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- Documents for BootUte v1.2
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- BootUte was written by Paul Toyne
- Released on 24-Apr-94.
- 1) What is bootute ?
- 2) BootUte's Options
- 3) Error Messages
- 4) Disclaimer
- 5) Distribution
- 6) A1200 Compatability
- 7) Greetings
- 8) Future Versions
- 9) Testing
- 10) Contacting Me
- 11) History
- BootUte was written in 100% assembler.
- What is BootUte ?
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- BootUte is a program that enables the loading, saving and executing
- of bootblocks.
- BootUte requires Kickstart and Workbench 2.0 or above, it also
- requires any version of reqtools.library.
- reqtools.library is © Nico Francois.
- My main aim in producing this program was to make games and demos
- that wouldn't work on my 1200 work.
- I have expanded somewhat on my original idea so that it will be
- useful to all people with accelerators, or with kickstart 2.0 and
- above.
- BootUte was written over a period of a couple of months on-off work.
- It was written in 100% assembler using Devpac 3.
- Why kickstart 2.0 and above only ?
- I have two reasons for that :
- 1) It is a lot easier to provide a good user interface under 2.0+.
- 2) If you are an acclerator owner you should have at least 2.0, and
- if you don't I would suggest upgrading.
- BootUte's options
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- BootUte can be opened in any of the following screen-modes by setting
- the 'BootUte' environment variable from the shell/CLI.
- eg SetEnv BootUte=PAL
- Screen mode | Dimensions | Environment variable text
- ----------------------------|------------|--------------------------
- PAL:High Res | 640 x 256 | PAL
- PAL:High Res Laced | 640 x 512 | PALL
- NTSC:High Res | 640 x 200 | NTSC
- NTSC:High Res Laced | 640 x 400 | NTSCL
- DBLPAL:High Res | 640 x 256 | DBLPAL
- DBLPAL:High Res No Flicker | 640 x 512 | DBLPALN
- DBLNTSC:High Res | 640 x 200 | DBLNTSC
- DBLNTSC:High Res No Flicker | 640 x 400 | DBLNTSCN
- EURO72:640 x 200 | 640 x 200 | EURO72
- EURO72:Productivity | 640 x 400 | EURO72P
- EURO:36Hz High Res | 640 x 200 | EURO36
- EURO:36Hz High Res Laced | 640 x 400 | EURO36L
- MULTISCAN:640 x 240 | 640 x 240 | VGA
- MULTISCAN:Productivity | 640 x 480 | VGAP
- SUPER72:Super-High Res | 800 x 300 | SUPER72
- If the screen-mode isn't available then BootUte will display a requester
- saying that it can't open the screen, also if the screen mode is not a
- 640 x 256 mode, the screen will be opened as an auto-scrolling 640 x 256
- screen.
- ** The text in the environment variable is NOT case sensitive **
- Bootblock operations
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- Read bootblock from DF0:
- Reads the bootblock from drive DF0: to the buffer.
- Write bootblock to DF0:
- Writes the bootblock from the buffer to drive DF0:,
- re-calculating the checksum so that it is correct.
- File operations
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- Load bootblock to buffer
- Loads a file from disk to the buffer.
- The file must be one of the following :
- ·Raw data (1024 bytes long)
- ·Executable with only 1 code hunk
- (1052 bytes long)
- ·An executable with a BootUte header.
- (1220 bytes long)
- The checksum can be invalid, because BootUte corrects it
- automatically when the file is loaded.
- Save from buffer
- Saves the buffer to a file, using the file type specified in
- the preferences section.
- Buffer Operations
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- Execute
- Executes the file in the buffer using the options specified
- in the General Preferences section.
- Clear
- Clears the bootblock from the buffer.
- Information
- Displays the following information about the bootblock
- that is in the buffer :
- ·Bootblock type (OFS, FFS etc.)
- ·Correct checksum.
- ·Whether the current checksum is valid.
- ·An ASCII dump of the bootblock.
- Quit BootUte
- Exits BootUte.
- About BootUte
- This displays information about the current version of
- BootUte being used, and information about your Amiga
- system.
- Preferences
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- The preferences section is a set of six check boxes, split into two
- sections, where options are either on or off.
- General Preferences
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- Disable CPU Caches
- This option disables the Instruction and Data caches found
- on the 68020 processor and above.
- It is only selectable if a 68020 or above is present in the
- system.
- Trap MOVE SR,<ea>
- This option traps the assembler command MOVE SR,<ea> because
- it is a 'Supervisor Mode' instruction on the 68010 and
- above, whereas on the 68000 it can be used in 'User Mode'
- and 'Supervisor Mode'.
- It is only selectable if a 68010 or above is present in the
- system.
- VBR Zero
- This option moves the systems current Vector Base Register
- to zero, as many old, and some new (Andromeda Sequential)
- demos assume that it is zero.
- It is only selectable if a 68010 or above is present in the
- system.
- Save Preferences
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- NOTE : Only one of the below, or neither can be selected at the same
- time, both cannot be selected at the same time.
- Raw Binary
- This option makes the 'Save bootblock from buffer' option
- save the data as a binary file, so that it can't be run.
- BootUte Header
- This option makes the 'Save bootblock from buffer' option
- save the data using a special header that enables demo's
- to be run from the CLI.
- This is a list of the possible error messages BootUte can give
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- If BootUte quits straight away, without displaying any error
- messages, it means that it couldn't allocate the memory that it
- needs to function.
- Alert number 0003 8004
- BootUte was unable to open v36 or above of the intuition.library,
- this should only ever appear if you are running less than
- kickstart 2.0 (v36)
- You must be running Kickstart 2.0 or above
- BootUte was unable to open all of the libraries it needs as
- v36 or better, this should only appear if you have a mixture
- of pre 2.0 libraries and post 2.0 libraries in your libs:
- drawer.
- Unable to open reqtools.library
- BootUte was unable to open the 'reqtools.library', it needs this
- file in the libs: directory for all of it's requesters.
- Unable to open screen.
- BootUte was unable to open it's screen, this may be due to the
- fact that the selected monitor file hasn't been run.
- Unable to open window.
- BootUte was unable to open the window that it uses.
- Unable to open trackdisk.device.
- BootUte was unable to open the 'trackdisk.device' that it needs
- for the reading and writing of the bootblocks.
- Unable to allocate ReqTools file requester.
- BootUte was unable to allocate the structure necessary for the
- 'reqtools.library' file requester, this may be due to low
- memory conditions.
- Unable to read the bootblock
- BootUte was unable to read the bootblock of the disk in DF0:
- A possible cause is that there wasn't actually a disk in DF0:
- Unable to write the buffer because it is empty.
- BootUte was unable to write the bootblock buffer to DF0: because
- the buffer was empty.
- Unable to save the buffer because it is empty.
- BootUte was unable to save the bootblock buffer to disk because
- the buffer was empty.
- Unable to execute the buffer because it is empty.
- The buffer couldn't be executed because it was empty.
- Unable to clear the buffer because it is empty.
- The buffer couldn't be cleared because it was already clear.
- Unable to write the bootblock.
- BootUte couldn't write the bootblock to the disk in DF0:
- A possible cause is that there isn't a disk in the drive.
- There was an error reading the file.
- BootUte couldn't read a bootblock to the buffer.
- A possible cause is that the disk has got a read/write error.
- There was an error writing the file
- BootUte couldn't write the buffer to a file.
- Possible causes are : the disk in the drive is write protected.
- the disk is full.
- the disk has got a read/write error.
- Sorry, the file you are trying to
- load isn't a valid bootblock
- You are trying to load a file as a bootblock, and it isn't a
- valid format.
- Disclaimer
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- This software is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind,
- either expressed or implied. By using it, you agree to accept the
- entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program. Should
- the software prove defective, you assume the cost of all necessary
- servicing, repair or correction.
- Distribution
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- BootUte is ©1994 TLS.
- The program can be distributed by any means (BBS, mail etc.) as
- long as the following conditions are met :
- 1) No money changes hands.
- 2) The following files are included, in their original state and
- are not modified in any way :
- BootUte
- BootUte.doc
- BootUte.guide
- Install.doc
- reqtools.library - Any version.
- This information is only useful for users with A1200's
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- A lot of compatability problems are due to the fact that the new
- Amiga 1200's don't have any fast ram fitted as standard. If you own
- an A1200, then I suggest that you buy a fast ram expansion as it
- makes lots more programs run.
- Greetings
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- I would like to greet the following people :
- Oliver Norton (Oll¿e) - Betatester (A4000/040)
- Thanx for finding the bugs, hope ya like this great new
- version.
- Hi to these guys :
- Michael Morris : Hi, 'ex-beta-tester' - did you ever test it??
- Future Additions
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- The following options will definately be added to future versions of
- BootUte :
- »» CBM Installer script to make BootUte easier to install.
- »» 'Delay' option to allow for bootblocks/files that require mouse
- buttons to be held down to access a 'hidden' part.
- »» 'No Fast Ram' option to turn off fast ram, if it is fitted.
- »» 'Localisation' - For workbench 3.0+ to enable users in other
- countries to have the menus etc in their own
- language.
- »» Modify screen mode selection to use the ReqTools Screen mode
- requester.
- »» Have font selection.
- »» Ability to use drives other than DF0:
- »» Ability to load and execute executable files.
- »» 'No Fast Ram' option for programs that don't like fast ram.
- The following options may be added to future versions of BootUte,
- providing I get enough feedback from you (the users).
- »» 'Fake Fast Ram' option for users unable to afford a fast ram
- expansion.
- »» 'Arexx interface'
- If you think of any more options, or want the 'possible' options
- added then e-mail me - see 'How to contact me'
- Testing BootUte
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- BootUte has been tested on the following platforms/configurations.
- Amiga 1200
- 2 mb Chip, 4 mb Fast & 20Mhz 68881
- 80 mb Seagate 2.5" IDE Hard Drive
- External Power XL High Density floppy drive.
- Kickstart 3.0 ROM (v39)
- Amiga 4000/040
- 2 mb Chip, 2 mb Fast
- 120 mb Seagate 3.5" IDE Hard Drive
- Kickstart 3.0 ROM (v39)
- Amiga 500+
- 1 mb Chip, 0 mb Fast
- Kickstart 2.04 ROM (v37)
- .-------------------------------------------------------------------.
- | My Beta-Tester said that he'd tested it, but I can't be 100% sure |
- | as I haven't seen it running on a 68000 machine. |
- `-------------------------------------------------------------------'
- BootUte has been tested fully with 'Enforcer', and has been found to
- produce no enforcer hits.
- Contacting me
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- I can be contacted in the following ways:
- E-Mail (Internet) : se1pt@dmu.ac.uk
- BootUte's history
- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯
- Version | Date | Information
- ---------|-----------|------------------------------------------
- 1.0 | 01-Mar-94 | First release version - PAL only
- ---------|-----------|------------------------------------------
- 1.1 | 22-Mar-94 | Now uses a 'BootUte' environment variable
- | | to determine the screen mode.
- ---------|-----------|------------------------------------------
- 1.11 | 02-Apr-94 | A couple of minor bug fixes, and the text
- | | in the environment variable is no longer
- | | case sensitive.
- ---------|-----------|------------------------------------------
- 1.12 | 23-Apr-94 | Found two very stupid bugs.... fixed
- | | Only released to EDGE
- ---------|-----------|------------------------------------------
- 1.2 | 24-Apr-94 | Changed the screen layout a bit and added
- | | the VBR Zero option, after problems
- | | running a demo (Sequential by Andromeda)
- ---------|-----------|------------------------------------------