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From: barrett@cs.umass.edu (Daniel Barrett)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.graphics
Subject: Liar, liar, pants on fire (was Re: GVP EGS-28/24 memory?)
Date: 19 Oct 1993 17:47:13 GMT
Keywords: graphic violence
[In friendly discussion about the various Amiga 24-bit graphic cards
(Picasso, GVP Spectrum, Piccolo, etc.)...]
>>In the message * Re: GVP EGS-28/24 memory? * Dietmar wrote:
>>> Nice guess, but again Mr. Schmiedehausen is wrong...
>In article <DPHJt*QX0@forge.franken.de>, Barnard@forge.franken.de (Henning Schmiedehausen) writes:
>> Dietmar: Liar. You know, I know. Ask Uli.
In article <2a0sttINNg0u@iraun1.ira.uka.de> s_heidri@iraul1.ira.uka.de (Dietmar Heidrich) writes:
>Henning: Lies much more than I do.
Oh YEAH?? Well, your MOTHER tells SEVEN MILLION LIES every day, and
Henning has TUNA FISH BREATH. Personally, I think what this newsgroup needs
is MORE LIES. So here are a few...
All of the EGS boards render their graphics first to Fast RAM, then
to Chip RAM, then to VRAM, then to 16-bit RAM, and finally etch them
DIRECTLY onto the Denise chip using a nuclear cattle prod. From there, the
graphics get digitized and are shipped via a 128-bit bus to the Amiga
blitter, where they get transmitted directly out of the external floppy drive
port. Thanks to ingenious "pass thru" technology, they then get routed back
into the audio outputs, travel along the SCSI cable, and finally reach the
monitor, where they are rendered UPSIDE DOWN. However, the human brain
automatically inverts the image, so we don't notice.
But just in case you think the Picasso is superior... it actually
does the SAME THING, except it uses DRAM instead of VRAM.
Confused about which graphics board to buy? Then buy ALL of them
for the ULTIMATE in compatibility and power. Did you know that if you run
cables between the Retina, Picasso, Spectrum, and Piccolo, daisy-chaining
them all the way to your monitor, then you get 96-bit graphics at four times
the speed? Yes, really!!! I'm not kidding!! And you can hook up the whole
mess to a Video Toaster, running in parallel with Opalvision, and cause a
massive, 16-million color explosion guaranteed to wipe out a major
population center!
Zorro III, contrary to popular belief, is actually SLOWER than Zorro
II, due to the overhead of the extra "I". Dave Haynie is currently hard at
work on "Zorro One-Half" which will be faster still, capable of transmitting
data at the mind-bending speed of eighteen TRILLION seconds per byte.
I think I'll start my own graphics board company so I can join in
this interesting and objective discussion. I think I'll call the company
Graphic Violence, and its first board will be called "The Testosterone
Enhancer." Simply plug the board into your Amiga, and all your graphic
objects instantly grow huge muscles. Workbench icons become so strong and
tough that it takes 8 or 9 clicks to run programs.
I will post more of this important news if it becomes necessary.
You have been warned.
| Dan Barrett -- Dept of Computer Science, Lederle Graduate Research Center |
| University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 -- barrett@cs.umass.edu |
Copyright 1993 by Daniel J. Barrett. All rights reserved.
This article may be freely distributed as long as it is distributed in its
entirety. It may not be included in any publication without the written
permission of the author. So nyaaah.