have not been"
- " copied to the boot disk. Please try this disk out now,"
- " rather than waiting until you actually need it."))
- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; This function does the actual formatting of the given "outputdisk".
- ;
- (procedure FORMATDISK
- (if (askbool (prompt (cat "Please insert a floppy disk to be formatted "
- "in drive " outputdisk))
- (choices "Ok" "Cancel")
- (help "\nPlease select the floppy disk unit for the installation.\n")
- (default 1))
- ((working "Formatting disk " outputdisk " as \"" #outdisk-name "\"")
- (run (cat "SYS:System/Format <NIL: >\"CON:10/10/500/50/Formatting...\" DRIVE "
- outputdisk " NAME \"" #outdisk-name "\" NOICONS"))
- (run (cat "C:Install DRIVE " outputdisk)))
- (exit "Operation cancelled")))
- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; This function makes all the important directories for the DiskSalv
- ; boot disk.
- ;
- (procedure MAKESYS
- (working "Creating System Directories")
- (copyfiles (source "C:")
- (dest (tackon outputdisk "C"))
- (pattern (cat "(AddBuffers|AddDataTypes|Assign|BindDrivers|"
- "ConClip|Copy|Delete|Dir|Execute|IPrefs|List|"
- "LoadWB|MagTape|MakeDir|Mount|SetClock|"
- "SetPatch|Version|Wait)")))
- (makedir (tackon outputdisk "Classes"))
- (makedir (tackon outputdisk "Devs"))
- (makedir (tackon outputdisk "Devs/DataTypes"))
- (makedir (tackon outputdisk "Devs/Printers"))
- (copyfiles (source "Devs:DOSDrivers")
- (dest (tackon outputdisk "Devs/DOSDrivers"))
- (pattern "#?"))
- (copyfiles (source "Devs:Keymaps")
- (dest (tackon outputdisk "Devs/Keymaps"))
- (pattern "#?"))
- (copyfiles (source "Devs:Monitors")
- (dest (tackon outputdisk "Devs/Monitors"))
- (pattern "((Dbl|%)(PAL|NTSC)|MultiScan|VGAOnly)")
- (infos))
- (copyfiles (source "Devs:")
- (dest (tackon outputdisk "Devs"))
- (pattern "system-configuration"))
- (copyfiles (source "SYS:Expansion")
- (dest (tackon outputdisk "Expansion"))
- (pattern "#?"))
- (makedir (tackon outputdisk "Fonts"))
- (copyfiles (source "L:")
- (dest (tackon outputdisk "L"))
- (pattern "#?FileSystem"))
- (copyfiles (source "Libs:")
- (dest (tackon outputdisk "Libs"))
- (pattern "(68040|amigaguide|asl|diskfont|iffparse|locale|version).library"))
- (makedir (tackon outputdisk "Locale"))
- (makedir (tackon outputdisk "Locale/Catalogs"))
- (copyfiles (source "Locale:Countries")
- (dest (tackon outputdisk "Locale/Countries"))
- (pattern "#?"))
- (copyfiles (source "Locale:Languages")
- (dest (tackon outputdisk "Locale/Languages"))
- (pattern "#?"))
- (makedir (tackon outputdisk "Prefs"))
- (makedir (tackon outputdisk "Prefs/Env-Archive"))
- (copyfiles (source "ENVARC:Sys")
- (dest (tackon outputdisk "Prefs/Env-Archive/Sys"))
- (pattern "(pointer|locale|palette|wbconfig).(ilbm|prefs)"))
- (copyfiles (source "S:")
- (dest (tackon outputdisk "S"))
- (pattern "Startup-Sequence"))
- (makedir (tackon outputdisk "System"))
- (makedir (tackon outputdisk "T"))
- (makedir (tackon outputdisk "Tools"))
- (makedir (tackon outputdisk "Utilities"))
- (makedir (tackon outputdisk "WBStartup"))
- )
- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; This function asks about the language, and sets the global "lang" to
- ; the language bit mask returned by the request.
- ;
- (procedure ASKLANGUAGE
- (set lang (askoptions (prompt #which-language)
- (help #which-language-help)
- (choices "dansk"
- "deutsch"
- "english"
- "français"
- "italiano"
- "norsk"
- "suomi"
- "svenska")
- (default 0))))
- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; This function finds a de-archiver in the user's system, resulting to
- ; a panic "ask-the-user" if none can be found.
- ;
- (procedure FINDARCPROG
- (set n 0)
- (while (set test (select n "lharc"
- "lha"
- "lz"
- ""))
- (if (not (run (cat "which " test)))
- (set arcprog test))
- (set n (+ n 1)))
- (if (= arcprog "")
- (set arcprog (askfile (prompt #get-dearchiver)
- (help @askfile-help)
- (default "C:"))))
- )
- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; This function gets the locale file information. We mark the occasion
- ; with bit 0 set for the availability of the subdirectory, bit 1 set
- ; for the availability of the archive file.
- ;
- (procedure ANYLOCALE
- (set localecode 0)
- (if (exists locale-catalogs)
- (set localecode 1))
- (if (exists locale-archive)
- (set localecode (+ localecode 2)))
- localecode)
- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; This function transfers a locale file from the appropriate archive
- ; entry to the proper LOCALE:Catalogs subdirectory.
- ;
- (procedure DOCATARCS
- (if (= arcprog "") (FINDARCPROG))
- (if (<> arcprog "")
- ((working "\nDe-archiving selected catalogs\n")
- (makedir #tmp-dir)
- (set arcsfiles (cat #subdir-catalog "/(" arclst ")/#?"))
- (set dearc-com (cat arcprog " >NIL: <NIL: e " locale-archive " "
- arcsfiles))
- (set script (tackon #tmp-dir "de-archive-script"))
- (textfile (dest script)
- (append (cat "cd " #tmp-dir "\n" dearc-com "\n")))
- (execute script)
- (copyfiles (source (tackon #tmp-dir #subdir-catalog))
- (dest output-catalog)
- (pattern "#?"))
- (run (cat "Delete >NIL: <NIL: " #tmp-dir " all")))))
- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; This function transfers the locale files from the appropriate
- ; existing subdirectories (in "sublst") to the corresponding
- ; LOCALE:Catalogs subdirectories.
- ;
- (procedure DOCATSUBS
- (copyfiles (source locale-catalogs)
- (dest output-catalog)
- (pattern (cat "(" sublst ")"))))
- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; This function selects the language to be installed.
- ;
- (procedure DOLOCALE
- (set n 0
- sublst ""
- arclst "")
- (while (set language (select n "dansk"
- "deutsch"
- "english"
- "français"
- "italiano"
- "norsk"
- "suomi"
- "svenska"
- ""))
- (if (AND (IN lang n) (<> n 2))
- (if (exists (tackon locale-catalogs (tackon language #dscatname)))
- (if (= sublst "") (set sublst language) (set sublst (cat sublst "|" language)))
- (if (= arclst "") (set arclst language) (set arclst (cat arclst "|" language)))))
- (set n (+ n 1)))
- (if (AND (IN localecode 0) (<> sublst "")) (DOCATSUBS))
- (if (AND (IN localecode 1) (<> arclst "")) (DOCATARCS)))
- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; This procedure asks about installation of catalogs.
- ;
- (procedure ASKLOCALE
- (if (askbool (prompt #any-locale)
- (help #any-locale-help)
- (choices "Yes" "Skip This Part")
- (default 1))
- ((set askmode 0)
- (DOLOCALE)))))
- ;======================================================================
- ;
- ; The main program
- (set inputdir (pathonly @icon))
- (set locale-archive (tackon inputdir "DSLocale.lha")
- locale-catalogs (tackon inputdir #subdir-catalog)
- arcprog ""
- @default-dest "DF0:")
- ; First, lets put the DiskSalv stuff in place on a formatted disk.
- (if (askbool (prompt #disksalv-install)
- (help #disksalv-install-help)
- (choices "Ok" "Cancel")
- (default 1))
- ((set outputdisk
- (askdir (prompt #which-disk)
- (help @askdir-help)
- (default @default-dest)))
- (set @default-dest outputdisk)
- (copyfiles (source inputdir)
- (dest outputdisk)
- (pattern "DiskSalv")
- (files)
- (infos))
- (tooltype (dest (tackon outputdisk "DiskSalv"))
- (noposition))
- (set output-catalog (tackon outputdisk #subdir-catalog))
- (message #ds-done))
- (set @default-dest ""))