Fresh Fish 5
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File List
173 lines
AdmitOne.ham.lha ?.? 112K HAM raytrace of TRex going to the movies
AdmitOne.jpg.lha ?.? 132K JPG raytrace of TRex going to the movies
Adrift.lha ?.? 99K Ray traced 736x482 jpeg by Bill Graham.
Alien.ham.lha ?.? 114K HAM of raytraced Alien
Alien.jpg.lha ?.? 182K JPG of raytrace Alien
Alien3.ham.lha ?.? 116K HAM raytrace of a profile of the Alien
Alien3.jpg.lha ?.? 162K JPG raytrace of a profile of the Alien
AlienBladder.lha ?.? 158K Ray traced 768x482 jpeg by Bill Graham.
Anguish.ham.lha ?.? 118K HAM raytraced dragon and moon
Anguish.jpg.lha ?.? 123K JPG raytraced dragon and moon
Anguish2.ham.lha ?.? 112K HAM of a raytraced dragon and Earth
Anguish2.jpg.lha ?.? 129K JPG of a raytrace dragon and Earth
Apache.lha ?.? 134K Rendered picture of an Apache helicopter
Avarice.ham.lha ?.? 121K HAM raytrace of dragon
Avarice.jpg.lha ?.? 178K JPEG raytrace of dragon
Avarice2.ham.lha ?.? 123K JPEG and HAM raytraced dragon closeup
Avarice2.jpg.lha ?.? 177K JPEG raytraced dragon closeup
Awakening.ham.lha ?.? 108K HAM raytrace, clean and well lit
Awakening.jpg.lha ?.? 103K JPEG raytrace, clean and well lit
Battle.ham.lha ?.? 118K HAM fight avarice VS firebreather
Battle.jpg.lha ?.? 138K JPEG fight avarice VS firebreather
Batworm.lha ?.? 287K Ray traced 768x482 jpeg by Bill Graham.
BeautifulBlue.ham.lha ?.? 109K 768x482 HAM Imagine raytrace
BeautifulBlue.jpg.lha ?.? 45K 768x482 HAM Imagine raytrace
Bills_World.lha ?.? 47K Ray traced 768x482 jpeg by Bill Graham.
BismarkPlus.lha ?.? 281K Schlachtschiff Bismarck raytrace
BitART-City.jpg.lha ?.? 56K Rendered scene of a future city.
BitART-Toys.jpg.lha ?.? 75K Rendered scene of a children's room
BookLamp.ham.lha ?.? 98K 384x482 HAM raytrace
BookLamp.jpg.lha ?.? 108K 768x482 JPEG raytrace
Braids.lha ?.? 207K Ray traced jpeg by Bill Graham.
Brainship.lha ?.? 168K Ray traced jpeg by Bill Graham.
BumpyPots.lha ?.? 513K Rendered picture of 3 Bumpy Pots
Buttrfly.lha ?.? 165K Ray traced jpeg picture by Bill Graham.
CAM.jpg.lha ?.? 81K 640x512x24 JPEG raytrace using Imagine 2
Candy1.lha ?.? 63K Ray traced jpeg picture by Bill Graham.
Candy2.lha ?.? 34K Ray traced jpeg picture by Bill Graham.
CaptainNed.lha ?.? 107K Ray traced jpeg picture by Bill Graham.
CastlRok.jpg.lha ?.? 95K Imagine rendered picture
CFD-BladeRunner.ham.lha ?.? 140K Rendered scene from Bladerunner movie
CFD-BladeRunner.jpg.lha ?.? 48K Rendered scene from Bladerunner movie
CFD-Fantasy.jpg.lha ?.? 79K 704x566x24 JPEG virtual world scene
CFD-ModernRoom.jpg.lha ?.? 91K 704x566x24 JPEG virtual world scene
CFD-ThreeCans.ham.lha ?.? 137K 352x566x6 HAM raytrace of softdrink cans
CFD-TwoCans.ham.lha ?.? 67K 352x566x6 HAM raytrace of softdrink cans
Chamber.lha ?.? 92K Ray traced jpeg picture by Bill Graham.
CheckMate.ham.lha ?.? 107K HAM raytrace of a twisted chess board
CheckMate.jpg.lha ?.? 90K JPEG raytrace of a twisted chess board
Chimera.ham.lha ?.? 113K HAM raytrace of dragon in jungle
Chimera.jpg.lha ?.? 138K JPEG raytrace of dragon in jungle
Chimera2.ham.lha ?.? 123K HAM trace, dragon over mystic sea
Chimera2.jpg.lha ?.? 182K JPEG trace, dragon over mystic sea
Crossing.lha ?.? 154K Ray traced jpeg picture by Bill Graham.
Cyber_Express.iff.lha ?.? 456K 746x484x24 cybernetic expressions poster
Dandelion.lha ?.? 123K Ray traced jpeg picture by Bill Graham.
Delivrance.jpg.lha ?.? 124K JPEG of raytraced surealistic picture
DigiView.lha ?.? 70K Ray Traced Picture in HAM8 Format.
DragonDreams.ham.lha ?.? 111K 768x482 HAM Imagine rendered picture
DragonDreams.jpg.lha ?.? 80K 768x482 JPEG Imagine rendered picture
DragonDreams2.ham.lha ?.? 120K HAM raytraced dragon
DragonDreams2.jpg.lha ?.? 80K JPEG raytraced dragon
DragonSong.ham.lha ?.? 100K HAM Lightwave 3.0 dragon anim frame
DragonSong.jpg.lha ?.? 111K JPEG Lightwave 3.0 dragon anim frame
Embrace.ham.lha ?.? 115K HAM raytrace of a loving embrace
Embrace.jpg.lha ?.? 156K JPEG raytrace of a loving embrace
Emerald.ham.lha ?.? 118K HAM raytrace of dragon on Emerald Isle
Emerald.jpg.lha ?.? 118K JPEG raytrace of dragon on Emerald Isle
Escape.lha ?.? 95K Ray traced jpeg picture by Bill Graham.
f1.jpg.lha ?.? 138K 948x428x24 JPEG raytrace, formula 1 car
Fingercows.lha ?.? 99K Ray traced jpeg picture by Bill Graham.
FireBreather.ham.lha ?.? 125K HAM raytrace of fire breathing dragon
FireBreather.jpg.lha ?.? 170K JPEG raytrace of a fire breathing dragon
FishOcean.lha ?.? 95K Picture from Stephan Fuhrmann
FishStuff.lha ?.? 189K Collection of Pictures by Pat Fish
FunkyBike.jpg.lha ?.? 547K 704x482x24 raytraced pic of a motorcycle
FutureCity.lha ?.? 62K Rendered scene of a Future City
Gardenwalk.lha ?.? 146K Ray traced jpeg picture by Bill Graham.
GreatSASCIcons.lha ?.? 68K Great SAS C Icons (MagicWB style)
GreatWhite.ham.lha ?.? 133K HAM raytrace of great white shark
GreatWhite.jpg.lha ?.? 333K JPEG raytrace of great white shark
Guardian.lha ?.? 99K Ray traced jpeg picture by Bill Graham.
GutterWar.ham.lha ?.? 118K HAM raytraced spider and scorpion
GutterWar.jpg.lha ?.? 89K JPEG raytraced spider and scorpion
Heads.lha ?.? 100K Ray traced jpeg picture by Bill Graham.
HellSpawn.ham.lha ?.? 115K 768x482 HAM Imagine raytrace
HellSpawn.jpg.lha ?.? 96K 768x482 JPEG Imagine raytrace
Helmet.lha ?.? 152K Helmet with a skull wearing it.
HornLife.iff.lha ?.? 105K Imagine rendered still-life
Hunt.ham.lha ?.? 82K HAM 3D T. Rex night hunting
Hunt.jpg.lha ?.? 82K JPEG 3D T. Rex night hunting
IceAge.ham.lha ?.? 95K HAM raytraced dinosaurs and icebergs
IceAge.jpg.lha ?.? 107K JPEG raytraced dinosaurs and iceburgs
IconPack-1.0.lha 1.0 82K Complete collection of replacement icons
im_sun.lha ?.? 24K Nice picture of the sun.