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- FILE: DMS.doc - AmigaDOS version 1.11 documentation - 7/1/91
- *****************************************************************************
- The DISK-Masher
- Copyright (c) 1989-1991 SDS Software
- *****************************************************************************
- What is it?
- The DISK-Masher (DMS) is a utility that allows users to compress and
- archive floppy disks. Version 1.11 requires at least 512k of memory, and
- AmigaDOS version 1.2 or later.
- Why a disk archiver?
- Many programs are available for archiving individual files and do a
- relatively good job. However DMS was created for the purpose of archiving
- whole disks. It is useful for archiving non-filing system disks which cannot
- be done with standard file archivers, sending distribution disks, archiving
- library collections, and many other uses. DMS takes much less time to
- put a disk back together than with a file archiver and is less wear and
- tear on your disk drives.
- Why not use other disk archivers?
- DMS has been tested against every other similar type programs and will
- provide faster execution, greater compression, more support features, and
- continuing user support. Once you try DMS you won't be satisfied with
- anything else. Among other things DMS provides:
- - Highly optimized compression routines offerring the utmost
- in speed and compression. 4 different routines to choose from
- to satisfy your needs.
- - The ability to read and write to or from any AmigaDOS device conforming
- to the standard 80 tracks , 512 bytes per block , 11 blocks per track,
- 2 sides, Ex: DF0:, DF1:, RAD:, etc.
- - Extended Virus checking of the boot blocks. Other disk archivers
- just show the boot block and do not check for viruses, this is
- extremely stupid, most viruses do not come out and say "Look here,
- I'm a virus!". Without actually checking the boot block you're
- opening up a can of worms. Therefore DMS currently checks for over
- 60 different viruses and custom boot blocks and can automatically
- install the disk. It is still Important that users monitor their
- system periodically with a virus checker as there are many types
- of viruses.
- - Data Security. DMS has the option to encrypt archives with a user
- selected password for security.
- *****************************************************************************
- Command Line Options and Usage
- The general format for a DMS command is:
- DMS command file[.DMS] [OPTIONS ...]
- Everything in braces [] is optional. Everything else is required.
- file[.DMS] is a user specified filename. The .DMS ending will
- automatically be appended to the filename if you do not include it.
- This is done to avoid confusion with other archiver formats.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 1.) READ
- This command will read and compress a disk. The basic usage for this
- command is:
- DMS Read file[.DMS] [FROM Dev:] [TEXT filetext] [CMODE mode] [LOW lowtrack]
- [HIGH hightrack] [NOVAL] [NOZERO] [ENCRYPT password]
- file[.DMS]
- - the output file which will contain the archived disk.
- FROM Dev:
- - Will read the disk from a different device. The default device is DF0:
- (internal drive). You may choose any device as long as it has 80 tracks,
- 2 sides, 11 sectors/track, and 512 bytes per sector.
- Examples: DF0:, DF1:, DF2:, DF3:, RAD:, FM0:, FF0:, etc.
- TEXT filetext
- - Causes DMS to read in the file 'filetext' and add it to the archive.
- When the archive is extracted the text will be displayed before writing
- the disk. This is useful for identifying disks or giving other
- information about the archive.
- CMODE mode
- - Chooses the compression mode used. Mode is either NONE, HEAVY1, HEAVY2,
- or BEST
- The default mode is BEST
- Available modes are:
- NONE - No Compression is performed (Straight Read).
- HEAVY1 - Heavy compression, good speed/compression ratio.
- HEAVY2 - Best available compression. Only available with >1meg ram.
- BEST - Chooses Best compression method for available memory.
- LOW lowtrack
- - Specifies the starting track to read from. The default is track 0.
- Lowtrack must be a value from 0 to 79.
- HIGH hightrack
- - Specifies the ending track to stop at. The default is track 79.
- Hightrack must be a value from 0 to 79.
- - Stops DMS from inhibiting the disk validator when reading the disk.
- - Normally DMS will read the AmigaDOS bitmap from the disk and archive
- only sectors which are being used. If the disk is a non-filing system
- disk or has a bad bitmap, DMS will automatically archive the whole disk.
- In EXTREME cases DMS will make a wrong assumption about the type of
- disk it is archiving. NOZERO will cause DMS to archive the whole disk
- totally ignoring the disk bitmap. Generally you will rarely if ever
- have to use this option.
- ENCRPYT password
- - Causes DMS to encrypt the input from the disk using the password
- supplied. 'password' is any alphanumeric word you desire.
- Examples: Joe, Fred, ABC1234, ONLY-FOR-ME, etc.
- DMS read disk1
- - Will compress a disk from drive DF0: using the default compression mode
- and store the results in the file 'disk1.DMS'
- DMS read stuff.DMS lowtrack 20
- - Will compress only tracks 20 to 79 into file 'stuff.DMS'
- DMS read stuff lowtrack 40 hightrack 40
- - Will compress only track 40 into file 'stuff.DMS'
- DMS read stuff from df1: cmode heavy1 noval nozero text RAM:intro
- - Will compress a disk from drive DF1: using compression mode HEAVY1, not
- inhibiting the disk validator, not using the disk bitmap and adding
- the text from file 'RAM:intro' to the file 'stuff.DMS'
- DMS read stuff.DMS from RAD: encrypt JOESTUFF1
- - Will compress a disk from ram drive RAD: and encrypting the output
- with the password 'JOESTUFF1' to file 'stuff.DMS'
- DMS read stuff.DMS text CON:0/0/640/200/window
- - Will compress a disk and allow you to quickly add text to the archive.
- A console window will open up and you can then type any text you
- want. To finish type CTRL \ to close the window and continue.
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 2.) WRITE
- This command will uncompress and write a disk. The basic usage for this
- command is:
- DMS Write file[.DMS],,, [TO Dev:] [LOW lowtrack] [HIGH hightrack]
- file[.DMS],,,
- - One or more input files to be extracted. Standard AmigaDOS wildcards
- are supported.
- TO Dev:
- - Will write the output to device Dev: (the default is drive DF0:)
- The device must follows the same rules as in the READ command.
- LOW lowtrack
- - Specifies the starting track to write from. Tracks before lowtrack
- will be ignored. Default is track 0
- HIGH hightrack
- - Specifies the ending track to write from. Tracks after hightrack
- will be ignored. Default is track 79
- - Stops DMS from inhibiting the disk validator when writing a disk.
- - Causes DMS to ignore any text to be displayed from the archive.
- - Stops DMS from pausing after displaying any text from the archive.
- DECRPYT password
- - Causes DMS to decrypt the archive with the password 'password'.
- This is only used if the archive was previously encrypted. 'password'
- must be the EXACT same one used when encrypting the file otherwise
- the archive will not be processed correctly.
- DMS write stuff
- - Will extract the archive stuff.DMS to drive DF0:
- DMS write part1 part2.dms TO DF2: NOTEXT
- - Will extract the archives part1.DMS and part2.DMS to drive DF2: ,
- ignoring any banner text in the archives
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 3.) REPACK
- This command allows you to recompress an older DMS archive. It can also
- be used as a simple split utility. The basic usage for this
- command is:
- DMS Repack file[.DMS] [TO file2[.DMS]] [LOW lowtrack] [HIGH hightrack]
- [CMODE mode]
- file[.DMS]
- - The input file to be recompressed.
- TO file2[.DMS]
- - Causes DMS to store the results in file2.DMS , otherwise the results
- are automatically stored in a file TEMP.DMS
- LOW lowtrack
- - Specifies lowtrack to start recompression. Tracks before lowtrack
- will be ignored. Default is track 0.
- HIGH hightrack
- - Specifies hightrack to end recompression. Tracks after hightrack
- will be ignored. Default is track 79.
- CMODE mode
- - Chooses the compression mode to use. Same as in the READ command.
- DMS repack stuff low 20 high 40 cmode NONE
- - Will extract tracks 20 through 40 from the archive stuff.DMS ,
- recompress them using no compression and store the results
- in the file TEMP.DMS .
- DMS repack old.dms TO new.dms
- - Will recompress the archive old.DMS using the default compression mode
- and store the results in the file new.DMS
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 4.) VIEW
- This command will view information about a DMS archive. The basic usage
- for this command is:
- DMS View file[.DMS],,, [FULL]
- file[.DMS],,,
- - One or more input files to be viewed. Standard AmigaDOS wildcards
- are supported.
- - Causes DMS to display information about every track in the archive.
- Otherwise only the information header will be displayed.
- DMS view file1 part#? full
- - Will display full information about the archives file1.DMS and
- the files part#?.DMS
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 5.) TEST
- This command will test the integrity of a DMS archive. The basic usage
- for this command is:
- DMS Test file[.DMS],,,
- file[.DMS],,,
- - One or more input files to be tested. Standard AmigaDOS wildcards
- are supported.
- DMS test file1 part#?
- - Will test the archives file1.DMS and the files part#?.DMS
- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- 6.) TEXT
- This command will display any banner text in a DMS archive. This is
- used to quickly find out information about an archive without having
- to extract it. The basic usage for this command is:
- DMS Text file[.DMS],,,
- file[.DMS],,,
- - One or more input files to display text. Standard AmigaDOS wildcards
- are supported.
- DMS text file1 part#?
- - Will display any banner text from the archives file1.DMS and the files
- part#?.DMS
- *****************************************************************************
- General Information
- DMS has been over a year in the making, the compression routines
- are proprietary and we have taken great care to make sure they are the
- very best. There is no other program even close to DMS as far as versatility,
- performance, and ease of use. We urge users to register with us so that we
- continue to provide the best and continuing support of the product.
- This program is NOT Shareware or Public Domain, it is Copyright 1989-91
- by SDS Software. We have taken a different approach in distributing this
- program than most people. There will always be a version of DMS available
- to the general public free of charge. However, we are offerring as an
- incentive to register, many other programs that will not be available to
- the general public. We feel that you should get what you pay for and pay
- for what you use. Therefore if you seldom use DMS then the public version
- is fine for you and we thank you for using it. If you use DMS on a regular
- basis you are asked to register with SDS Software. Registering will enable
- you to receive future updates and other programs not available to the
- general public. Updates will be provided to users on a first-come,
- first-serve basis before public releases. Please make sure that this program
- remains the very best by registering with us.
- There are 2 levels of registration to choose from:
- Regular:
- -------
- For $30 you will be mailed the latest versions of DMS on disk,
- and will also receive:
- DMSWin - an Intuition version of DMS with full windowing, gadgets
- and graphical display.
- and other Public Domain SDS Software programs.
- Professional:
- ------------
- For $50 you will receive the same privileges as above but will also
- receive:
- Convert - a Warp-to-DMS converter to convert old .WRP files to the
- new .DMS format.
- ViewDMS - a small utility to view the contents of a DMS archive.
- TestDMS - a small utility to test the contents of a DMS archive.
- Convert.EXE - MS-DOS versions of the above programs. for people
- ViewDMS.EXE storing files on MS-DOS machines.
- You will also receive free updates for a year, and any other DMS
- related programs that are developed or received by SDS Software.
- Send a Check or Money Order for the amount of registration you choose,
- along with your full name, address, phone number, and computer configuration
- to:
- SDS Software
- Suite 126
- 4885-A Mcknight Rd.
- Pittsburgh, PA 15237
- It is our sincere hope that we can continue to service the Amiga
- community with new and innovative programs. Please allow us to do so by
- supporting our products which you use. Thank you.
- If you have any suggestions, complaints, questions, or bug reports,
- please write to the above address and be sure to include your full name,
- address, phone number, and computer configuration. For any correspondance
- requiring a reply, please included a SASE.
- The DISK-Masher (DMS) is Copyright (c) 1989-1991 by SDS Software.
- It is NOT Public Domain. The CLI/Shell GENERIC version is freely
- distributable provided the following rules:
- 1. No charge excepting reasonable media costs may be charged.
- 2. The program and documentation may not be modified in any way.
- 3. Only the self-extracting archive DMSxxx.EXE may be distributed
- SDS Software will be in no way liable for damages, incidental, or
- consequential, arising from the use or misuse of The DISK-Masher or for
- any other claim by any other party. Use this program at your own risk.
- No warranty is given, either expressed or implied. Terms of registration
- are subject to change without notice.
- *****************************************************************************
- Amiga and AmigaDOS are trademarks of Commodore-Amiga, Inc.
- MS-DOS is a trademark of Microsoft.