home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@##########################
- @@@@@@ @@ @@@@@ @@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@#### ####### #####
- @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@### ### ##### ### ####
- @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @@ @ @@@@@######## ##### ### ####
- @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @ @@@ @@@@@#### ###### ### ####
- @@@@@ @@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@ @ @@ @@@ @@@@### ########## ### ####
- @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@ @@@@### ## ### #####
- @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@##########################
- CliVa v2.0 Copyright © 1991 1992 1993 Christian Warren All rights reserved.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- CliVa is placed in the Public Domain for the Amiga. A shareware fee
- of 15$ is suggested to use it. Feel free to use it, but AT YOUR OWN RISK,
- as I cannot be considered responsible for any damage caused to your system.
- Introduction
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~
- CliVa will give you the chance to build a interface entirely configurable
- to launch your applications from gadgets. If you want to have a better idea of
- the possibility of CliVa, I encourage you to check for the examples supplied
- in the archive.
- To use CliVa, you must have the 'PowerPacker.library' (permit the
- compression of the config) and the 'req.library'. These two library are
- present in the archive, if you execute the 'Example' file the library will be
- charged in memory but not copied to your system. To install them on your
- system you must click on the 'Install CliVa' Button.
- Requirement
- ~~~~~~~~~~~
- - CliVa must be able to access the 'PowerPacker.library', the
- 'req.library' and the 'diskfont.library'.
- - The file 'echo', 'execute', 'newshell' and 'mouse' must be present in one
- of the directory of the path.
- - The OS 2.0 IS NOT required for CliVa.
- Information on the CliVa executable
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- - CliVa is 'pure', you can make it resident.
- SHELL usage:
- Cliva {-configuration} Other.config {-configuration}
- WORKBENCH usage:
- -configuration
- ...
- Other.config
- ...
- argument:
- '-configuration' ==> CliVa take the arguement as if it as been placed at
- the beginning of the config file.
- ex.
- 'Other.config' ==> Config to load. By default, CliVa search in the
- current path for the file 'CliVa.config' then he
- search it in the directory S:.
- ex.
- CliVa Other.config
- CliVa Configuration Commands
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- format: -TASK_PRIORITY priority
- default: priority = 0
- function: Define the task priority of CliVa, must be between -19 and +19.
- format: -DEF_WINDOW_EXECUTE shell_window_definition
- default: "CON:000/095/640/105/CliVa_Shell"
- function: Define all shell output specifications which will be opened if
- the selected gadget needs an output window.
- format: -ON_SCREEN my_screen
- default: "Workbench"
- function: Opens CliVa on a particular screen. The supplied name of the
- screen can consist of the first few letters of the targeted
- real name screen. If the screen is not found, CliVa will open
- on the default screen. Make sure you close CliVa before you
- close the screen it is on, because you will be meditating about
- your error while rebooting your system.:-)
- ex. -ON_SCREEN CED -> Open Cliva on the Cygnus Ed screen
- format: -ICONIFIED
- function: CliVa will start iconified.
- function: The 'AutoIconify' option in the menu will be selected.
- (more on this AutoIconify function further down)
- format: -WINDOW_TITLE title
- default: "CliVa 2.0 (c) 1991-1993 Christian Warren"
- function: Changes the window title. If CliVa's configuration is more
- than one page, the following will be inserted " (Page xxx/max )"
- to the titlebar. If the NO_DRAG_BAR option is used, the Screen
- titlebar will be used.
- format: -NO_DRAG_BAR
- function: The window does not have a visible DragBar. CliVa will create
- invisible gadgets to replace those that are eliminated.
- Those invisible gadgets will be placed at the top of the window.
- Name: NO_MENU
- format: -NO_MENU
- function: Does not attach a menu to the screen. You must define a "Quit"
- gadget if you want to be able to Quit CliVa.
- Name: FONT
- format: -FONT font height
- default: system font by default.
- function: Define the font to be used and its height.
- ex. -FONT Diamond.font 14
- format: -POS_WINDOW position_x position_y
- default: position_x = 0 position_y = 11
- function: Define CliVa's top left window corner. If your entry is more
- then the screen border, the position will be ajusted to be as
- close as possible. An example would be if you define X as 2000,
- then CliVa's window will be against the right side screen border.
- format: -COLOR_WINDOW Letter_color Background_color
- default: Letter_color = 2 Background_letter_color = 1
- function: Define colors to be used in the window. These colors are, among
- things, used for menus and window border.
- format: -COLOR_BACKGROUND color
- default: color = 2
- function: Define color for background of the window.
- format: -NB_GADGETS nb_horizontal nb_vertical
- default: nb_horizontal = 5 nb_vertical = 4
- function: Define how many horizontal and vertical gadgets.
- Name: UP_TO_DOWN
- format: -UP_TO_DOWN
- function: The gadgets will be numbered from top to buttom instead of
- left to right.
- 1 2 3 1 4 7
- 4 5 6 2 5 8
- 7 8 9 3 6 9
- format: -SIZE_GADGET Width height
- default: width = 112 height = 13
- function: Define width and height of gadgets.
- format: -PIXEL_BETWEEN_GADGET space_x space_y
- default: space_x = 12 space_y = 4
- function: Define space, in pixels, between the gadgets.
- format: -PIXEL_FROM_BORDER left right top buttom
- default: left = 16 right = 16 top = 5 buttom = 5
- function: Define space, in pixels, between the gadgets and the border
- of the window.
- format: -COLOR_BORDER_GADGET color_Top color_Buttom
- default: color_Top = 1 color_Buttom = 0
- function: Define colors to be used for the gadgets borders.
- format: -COLOR_GADGET_DEF Letter_color Back_color
- default: Letter_color = 1 Back_color = 2
- function: Define default color for gadgets.
- format: -FONT_STYLE style
- default: NORMAL
- function: Define default font style for the gadgets. You must enter
- a number defining the font style.
- ex. BOLDFACE + ITALICS -> 2 + 4 ==> -FONT_STYLE 6
- format: -GADGET_ICONIFIED name
- default: "CliVa"
- function: Define what will be written in CliVa's iconified window.
- Name: DEF_ICON
- format: -DEF_ICON position_x position_y width
- default: position_x = 0 position_y = 11 width = 100
- function: Define CliVa's top left window corner position and width.
- ( minimum width = 26)
- The X and Y arguments are subject to the same defenition of
- POS_WINDOW. The height of the window will respect the
- gadgets height.
- Name: SET_VAR
- format: -SET_VAR name value
- function: Define a variable to ease creation of scripts.
- You can define as many variables as you wish. Once defined,
- CliVa will replace the -name- by its -numeric_value- when a
- configuration needs a number as an argument.
- If a variable name is define more than once, only the first
- occurance will be used. Variables usage is encouraged to create
- easy modifiable scripts.
- ex. -SET_VAR red 3
- -SET_VAR blue 2
- -SET_VAR Boldface_Undescore 3
- -COLOR_GADGET_DEF red blue
- -FONT_STYLE Boldface_Undescore
- Notes.
- - The variables defined by SET_VAR can be used anywhere when the
- argument required is a number.
- ex. -SET_VAR red 2 <= OK
- -SET_VAR Titre "CliVa 2.0" <= ERROR
- -WINDOW_TITLE red <= window title -> 'red'
- - The argument which have imbedded spaces must be quoted using '"'.
- ex. -WINDOW_TITLE "CliVa 2.0"
- - These commands MUST BE placed before any gadget definition.
- If a command is placed after a gadget definition, it will be shown
- in the gadget definition.
- - You can comment lines using the '#' at the beginning of the line.
- Gadgets definition
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- These arguments are used to define a gadget.
- Title of gadget = Chain of characters to be written in the gadget. The
- title of the gadget can contain [<number>]. It will
- insert the content of the defined variable <number>.
- If the variable's value changes, it will be reflected
- in the gadget's title
- ex.
- variable 1 = "OS 2.0"
- title = "Color [1]"
- Result -> "Color OS 2.0"
- Letter_color = Color used for the letters in a gadget.
- Back_color = Color for the background in a gadget.
- Font_style = Font style for a gadget.
- (see configuration FONT_STYLE)
- Nine types of gadgets are possible:
- ------------------------ 1. Starting Command --------------------------
- format:
- =S
- Command
- [Command ...]
- function:
- Define the commands that will be executed when Starting CliVa.
- No gadgets will be created. This can be usefull if you want to
- assign some values by default to certain variable.
- example:
- =S
- \vs[1]Workbench
- \vs[2]df0:
- \vs[3]df1:
- =D "DiskCopy from [2] to [3]"
- DiskCopy \vu[2] TO \vu[3]
- ------------------------------ 2. Gadget -------------------------------
- format:
- =D Title [Letter_color] [Back_color] [Font_style]
- Command
- [Command ...]
- function:
- Define a gadget. You must supply a title, others are optional.
- example:
- =D "Avail" red blue
- Avail\w
- ------------------------------- 3. Menu --------------------------------
- format:
- =D* Title [Letter_color] [Back_color] [Font_style]
- function:
- Define a 'Menu'. This kind of gadget cannot execute commands.
- They can be used to seperate different part of your configuration.
- These Gadget wont have the elevated 3d look like regular ones.
- You must supply a title, others are optional.
- example:
- =D* "Tools" white black
- -------------------- 4. Definition of a Fix Gadget --------------------
- format:
- =[ position Title [Letter_color] [Back_color] [Font_style]
- Command
- [Command ...]
- function:
- Define a gadget that will show up on every pages, at the same
- location it was defined for. You must supply the position where
- you want it to be located. A negatif number will place the gadget
- counting from the end of the page instead of the beginning.
- Don't forget to keep in mind the UP_TO_DOWN option. The number
- of fix gadget is limited to 29. Be carefull not to put all gadgets
- of a page as Fix ones, in that situation CliVa will fall in a loop
- and will create zillions of gadgets...
- example:
- The gadgets will be numbered as:
- 1 2 3 4 -12 -11 -10 -9
- 5 6 7 8 or -8 -7 -6 -5
- 9 10 11 12 -4 -3 -2 -1
- =[ 11 "Next Page" black red
- \np
- *** is equal to ***
- =[ -2 "Next Page" black red
- \np
- --------------------- 5. definition of a Fix Menu ----------------------
- format:
- =[* position Title [Letter_color] [Back_color] [Font_style]
- function:
- Define a Menu that will appear on each pages, starting from the
- location where it is define. For the rest, its the same as a
- Fix Gadget.
- --------------- 6. destruction of a gadget or a Fix Menu ---------------
- format:
- =] position
- function:
- Kill a Fix Gadget or a Fix Menu.
- example:
- ... many pages WithOUT the Bogus gadget ...
- =[* 2 "Bogus"
- ... many pages WITH the Bogus gadget ...
- =] 2
- ... many pages without the Bogus gadget ...
- ---------------------------- 7. Empty Gadget----------------------------
- format:
- =E
- function:
- Define a empty gadget. Equal to the defenition:
- =D* ""
- --------------------- 8. Empty gadget till next line -------------------
- format:
- =L
- function:
- Place 'Empty' gadgets till next line as long as we are not the
- first gadget of the line, if on the first gadget, nothing will be
- done.
- --------------------- 9. Empty Gadget till next page -------------------
- format:
- =P
- function:
- Place 'empty' gadget till next page as long as we are not the
- first gadget of the page, if on the first gadget, nothing will be
- done.
- ------- 10. Add an APPMenu to the Tools menu of the Workbench ----------
- format:
- =M Title
- Command
- [Command ...]
- fonction:
- Define an APPMenu. You must supply a title. You cannot use variable
- in the title...
- (ex. '=M "See [1]"' => Title will be "See [1]".)
- exemple:
- =M "See Texte"
- more \f1
- Options available on the command script line
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- All options start with a BackSlash ('\') and are followed by arguments
- define between brackets ('[', ']'). If an argument define as
- [^<number>], then the content of the variable <number> will be used.
- ex.
- \vs[1]You have selected the file \f1!
- \pa[Information][^1][OK]
- Notes.
- - When the argument of a command is 'starting directory', you can
- place a [-] to keep it effective. This function is only usefull when
- you want to supply values to other arguments (ex. the title) with out
- having to define it again.
- ex.
- Copy \f1[dh0:][From Which file?] TO \f1[][To Which file?]
- => This way, the starting directory of the second \f1 will be the
- current directory. But if you replace the second \f1 by
- '\f1[-][To Which file?]' then the current directory will be the one
- from which file are copied from, which more practical..
- - When the argument is a 'Question', you can place '@' in the question
- which will insert a line feed at that place.
- - The variables used in this part of CliVa are define by a number of
- variable (1 to 15000) and by the content of that variable. Once
- define, the variable can be used just about anywhere. For example,
- the content of a variable can be used as a gadget title (see gadget
- defenition). Be carefull not to get mixed up using CliVa's local
- variables and the 'Env:' environment variables, you must use the
- \vfe and \vte functions which provide a way of importing and exporting
- the content of 'Env:' environments with a CliVa's variable.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \b
- function: Executes a backspace in the command.
- example: Copy df0: to df0:\b\b1: => Copy df0: to df1:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \d[starting directory][window title]
- Arg oblig.: None.
- function: Opens a directory requester.
- example: cd \d[ram:][Which directory?]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \dl
- function: Insert the last directory selected. If \f1 or \fm as been
- used, the path will be inserted. This option can be very
- useful, take for instance the following example.
- example: \vs[1]\f1[][File to be executed?]
- cd \dl => The current directory is the one where
- \vu[1] => the file to be executed is located.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \f1[starting directory][window title][pattern]
- Arg oblig.: None.
- function: Open a file requester. The selected file will be inserted in
- the script.
- example: Unwarp \f1[download:][Which file?][*.wrp]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \fl[extension]
- Arg oblig.: None.
- function: Insert the last selected file. You can change the extension
- of the file.
- example: shamsharp \f1 \fl[iff] ==> shamsharp "image.gif" "image.iff"
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \fm[starting directory][window title][pattern][max]
- Arg oblig.: None.
- function: Open a multiple file requester. You can specify a maximum
- number of files to be selected.
- example: View80 \fm[text:][Texts to read?][*][10]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \g and \G
- function: By default, the files and directories are quoted.
- These options give you the possibility to remove or insert
- quotes.
- \g -> No quotes.
- \G -> Insert quotes.
- example: View80 \f \g\f \G\f => view80 "file1" file2 "file3"
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \o et \O
- function: By default, the file is preceded by its path.
- These options give you the possibility to remove or insert
- the path.
- \o -> No path.
- \O -> Insert the path.
- example: Deksid \f1 => Deksid "dh0:rep/file"
- Deksid \o\f1 => Deksid "file"
- Deksid \O\f1 => Deksid "dh0:rep/file"
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \pa[window title][question][Left Cont][Middle Cont][Right Cont]
- [Left Content][Middle Content][Right Content]
- Arg needed: Window tiltle and Question.
- function: Open a requester. If the Left answer is selected, then its
- content is inserted in the script. Same thing for Middle and
- Right.
- example: \pa[Info][Which drive?][df0:][][df1:][df0:][][df1:]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \q[content by default][window title]
- Arg needed: Content and Title.
- function: Ask a question.
- example: Unwarp \f1 \q[df0:][Which drive?]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \ql
- function: Insert the last answer to a question.
- example: cd \q[df0:][Which Drive?]
- Unwarp \f1 \ql
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \ivs[variable number]
- Arg needed: Variable number.
- function: If the variable IS NOT define, the remaining of the current line
- will be analysed.
- example: \ivs[1]\vs[1]\d[ram:][Open a Shell in which directory?]
- NewShell \vu[1] => The first time this gadget will be executed
- the directory will be asked. Then the
- command "NewShell Dir" will be executed
- without entering anything.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \vc[variable number]
- Arg needed: None.
- function: Clear one or all variables of CliVa. If no argument are passed
- to this function, all variables will be erased.
- You should always clear local variables to one gadget, since
- each variable requires memory.
- example: \vs[1]You have selected the file \f1
- \pa[Info][^1]
- \vc[1]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \ved[variable number][content targeted]
- Arg needed: Variable number and the content targeted.
- function: If the variable is define and its content IS EQUAL to the
- targeted one, the rest of the current line will be analysed.
- (possibility to use pattern when you have the OS 2.0)
- example: \vs[1]\pa[Info][Question?][Choice a][Choice b][Choice c][a][b][c]
- \ved[1][a]Command for choice a.
- \ved[1][a]Other command for choice a.
- \ved[1][b]Command for choice b.
- \ved[1][c]Command for choice c.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \vnd[variable number][content targeted]
- Arg needed: Variable number and the content targeted.
- function: If the variable is define and its content IS NOT EQUAL to the
- targeted one, the rest of the current line will be analysed.
- (possibility to use pattern when you have the OS 2.0)
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \vfe[CliVa variable number][name of the variable ENV:]
- Arg needed: CliVa Variable number and the name of the variable ENV:.
- function: Import the content of a variable 'ENV:' in one of 'CliVa'.
- You must use this function if you want (for example) to modify
- the content of a Environment 'ENV:'.
- Note: the name of the variable 'ENV:' can contain a path
- (ex. 'ram:env/Workbench') but it must not be Quoted.
- example: \vs[1]\g\o\f1[ENV:][Modify which variable ENV:?]
- \vfe[2][^1]
- \vm[2]
- \vte[2][^1]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \vm[variable number]
- Arg needed: Variable number.
- function: Modify the content of a variable. The window title will be
- 'Modify variable', if that title doesn't reflect your needs,
- you can always use the \q option which of a more general nature.
- \vm[1] === \vs[1]\q[^1][Other Title]
- example: \vs[1]\f1 => 'ram:env/Workbench'
- \vm[1]
- Deksid \vu[1]\vc[1]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \vs[variable number][Content]
- Arg needed: Variable number.
- function: Assign the content of a variable. If Content is provided,
- Content will be assigned to the variable. Otherwise the content
- assigned will be the analysed result of the line on which \vs is.
- The variable number must be between 1 and 15000. If you enter a
- number outside of this range, CliVa will accept it but the result
- could be surprising.
- example: You have chosen \f1.\vs[1]
- => Variable 1 = 'You have chosen a "file".'
- \vs[1][Dummy1]\vs[2][Dummy2]
- => Variable 1 = 'Dummy1' and Variable 2 = 'Dummy2'
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \vte[CliVa variable number][name of the variable ENV:]
- Arg needed: CliVa variable number and the name of the variable ENV:.
- function: Export the content of the CliVa variable to the ENV: variable.
- Note: Unlike \vfe, the name of the variable ENV: can not
- contain the path..
- example: \vfe[2][WorkBench]
- \vm[2]
- \vte[2][WorkBench]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \vu[variable number][content by default]
- Arg needed: Variable number.
- function: Insert in the script the content of a variable. If the variable
- is not define, the default content will be used.
- example: Format DRIVE \vu[1][df0:] name \q[Stuff][New name?]\w\nd
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \I
- function: After the gadget as been executed, CliVa will iconify.
- example: CliVa s:other.config\I
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \Q
- function: After the gadget as been executed, CliVa will quit.
- example: CliVa s:CliVa.config\Q ==> RE-LOAD CliVa config.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \np
- function: After the gadget as been executed, the page number will be
- incremented by one. Many \np can be in the same command.
- example: =D "Next Page"
- \np
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \pp
- function: After the gadget as been executed, the page number will be
- decremented by one. Many \pp can be in the same command
- example: =D "Précédente Page"
- \pp
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \p[page number]
- Arg needed: Page number.
- function: After the gadget as been executed, the page number will be
- changed to the one supplied.
- example: =D "Go to page 3"
- \p[3]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \sa
- function: DeSelect the AutoIconify option in the menu.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \sA
- function: Select the AutoIconify option in the menu.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \sm
- function: DeSelect the modify option in the menu.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \sM
- function: Select the modify option in the menu.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \m
- function: The line which contains \m may be modified when the gadget is
- executed. See the 'Modify Command' option.
- example: cd dh0: ==> doesn't modify
- Avail\m ==> modify's
- dir ==> doesn't modify
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \M
- function: Starting at the line where \M is, all lines can be modified
- when the gadget is executed. See the 'Modify Command' option.
- example: cd dh0: ==> doesn't modify
- Avail\M ==> modify's
- dir ==> modify's
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \ael[Window Title][Question][Positive Resp][Negative Resp]
- Arg needed: Window Title and Question.
- function: If the answer is Positive, then the rest of the current line
- will be analysed.
- example: avail
- \eal[Question][Execute Deksid before dir?][Yes][No]Deksid
- dir
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \aes[Window title][Question][Positive Resp][Negative Resp]
- Arg needed: Window Title and Question.
- function: If the answer is Positive, then the rest of the lines will be
- analysed.
- example: avail
- \aes[Question][Execute Deksid and dir?][Yes][No]Deksid
- dir
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \des[Window Title][Question][Positive Resp][Negative Resp]
- Arg needed: None
- function: If the answer to the question is Negative or the title and
- the question are not supplied, Then the script will not be
- executed.
- example: avail
- \des[Question][Execute Avail, Deksid and dir?][Yes][No]Deksid
- dir
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \es
- function: Execute the content of the script after the current line as
- been analysed even if the analysis is not fully completed.
- Once the script as been started, the rest of the commands will
- be analysed.
- example: avail\es\w
- dir\es\w => opens 2 output windows, and executed
- asynchronously avail and Dir
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \nd
- function: By default, if the \w option is used, the following DOS command
- will be added to the script 'echo Press mouse button' and
- 'mouse'. Which will prevent the window from closing till you
- hit the mouse button to exit. With the \nd option, these two
- commands are not added to the script.
- example: echo "Read quickly :)"\w\nd
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \w
- function: Signals the script that an OutPut window is needed. What this
- is really, the DOS command executed will be
- 'NewShell "shell_window_definition" from script'
- instead of
- 'Execute script'
- example: avail\w
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- option: \X
- function: Execute immediately the line where \X is. This line will not be
- included in the final script. The analysis of the commands will
- be halted till the execution of that line is not completed.
- example: more text\X
- \pa[Question][The Text is OK?][Yes][Maybe][No]
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ~~~~~~~
- - When you click on a gadget, you can press in the same time on the fonction
- key (Control, Alt, Amiga). These variables will be initialised.
- - variable number 15001 <- 'CONTROL' if the CONTROL key is pressed.
- - variable number 15002 <- 'R-ALT' if the RIGHT-ALT key is pressed.
- - variable number 15003 <- 'L-ALT' if the LEFT-ALT key is pressed.
- - variable number 15004 <- 'ALT' if one of the ALT key is pressed.
- - variable number 15005 <- 'R-AMIGA' if the RIGHT-AMIGA key is pressed.
- - variable number 15006 <- 'L-AMIGA' if the LEFT-AMIGA key is pressed.
- - variable number 15007 <- 'AMIGA' if one of the AMIGA key is pressed.
- Exemple.
- =D "Avail"
- \ved[15001][CONTROL] Avail => if the CONTROL key is pressed -> 'Avail'
- \vnd[15001][CONTROL] Avail flush => Otherwise 'Avail flush'
- ~~~~
- - AutoIconify: When this option is selected, CliVa will iconify
- automatically after each execution of a gadget that
- contains at least one DOS command. This way, gadgets
- like 'Next Page' can be executed without having
- CliVa iconifying.
- - Modify: All lines in the gadget defenition can be modified before
- they are inserted in the script. If one of the SHIFT key
- is press while clicking on a gadget, the modify option will
- be active during the analysis of the commands.
- History
- ~~~~~~~
- version 2.0: Marsh 30, 93
- ------------
- First official version.
- version 2.1: October 16, 93 Size: 19776
- ------------
- Minor BUG - A couple of Small bugs removed.
- NEW - New option 'NO_HIDDEN_BUTTON', this option will not put an invisible
- ScrollBar to the window when the option 'NO_DRAG_BAR' is used.
- version 2.2: November 3, 93 Size: 20356
- ------------
- NEW - A new option '=M name' that define an element who will be linked to
- the 'Tools' menu of the Workbench. (OS 2.0 only)
- NEW - Pattern can now be used in the option '\ved' and '\vnd'.
- (ex. '\ved[1][*.c]CED \vu[1]' => if it is a source, use CygnusEd)
- (OS 2.0 only)
- Minor BUG - CliVa had some problem to determine the exact size of the
- workbench. Bug removed.
- Minor BUG - Some probleme when using the option '\fl[new extension' with
- the 'no path' option selectionned ('\o'). Bug removed.
- version 2.3: January 12, 1994 Size: 20352
- ------------
- NEW - The enregistred user will receive a key file that will modify the
- About text.
- Major BUG - CliVa had a bug in with the Menus in conjunction with the
- Iconified state. Bug removed.
- To Do
- ~~~~~
- - Use the ReqTools.library instead of Req.library.
- - Addition of 'shortcuts' to the gadgets.
- - Possibility to use names for variables instead of numbers.
- - Make a more WB2.0 specific version.
- To reach and encourage me:
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- CLIVA is a Shareware product, which means if you use it much, then you
- should pay for it. A 15$ contribution is suggested. Any other contribution
- are also accepted. Do not hesitate to give me some feedback through the
- networks on CLIVA. All Amiga Clubs and disks public domain collections like
- Fred Fish, are encouraged to make CliVa part of there disks collections.
- 1:167.151.0@fidonet
- Christian Warren 40:600/151.0@amiganet
- 101:166/106.0@francomedia
- Christian Warren
- 2201 Edouard-MontPetit #11
- Montréal, Qué, CANADA
- H3T 1J3
- Thanks to
- ~~~~~~~~~
- - C.W. Fox and Bruce Dawson: for there fantastic File Requester
- and Color Requester libraries.
- - Nico Francois: For is excellent libraries.
- (ReqTools et PowerPacker).
- - Denis Turcotte: For have been the official Beta-tester, for 'forcing me'
- to implement a bunch of functions and to have translated
- these docs.. Will he make the .guide's!!