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- *************************************************************************
- * *
- * Conditions of use APPVM 1.0 *
- * ----------------- --------- *
- * *
- * This program has been provided for the enjoyment of the masses. *
- * It is Public Domain. *
- * Since the author doesn't ask for anything in return, the user *
- * will accept the following conditions: *
- * *
- * 1) In no case whatsoever shall the author be liable for any *
- * damages, losses etc... due to the use of this program. *
- * 2) Distribution of the program is only allowed subject to the *
- * following restrictions: *
- * *
- * 2.a) No file part of this distribution will be omitted or *
- * modified in any way. *
- * 2.b) None of the files which are part of this distribution *
- * should be stored on environmentally unfriendly media. *
- * (e.g. paper! (listings, faxes)) *
- * *
- * Laurence Vanhelsuwé *
- * 29-APR-92 *
- * *
- *************************************************************************
- Program Title : APPVM (APPlication Virtual Memory) (Version 1.0)
- -----------------------
- Author : Laurence Vanhelsuwé
- ----------------------------
- 1. Requirements/Installation:
- --------------------------
- This version of APPVM requires the 68030 because it uses its
- on-chip MMU heavily.
- Owners of 68020+68851 based systems should write to me if they
- want support for their configuration.
- In addition to this hardware requirement APPVM also requires
- hard disk "swap space"; typically 10 Mb at least.
- 2. How to use it:
- --------------
- Add a line in your startup-sequence or user-startup like:
- This would load the virtual memory manager, create a 20 MEGABYTE
- file in the T: directory and patch the system.
- Once APPVM signals it's READY via the welcome message on the console,
- other programs are invited to start using the enhanced
- - AllocMem() and FreeMem()
- - Read() and Write()
- calls which support the new Virtual Memory.
- 3. APPVM: it's uses.
- -----------------
- As the name suggests, APPVM is a virtual memory system for application
- programs.
- In other words, the system isn't allowed to "see" any VM pointers
- returned by AllocMem(). The exception are the functions listed above.
- This version also limits the number of programs using VM at the same
- time to .... 1 (one).
- Apart from that, any program which successfully receives a non-zero
- return from AllocMem() when specifying the new memory class MEMF_VM
- can address a block of memory as large as that managed by APPVM which
- is determined by the megabytes argument when starting up APPVM.
- 4. Internals:
- ----------
- All VM pointers returned by AllocMem() have bit 31 set.
- For example: $80000000 points to Virtual Memory, not Physical RAM !
- 5. APPVM Limitations/Warnings:
- ---------------------------
- Since this program was an exercise, and never aimed to produce a real-
- world product, APPVM has a serious limitation: it only services one Task
- at a time.
- If a certain Task is the first to do a VM AllocMem(), then all others
- will be barred from using VM until the previous one has released its
- block of Virtual Memory space.
- 6. History:
- --------
- This version was written as an exercise to prove some Commodore
- software engineer wrong. He thought doing real MMU-assisted virtual
- memory on the Amiga was impossible. Well, it ain't of course !
- In my programs I don't like messing about with functions like getch(),
- readln() or any similar inefficiencies... instead I prefer to load
- files in their entireties and process them at lightning speed while
- they're in RAM.
- Obviously this is not a generic solution which works in all situations
- but nevertheless one that does wonders to one's own little set-up
- provided you've got a couple of megabytes in your machine.
- One of my programs (called WFR) does a word frequency scan using this
- "file cacheing" method.
- One day I wanted to create a huge word list to enhance my spelling
- checker by giving WFR a 20Mb text file off one of the CDTV Encyclopedia
- titles... just to remember that my WFR wouldn't handle that kind of file
- size.
- Too stubborn to change it to use buffered loading of chunks, I thought
- of writing a true virtual memory system so my WFR could still do the
- job virtually unmodified (just change one AllocMem argument).
- So I wrote APPVM... just to find that WFR accesses memory in such a
- random way that disk thrashing still brings my WFR to its knees.
- So in the end I still had to modify WFR's internals! (bloody computers).
- 7. Credits:
- --------
- Any comments, ideas or bug reports?
- My name and address are:
- Laurence Vanhelsuwé
- Christinastraat 105
- B-8400 Oostende
- Enjoy !