Fresh Fish 5
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From: barrett@astro.cs.umass.edu (Daniel Barrett)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.advocacy,comp.sys.amiga.misc
Subject: Insider information turned INSIDE OUT!! (was re: BLAZEBOOGER)
Date: 28 Aug 1993 15:47:42 GMT
Keywords: whopper city
The whole Amiga Internet community is talking about the mysterious
"CBM Insider" discussion that happened last week on Genie. Were DeepThought
and DeepModem really CBM insiders? Was the information true? Is Commodore
really going to quit the computer business, retire to sunny Iowa, and herd
As a service to Amigans everywhere, I have volunteered to clear
up the confusion. Thanks to BLAZEMONGER INCORPORATED's incredible contacts,
I managed to find two MORE Commodore insiders to answer our questions.
Last night on IRC, in the "Amiga-Wombat" channel, the two insiders joined
an eager and bloodthirsty electronic crowd and gave us the real truth.
Here is a transcript of last night's session. For reasons of
anonymity, the two "insiders" used the nicknames DEEPTHROAT and DEEPDOODOO.
Special thanks to the IRC gods for extending the length of nicknames to 10
characters so our insider friends could join us last night.
=================== transcript begins here ===========================
<BLAZEMONG> Good evening, and BLAZE ON, d00dz!! We are privileged
to have here tonight the famous C= insiders, DEEPTHROAT and DEEPDOODOO.
<DEEPTHROAT> Howdy all!
<BLAZEMONG> Thanks very much for joining us. (Folks, if you have questions
for the dynamic duo here, /msg me, and I'll put you in the queue.)
<BLAZEMONG> I'll ask the first question, I guess. What do you think
of the insider conference that happened on Genie? Was it real?
<DEEPDOODOO> No, definitely not. Those guys were fakes.
<DEEPTHROAT> Absolutely real. Every word they spoke was truth.
<DEEPDOODOO> DT, you are full of shit.
<DEEPTHROAT> What?!? DD, get real! It was the gospel from West Chester
*** Action: DEEPTHROAT kicks DEEPDOODOO in the groin
*** Action: DEEPDOODOO punches DEEPTHROAT in the snout
<BLAZEMONG> Hey, HEY!! None of that. Save it for later.
<mama> No fighting, guys!
<Cryo> This is great!!!
<Radix> Go get him (her?), DT!!!
*** Action: mykes yawns
<scotte> What the heck?!?
*** Action: DEEPTHROAT whips out a laser and blasts off DEEPDOODOO's lips!
<pjotr> You Americans...
*** Action: cwolf munches popcorn
<Aikido> I am SO embarrassed...
*** Action: DEEPDOODOO sits on DEEPTHROAT's face and lays a smelly one...
<BLAZEMONG> DEEPsters, PLEASE knock it off. You are in public.
<cyclone> Commodore is obviously doomed.
<DEEPTHROAT> Sorry, BLAZE. I don't know what came over me.
<mykes> Can we please get on with the questions?
<DEEPDOODOO> BLAZE: Sorry. I'll behave now. As long as DT does.
<BLAZEMONG> OK, back to reality (virtual) here. Cryo, you are first in
the queue.
<Cryo> Is it true that the AAA chipset is dead?
<DEEPTHROAT> Well, yes and no. It's still being developed, but it's not
what people are expecting.
<DEEPTHROAT> For example, AAA will have all the amazing graphics modes
people have heard about. But due to a very strange set of political and
engineering circumstances, the only Amiga that will be able to use AAA
is the A1000.
<Cryo> You're kidding.
<DEEPDOODOO> No, DT is right. All those loyal A1000 owners who held onto
their machines are going to be VERY happy campers.
<Cryo> Holy sh*t...!!
<BLAZEMONG> Next up in the queue is mykes... go ahead.
<IGould> My question is whether the DEEP blabbermouths want their jobs or
<BLAZEMONG> IGould: please wait your turn.
*** IGould has been kicked off channel #Amiga-Wombat by BLAZEMONG
*** IGould has joined channel #Amiga-Wombat
<BLAZEMONG> The queue now is: mykes Radix cyclone Aikido mama harv
<mykes> As a long-time Amigan and stockholder, I'd like to know whether
Mehdi Ali really wears pink, women's underwear with little bunny rabbits
on it.
<DEEPDOODOO> It's light blue. Only the rabbits are pink.
<DEEPDOODOO> There will be a photo in the 1993 fiscal report.
<Aikido> Now I'm *really* embarrassed...
<Radix> BLAZE: My turn?
<BLAZEMONG> Radix: go ahead
<Radix> What's happening with CD32? Will it be just a big game machine?
Will CD32-compatible drives be available for other Amigas?
<DEEPDOODOO> Yes, CD32 will have lots of games avaliable for it. Will
developers embrace it as a real computer too? Hard to say.
<DEEPTHROAT> I've heard that Utilities Unlimited (Emplant makers) will
be coming out with a hardware device that turns the CD-ROM into a writable
<Radix> DT: You're kidding, right?
<DEEPTHROAT> Radix: No joke. Unfortunately, it's a write-only device.
No reading. Great for backups... if you never need to do a restore.
<DEEPDOODOO> I've heard that too.
<DEEPDOODOO> Concerning drives for other Amigas, once again, it will
probably be only for the Amiga 1000. Upper management realy likes that old
<Radix> Wow.
<BLAZEMONG> cyclone? your turn.
<cyclone> In the 1992 annual report, page 21, it says that "The resulting
adjustments are charged or credited directly to cumulative translation
adjustment in the shareholders' equity section of the consolidated balance
<cyclone> Do you think that if Commodore had not made this statement, then
today they would be a world leader in multimedia?
*** cyclone has been kicked off channel #Amiga-Wombat by BLAZEMONG
<mykes> heh heh
<BLAZEMONG> Aikido, you're on.
*** cyclone has joined channel #Amiga-Wombat
<Aikido> I just want to express my doubts that DEEPDOODOO and DEEPTHROAT
are C= insiders. What proof do we have that they are genuine?
<BLAZEMONG> Hmmm... good point.
<DEEPDOODOO> Well, Aikido, I *did* know Ali's underwear.
<DEEPTHROAT> Don't worry, Aik. We are real. Not like those fakers on
Genie the other day.
<DEEPDOODOO> DT: Hey! They were REAL!!!
<DEEPTHROAT> Oh, BITE me, DD!! They were NOT!
*** Action: DEEPDOODOO bites DEEPTHROAT on the nose
*** Action: DEEPTHROAT snips off DEEPDOODOO's nipples with a dull scissors
<BLAZEMONG> Oh no, not this again...
<harv> More! More!
*** Action: scotte likes blood
<Cryo> sheesh...
<cyclone> Commodore is *definitely* doomed.
<pjotr> cwolf: pass the popcorn!
<cwolf> munch munch
<Aikido> ugh... a dull scissors. I hurt just thinking about it.
*** Action: DEEPDOODOO feeds DEEPTHROAT to rabid beavers
*** Action: DEEPTHROAT spikes DEEPDOODOO's drink with cyanide
<mama> BLAZEMONG: Please don't yell.
*** Action: DEEPTHROAT calms down.
*** Action: DEEPDOODOO has had enough violence... for now.
<Aikido> DEEP: OK, I am convinced that you are real. Either that, or I'm
watching reruns of "The Three Stooges."
<BLAZEMONG> OK, next question is from... mama?? I didn't know that a "bot"
could ask questions. Pjotr, I am impressed with your creation!
<mama> I would like to know if C= will be incorporating more Artificial
Intelligence into AmigaDOS.
<pjotr> Thanks, BLAZE!
<DEEPTHROAT> AI? Definitely. The next generation of printer drivers will
be able to detect what kind of printer you are using automatically. And
we're teaching the narrator.device to sing.
<DEEPDOODOO> Localization is getting more intelligent too. Soon, the
Amiga will be able to understand double-clicks in 157 different languages!
<mama> Wow!
<BLAZEMONG> harv, go ahead...
<harv> Thanks, BLAZE. I'd like to know the truth behind the comments that
DEEPMODEM and DEEPTHOUGHT made on Genie -- is C= really in it just for
the money? Don't they care about their customers and high-end machines?
<IGould> heh heh
<DEEPDOODOO> You have to understand that C= is full of different people
with different ideas about how the company should be run. The hardware
folks want to make high-end machines. The software folks want to add
memory protection and other features. The marketing folks
<DEEPDOODOO> want to make big bucks. And upper management wants...
*** DEEPDOODOO has been kicked off channel #Amiga-Wombat by IGould
<BLAZEMONG> Hey!!! What is this?
<mykes> What the hell?
<IGould> I think has gone on long enough.
*** DEEPTHROAT has been kicked off channel #Amiga-Wombat by IGould
*** mykes has been kicked off channel #Amiga-Wombat by IGould