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- FTP Simulator Door Version 1.0
- Introduction:
- With the advent of CD-ROM drives, the Citadel BBS needed a method
- to access multiple directories and allow a user to transfer files
- from the CD-ROM to their system. This program allows a user to
- change directory and yet is safe from the hacker.
- This program is shareware. If you use it, you must send a small
- donation to me. The minimum amount is $10, if you find it more
- valuable, feel free to send more. If you decide not to use it
- then please send me a mail message or a postcard and tell me why.
- Send all fees to:
- Custom Services
- P.O. Box 254
- Moorestown, NJ 08055
- Registered users will receive an updated version if they include
- either a larger donation than the minimum, or a disk and postage.
- Registration will get you a personalized registration key that will
- eliminate the reminder.
- User Operation:
- A user runs the door from your BBS, or you run it from a CLI. See the
- USER.DOC file for an explination of the commands available.
- Installation
- This program requires the 2.04 ROM or later. It will not run under
- 1.3.
- The program is simple to operate. You copy it to a directory on your
- path and setup the door entry to be:
- #door ftp ftp in: anyone modem unlimited
- File transfer Program.
- <ctdl-aux: >ctdl-aux: "%d" cd0: in:
- The program has the following arguments:
- ftp "user name" <directory 1> <directory 2>
- user name is the name the user has on the BBS. For Citadel use
- "%d".
- directory1 is the root directory the user is allowed to examine.
- This is the directory the user will start with. The
- user can move into any sub directory in this directory.
- The user will not be allowed to move to other places.
- This can be on a floppy, HD, or any other file system
- type device.
- directory2 is the directory attached to the room you have the door
- attached to. This way, when a user exits the door, the
- files retrieved with the GET command are ready to be
- downloaded.
- At this time, when a user does a GET, the file is copied
- to this directory.
- There are two other items the program uses if they are defined.
- These are environment variables.
- FTP_BBS_NAME - This will be used to display a welcome message as
- if the user is on an internet site.
- You do not have to have it, the program will
- supply a default.
- FTP_SITE_NAME - This will be used to display the name you chose for
- your ftp site. You do not have to have it, the
- program will supply a default.
- FTP_REGISTRATION - This is your registration key, it must match the
- FTP_BBS_NAME. This will be supplied to you
- after your registration fee is received.
- FTP_LOG_FILE - This is an optional name that will define a log
- file which will show how active the door was and
- what user made use of it. This is just a file
- name. If not defined, no log is kept.
- Define these with the command: "setenv FTP_BBS_NAME "my.bbs.name"
- I also recommend you create a room attached to directory2 and put the
- USER.DOC file in there. That will allow users to examine the door
- commands.
- Warranty
- 30 seconds, 30 feet which ever comes first.
- If you have a problem, feel free to email me at apreston@isd.csc.com
- or post it on your nearest Citadel in either the Citadel 68K, or
- Sysop Only room. You can also sent mail to
- tony preston@The Amiga Zone.NJ
- This is a STDIO door, it can be used with BBSes like DLG, and others
- which have interfaces for that type of door. If you do use this with
- another type of BBS other than a Citadel, please send me the information
- when you register so I can include it with the next update.
- Registration: The door has no real restrictions except that the
- unregistered version will remind your users that it is not registered
- each time they move down a directory. This reminder will slow them
- up, but is harmless. They will have to hit a return.
- The registration will get you a customized version key in the mail.
- This will remove the limitations place on the unregistered version.
- Send $10 to:
- Custom Services
- P. O. Box 254
- Moorestown, NJ 08055
- Send Your Site Name and BBS Name exactly as you have them in the
- environment variables mentioned above. You are limited to 20 characters
- for these names.
- Note: the registration key is controled by an environment variable.
- If an incorrect value is registered, the users will experience a
- 10 second delay after an error message which says:
- ERROR: registration key error, auto delay activated
- This only occurs if the key value and your BBS name do not match.
- Future Plans:
- The door's GET command currently uses a COPY to move the files. The
- plan is to give the sysop more flexibilty and input the command used
- with the default being the current COPY command.
- Give the ability for the user to specify a path name such as:
- Cd Aminet/Dev/c
- instead of
- Cd Aminet
- Cd Dev
- Cd c
- This will also include the usage of ".." and "/" as psuedonyms for
- the parent directory. This will still protect the Sysop in that
- attempting to Cd above the top directory will exit the door.
- Other commands have been suggested and will be added to the program
- as time permits.
- Contents:
- The archive you have should have the following files:
- ftp.doc This file you are reading.
- user.doc some simple user docs
- ftp 68000 version
- ftp.030 68030 version
- History:
- Beta 1.0-1.03 - Initial release for testing.
- 1.04Beta - Added commands(LIST, "?")
- fixed bug in CD .. and CD / (did not work)
- fixed bug in VIEW, LIST, CD and DIR
- where error messages would come out even if
- ok.
- 2.00
- -- Supports LHA, LZH, LZ, Zoo, Zip, and ARC files with the VIEW command.
- It will allow you to view the contents of an archive(similar to doing
- -- Supports limited wildcarding. The "?" matches any character, the
- "*" matches the rest of the string. Using the "*" with "Sa*" matches
- all files starting with the letters "Sa". It is limited in that you
- cannot match on "Sa*.lha" and only get the lha files starting with "Sa".
- -- Supports sorting the directory information. All lists will come out
- in alphabetical order.
- -- Now uses case sensitive names, like real unix would.
- -- Supports both ".." and "/" as diretory names with the CD. Both will
- move up one level.
- -- Command line supports directory names with or without the slash on
- the end. Previous version did not check for proper names.
- -- Several minor bug fixes included.
- -- 68030 optimized version include in the archive along with the
- standard 68000 version.
- 2.10
- -- Added the commands CASE to toggle the case sensitivity, C-ON to
- force case sensitivity, COFF to turn off case sensitivity, and
- STAT to display the current status information.
- -- Added some meaningless statistics and a means for the SYSOP to
- record them to a log file.
- -- Added a new environment variable FTP_REGISTRATION which will allow
- the registered version to be distributed and only a key needed to
- unlock it.