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- by Tom Ekström
- IconPack is a complete collection of replacement system icons for
- Workbench 2.x and 3.0
- Workbench 2.04 or later required
- Hard disk recommended
- IconPack is freely distributable and copyright © 1994 Tom Ekström
- 2.1. The Icons
- 2.2. File Overview
- 3.1. Installing the Workbench icons
- 3.2. Using Iconizer in manual mode
- 4.1. Background
- 4.2. Copyright
- 4.3. Disclaimer
- 4.4. Author Info
- IconPack is a complete collection of shiny new replacement Workbench
- icons. They are designed to look good on a standard high
- resolution, non-interlaced Workbench with the original four colours of
- gray, black, white and blue.
- If you don't want to read through the whole documentation, here are some
- brief instructions to get started:
- (1) Double click on 'IconPack_Screen' to see a sample picture of a
- Workbench with IconPack 'in action'.
- (2) If you like what you see, double click on 'Install_Icons'. This
- script installs most of the icons to your Workbench.
- The IconPack package contains replacement icons for all standard system
- files on Workbench 2.x and 3.0. In addition, there are icons for several
- popular public domain and shareware programs, hard disk related tools,
- and icons for different types of data files, such as pictures, sounds,
- music, textfiles, and so on.
- I strongly suggest that you install the icons with the Iconizer utility.
- Iconizer is designed for the sole purpose to make the installation process
- as safe and effortless as possible. Take a look at section 3 on
- installation for a description of using Iconizer.
- You won't regret it.
- 2.1. THE ICONS
- IconPack contains all standard system icons for Workbench versions 2.x
- and 3.0. In addition, there are icons for different types of data files
- (such as text and music), hard disk related tools, and some popular public
- domain and shareware programs. There are about 100 different icons altogether.
- All (except a few) icons display an alternate image when selected. The icons
- have the same shape and size and use the same four colour palette of gray,
- black, white and blue as the original icons on Workbench 2.0 and later.
- The icons can be found in the 'Icons' drawer, organized in subdrawers as
- on the original Workbench. Take a tour around in the drawers to see what
- the icons look like.
- This is a complete overview of all files included with IconPack.
- All files mentioned in these listings must be included with a distribution
- of IconPack. For more information, see section 4.2., Copyright.
- Here's a listing af all the icons in IconPack, contained in the
- 'Icons' drawer and its subdrawers:
- Icons/
- Devs.info Prefs.info Tools.info Utilities.info
- Misc.info System.info Trashcan.info
- Icons/Devs/
- DataTypes.info Keymaps.info Printers.info
- DOSDrivers.info Monitors.info
- Icons/Devs/DataTypes/
- DataType.info
- Icons/Devs/DOSDrivers/
- DOSDriver.info
- Icons/Devs/Keymaps/
- Keymap.info
- Icons/Devs/Monitors/
- Monitor.info
- Icons/Devs/Printers/
- Printer.info
- Icons/Misc/
- Alternatives.info Datafiles.info HDTools.info Programs.info
- Icons/Misc/Alternatives/
- HDBackup.info IntelliFont2.info Sound.info
- Intellifont1.info Keymap.info Trashcan.info
- Icons/Misc/Datafiles/
- Anim.info Brush.info Music.info Sound.info
- AnimBrush.info Guide.info Picture.info Text.info
- Icons/Misc/HDTools/
- HDBackup.info HDToolBox.info
- Icons/Misc/Programs/
- AppISizer.info KCommodity.info Promotor.info ViewTek.info
- DiskSalv.info MagicMenu.info SuperDuper.info
- FontEditor.info PowerPacker.info ToolManager.info
- FontViewer.info Prefs.info UnPacker.info
- Icons/Misc/Programs/Prefs/
- ReqTools.info ToolManager.info
- Icons/Prefs/
- Env-Archive.info Overscan.info PrinterGfx.info Time.info
- Font.info Palette.info PrinterPS.info WBPattern.info
- IControl.info Pointer.info ScreenMode.info
- Input.info Presets.info Serial.info
- Locale.info Printer.info Sound.info
- Icons/Prefs/Env-Archive/
- Sys.info
- Icons/Prefs/Env-Archive/Sys/
- def_disk.info def_harddisk.info def_project.info def_tool.info
- def_drawer.info def_kick.info def_ramdisk.info def_trashcan.info
- Icons/Prefs/Presets/
- Preset.pre.info
- Icons/System/
- FixFonts.info Fountain.info NoFastMem.info Setmap.info
- Format.info IntelliFont.info RexxMast.info Shell.info
- Icons/Tools/
- Calculator.info GraphicDump.info Lacer.info ShowConfig.info
- CMD.info IconEdit.info MEmacs.info
- Colors.info InitPrinter.info PrepCard.info
- Commodities.info KeyShow.info PrintFiles.info
- Icons/Tools/Commodities/
- AutoPoint.info CrossDOS.info IHelp.info
- Blanker.info Exchange.info MouseBlanker.info
- ClickToFront.info FKey.info NoCapsLock.info
- Icons/Utilities
- Clock.info Display.info More.info
- MultiView.info Say.info
- This is a listing of the remaining files in IconPack. These are the
- documentations files, files to manage the installation process, and so
- on. They, too, are an important part of the IconPack package.
- These files are contained in the main drawer of IconPack.
- IconPack.doc Documentation in text format
- IconPack.doc.info Icon for the above
- IconPack.guide Documentation in AmigaGuide format
- IconPack.guide.info Icon for the above
- IconPack_Screen Sample screen of IconPack icons
- IconPack_Screen.info Icon for the above
- Iconizer The installation tool
- Iconizer.info Icon for the above
- Install_Icons Installation script for Iconizer
- Install_Icons.info Icon for the above
- A word of warning for novice users: DO NOT install these icons to your
- ORIGINAL Workbench disk. You should always be using a copy, and use the
- original only as a backup in case the copy goes corrupt.
- I strongly suggest that you use the included Iconizer utility to install
- the icons. You'll save yourself from wasting a lot of time and effort and
- ensure that everything is installed correctly. Installing the icons with
- IconEdit, for example, will be very tedious to say the least.
- Note that Iconizer requires at least Workbench 2.04.
- If you are still not entirely convinced, take a look at some of the
- highlights of Iconizer:
- * An easy to use, font-sensitive graphical user interface, that actually
- lets you see the new image and the original image side-by-side, before
- the installation! Clicking on either image will show the alternate
- imagery, if there is any!
- * Install or reject icons on an icon-by-icon basis!
- * Only the imagery of the icon is changed -- the icon position, default
- tool, tool types etc. are left unaffected!
- * Iconizer replaces only existing icons -- fake icons (icons for files
- that you don't have) won't be created!
- * A 'smart' interactive script mode that attempts to find the original
- icon if they are moved to some other drawer on Workbench!
- * A manual mode with AppWindow support for easy selection of icons --
- just drag and drop! Or use the ASL file requester if you prefer!
- There are two parts in the installation process:
- First, all standard Workbench icons can be installed using the provided
- script. Click on 'Install_Icons' to start Iconizer in script mode.
- After the script is complete, you may want to install some additional icons
- manually. They can be found in the 'Misc' drawer and its subdrawers.
- These include icons for some popular PD/shareware programs, hard disk
- related tools, and all usual datafiles, such as animations, pictures,
- text files etc. Click on 'Iconizer' to start Iconizer in manual mode.
- The easiest way to install the Workbench icons is using Iconizer with
- the included script. The script will automatically go through your
- Workbench disk, only attempting to install new imagery to those icons
- that it finds.
- Start the script by clicking on the 'Install_Icons' icon.
- For each icon to be installed, Iconizer will show the new image and the
- original image side by side, along with the name of the destination icon.
- Clicking on either image will show the alternate image, if there is any.
- You can now select if you want to install the new image, or skip this icon
- and move on to the next one.
- Click on 'Install', if you want the original image of the icon to be
- replaced with the new image.
- Click on 'Skip', if you want to keep the original image.
- At any point, you can also select 'Quit', to abort the installation.
- The Iconizer utility can also be used in manual mode, to install the
- remaining icons from the 'Misc' drawer that are not installed by the
- script.
- Start Iconizer by double-clicking on its icon.
- Iconizer will start as 'empty', with no images. To install the image from
- one icon to another, you need to open a source icon (the icon that contains
- the imagery to be installed) and a destination icon (the icon that will
- receive the new imagery).
- The easiest way to open an icon is to drag and drop it into the Iconizer
- window. Source icons can be dropped in the box labeled 'New image',
- destination icons can be dropped in the box labeled 'Original image'.
- Icons can also be opened from the Project menu, selecting 'Open source icon'
- and 'Open destination icon', respectively.
- Finally, the destination icon can also be opened by typing its name in
- the string gadget labeled 'Destination icon'.
- After you have opened both a source and a destination icon, you can
- install the image from the source to the destination by clicking on
- 'Install'.
- Additionally, Iconizer lets you delete icons conveniently from the
- Workbench, without having to resort to the CLI: Open a destination icon,
- then select 'Delete destination icon' from the Project menu.
- This section contains some general discussion about the IconPack icons,
- some legal issues, and author information.
- Why another set of icons? Well, in my opinion, the original icons that came
- with Workbench didn't look too good (to put it mildly :). As the only sin
- that the universe doesn't forgive appears to be ugliness, I decided to
- draw some new ones.
- While there are excellent public domain icon collections for an interlaced
- Workbench, IconPack is meant for all those people who can't or don't want
- to use an interlaced Workbench, such as owners of Commodore 1081 and 1084
- monitors (like me) who can't put up with the interlace flicker.
- I didn't want colourful icons with custom palettes, just plain four-colour,
- well-defined and consistent icons to go along with the existing 3-D
- gray-black-white-blue look of the gadgets and windows.
- Some of the reasons for this was that:
- - 4 colour icon files are much smaller than those with 8 or 16 colours,
- taking up less disk space.
- - Many icons that come with public domain and commercial programs
- use the default palette and often look bad with a custom one.
- - It is easier to spot the mouse pointer if the icons are not too
- colourful.
- - Using the same shape, size and palette as the original icons,
- you can install just those icons that you want and they don't look
- out of place alongside the original icons.
- Since the purpose of an icon is to give a visual representation of the
- function of the program, I tried to design these icons to be
- as consistent and representative as possible.
- With representativeness (what a word) I mean that the icon should give
- you a good idea of what the program does. Alternate imagery helps a lot
- in giving a visual representation of the function of the program. It
- also takes up some more disk space, however.
- With consistency I mean that I think that it's nice if programs dealing
- with similar things have similar-looking icons, with common elements.
- It helps the user identify the function of a program more easily.
- For example, programs that work with floppies in some way have the same
- disk image in their icons, programs manipulating fonts have similar-looking
- icons, and so on.
- However, I tried to maintain the overall look of the original Workbench
- icons using the original template with prefs and tools, 'recessed' and
- 'raised' rectangles, shadows etc., extending the shiny 3-D look of the
- windows and gadgets to icon imagery.
- The icons were drawn by hand using a combination of IconEdit and Deluxe
- Paint III. It's so much easier drawing the image first in DPaint, saving it
- as a brush and importing the image into IconEdit. IconEdit has a couple of
- annoying bugs though that makes it a bit frustrating at times (such as the
- notorious "nahh -- you don't need so many colours" -bug ;-)
- The icons were designed on an Amiga 1200HD with Workbench 3.0, during a
- period of eight months (well, it wasn't a full time job :). Some icons have
- evolved quite radically as I got some new ideas how to represent things
- visually, and tried to make the icons consistent.
- If you're interested, some of my personal favourites are Intellifont,
- KeyShow and ViewTek, to name a few.
- IconPack is freely distributable and copyright © 1994 Tom Ekström. It
- can be distributed under the following conditions:
- (1) The IconPack package must be distributed in its entirety, without
- deletions, additions or modifications of any kind. The entire package
- may be compressed with an archiver (such as LhArc or Zoo) before
- distribution, however.
- (2) There is one exception to rule (1): If you want, you can use the icons
- in the 'Icons/Misc' and 'Icons/Devs' directories and their sub-
- directories for your docs, guides, anims, sounds, pictures, datatypes,
- dosdrivers, printer drivers etc., in your own PD/Shareware releases.
- In that case, include the line "(Icon by Tom Ekström)" (without the
- quotes, of course) as the first line of the icon tool types.
- (3) No profit may be made for distributing IconPack. A reasonable copying
- and handling charge for the media is acceptable, however.
- (4) No part of IconPack may be included in a commercial product without my
- written permission.
- (5) Explicit permission is granted to distribute IconPack on InterNet/FTP,
- public access BBS's, and to Fred Fish in his AmigaLibDisk library.
- If you like these icons and decide to install them on your Workbench, I
- would be happy if you sent me a note (a postcard of the town where you
- live, a poem that you wrote, a drawing, some software you've written, some
- leaves from the trees where you live, some catnip for my cat Viiru,
- ...well, you get the point :).
- All comments, suggestions, bug reports etc. are also welcome.
- But in any case, if you don't want to send me anything, don't feel bad
- about it.
- Just enjoy the icons.
- Install and use these icons at your own risk. If you can't find your
- favourite text editor after having disguised it with one of the icons,
- don't blame me :).
- More seriously, while I've tried my best to make IconPack (with the
- included Iconizer utility) a useful and reliable product, anything can
- go wrong (and according to mr. Murphy, it will), so I have to say this:
- USE AND INSTALL ICONPACK AT YOU OWN RISK! I can't be held responsible for
- any damage caused by the use and installation of the IconPack package.
- 4.4. AUTHOR
- I can be reached by paper mail at the address:
- Tom Ekström
- Tiilentekijänkatu 16 as.10
- FIN-20810 Turku
- (Europe)
- or by e-mail at the address:
- litoek@kielo.uta.fi
- My e-mail address is valid at least until September '94, probably later.
- The paper mail address is probably valid until the end of the world
- (which I hope is still a few years off).