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- v2.00
- (18th November 1993)
- `The Original'
- Archiving Intuition Interface
- ©1992 by Paul Mclachlan
- SHAREWARE ($5) - See my address at the end of this document
- User Documentation
- "Anything that happens, happens"
- -'Mostly Harmless'
- What is the Archiving Intuition Interface?
- The Archiving Intuition Interface, AII, is a specially developed
- workbench program that enables even the novice user to archive and
- de-archive software using most of the various archivers around,
- without needing to learn (or lookup) multitudes of commands, what
- they stand for, and type in line length CLI arguments. It
- utilises the brilliant ReqTools library, by Nico François as well
- as GadTools. Until recently this has meaned that AII was only
- useable under KickStart 2.0 or higher. Starting with version 1.38
- however, AII will work under KickStart 1.3 just fine. I don't
- know anyone who has a 1.2 machine, so I cannot test it here but
- there is no reason why it shouldn't work under this early version
- of KickStart.
- o An Amiga running KickStart 1.3 or higher.
- o Some archiving software. The archivers supported
- by AII are listed below in the documentation.
- o ReqTools.library in your LIBS: Directory
- o The execute program in your C: Directory. This
- can be found on your 1.3 or 2.x WorkBench disk in
- the C/ directory on that disk.
- Before I get started, I'd like to thank all the people who have
- registered for AII. When I first started this program I hardly
- expected it to be this popular, but after a wonderful review or two
- in Amiga Shopper and now registrations of ten (10) people. It is
- very encouraging to see that the spirit of shareware is still
- alive, and it has encouraged me to continue to develop AII.
- If you have previously used AII v1.38 or lower, then you will not
- need to read this entire docuemnt. In fact, you'll probably only
- need to read a few paragraphs, to keep you up with the changes.
- Changes from v1.38/1.37:
- Under Kickstart 2.x+ AII is now a commodity. What this means,
- essentially, is that it can be managed via the 'exchange' utility
- provided by Commodore, and that it can stay dormant without a
- window on the screen, to be re-enacted by a hotkey or through
- exchange. Due to this, the iconify gadget has been removed from
- the 2.x+ interface (although it is still there under the 1.3
- version). This is because iconify is of no use if AII can install
- itself as a commodity.
- The default hotkey is 'lcommand a', meaning hold down the left
- amiga key and hit 'a'. This will toggle the Main AII window
- (on and off). The hotkey can be changed in the tooltypes with the
- "CX_POPKEY = " or via the usual method from CLI. (This is covered
- in detail further on in this document).
- CX_POPUP also works as specified, and this allows you to stop the
- AII window appearing initially. (So you can run it on startup and
- always have a dormant AII around).
- Several more archivers have been added. The addition of Shrink
- compatibility, as well as two 'whole' disk archivers on the
- suggestion of F.Morgan (Thanks!). Later in this document is a
- short section on the abilities of the supported archivers.
- Since more archivers have been added, the format of the
- configuration file has been updated. You will need to reselect
- your archivers through AII again (sorry). To help this along,
- though, a new configuration editor window has been added to AII.
- While currently all the features of this are not supported
- (disabling of archivers is not yet implemented), it is much easier
- to use than just selecting 7 or 8 archivers one after another.
- Sorry to the 1.3 people, you will still have to use the old method.
- Changes from v1.25:
- Firstly and foremost, the program now works under KickStart 1.3.
- That should be pretty self explanatory. The reason I'm harping on
- about is because it effectively doubled the size of the source,
- and also doubled the time that I've spent on writing this program.
- By the way, you had better pay your shareware or I'll be really
- annoyed!
- Anyway, from 1.25, the archive format .zip has been added. Umm,
- I'm not so sure which unzip I have used or anything.. btw.. If you
- have an archive program you would like to see supported, then pay
- your shareware and tell me about it. It'd be nice if you'd tell
- me where I can get it as well, like on which fish disk or which
- SYDNEY bbs...
- Umm, two little boxes have been added beneath the two getfile
- gadgets, which show the archive you are working on, or the path
- you wish to restore to. It does not show multi-files yet as I
- have no idea how I'm going to fit that in without making the
- window MUCH larger. I don't particularly want to do that.
- Oh, the iconify gadget got smaller too, and AII now autodetaches
- correctly if run from a CLI (silly mistake anyhow)
- Changes from 1.03:
- Firstly, there have been more archiving formats entered. This
- allows you to archive in lha, lzh, arc, and zoo, and de-archive in
- lha, lzh, arc, zoo, and arj. You cannot archive in arj as a
- program has not been written that can do it yet. As soon as one
- comes out, AII will be updated to support it.
- Next, there has been a change in the user interface. Several of
- the gadgets have been moved, and the perform gadget resized. This
- was done to, uh, make it look better.
- A iconify feature has been added, which can be invoked by clicking
- on the title 'button', at the top of the window. If you can't
- find it, buy some glasses, since its about ¼ of the window big.
- The icon window also remembers its previous position, so you can
- place it where you want it.
- Finally, the addition of a Delete file command, enables you to
- delete files while using the program, in case you make an error,
- archiving something you didn't want to or whatever.
- To install AII simply click and drag the AII program into a
- suitable directory on your hard drive or system boot disk. If
- you only have a single disk drive, you may find it more efficient
- to first drag the program onto the RAM: drive, and then from there
- onto your system boot disk.
- The actual setting up of the program is made easy by the
- 'select archiver' option in the Project menu. Simply run the
- program, and then select 'Select Archiver...' from the 'Project'
- menu. This will bring up several file requesters. Use these file
- requesters to find the archivers that are specified on your hard
- drive or system disk. Click on OK when you have found and
- selected this program, or double click on the archiver program
- name. Now this pathname and setup will be saved to disk in the
- file S:AII.config. If you ever move any of the archiver programs,
- you can easily edit this file or use the method described above.
- AII will try to read its config file every time it is loaded, and
- if AII cannot find this file then it will use certain defaults,
- and relys on your system path to allow it to find the program. If
- you are running from workbench then it is possible that it will
- not find the archiver. It will warn you that it can not load the
- config file with a small requester window.
- It has come to my attention that AII is getting quite large (now
- over 50k in fact). This may impede installation on non-hard drive
- systems. Keep in mind however, that powerpacker 4 will crunch AII
- down to a small 23576 bytes, more than halving the size of AII. So
- if space is a problem, try that.
- If the program does not work as you expect, then first check that
- your expectations are correct :) But if you cannot get it to
- work, try some of the following:
- o Ensure that reqtools.library is present in your LIBS:
- directory. It is preferable to have a more recent
- version, such as 36 or higher. Version 37 or 38 are
- ideal.
- o Ensure that you have chosen the correct archiver
- and that it has saved to your disk. You disk should
- not be write protected when AII attempts to save its
- configuration file. If you are running from
- workbench, it is especially important that the config
- is set correctly. If it is not then there is the
- possibility of AII not being able to find your
- archiver!
- o Ensure that the Execute command is either in your C:
- directory or resident. Without it AII will find it
- much more difficult to archive. (Although it may
- still manage - there are about 4 different methods
- included if others fail)
- o The logical device RAM: cannot be write protected.
- AII uses the RAM: drive as a temporary device. If you
- have a disk you have called RAM: in a drive and have
- write protected it, then AII may or may not manage to
- perform the operation. Also under KickStart 1.3, you
- will need to have the ramdisk.device in the devs:
- directory.
- If all else fails you can contact me at my address at the bottom
- of this file or in the about requester of AII. If you have paid
- your shareware fee and supply a Self Addressed Stamped Envelope
- than I will reply as quickly as possible.
- Wow, if you've got this far then obviously you really intend to
- read these docs. Usage is fairly simple, and made simpler by an
- extensive help feature in the program. Nevertheless, I will
- describe all the features of the program here.
- The one and only menu. There are a few things in here that
- might prove useful.
- HELP MODE: HotKey Amiga h
- By selecting this menu, you can toggle help mode on and
- off. This means that it turns help on and off. Help mode
- is used by simply turning it on, and then selecting the
- function that you would like help on. I think the help is
- pretty good actually :)
- This is used to configure the program. By selecting it
- you enable a file requester that lets you pick where your
- various archivers are and what it is called on your hard
- drive or system disk. This is then saved in the file
- S:AII.config. If the disk is write protected then AII
- will not be able to save the configuration, and you will
- be asked to configure the program again next time you load
- up, until it has written to the disk. Starting with
- version 2.0, under kickstart 2.x+, this option will open a
- configuration window which allows you to more easily change
- the archivers. String gadgets show the archiver currently
- selected, a file requestor gadget on the right allows
- selection of another archiver (or you could type the
- filename). The disable button on the far right, while it
- works is not fully implemented yet. It has no function to
- the working of the program.
- This brings up a file requester allowing you to delete a
- file of your choice. Kinda obvious, huh? (Thats why it
- wasn't in the 1.25 documentation.. I forgot - more to the
- point, that's why it hasn't been in the online help until
- version 2.. I forgot :)
- Try it and see :)
- QUIT: HotKey Amiga Q
- This enables you to leave/exit/quit the program.
- This gadget is only present when running under 1.3. Under 2.x+
- AII is a commodity and is iconified through exchange or its
- hotkey.
- This gadget has the words 'ARCHIVING INTUITION INTERFACE' in
- it, and doubles as a title and an iconify gadget. When you
- select this gadget, the window is replaced by a 'title bar'
- size window. You can return to the original AII window by
- clicking the right mouse button while this window is
- activated. You can also quit AII in the usual way from here
- by selecting the close gadget.
- This gadget is a cycle gadget. It cycles through the
- different compression methods that this archiver supports, by
- suffix. At the moment this gadget supports nine methods, .lha,
- .lzh, .zoo, .arc, .arj, .zip, .dms, .lhw and .shr. So if,
- for example, you wanted to de-archive 'Myfile.lha' then this
- gadget should be set to '.lha' as that is the suffix of the
- archive.
- Another cycle gadget, this allows you to select from the
- various forms of commands for the archiver program, such as Add
- Files or Extract files. The actual functions in these
- commands are all supported by the LHA archiver, which is also
- the most popular archiver around at the moment. The other
- archivers, however, do not support all of these commands, and
- if you select a command that is not supported by the current
- archiving method, then AII will let you know with a small
- requester. The commands are:
- This function allows you to add files to the archive
- specified. It will also create a new archive if you
- specify a non-existant file. The archive filename
- that you have selected will appear in the box below
- the gadget.
- With this command it is possible to concatenate
- several archives to one or to append several archives
- to the end of another. So, if you have 3 archives,
- and you wish to 'join' them together, then you can use
- this command. Specify the destination archive as
- usual, then, instead of filenames, select archives to
- concatenate. If you specify an existing archive as
- the destination, then the other archives will be
- appended to this one.
- With this command it is possible to take a copy of the
- files in the archive out, and place them in the
- directory specified.
- Full Path:
- This extracts the files with their filepaths as
- well.
- The various list commands show the contents of the
- archive, or, if you like, the filenames in the
- archive. The higher the level of complexity (short,
- verbose, full - in that order), the more information
- is shown about the files. Try it out on any existing
- archive.
- This command tests the files in the archive, to ensure
- that they are all complete and proper. Especially
- useful if you have downloaded a file and you think
- some line noise has gotten through, or if you have
- accidently corrupted a disk.
- This command can be used to replace older files in the
- archive with new files from the files selected. This
- command never actually adds additional files to the
- archives, only files that are already present and
- older will be replaced.
- This performs in exactly the same way as freshen,
- except that files that are specified and not already
- in the archive are added as well.
- This getfile gadget allows you to select the archive that you
- wish to use. If the archive is new, then simply type the
- archive name in the appropriate space after selecting the
- correct directory. Otherwise, you can just double click on
- the name or click on the name and then click okay. The archive
- name that you have selected will appear, without its path in
- the box below the gadget.
- This getfile gadget changes in function depending on the
- command selected currently. If you are extracting files then
- you will need to select an output directory for the files to
- go into, and if you are adding, updating of refreshing files
- than you need to specify the files to be used.
- Directory selection:
- Simply click your way through the directory levels until
- you get to the directory that you want to dearchive to.
- Note that no files will be displayed in the directory
- requester. The final directory that you have selected
- will appear in the box below the gadget.
- Multifile selection:
- In this requester, you can select multiple files, either
- by using the 'all' gadget for all the files visible, the
- 'match' gadget for files matching a certain pattern (see
- your AmigaDOS manual for more on pattern matching) or by
- holding down the shift key and clicking on the files that
- you want to use. When you have finished and all the files
- that you want are highlighted, simply click on 'Okay' in
- the lower left corner.
- (NB: When using one of the full disk archivers (DMS or LHW),
- this gadget has no function whatsoever. The internal (DF0)
- drive is always used when using the disk archivers)
- OPTIONS or the CHECKBOX gadgets:
- All of these options are supported by the LHA archiver, but
- many are not supported by the other archivers. If you have
- selected an option that is not supported, then that will just
- be ignored, and AII will execute the command anyway. This was
- done because the options are just that, options, and certainly
- not vital to the archive. If you wish to know what the
- various options mean, you can consult the LHA documentation,
- or the help mode of AII.
- This gadget will actually execute the archiver that you have
- selected with the options you have specified. AII checks that
- you have selected an archive to work on, but not if you have
- selected any files. After all, not selecting the archive
- crashes the computer, but not selecting files just wastes a
- little time. Another window will open up, and the archiver
- output will be displayed in there. When the archiver has
- finished, you can click the close gadget to this window and it
- will disappear.
- Here is a list of compression results on some standard files:
- Test.shr 3346 ----rwed Today 17:16:50
- Test.lha 3295 ----rw-d Today 17:18:58
- Test.zoo 4912 ----rwed Today 17:16:02
- TEST.ARC 4701 ----rwed Today 17:16:02
- As you can see, LHA has the best compression, with Shrink a close
- second. (btw, these files were created using AII - of course!)
- (under 2.x+)
- While fairly self-explanatory (as with all commodities) through
- workbench, I will briefly outline the procedure for changing the
- hotkey when you run AII from the CLI.
- The easiest way to explain is perhaps with an example:
- AII "CX_POPKEY=rcommand esc"
- Causes AII to be started with its hotkey (which toggles its window)
- as the right amiga key held down when you hit escape. Other
- command line options are outlined in this more extensive example
- (which is actually only a single line, but split to fit on your
- screen):
- AII "CX_POPKEY=rcommand esc" "CX_PRIORITY=2" "CX_POPUP=No"
- Priority is rather complex and I won't attempt to explain it (check
- your AmigaDOS manuals). The Popup function determines whether or
- not the AII window opens when you first run it. It defaults to Yes
- (ie, the AII window comes up), but if you set it to no you will
- need to hit the hotkey or use exchange to open the window.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- v1.00 Before release
- First version. Complete with online help :)
- v1.01 Before release
- Fixed a bug whereby the poota crashed if archiving method
- was not selected. Thanks to Chris for finding the bug.
- v1.02 Before release
- Fixed a bug where the poota crashed if LHA returned a fail
- code.
- v1.03 First release version 20/12/1992
- Fixed a bug where the program could not de-archive to any
- device ending with a ':'. Only directories could be
- de-archived to. This has now been corrected. Thanks to
- Chris for finding the bug.
- v1.10 Not released 16/1/1993
- Added several archivers, including arj, pak, zoo and arc.
- Fixed the bug which didn't allow AII to put its little
- 'operation complete' message at the end of the operation.
- v1.20 17/1/1993
- Removed pak archiver 'cause it was silly. Added a
- delete file menu option. Fixed the window open bug, where
- it was trying to open a window with a ':' specified twice
- in it. The second one replaced with a '-'. I think it
- looks okay.
- v1.25 17/1/1993
- Added an iconify feature. By clicking on the title you
- can iconify the window. This window also remembers its
- previous position. It is quite large.. maybe I should make
- it smaller...nahh.
- v1.30 20/1/1993
- Added KickStart 1.3 support. Making cycle gadgets under
- Kickstart 1.3 is fun. Added the box to show the selected
- archive or path. I'm gonna have to change it later so
- that if you select multiple files it will show the first
- or something... Only released to Chris... I'll be very
- angry if he spreads it...
- v1.31 21/1/1993 (Early morning)
- Auto detach from CLI... Fixed a few bugs, made the About
- Requester look prettier. Actually released this to more
- than Chris. :) Should see this version on the great
- mag, MegaDisc. If you live in Australia and have never
- seen it, give the editor a ring on (02) 959-3692. If you
- live overseas... well, maybe in a few years :) (eh, Tim?)
- v1.32 21/1/1993 (After some sleep)
- Worked all day to add a 2.0 look to the 1.3 interface. All
- the gadgets now look like they are bevelled.
- v1.33 21/1/1993 (Later that night)
- A few minor cosmetic changes.
- v1.34 22/1/1993
- Now AII can be used to archive many things at once, since
- it 'runs' the archive command. Also found a bug: when the
- program auto-detaches from the CLI, the CLI cannot be shut
- until the program is. Umm, pretty awful bug, but its
- better than AII not detach-ing at all, huh?
- v1.35 27/1/1993
- Umm. Fixed that AutoDetach bug.
- v1.37 1/3/1993
- Fixed a bug which actually prevented AII from running
- under KickStart 1.3 :( Pretty stupid bug, as well.
- Thanks to Lee of Dataline for pointing it out.
- Sorry to all MegaDisc subscribers who have suffered under
- not being able to get the program to work.
- v2.00 18/11/1993
- Added three new archivers, DMS, LHWarp and Shrink: The
- first two are whole disk archivers. Added Commodity
- support under 2.x+, and removed the iconify feature under
- 2.x+. Fixed some un deallocated memory bugs (that probably
- never even occurred anywhere). Added a new configuration
- editor under 2.x+ mode.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sometime in the future I'd like to add 'intelligent'
- operations for dearchiving, so you can select a whole batch
- of archives from all different archivers and AII will just
- go through and work out which archive needs which program
- and de-archive them all.
- I'd love to be able to get those 'checkbox' gadgets to
- ghost under 1.3, but no matter what I do... :)
- I have, of course, tried to make this program as easy to use
- as possible. I feel this documentation is adequate to
- describe the features that are not covered by the help
- function in the program.
- Tell me what you think of my program, and send in your
- shareware fee ($5 recommended) if you like it, huh? Here's my
- address:
- Paul Mclachlan
- 60 Hatfield street
- Blakehurst, 2221
- Sydney, Australia
- ph: (02) 546-1346
- Get in touch!
- Thanks to:
- Chris Burton for the concept of AII + beta testing.
- William Waring for some ideas for features and coding.
- Nico François for the brilliant Reqtools.library
- Jan van den Baard for Gadtoolsbox which made life easier
- Stephan Boberg for Lha
- Raymond S. Brand for Arc
- Rahul Desi & J. Brian Waters for Zoo
- Peer Hasselmeyer for UnARJ
- Samuel Smith & Greg Tavares for UnZip
- Jonathan Forbes for LhWarp
- Matthias Meixner for Shrink
- and, er.. SDS Software for DMS -Don't have a name on that
- one :(
- AII was written in C:
- Source Code Total Size: 120510 bytes
- Compiled under: SAS/C v6.30
- Total Compile time: 5:07 minutes
- Final Executable size: 50252 bytes
- Total Size of distribution: 81850 bytes