home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* AppCon Main Source
- **
- ** Done by Stephan Fuhrmann
- **
- */
- #define EXEC_MINIMUM 36
- #define MY_ID 3111973
- /*#define DEBUG_ME*/
- #include <AppCon.h>
- #include <dos.h>
- //#include <stdio.h>
- //#include <stdlib.h>
- #define FILENAME_MAX 128
- #include <string.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include <dos/dosextens.h>
- #include <exec/execbase.h>
- #include <exec/ports.h>
- #include <exec/io.h>
- #include <exec/libraries.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/interrupts.h>
- #include <exec/tasks.h>
- #include <devices/console.h>
- #include <devices/conunit.h>
- #include <devices/keymap.h>
- #include <devices/input.h>
- #include <devices/inputevent.h>
- #include <devices/timer.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
- #include <workbench/startup.h>
- #include <workbench/workbench.h>
- #ifdef LATTICE
- int CXBRK(void) { return(0); }
- int chkabort(void) { return(0); }
- #endif
- struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- struct Library *WorkbenchBase;
- struct Library *KeymapBase;
- struct DosLibrary *DOSBase;
- struct Library *UtilityBase;
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include <proto/wb.h>
- #include <proto/keymap.h>
- #include <proto/utility.h>
- long timeout=10; /* in tenths of a second */
- const char vt[]=VERSTAG;
- struct Process *AppConTask=0L;
- struct CommandLineInterface *AppCLI;
- struct Window *AppConWindow;
- struct MsgPort *timeport=0L;
- struct MsgPort *appport=0L;
- struct MsgPort *ioreply=0L;
- struct IOStdReq *iorequest=0L;
- struct timerequest *timerio=0L;
- struct AppWindow *AppWindow;
- struct AppMessage *AppMessage;
- struct InputEvent *InputEvent;
- ULONG ReceivedSignals;
- char filename[FILENAME_MAX];
- char dirname[FILENAME_MAX];
- char pathname[FILENAME_MAX*2];
- char AppConName[]="AppCon";
- #define TEMPLATE "TimeOut=Time/K/N"
- enum templates {OPT_TIMEOUT,OPT_COUNT};
- char HelpPage[]=
- "\nAppCon Help\n"\
- "-----------\n"\
- "© 1994 Stephan Fuhrmann\n\n"\
- "Options\n"\
- "---------\n"\
- "TIMEOUT...timeout between checks of window closing, in tenths of a second\\NUMBER\n"\
- "\nExample: AppCon TIMEOUT=10\n";
- int breakother (struct Process *MyProc);
- struct InputEvent *SendEvents (struct IOStdReq *iorequest,struct InputEvent *SendUs);
- void MakeActive (struct Window *ActivateMe);
- struct InputEvent *BrewInputevent(char *ASCII);
- void FreeIEs (struct InputEvent *firstie);
- struct Window *GetConWindow (struct Process *ConProcess,struct MsgPort *MyPort);
- long AntiBlocking (struct Window *MyWin);
- void MegaAbort (struct IOStdReq *);
- void LaunchRequest (long secs,long micros,struct timerequest *mytimerio);
- __saveds int main(int argc,char *argv)
- {
- struct RDArgs *argsptr;
- APTR oldname;
- SysBase=*(struct ExecBase **)4;
- AppConTask=(struct Process *) FindTask(NULL);
- oldname=AppConTask->pr_Task.tc_Node.ln_Name;
- AppConTask->pr_Task.tc_Node.ln_Name=AppConName;
- if (!argc)
- return (0);
- if (DOSBase=(struct DosLibrary *)OpenLibrary ("dos.library",37))
- {
- PutStr (VSTRING);
- PutStr ("PUBLIC DOMAIN written 1993/94 by Stephan Fuhrmann\n");
- if (IntuitionBase=(struct IntuitionBase *)OpenLibrary ("intuition.library",37))
- {
- if (WorkbenchBase=OpenLibrary ("workbench.library",37))
- {
- if (KeymapBase=OpenLibrary ("keymap.library",37))
- {
- if (UtilityBase=OpenLibrary ("utility.library",37))
- {
- if (breakother (AppConTask))
- {
- argsptr=AllocDosObject (DOS_RDARGS,0);
- if (argsptr)
- {
- argsptr->RDA_ExtHelp=HelpPage;
- if (!ReadArgs (TEMPLATE,opts,argsptr))
- {
- PrintFault (IoErr(),NULL);
- FreeArgs (argsptr);
- FreeDosObject (DOS_RDARGS,argsptr);
- return (0);
- }
- if (opts[OPT_TIMEOUT])
- timeout=*(LONG *)opts[OPT_TIMEOUT];
- if ((ioreply=CreateMsgPort()) && (appport=CreateMsgPort()) && (timeport=CreateMsgPort()))
- {
- appport->mp_Node.ln_Name=AppConName;
- WaitSignals |= 1L << (ioreply->mp_SigBit);
- WaitSignals |= 1L << (timeport->mp_SigBit);
- WaitSignals |= 1L << (appport->mp_SigBit);
- if ((iorequest=CreateIORequest(ioreply,sizeof(struct IOStdReq)))
- && (timerio=CreateIORequest(timeport,sizeof(struct timerequest))))
- {
- if (!OpenDevice ("timer.device",UNIT_VBLANK,(struct IORequest *)timerio,0))
- {
- if (!OpenDevice ("input.device",0L,(struct IORequest *)iorequest,0))
- {
- AppConWindow=GetConWindow (AppConTask,ioreply);
- if (AppConWindow)
- {
- if (AppWindow=AddAppWindowA (MY_ID,NULL,AppConWindow,appport,NULL))
- {
- ReceivedSignals=0;
- LaunchRequest (timeout / 10,(timeout % 10) * 100000,timerio);
- while (!(ReceivedSignals & SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C))
- {
- ReceivedSignals=Wait (WaitSignals);
- if (ReceivedSignals & (1L << (timeport->mp_SigBit)))
- {
- ReceivedSignals &= ~ (1L << (timeport->mp_SigBit));
- MegaAbort ((struct IOStdReq *)timerio);
- LaunchRequest (timeout / 10,(timeout % 10) * 100000,timerio);
- if (AntiBlocking (AppConTask->pr_ConsoleTask) <= 1)
- Signal ((struct Task *)AppConTask,SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
- }
- if (ReceivedSignals & (1L << (appport->mp_SigBit)))
- {
- ReceivedSignals &= ~ (1L << (appport->mp_SigBit));
- while (AppMessage = (struct AppMessage *)GetMsg (appport))
- {
- register long cnt,max;
- register struct WBArg *curarg;
- struct WBArg *argptr;
- if ((AppMessage->am_Type)!=MTYPE_APPWINDOW)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_ME
- VPrintf ("Unknown type (%ld)!",&AppMessage->am_Type);
- #endif
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)AppMessage);
- continue;
- }
- max=AppMessage->am_NumArgs;
- curarg=AppMessage->am_ArgList;
- if (!max)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG_ME
- VPrintf ("Not enough arguments (%ld)!",&max);
- #endif
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)AppMessage);
- continue;
- }
- argptr=curarg;
- for (cnt=0;cnt<max;cnt++)
- {
- int hasspace;
- int plusend;
- if (argptr->wa_Lock)
- NameFromLock(argptr->wa_Lock,dirname,FILENAME_MAX);
- strcpy (pathname,dirname);
- if (argptr->wa_Name)
- AddPart(pathname,argptr->wa_Name,FILENAME_MAX*2);
- if (cnt)
- {
- if (InputEvent=BrewInputevent (" "))
- {
- MakeActive (AppConWindow);
- FreeIEs(SendEvents (iorequest,InputEvent));
- }
- else
- DisplayBeep(0);
- }
- hasspace=(int)strchr(pathname,' ');
- plusend=*(pathname+strlen(pathname)-1)=='+';
- if (hasspace || plusend)
- {
- if (InputEvent=BrewInputevent ("\""))
- {
- MakeActive (AppConWindow);
- FreeIEs(SendEvents (iorequest,InputEvent));
- }
- else
- DisplayBeep(0);
- }
- if (InputEvent=BrewInputevent (pathname))
- {
- MakeActive (AppConWindow);
- FreeIEs (SendEvents (iorequest,InputEvent));
- }
- else
- DisplayBeep (0);
- if (hasspace || plusend)
- {
- if (InputEvent=BrewInputevent ("\""))
- {
- MakeActive (AppConWindow);
- FreeIEs(SendEvents (iorequest,InputEvent));
- }
- else
- DisplayBeep (0);
- }
- argptr++;
- }
- ReplyMsg((struct Message *)AppMessage);
- }
- }
- }
- RemoveAppWindow (AppWindow);
- }
- else
- PutStr ("Couldn't add AppWindow\n");
- }
- else
- PutStr ("Couldn't find console window!\n");
- MegaAbort (iorequest);
- CloseDevice ((struct IORequest *)iorequest);
- }
- else
- PutStr ("Couldn't open console.device");
- MegaAbort ((struct IOStdReq *)timerio);
- CloseDevice ((struct IORequest *)timerio);
- }
- else
- PutStr ("Couldn't open timer.device\n");
- }
- else
- PutStr ("Couldn't create IORequest\n");
- DeleteIORequest (timerio);
- DeleteIORequest (iorequest);
- }
- else
- PutStr ("Couldn't create msgport\n");
- DeleteMsgPort (timeport);
- DeleteMsgPort (ioreply);
- DeleteMsgPort (appport);
- }
- else
- PutStr ("Couldn't allocate ReadArgs-Object\n");
- FreeArgs (argsptr);
- if (argsptr)
- FreeDosObject (DOS_RDARGS,argsptr);
- }
- else
- PutStr ("Removed existing AppCon-Task.\n");
- CloseLibrary (UtilityBase);
- }
- CloseLibrary (KeymapBase);
- }
- CloseLibrary (WorkbenchBase);
- }
- CloseLibrary ((struct Library *)IntuitionBase);
- }
- CloseLibrary ((struct Library *)DOSBase);
- }
- AppConTask->pr_Task.tc_Node.ln_Name=oldname;
- return (0);
- }
- int breakother (struct Process *MyProc)
- {
- struct List *MyList;
- struct Process *ProcPtr;
- APTR MyConTask;
- UWORD cnt;
- int result=1;
- /* critical sections start */
- Forbid();
- MyConTask=MyProc->pr_ConsoleTask;
- for (cnt=0;cnt<2;cnt++)
- {
- MyList=cnt ? &SysBase->TaskReady : &SysBase->TaskWait;
- for (ProcPtr=(struct Process *)MyList->lh_Head ;
- ProcPtr->pr_Task.tc_Node.ln_Succ!=MyList->lh_Tail ;
- ProcPtr=(struct Process *)ProcPtr->pr_Task.tc_Node.ln_Succ)
- {
- if (ProcPtr->pr_Task.tc_Node.ln_Type==NT_PROCESS)
- {
- if ((ProcPtr->pr_ConsoleTask==MyConTask) && (ProcPtr!=MyProc))
- {
- if (!strcmp(ProcPtr->pr_Task.tc_Node.ln_Name,AppConName))
- {
- Signal ((struct Task *)ProcPtr,SIGBREAKF_CTRL_C);
- result=0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- Permit();
- /* critical section end */
- return (result);
- }
- struct InputEvent *SendEvents (struct IOStdReq *iorequest,struct InputEvent *SendUs)
- {
- struct InputEvent *ThisEvent,*NextEvent;
- ThisEvent=SendUs;
- while (ThisEvent)
- {
- iorequest->io_Command=IND_WRITEEVENT;
- iorequest->io_Length=sizeof(struct InputEvent);
- iorequest->io_Data=ThisEvent;
- NextEvent=ThisEvent->ie_NextEvent;
- ThisEvent->ie_NextEvent=0L;
- __emit (0x48e7);
- __emit (0xfffe);
- DoIO ((struct IORequest *)iorequest);
- __emit (0x4cdf);
- __emit (0x7fff);
- ThisEvent->ie_NextEvent=NextEvent; /* recover NextEvent-field for later FreeMem-stuff */
- ThisEvent=NextEvent;
- }
- return (SendUs);
- }
- void MakeActive (struct Window *ActivateMe)
- {
- if (! ((ActivateMe->Flags) & WFLG_WINDOWACTIVE))
- {
- ActivateWindow (ActivateMe);
- while (! ((ActivateMe->Flags) & WFLG_WINDOWACTIVE))
- Delay (1);
- }
- }
- void FreeIEs (struct InputEvent *firstie)
- {
- register struct InputEvent *nextie;
- while (firstie)
- {
- nextie=firstie->ie_NextEvent;
- FreeMem (firstie,sizeof (struct InputEvent));
- firstie=nextie;
- }
- }
- struct InputEvent *BrewInputevent(char *ASCII)
- {
- struct InputEvent *thisie,*oldie,*grandpa,*firstie;
- register long cnt;
- long junksize;
- WORD *junkbuf;
- long rawsize;
- firstie=0;
- thisie=0;
- oldie=0;
- junksize=strlen(ASCII)*3;
- if (!(junkbuf=AllocVec(junksize*sizeof(WORD),MEMF_CLEAR|MEMF_PUBLIC)))
- return (0);
- rawsize=MapANSI (ASCII,strlen(ASCII),(STRPTR)junkbuf,junksize,0);
- switch (rawsize)
- {
- case 0:
- case -1:
- case -2:
- FreeVec (junkbuf);
- return (0);
- }
- for (cnt=0;cnt<rawsize;cnt++)
- {
- grandpa=oldie;
- oldie=thisie;
- thisie=AllocMem(sizeof (struct InputEvent),MEMF_CLEAR|MEMF_PUBLIC);
- if (!thisie)
- {
- FreeVec (junkbuf);
- FreeIEs(firstie);
- return (0);
- }
- if (oldie)
- oldie->ie_NextEvent=thisie;
- else
- firstie=thisie;
- /* PARANOIA! */
- //thisie->ie_NextEvent=0;
- thisie->ie_Class=IECLASS_RAWKEY;
- //thisie->ie_SubClass=0;
- thisie->ie_Code=(*(junkbuf+cnt)>>8) & 255;
- thisie->ie_Qualifier=*(junkbuf+cnt) & 255;
- if (oldie)
- {
- thisie->ie_position.ie_dead.ie_prev1DownCode=oldie->ie_Code;
- thisie->ie_position.ie_dead.ie_prev1DownQual=oldie->ie_Qualifier;
- }
- if (grandpa)
- {
- thisie->ie_position.ie_dead.ie_prev2DownCode=grandpa->ie_Code;
- thisie->ie_position.ie_dead.ie_prev2DownQual=grandpa->ie_Qualifier;
- }
- }
- FreeVec (junkbuf);
- return (firstie);
- }
- struct Window *GetConWindow (struct Process *ConProcess,struct MsgPort *MyPort)
- {
- struct Window *ResultWindow;
- struct MsgPort *con;
- struct StandardPacket packet;
- struct InfoData id;
- ResultWindow=0L;
- if (ConProcess->pr_Task.tc_Node.ln_Type == NT_PROCESS)
- {
- con=ConProcess->pr_ConsoleTask;
- if (con)
- {
- packet.sp_Msg.mn_Node.ln_Name=(char *)&(packet.sp_Pkt);
- packet.sp_Pkt.dp_Link=&(packet.sp_Msg);
- packet.sp_Pkt.dp_Port=MyPort;
- packet.sp_Pkt.dp_Type=ACTION_DISK_INFO;
- packet.sp_Pkt.dp_Arg1=((ULONG) &id) >> 2;
- PutMsg (con,(struct Message *)&packet);
- WaitPort (MyPort);
- ResultWindow=(struct Window *)id.id_VolumeNode;
- }
- }
- return (ResultWindow);
- }
- long AntiBlocking (APTR MyConsoleTask)
- {
- long winusers=0;
- long cnt,max;
- Forbid();
- max=MaxCli()+1;
- for (cnt=1;cnt < max;cnt++)
- {
- struct Process *ThisProc;
- if (ThisProc=FindCliProc (cnt))
- {
- if (ThisProc->pr_ConsoleTask == MyConsoleTask)
- winusers++;
- }
- }
- Permit();
- return (winusers);
- }
- void MegaAbort (struct IOStdReq *AbortMe)
- {
- AbortIO ((struct IORequest *)AbortMe);
- WaitIO ((struct IORequest *)AbortMe);
- SetSignal (0L,1L << (AbortMe->io_Message.mn_ReplyPort->mp_SigBit));
- }
- void LaunchRequest (long secs,long micros,struct timerequest *mytimerio)
- {
- timerio->tr_node.io_Command=TR_ADDREQUEST;
- timerio->tr_time.tv_secs=secs;
- timerio->tr_time.tv_micro=micros;
- SendIO ((struct IORequest *)mytimerio);
- }