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- Zap v2.47 (The binary file editor)
- ----------------------------------
- by Timo Rossi
- Zap is a binary file view/edit program. You can examine and modify the
- file in hexadecimal and ASCII mode. Zap keeps the file in memory, so moving
- in the file and searching is very fast, but available memory limits
- the size of files that zap can handle.
- NOTE: This (and later) version of Zap requires Kickstart/Workbench 2.04
- or later.
- Starting the program:
- ---------------------
- Zap can be started from CLI or workbench. When starting from CLI, file
- name can be given as a command line parameter. If the name contains spaces
- it can be enclosed in double quotes. When starting from workbench, a file
- can be selected by first clicking the Zap icon and then holding down
- shift-key and double clicking the icon of the file you want to edit.
- If you don't specify a file name when starting Zap, you can use the 'Load'-
- menuitem to load a file into Zap.
- There are two command line options in Zap. The first is '-*' and it disables
- the automatic CLI detach feature. This is useful for example when starting
- zap from a directory utility type program. The other option is
- '-S<pubscreen_name>' and it allows Zap to open on a specific public screen.
- Normally Zap opens on the default public screen.
- The following menu functions are available:
- -------------------------------------------
- Project menu:
- Load - Loads a new file, The file name can be selected with an ASL
- file requester. If the current file has been modified
- the program asks first if you really want to load.
- Save - Saves the buffer to a file. This displays an ASL file requester
- and enter/select a new file name or just press <return> or
- the 'Ok' gadget to save with the current name. Or you can
- click the 'Cancel' gadget if you selected this accidentally.
- About - Displays some information about the program.
- Quit - Exits Zap. If the buffer has been modified, asks first
- if you really want to quit.
- Goto menu:
- Top - Moves to the beginning of the buffer.
- Bottom - Moves to the end of the buffer.
- Any position - Moves to the selected position. A requester appears
- where you can type the position. You can use decimal
- or hex numbers. Use '$'-prefix for hex.
- Search menu:
- Find - Allows you to enter a text string and searches it in
- the buffer starting from the current cursor position.
- Find binary - Allows you to enter a byte secuence (hex or decimal numbers).
- and searches for it. bytes must be separated with
- commas or spaces. hex numbers must be prefixed with
- '$' or '0x'.
- Find next - Repeats the last search. Can be used to find the
- next occurence of a string.
- Direction - Allows you to select the search direction. Default is
- forward.
- Ignore case - Allows you to select whether the search is case sensitive
- or not. Default is not case sensitive. Note that this does
- not affect binary search.
- Gadgets:
- --------
- At the side of the window are three gadgets that you can use to move in
- the buffer. The drag bar (proportional gadget) allows you to select a
- position anywhere in the buffer. The arrow gadgets allow you to scroll
- the display up and down one line at time. They repeat if you hold the
- left mouse button down on them.
- The following keyboard functions are available:
- -----------------------------------------------
- (in addition to the menu shortcut keys)
- TAB - toggles HEX and ASCII entry mode.
- Cursor keys - move cursor left/right/up/down
- Shift-Cursor left/right - move cursor to left/right edge of a line.
- Shift-Cursor up/down - move up/down one screenful at a time.
- Control-Cursor up/down - move to top/bottom of file.
- Alt-Cursor up/down - scroll the display up/down while the cursor
- position in the buffer does not change.
- You can use the keyboard to directly edit the data in the buffer.
- In HEX mode you can enter numbers 0-9 and letters A-F/a-f to modify
- the data. In ASCII mode you can directly enter all printable characters.
- Zap version history:
- --------------------
- 2.47 - Fixed a bug that causes Zap to display negative buffer offsets
- (ie. free memory) in some cases...
- - Better resolution sensitivity (works with sysihack).
- 2.45 - Added '8 bit characters printable'-option
- 2.44 - Fixed proportional gadget height setting and menu handling.
- 2.43 - removed some unused things (arrow gadget images in the older version)
- proportional gadget works with big files again...
- 2.42 - added more 2.04 stuff (BOOPSI & gadtools gadgets etc.)
- 2.41 - fixed a stupid bug (dos_error dropped to BlockWindow...)
- 2.40 - now uses gadtools for menus. supports 3.0 newlookmenus.
- 2.39 - 2.04+ only version. Uses asl file requester.
- 2.38 - supports 2.0 public screens
- 2.37 - doesn't allocate buffer as public memory (should work with
- virtual memory)
- 2.35 - fixed window blocking to work with kick/wb 1.3
- 2.34 - filerequester bugfix (it could unlock currentdir sometimes)
- 2.33 - small bug fixes.
- 2.32 - the main window is blocked from any input when there
- is a filerequester/autorequester/stringrequester active.
- 2.30 - small fixes in filerequester and some internal changes.
- 2.29 - fixed a small bug in 2.27 & 2.28 that caused enforcer hits
- - added '-*' option for disabling segsplit.
- 2.28 - works better with 2.0 scrollable screens
- 2.27 - more 2.0-look (file requester), font adaptive menus
- 2.25, 2.26 - internal changes, mostly not visible to user
- 2.24 - removed 'Save as' option and changed 'Save' always to bring up
- the file requester. this should prevent accidental 'Save's.
- 2.23 - added control/cursor up/down to move top/bottom of file
- (also changed old control up/down to use alt instead of control)
- 2.22 - fixed a bug in 2.21 that caused it to crash if the window was
- sized when there was no file in the buffer.
- 2.21 - added visible cursors in both hex/ascii displays.
- 2.19 - Minor file requester update. Now shift-return toggles between
- the string gadgets.
- 2.18 - Now it is really font-adaptive. The actual editing area uses
- the default system font.
- 2.16 - File requester no more crashes with system fonts smaller than
- 8 pixels in x-direction.
- 2.15 - Modified propgadget routines.
- 2.14 - Now adapts to different screen font sizes (useful in AmigaDOS 2.0)
- (the actual editing display is topaz 80).
- Also fixed the bug that caused a division-by-zero-
- guru if the propgadget was used before loading a file to the buffer.
- 2.13 - Near real time scrolling of the display when the propgadget is used.
- 2.12 - Some minor bug fixes
- 2.11 - Uses new segsplit startup (detaches itself from CLI automatically).
- 2.08 - Now looks better with WB 2.0. Also 'Ignore case' is on by default.
- 2.07 - Now '0x' can be used as prefix for hex numbers
- 2.06 - Corrects a bug in multiple menu select handling that could cause
- null pointer references.
- 2.05 - Corrects a small bug in the position/byte display (If the first digit
- of a hex number was changed, the 'Byte'-display was not updated)
- 2.04 - First version posted to comp.binaries.amiga (only change from
- 2.03 was copyright message)
- 2.03 - Works correctly with files greater than 64k.
- 2.01 - File requester doesn't show devices like PIPE: etc.
- 2.00 - Initial release.
- Copyright and distribution:
- ---------------------------
- Zap v2.44 is Copyright © 1994 by Timo Rossi. It can be freely
- distributed for non-commercial purposes. Please keep this document file
- together with the executable.
- (There is also a disk archiving program called 'Zap'. I have nothing to
- do with it and I used the name 'Zap' much earlier...and in my opinion,
- the name suits a lot better for a binary editor than an archiving program)
- Zap was programmed in assembly language using Charlie Gibbs' A68k assembler.
- Send suggestions, bug reports etc. to:
- (use e-mail if possible)
- Timo Rossi
- Mattilankatu 40 A 4 internet e-mail:
- 40600 Jyväskylä trossi@jyu.fi