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- FILE: readme.txt - 7/1/91
- *****************************************************************************
- The DISK-Masher
- Copyright (c) 1989-1991 SDS Software
- *****************************************************************************
- This archive contains the following files for use with the Amiga
- series of personal computers.
- README.TXT - The file you are now reading.
- DMS - The DISK-Masher version 1.11 TURBO CLI/Shell GENERIC version
- DMS.doc - Online documentation to The DISK-Masher
- Update.doc - Latest version update documentation.
- Notice.txt - An important notice to Warp/UnWarp users.
- DMS111.EXE - Self-extracting archive containing the above files. It
- has been padded out to a multiple of 1024 bytes so it
- does not need to 'chopped' if transferred via modem.
- This has been done for security purposes to prevent
- bogus versions from being spread.
- Please note that the only official distributions of DMS will be
- through the self-extracting archive DMSxxx.EXE . Any other versions
- that you may receive are not authorized and may be a trojan horse or
- virus of some kind. If you suspect as much, please write to SDS Software
- before using any unauthorized programs.
- *****************************************************************************
- The DISK-Masher (DMS) is Copyright (c) 1989-1991 by SDS Software.
- It is NOT Public Domain. The CLI/Shell GENERIC version is freely
- distributable provided the following rules:
- 1. No charge excepting reasonable media costs may be charged.
- 2. The program and documentation may not be modified in any way.
- 3. Only the self-extracting archive DMSxxx.EXE may be distributed
- SDS Software will be in no way liable for damages, incidental, or
- consequential, arising from the use or misuse of The DISK-Masher or for
- any other claim by any other party. Use this program at your own risk.
- No warranty is given, either expressed or implied. Terms of registration
- are subject to change without notice.
- If you have any suggestions, complaints, questions, or bug reports,
- please write to us and be sure to include your full name, address,
- phone number, and computer configuration.
- SDS Software.
- Suite 126
- 4885-A Mcknight Rd.
- Pittsburgh, PA 15237
- *****************************************************************************
- Amiga is a trademark of Commodore-Amiga, Inc.