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From: barrett@cs.umass.edu (Daniel Barrett)
Newsgroups: comp.sys.amiga.advocacy
Subject: The TRUE history (was Re: what's Irving Gould's history?)
Date: 22 Dec 1993 18:14:26 GMT
Summary: yup, yup, like, this is the way it all happened
Keywords: spoon, battery-operated, gazelle, Helium
In article <2f7nuu$mqf@goanna.cs.rmit.oz.au> toc@arcadia.cs.rmit.edu.au (Tim O'Connor) writes:
>I was hoping that someone could possibly answer these IG and Tramiel
>questions for me.
Your wish is my command. Heh heh.
>1) When did Gould join C=? Was he there from the start?
Irving Gould began in 1921 as a third-shift replacement janitor's
assistant at Commodore and rose gradually but steadily to become the second
most powerful person in the company. (The most powerful is Dave Haynie, who
secretly owns 99.9% of the stock and several love nests in the Caribbean.)
>2) What was he doing when Jack Tramiel was in charge? (Could someone
> fill me in the whole business of Tramiels departure?)
It's very simple. While Jack was off playing pirated BLAZEMONGER
prototypes, Irving would sneak into his office and put thumbtacks on Jack's
chair. When Jack got home and sat down.... OOOOOEEEEE, that hurt!
Eventually, Jack got fed up with this crap and left the company. Thanks
to Divine Succession of Kings, Irving was given Jack's old job.
>3) Who was the actual creator of C=? was is JT?
Nope. Commodore was founded in 1861 by Norman "Bingo" Hockheister
and his aged mother, Loretta. Bingo and Loretta were familiar faces in old
West Chester, standing on barrels in the marketplace, selling strange devices
that Bingo claimed could "calculate square roots", "cure leprosy", or even
"blast slimy aliens from Arcturus VI."
After a few run-ins with local law and health officials, Bingo and
Loretta decided to try simpler work for a while. They set up shop in an
abandoned sawmill and tried carpentry for a few years. But Loretta was too
old to hold the wood properly, and Bingo just generally sucked with a saw,
so they could make only simple, rectangular designs like doors, boxes, etc.
In fact, their customers would frequently remark on how plain and
uninteresting Bingo's work was, saying "That is a really dull box," or "What
a common door." From these terse phrases eventually came Bingo and Loretta's
company name: Common Door, which was later shortened to one word.
But Bingo and Loretta's big breakthrough came one day in last 1863
while Loretta was sawing herself a new pair of wooden teeth. Somehow, she
managed to get a big splinter in her gums and started hopping around in pain
and screaming. This generally pissed off Bingo, since Loretta did this
approximately 15 times per day, making him want to bonk her on the head with
an axe handle... but this time, Bingo had an idea. Would people PAY to bonk
his mother over the head?
Soon, "Bingo's Whackin' Good Arcade Game" was the hit of West
Chester and most of the Northeast USA. People came from miles around to
line up and throw rocks and overripe fruit at moving targets and win
prizes. (No, Loretta was not one of the targets. She ran the concession
stand.) From these humble beginnings, Commodore rose to become the computer
manufacturer of today, with its lower-end machines still devoted to games of
this sort. Only less violent.
>4) What is his actual ROLE? (apart from losing lots of money)
Irving's responsibilities include attending press conferences,
wearing tidy business suits, vacationing in the Bahamas, and making major
decisions such as whether to pile his money on the left or the right side
of his gold-plated vault.
>5) Is Tasha Yar really a Romulan? *:)
No, Tasha Yar is a breakfast cereal.
| Dan Barrett -- Dept of Computer Science, Lederle Graduate Research Center |
| University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003 -- barrett@cs.umass.edu |
Copyright 1993 by Daniel J. Barrett. All rights reserved.
This article may be freely distributed as long as it is distributed in its
entirety. It may not be included in any publication without the written
permission of the author. So nyaaah.