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- The History of PowerCache
- This file contains descriptions of the specific changes and fixes that
- occur in the different releases of PowerCache. The most recent version is
- first in the list.
- The following list of abbreviations indicate the nature of the change:
- MIN - Minor bug fixed
- MAJ - Major bug fixed
- NEW - New feature
- CH - Change in operation
- OPT - Optimization or improvement of existing feature
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PowerCache 37.115 - Another maintenance release
- 10-Apr-1994 MIN Some internal semaphore code cleaned up
- CH Upped PowerCache's low memory handler priority, to
- have it called before exec tries to expunge resident
- libraries.
- CH Low-memory handler will now try to only free what
- exec actually needs (in terms of size and memory
- type), not simply all buffers of all installed caches
- like previous versions of PowerCache did.
- NEW Added a reset handler (popular request). Please
- consult the docs, section 'Important Notes' for a
- detailed explanation of the restrictions which apply
- for this particular feature.
- MIN The previous versions of PowerCache would not run
- unless locale.library was present in LIBS:,
- effectively blocking out all pre-V38 users. Fixed.
- NEW Improved Deutsch (German) translation provided by
- Steffen Salzmann
- MIN Minor discrepancy in test.rexx fixed. On machines
- with only CHIP memory (stock A1200 for example), the
- ADDCACHE part was pretty useless, since it always
- installed a cache using FAST memory. It now simply
- requests 'ANY' memory (Gábor Nagy)
- NEW Magyar (Hungarian) translation graciously provided
- by Gábor Nagy
- CH Removed the internal icon imagery for the preferences
- file from the PowerCache executable itself. PowerCache
- now uses ENV:Sys/def_powercache.info if available, and
- ENV:Sys/def_project if not. Saved another 1000 bytes.
- MIN In unregistered mode, if you did not answer the
- initial 'About' requester during the timeout period
- (30 minutes), the machine would hang once you finally
- did. Fixed.
- CH Statistics windows can now be closed with ESCape.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PowerCache 37.104 - Maintenance release
- 05-Jan-1994 CH Recompiled with SAS/C 6.51. This took more than
- 15k off the executable and also made the program
- considerably (MUCH) faster. Goodbye Aztec.. :)
- MIN Listview showing cacheable devices were not showing
- the correct unit number. Fixed.
- CH Signal bit usage reduced by one per cache. This means
- that read-only caches now require NO signal bits,
- and read-write caches require only one. See the docs,
- section "Troubleshooting", for a detailed description
- of this.
- MIN Partitions with names longer than 4 (WB_2.x: for
- example) could cause strange effects when editing
- caches. Fixed.
- CH Utterly minor fix: You can now create directories
- from the file requester whenever you save the
- preferences :-)
- MIN Several possible deadlock situations (pertaining
- mostly to intuition window refreshing) were found
- and fixed.
- CH Read-only caches were not being efficiently primed
- when fresh sector data was being written. Read-only
- caches now prime themselves quicker than in earlier
- versions.
- MAJ ARexx command 'CACHEABLE' returned an empty list
- until PowerCache's window had been opened at least
- once.
- CH ARexx command 'VERSION' now returns the $VERsion
- string, and not the cx broker title (you'll get a bit
- more info this way)
- MIN Removed all known Enforcer hits, including:
- · Selecting Remove in main window caused a
- BYTE-READ from 00000185
- (This one was a bug in the hotkey handling code, so
- no doubt this fix also removes other hits)
- · Closing the Device Information window caused a
- BYTE-READ from 00000023
- · Several LONG-READ from 00000000's were found
- and removed.
- NEW PowerCache now reports unknown filesystem types
- in the Device Information window using an ascii
- representation of the dostype identifier. This way
- the filesystem 0x6D754644 is reported as 'muFS' in
- stead of just 'Unknown'.
- MIN Error handling during premature disk ejections
- improved. Retry/Cancel of warning requester now
- works properly. Funny nobody noticed this before.
- OPT Beefed up documentation (major overhaul), improved
- online help routines
- CH Cancel/Restore now also affects changes made to
- installed cache buffers (ANY kind modification can now
- be cancelled)
- MIN PowerCache would (likely) go berserk if you edited or
- removed a cache (or quit the program) while the cache
- purge algorithm was active. Fixed.
- NEW Implemented RND cache algorithm
- NEW Added LANGUAGE tooltype/cli parameter. You can now
- force PowerCache to start up in any particular
- language (in case you start it before IPrefs).
- Happy now, Reza? :-)
- NEW Netherlands (dutch) locale graciously provided by
- Paul van der Heu
- NEW Svenska (swedish) locale graciously provided by
- Magnus Holmgren
- NEW Italiano (italian) locale graciously provided by
- Roberto Tosco
- NEW Stat-hotkeys can now be assigned for each installed
- cache. Pressing the hotkey activates the statistics
- window for that cache and opens up on the window on
- the default public screen.
- ARexx commands now accept/return a STATHOTKEY string
- (to support the new statistics hotkeys from ARexx)
- CH Main window is now locked during cache flush
- operations (i.e. after editing a cache that contains
- unwritten buffers).
- MIN 'Purge Timeout' was not being ghosted for R/O caches.
- MIN Same thing for the 'Free After Purge' gadget.
- CH Default refresh rate for stat windows changed to
- half a second.
- MIN Quitting PowerCache via the Exchange program was
- impossible. Fixed.
- NEW You can now request buffers of type '24BitDMA'.
- and LISTCURRENTLYCACHED slightly, to accept the
- new '24BITDMA' memory type. Also, changed 'FASTMEM'
- argument to 'FAST' and 'CHIPMEM' to 'CHIP'. Time to
- check your arexx scripts.. :-)
- NEW Caches may now be individually enabled or disabled
- via a new checkbox gadget in the main window.
- NEW Added two ARexx commands to enable and disable
- caches individually (ENABLECACHE/DISABLECACHE).
- NEW Added ARexx commands to show and hide statistics
- CH Moved the Purge gadget from the cache preferences
- window to the main window.
- NEW Added PURGE ARexx command
- MIN PowerCache would sometimes crash when exiting. Fixed.
- CH Improved window gadgetry, gadget underscoring, window
- refreshing and hotkey handling everywhere. Cleaned up
- the gadget layout. All windows except the DeviceInfo
- window are now SIMPLE_REFRESH, resulting in greatly
- reduced memory and cpu usage.
- MIN Statistics windows can now be operated when the cache
- edit window is open. They used to be totally deaf to
- user input events (gadget presses etc) during cache
- editing. Funny nobody noticed this :-)
- CH Removed font sensitivity. PowerCache now uses the
- system default font only if it is an 8 point font.
- This was done to keep things simple and cut down on
- code size (the font ajust code was a mess anyway).
- Future versions may re-implement some form of font
- sensitivity. Complaints -> NIL: :-)
- CH Removed the 'Use Help' gadget (and the USEHELP arexx
- command). All help actions are now simply deferred
- until you press HELP.
- MIN The requester showing 'No FAST memory available' did
- not lock the cache configuration window from input.
- MIN Installing a new cache by double-clicking always
- worked, even if a cache was already installed for
- the selected device.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PowerCache 37.64 - Now uses keyfiles for registration
- 05-Aug-1993 NEW German (deutsch) locale graciously provided by
- Gerhard Kupka
- CH Evaluation version now permits multiple volume caching,
- leaving the startup requester and the half-our timer
- as the only two constrains in the eval version 8^)
- CH Now uses keyfiles rather than seperately compiled
- versions for each registered user. New "registering"
- section in the docs (read it!) and registration
- form.
- MIN PowerCache did not close the catalog it was using.
- This made it very difficult to make new language
- translations for PowerCache, since you had to reboot
- the machine to test a modified string. Fixed.
- OPT Removed redundancies in the GUI code, shaving some
- 500 bytes off the executable. Hey! It all adds up :-)
- MIN ARexx command SETENABLEKEY was returning the previous
- _disable_ key rather than the previous enable key.
- Fixed.
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PowerCache 37.58 - Additional minor changes
- 18-Jul-1993 MIN Devices with no TCB are no longer shown in the device
- list. This also removed a few (harmless) Enforcer
- hits that appeared when opening PowerCaches window.
- NEW The distribution now contains the COMPLETE CatComp
- source, including .cd file and all .ct files.
- NEW Norsk (norwegian) locale graciously provided by
- Mario Gonzalez
- NEW Français (french) locale graciously provided by
- Reza Elghazi
- OPT Cache purge routine made signifficantly faster.
- Floppy users will notice this for sure.
- NEW Listviews in main window now have double-click
- actions (device list -> install cache, currently
- cached -> edit cache)
- MIN Version strings added everywhere (was actually
- missing from the executable as well. Oops!)
- OPT Window message port sharing code rewritten so that
- windows no longer reserve a signal bit each. This
- means statistics and deviceinfo windows can now be
- opened even though you are caching many units.
- MIN Statistics windows were trashing memory. Fixed.
- MAJ Zooming stat windows could cause crashes (bug
- introduced in 37.51, sorry!) - Fixed.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PowerCache 37.51 - Minor changes
- 01-Jul-1993 MIN USEHELP command was missing in the ARexx docs
- OPT Minor optimization in file cache code
- CH Statistics windows will no longer display buffer
- usage for file caches (not much sense in that)
- MIN In certain borderline cases, statistics windows
- could cause division by zero errors. Fixed.
- CH Distribution now includes version 38.1042 of
- reqtools.library
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PowerCache 37.46 - First public release - ENJOY!
- 18-Jun-1993 CH NOHELP keyword replaced by a checkbox in the main
- window
- NEW Implemented USEHELP ARexx command (a la BEEP/POPUP)
- MIN Minor syntax error in The Installer script corrected
- MIN Starting PowerCache from another directory than the
- current one meant no online help, unless PowerCache:
- had been correctly assigned. Fixed.
- OPT Excessive use of message ports (or, to be precise,
- signal bits) would result in failure to use more
- than three caches at a time, or open more than five
- different windows of any type (info, statistics, etc).
- PowerCache now only creates message ports where it
- is strictly necessary.
- MIN Opened devices were not always being closed if the
- cache initialization code failed. Fixed.
- MIN 'Currently Cached' listview was not being properly
- updated after a Remove Cache operation. Fixed.
- MIN Bug in the preferences file loading fixed.
- NEW 'Currently Cached' listview entries now show cache
- mode and type, as well as cache dimensions
- NEW All windows can now be okayed by hitting RETURN or
- ENTER, and cancelled using ESCape (as opposed to
- pressing gadget shortcut keys or using the mouse)
- MIN PowerCache would generate a [harmless] Enforcer hit
- when pressing HELP over a LISTVIEW gadget. Fixed.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PowerCache 37.35 - Second round of bug fixes
- 5-Jun-1993 NEW All gadgets now have keyboard shortcuts
- CH No longer Inhibit()s drives before caching them
- MIN PREFSFILE keyword didn't work
- MIN 'Beep' feature now works as advertised
- OPT Cache routines made generally faster
- OPT Read-only caches are now 30-50% faster than
- read/write caches.
- OPT Cache write operations sped up. With a prefetch of 1,
- no drive access will occur even if a large file is
- copied onto a drive. It stays entirely in the cache.
- MIN On exit, PowerCache would reset all device function
- vectors - even those which it had failed to
- initialize in the first place. Fixed.
- MAJ Auto-configuration code was broken. It now works as
- described in the docs.
- MIN If PowerCache was stopped while its child task was
- busy purging a cache, either PowerCache or the child
- would hang (and the drive would not be completely
- updated). Fixed.
- CH Cache flush child task (executed when a cache times
- out) is now "interruptable" so to speak. A Dir df0:
- would take forever if the drive was being updated by
- PowerCache. The Dir operation now takes precedence
- over the flush operation, which will be postponed
- until the drive becomes idle once again.
- MIN PowerCache would hang or crash if reqtools.library
- could not be opened. Fixed.
- NEW PowerCache now waits for a validating drive to settle
- down before adding a cache to it.
- MIN Failure to allocate a cache line of the type selected
- for that cache would cause a horrible system crash.
- Fixed.
- CH Pressing HELP over the main preferences window now
- links AmigaGuide to the HelpInfo section in the manual,
- and not simply to Main (the first node).
- MAJ Low-memory handler was not being removed when quitting
- PowerCache. Would cause instant guru if PowerCache
- was stopped and the system then ran low on memory.
- MIN Delay time for statistics windows was only being
- ajusted once, not once per second. Fixed.
- OPT Window refreshing (after a Zoom operation) is now
- optimized and fully compliant with C= guidelines.
- MIN The Install window wasn't refreshing gadtools
- gadgets at all. It now does.
- MIN A small error in the cache editing function could
- cause unpredictable behaviour (that means GURU) when
- okaying changes. Fixed.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PowerCache 37.15 - First round of bug fixes
- 25-May-1993 MAJ PowerCache would crash if started twice (it will now
- correctly wake up the dormant copy and exit)
- MAJ Purge gadget in Cache Edit window would lock up
- the program. Fixed.
- MIN Internal structure arbitration tightened up. Could
- cause lockups if removing a cache from a frantically
- active drive.
- OPT Cache buffer loading routines are now faster.
- NEW Added NOHELP switch/tooltype
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- PowerCache 37.10 - Internal beta (first attempt)
- 17-May-1993 - History begins.