home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* nextfile.c */
- /* ::[[ @(#) turboc.c 1.7 89/07/12 03:18:30 ]]:: */
- #ifndef LINT
- static char sccsid[]="::[[ @(#) turboc.c 1.7 89/07/12 03:18:30 ]]::";
- #endif
- /*
- This file is used only for MS-DOS. It is used with Turbo C 1.0. It also
- apparently works with Microsoft C 5.1 (see makefile.msc).
- */
- /*
- Checksum: 60385500 (check or update this with "brik")
- */
- /*
- nextfile() is a general wildcard expansion function that may be used
- with other programs. Usage instructions are below. It does not
- simply expand wildcards in an entire argument list. Instead, it is
- called in a loop as described below, and returns one matching
- filename each time it is called.
- These functions are for the SMALL MEMORY MODEL ONLY.
- */
- #include "assert.h"
- #include "brik.h"
- #define FMAX 2 /* Number of different filename patterns */
- #define PATHSIZE 200 /* Size of MS-DOS pathname */
- #define NULL 0
- #ifdef ANSIPROTO
- char *strtcpy (char *, char *);
- int strlen (char *);
- char *strcpy (char *, char *);
- #endif
- /* Structure definitions for MS-DOS software interrupt intdos() */
- unsigned int ax, bx, cx, dx, si, di, carry, flags;
- };
- /* byte registers */
- unsigned char al, ah, bl, bh, cl, ch, dl, dh;
- };
- union REGS {
- struct WORD_REGISTERS x;
- struct BYTE_REGISTERS h;
- };
- int intdos (union REGS *, union REGS *);
- /*
- format of disk transfer address after MS-DOS calls FindFirst and
- FindNext
- */
- struct dta_t {
- char junk[22];
- int time;
- int date;
- long size;
- char fname[13];
- char just_in_case[4]; /* in case MS-DOS writes too much */
- };
- void setdta (struct dta_t *);
- void fcbpath (struct dta_t *, char *, char *);
- /*******************/
- /*
- nextfile() returns the name of the next source file matching a filespec.
- what: A flag specifying what to do. If "what" is 0, nextfile()
- initializes itself. If "what" is 1, nextfile() returns the next
- matching filename.
- filespec: The filespec, usually containing wildcard characters, that
- specifies which files are needed. If "what" is 0, filespec must be
- the filespec for which matching filenames are needed. If "what" is 1,
- nextfile() does not use "filespec" and "filespec" should be NULL to
- avoid an assertion error during debugging.
- fileset: nextfile() can keep track of more than one set of filespecs.
- The fileset specifies which filespec is being matched and therefore
- which set of files is being considered. "fileset" can be in the
- range 0:FMAX. Initialization of one fileset does not affect the
- other filesets.
- IF what == 0 THEN
- return value is NULL
- ELSE IF what == 1 THEN
- IF a matching filename is found THEN
- return value is pointer to matching filename including supplied path
- IF at least one file matched previously but no more match THEN
- return value is NULL
- ELSE IF supplied filespec never matched any filename THEN
- IF this is the first call with what == 1 THEN
- return value is pointer to original filespec
- return value is NULL
- Initialization done when "what"=0 is not dependent on the correctness
- of the supplied filespec but simply initializes internal variables
- and makes a local copy of the supplied filespec. If the supplied
- filespec was illegal, the only effect is that the first time that
- nextfile() is called with "what"=1, it will return the original
- filespec instead of a matching filename. That the filespec was
- illegal will become obvious when the caller attempts to open the
- returned filename for input/output and the open attempt fails.
- nextfile() can be used in the following manner:
- char *filespec; -- will point to filespec
- char *this_file; -- will point to matching filename
- filespec = parse_command_line(); -- may contain wildcards
- FILE *stream;
- nextfile (0, filespec, 0); -- initialize fileset 0
- while ((this_file = nextfile(1, (char *) NULL, 0)) != NULL) {
- stream = fopen (this_file, "whatever");
- if (stream == NULL)
- printf ("could not open %s\n", this_file);
- else
- perform_operations (stream);
- }
- */
- char *nextfile (what, filespec, fileset)
- int what; /* whether to initialize or match */
- register char *filespec; /* filespec to match if initializing */
- register int fileset; /* which set of files */
- {
- static struct dta_t new_dta [FMAX+1]; /* our own private dta */
- static int first_time [FMAX+1];
- static char pathholder [FMAX+1][PATHSIZE]; /* holds a pathname to return */
- static char saved_fspec [FMAX+1][PATHSIZE];/* our own copy of filespec */
- union REGS regs;
- assert(fileset >= 0 && fileset <= FMAX);
- if (what == 0) {
- assert(filespec != NULL);
- strcpy (saved_fspec[fileset], filespec); /* save the filespec */
- first_time[fileset] = 1;
- return ((char *) NULL);
- }
- setdta (&new_dta[fileset]); /* set new dta -- our very own */
- assert(what == 1);
- assert(filespec == NULL);
- assert(first_time[fileset] == 0 || first_time[fileset] == 1);
- if (first_time[fileset]) { /* first time -- initialize etc. */
- /* find first matching file */
- regs.h.ah = 0x4e; /* FindFirst MS-DOS call */
- regs.x.dx = (unsigned int) saved_fspec[fileset]; /* filespec to match */
- regs.x.cx = 0; /* search attributes */
- intdos (®s, ®s);
- } else {
- /* find next matching file */
- regs.h.ah = 0x4f; /* FindNext MS-DOS call */
- intdos (®s, ®s);
- }
- if (regs.x.carry != 0) { /* if error status */
- if (first_time[fileset]) { /* if file never matched then */
- first_time[fileset] = 0;
- return (saved_fspec[fileset]);/* return original filespec */
- } else { /* else */
- first_time[fileset] = 0; /* */
- return ((char *) NULL); /* return (NULL) for no more */
- }
- } else { /* a file matched */
- first_time[fileset] = 0;
- /* add path info */
- fcbpath (&new_dta[fileset], saved_fspec[fileset], pathholder[fileset]);
- return (pathholder[fileset]); /* matching path */
- }
- } /* nextfile */
- /*******************/
- /* This function sets the dta to a new dta */
- void setdta (dta)
- struct dta_t *dta;
- {
- union REGS regs;
- regs.h.ah = 0x1a; /* SetDTA Call */
- regs.x.dx = (unsigned int) dta; /* new DTA address */
- intdos (®s, ®s);
- }
- /*******************/
- /*
- fcbpath() accepts a pointer to the Disk Transfer Area, a character
- pointer to a pathname that may contain wildcards, and a character
- pointer to a buffer. It copies into the buffer the path prefix from
- the pathname and the filename prefix from the DTA so that it forms a
- complete path.
- */
- void fcbpath (dta, old_path, new_path)
- struct dta_t *dta;
- char *old_path;
- register char *new_path;
- {
- register int i;
- int length, start_pos;
- strcpy(new_path, old_path); /* copy the whole thing first */
- length = strlen(new_path);
- i = length - 1; /* i points to end of path */
- while (i >= 0 && new_path[i] != '/' && new_path[i] != '\\' && new_path[i] != ':')
- i--;
- /* either we found a "/", "\", or ":", or we reached the beginning of
- the name. In any case, i points to the last character of the
- path part. */
- start_pos = i + 1;
- for (i = 0; i < 13; i++)
- new_path[start_pos+i] = dta->fname[i];
- new_path[start_pos+13] = '\0';
- }
- /* -- END OF nextfile() and related functions -- */
- extern unsigned _stklen = 30000;
- #include <conio.h>
- void brktst() { kbhit(); } /* test for user interrupt */
- #ifdef CTRLZ_CHECK
- # define CTRLZ_BUFSIZ 1024
- # include <io.h>
- # include <fcntl.h>
- /*
- z_bin_check is called to see if the specified file is a
- binary file. If so, it will return nonzero. To avoid an early control Z
- falsely indicating EOF, z_bin_check changes the mode of the file
- to binary.
- */
- int z_bin_check (fptr, fname)
- FILE *fptr;
- char *fname;
- {
- char *p;
- char *limit;
- char buf[CTRLZ_BUFSIZ];
- int count;
- setmode (fileno(fptr), O_BINARY); /* set stream to binary mode */
- fseek (fptr, 0L, SEEK_SET); /* rewind */
- while ((count = fread (buf, 1, CTRLZ_BUFSIZ, fptr)) > 0) {
- limit = buf + count;
- for (p = buf; p != limit; p++) {
- extern char bintab[]; /* needed for BINCHAR */
- if (BINCHAR(*p))
- return (1); /* indicate binary file */
- }
- }
- return (0);
- }
- #endif /* CTRLZ_CHECK */