Fresh Fish 5
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File List
103 lines
A-Kwic-2.00.lha 2.00 231K Allows fast keyword search of text data
AcmaUtils.lha ?.? 14K Misc useful CLI/script utilities
ADoc-4.00.lha 4.00 114K An hypertext-like help utility.
AII-2.0.lha 2.0 33K A GUI interface for most avail archivers
AlertPatch-3.0.lha 3.0 49K Supplies a lot more info during Alert()
AppCon-38.73.lha 38.73 14K Makes the CON: window an AppWindow
AppISizer-0.72.lha 0.72 41K AppIcon gets the size of disks, etc.
AppPP-1.0.lha 1.0 50K AppIcon/GUI for crunch/decrunch with PP
AppVM-0.9.lha 0.9 61K System patch for true virtual memory.
ArexxSuper-1.10.lha 1.10 35K ARexx port testing tool
ARTM-2.04.lha 2.04 78K Display and control system activity
AudioScope-3.0.lha 3.0 18K Realtime audio spectrum analyzer w/FFT
BioRhythm-3.0.lha 3.0 17K Shows your 3 basic BioRhythms & average
BootUte-1.2.lha 1.2 44K Enable older software on A1200/A4000
brik-2.0.lha 2.0 59K Compute & use CRC lists to verify files
bsplit-1.0.lha 1.0 7K Split files into pieces by byte count
Bush-1.2.lha 1.2 7K Produces directory listing like "Tree"
ChangeIcon-1.0.lha 1.0 91K Give files specified icon, uses WhatIs
chksum-1.0.lha 1.0 3K SVR4 "sum" compatible checksum program
ClipHistory-1.0.lha 1.0 36K Adds a history to the clipboard device
CliVa-2.3.lha 2.3 95K A VERY configurable Application launcher
ColorRequester-1.01.lha 1.01 14K AGA Screen Color Requester
DBB-1.1.9.lha 1.1.9 115K DBB is a digital logic circuit simulator
Degrader-1.30.lha 1.30 16K Tries to get badly written progs to work
DesktopMagic-1.0.lha 1.0 261K Modular screen saver/system sound mgr
DirKING-3.00.lha 3.00 221K Powerful 'List' and 'Dir' replacement
dms-1.11.lha 1.11 38K A popular disk archiver
DOSPrefs-2.0.lha 2.0 21K Small commodity with three functions.
EcoDisk-1.19.lha 1.19 88K A user-friendly file manager
FifoLib-37.4.lha 37.4 54K A general fifo library implementation
FileChop-1.0.lha 1.0 8K Splits and rejoins files.
Filer-3.14.lha 3.14 221K Configurable GUI-based Directory Utility
FlipIt-1.2.lha 1.2 6K Flip through screens via hotkeys.
Flush-1.2.lha 1.2 16K Flushes unused libs, devices, and fonts
FMath-40.4.lha 40.4 21K Replacement for the math libraries
FontPrefs-2.8.lha 2.8 15K Font preferences clone
FTP-2.00.lha 2.00 48K Psuedo FTP session for CD-ROM access
GEDScripts-1.1.lha 1.1 25K Some useful ARexx scripts for GoldED
Genie-2.56.lha 2.56 50K A GUI based genealogy data manager
HeartBeat-1.0.lha 1.0 50K Generic system call analysis tool.
History-37.5.lha 37.5 3K List and control shell command history.
IconCalendar-1.0.lha 1.0 7K Shows date and month in an AppIcon
Inf-1.32.lha 1.32 8K Extended AmigaDOS INFO command
Injector-2.00.lha 2.00 94K Insert input events as if typed from kbd
Installer-1.26.lha 1.26 92K Commodore's Amiga Installer utility
ISAN-1.2.lha 1.2 33K Realtime program opcode stream analyzer.
Jade-3.0.lha 3.0 523K Programmer's editor Amiga and Unix X11
Kalender-2.2.lha 2.2 82K A small calendar program
KlingNum-1.1.lha 1.1 13K Converts decimal numbers into Klingon
LhA-1.38.lha 1.38 105K A fast LhArc compatible archiver
LHArc-1.30.lha 1.30 37K Archive program using LZHUF compression
LHWarp-1.40.lha 1.40 32K Disk packer for .lhw files
LLP-1.0.lha 1.0 39K Machine access control and logging.
MagicWord-1.0.lha 1.0 17K Utility for word replacement and macros
mg-3b.lha 3b 342K Small GNU EMACS style editor with AREXX
MidMoose-1.0.lha 1.0 5K Maps a key to the middle mouse button.
MSplit-1.3.lha 1.3 83K Multi-Platform split/join file utility
NoAGA-1.0.lha 1.0 11K Run older pgms w/out changing screenmode
NoteIt-1.4.1.lha 1.4.1 22K Post It note pad program
P-Compress2-1.2.lha 1.2 19K New program replacing P-Compress
PackIt-1.18a.lha 1.18a 30K CLI frontend for PowerPacker + wildcards
PackIt-37.110.lha 37.110 14K CLI only PowerPacker cruncher/decruncher
PaletteTool-1.4.lha 1.4 31K 3.0/AGA public screen palette tool.
PARex-3.10.lha 3.10 154K Text filter/converter/utility
PatchAlert.lha ?.? 13K Patches function Alert()
pdksh-4.5.lha 4.5 305K A UNIX ksh compatible shell for AmigaDOS
PerfMeter-2.2.lha 2.2 17K CPU usage, load and memory meter
PicIcon-1.03.lha 1.03 90K Create icons from IFF ILBM pictures
PS-1.34.lha 1.34 7K Lists info about tasks and processes
PutChar-2.1.lha 2.1 14K Utility like PopChar on the MacIntosh
QDisk-2.10.lha 2.10 45K WorkBench utility to monitor space usage
QTools-1.1.lha 1.1 32K CD & find file/dirs quickly via database
ReqChange-3.1.lha 3.1 149K Makes system use Reqtools requesters
ReqTools-2.2b.lha 2.2b 401K Very useful shared requester library
RSys-1.3.lha 1.3 356K Very comprehensive system monitor
RushDemo2-37.5370.lha 37.5370 188K Full-featured directory utility demo
S-Pack-1.1.lha 1.1 24K Archiver w/multivol, selfextract, & more
Screen2IFF-1.03.lha 1.03 15K Save front screen to IFF file w/hotkey
ShowFont-1.1.lha 1.1 22K Versatile Font-viewing utility
SIP.lha 2.18 35K System Information Program - Monitor
SnoopDos-1.7.lha 1.7 40K Monitors calls to AmigaDOS functions
Snoopy-2.0.lha 2.0 280K Monitor calls to library/devs/resources
Sort-1.23.lha 1.23 19K CLI-based ascii text file sort utility
Sploin-1.70.lha 1.70 23K Multi-platform split/join file utility
Startup-Menu-1.5.lha 1.5 89K Customizable startup utility
Statis-1.24.lha 1.24 4K Enhanced replacement for the STATUS cmd
SuperDark-2.0a.lha 2.0a 291K A very nice modular screen blanker
SwazInfo-1.0.lha 1.0 41K Replaces WorkBench information window
SysInfo-3.24.lha 3.24 49K Gives comprehensive system information
TimePlanner-1.0.lha 1.0 23K Events reminder and/or program launcher.
ToolType-2.14.lha 2.14 25K Edit ToolTypes easily.
true-1.0.lha 1.0 4K Simple versions of "true" and "false"
VCLI-7.04.lha 7.04 27K Control CLI by voice commands
Vim-2.0.lha 2.0 481K A clone of the UNIX "vi" text editor