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- From uunet!bmskc!genco!Uucp Mon, 27 May 91 04:44:10 PST
- Received: by overload.Berkeley.CA.US (V1.14/Amiga)
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- Received: by kcufgat (Uucp/1.8(L)[BETA])
- via Uucp; Sat, 25 May 91 23:22:44 CST
- for dillon@Overload.Berkeley.CA.US
- Date: Sat 25 May 91 20:12
- Message-Id: <Uucp.675235372@kcufgat>
- From: uunet!bmskc!kcufgat.fidonet.org!Richard.Rauch
- To: dillon@Overload.Berkeley.CA.US (dillon@Overload.Berkeley.CA.US)
- Subject:
- I sent this to henning... It may be of some interest to you, as it regards
- fifo.library's use with Aztec 5.0a.
- (I used Aztec's #pragmas, so I don't know if the assembly glue will work
- correctly with Aztec's assembler/C. I long since gave up trying to link
- Amiga .o and .lib files with Aztec, despite claims in the Aztec linker
- docs, so I didn't even try simply linking the provided glue, either.)
- /~~~dup of a message
- To: henning@aemsrc.UUCP
- /~~~henning
- ...
- tried both the dillon and the aux: devices, and either I am missing
- something, or they just don't compile correctly under manx 5.0)
- ...
- \___henning
- I have managed to use the remcli.c with Dillon's FIFO:. It compiles,
- links, and runs, just the same as when compiled with DICE as far as I
- can see.
- I had to make some changes (and I had to generate #pragmas, plus prototype
- by hand from the .doc), but it all works. (Manx/Aztec 5.0a)
- fifo_pragmas.h is a new file. The other two files are provided in diff
- form (generated by the RCS diff, for what it's worth), relative to the
- fifodev2.lzh archive.
- /~~~fifo_pragmas.h
- /*
- ** Made this file with:
- **
- ** aztec:res_lib/mapfd -l -o fifo_pragmas.h fifo_lib.fd
- **
- ** ---rkr.
- **
- */
- #pragma libcall FifoBase OpenFifo 1e 81003
- #pragma libcall FifoBase CloseFifo 24 1002
- #pragma libcall FifoBase ReadFifo 2a 81003
- #pragma libcall FifoBase WriteFifo 30 81003
- #pragma libcall FifoBase RequestFifo 36 81003
- #pragma libcall FifoBase BufSizeFifo 3c 1
- \___fifo_pragmas.h
- /~~~fifo.h_diff
- 27a28,41
- >
- > /*
- > ** Need some protos so that I can use Manx/Aztec #pragmas...
- > **
- > ** ---rkr.
- > **
- > */
- > FifoHan OpenFifo (char *name, long bufsize, long flags);
- > void CloseFifo (FifoHan fifo, long flags);
- > long ReadFifo (FifoHan fifo, char **pptr, long skip);
- > long WriteFifo (FifoHan fifo, void *buf, long max);
- > void RequestFifo (FifoHan fifo, struct Message *msg, long req);
- > long BufSizeFifo (FifoHan fifo);
- >
- \___fifo.h_diff
- /~~~remcli.c_diff
- 29a30,31
- > #include "fifo_pragmas.h" /*** rkr ***/
- >
- 81c83,91
- < int brk();
- ---
- >
- > /*
- > ** This function not needed in Aztec.
- > **
- > ** ---rkr.
- > **
- > ** int brk();
- > */
- > extern long Enable_Abort; /*** Aztec flag for ^c checking ---rkr. ***/
- 98c108,109
- < onbreak(brk);
- ---
- > /*** onbreak(brk); /*** not needed in Aztec ---rkr. ***/
- > Enable_Abort = 0; /*** Aztec way of disable ^c ---rkr. ***/
- 292c303
- < CloseFifo(FifoR);
- ---
- > CloseFifo(FifoR, 0); /*** rkr ***/
- 294c305
- < CloseFifo(FifoW);
- ---
- > CloseFifo(FifoW, 0); /*** rkr ***/
- 315a327
- > long len; /*** rkr ***/
- 322,326c334,344
- < int
- < brk()
- < {
- < return(0);
- < }
- ---
- > /*
- > ** This function not needed in Aztec.
- > **
- > ** ---rkr.
- > **
- > ** int
- > ** brk()
- > ** {
- > ** return(0);
- > ** }
- > */
- \___remcli.c_diff
- Richard Rauch
- 11415 Grant Dr.
- Overland Park, Ks. 66210
- 1:280/304.3
- 1:280/304.4
- Richard.Rauch@amigacen.kcufgat.fidonet.org
- \___dup of a message
- Richard Rauch
- 11415 Grant Dr.
- Overland Park, Ks. 66210
- 1:280/304.3
- 1:280/304.4
- Richard.Rauch@amigacen.kcufgat.fidonet.org