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- ; $VER: PowerCache_Install_IconX 37.104 (22.1.94)
- ;
- ; Installation script for PowerCache. Will install 68000-68040 executable,
- ; documentation and also locale files for users running v38.
- ;
- ; Distributed as a part of the PowerCache project.
- ; PowerCache is Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 by Michael Berg
- ; All righs reserved
- ;
- FailAt 20
- Echo "PowerCache installation script for use with IconX"
- Echo "Copyright © 1993, 1994 by Michael Berg"
- Echo "All Rights Reserved"
- Echo ""
- Echo "Installing Libraries:"
- Echo " reqtools.library"
- SetEnv DoCopyLib YES
- Version >NIL: reqtools.library 37
- Echo " You already have: " NOLINE
- Version reqtools.library
- Echo "" NOLINE
- Ask " Do you want to install version 38.1194 of reqtools.library?"
- SetEnv DoCopyLib NO
- EndIf
- EndIf
- If $DoCopyLib EQ "YES"
- Echo " Copying reqtools.library to your LIBS: ..."
- Copy /libs/reqtools.library LIBS: QUIET
- Else
- Echo " Skipped"
- EndIf
- Avail >NIL: FLUSH
- Echo ""
- If EXISTS Locale:Catalogs
- Echo "Do you wish to install the PowerCache catalog files?"
- Ask "Kickstart 2.04 users should answer No, all others Yes: [y/n]:"
- Copy >NIL: Locale Locale: All
- Echo "Catalogs installed"
- EndIf
- Else
- Echo "Catalog files not installed -- no Locale directory found"
- EndIf
- If EXISTS SYS:Tools/Commodities
- SetEnv TargetDir Sys:Tools/Commodities
- Else
- SetEnv TargetDir Sys:
- Endif
- Lab SelectVersion
- Echo "Which version do you wish to install?"
- Echo "Enter '000' for the 68000 version"
- Echo "Enter '020' for the 68020 version"
- Echo "Enter '030' for the 68030 version"
- Echo NOLINE "Enter '040' for the 68040 version: "
- /GetLine >ENV:PCInstallVersion
- If $PCInstallVersion EQ "000"
- SetEnv SourceFile /PowerCache
- Else
- SetEnv SourceFile /PowerCache.$PCInstallVersion
- EndIf
- If NOT EXISTS $SourceFile
- Echo "Illegal selection. Please re-select*N"
- Skip BACK SelectVersion
- EndIf
- Echo "Installing the PowerCache files in $TargetDir/PowerCache/"
- MakeDir $TargetDir/PowerCache
- MakeDir $TargetDir/PowerCache/Documentation
- If EXISTS Env:Sys/def_drawer.info
- Copy >NIL: Env:Sys/def_drawer.info $TargetDir/PowerCache.info
- Copy >NIL: Env:Sys/def_drawer.info $TargetDir/PowerCache/Documentation.info
- Else
- Echo "-> Note: No default drawer icon found. You'll have to use the"
- Echo " 'show all' workbench menu item to locale the PowerCache drawer"
- Echo " in $TargetDir."
- EndIf
- Copy >NIL: $SourceFile $TargetDir/PowerCache
- Copy >NIL: $SourceFile.info $TargetDir/PowerCache
- Copy >NIL: /Documentation/#?.guide#? $TargetDir/PowerCache/Documentation
- Echo "Add PowerCache: ASSIGN statement to S:User-Startup?"
- Ask "(Not strictly required to run PowerCache, but recommended) [y/n]:"
- Echo "Adding to S:User-Startup..."
- Echo ";BEGIN PowerCache" >>S:User-Startup
- Echo "Assign PowerCache: *"$TargetDir/PowerCache*" DEFER" >>S:User-Startup
- Echo ";END PowerCache" >>S:User-Startup
- Echo "*NNote: Make sure your S:Startup-sequence executes S:User-Startup!"
- EndIf
- Echo "*NInstallation complete. You may close the window now."