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- ReadMe for the GUISpell-GoldED package
- After having worked for two years with CED (yes, an old 2.12), I wanted to have
- all the comfort in my brand new GoldED. That includes ISpell. But there was no
- version of GUISpell that immediately popped up on the GoldED screen without
- first issuing a JUMP command.
- Now well, today I decided I wanted it. That's why I ressorted to my SAS/C
- compiler, took the sources of GUIspell and modified them to make GUIspell appear
- on GoldED's screen first.
- The I went on making new ARexx scripts for online checking. After hacking around
- to get the quotes right so GoldED's ARexx interface accepted it, I went on to do
- all the stuff so it functioned a few times nicely on my machine. I guess there
- are no bugs as I don't have experienced any misbehavior yet.
- 1. Installation
- For the steps described below, I assume you have already installed Ispell from
- Fish 774 (I have tested my stuff only with this version; it has an ARexx port).
- Remove old versions of GUIspell from you system and copy my version of GUIspell
- to a place, preferably in the command path.
- Copy my Arexx scripts to place where you would like them. I suggest you copy
- them to RAM: at startup so you get a maximal execution speed. Do not compress
- them with `Stacker'-like tools so the computer won't waste time decompressing
- it.
- Edit the files to look if the paths for ispell, WordCheckCallBack.ged and
- GUIspell are right.
- The go into GoldED, activate the `Keyboard' config and put the CheckWord.ged
- macro on the spacebar (don't forget to turn on the ARexx button!). Everytime
- you press space, CheckWord will try to check the word (if there's any). But you
- don't need to hit the space bar to move the cursor --- this can be achieved
- with the cursor keys.
- Now everything should be set up correctly.
- 2. Author
- You can reach me by snail mail. My address:
- René Laederach
- Kappelisackerstr. 46
- 3063 Ittigen
- Switzerland
- You can phone me at +41/(0)31/921-19-08 in the evening and on weekends, but
- don't forget I live in the Greenwich time zone, so phone when it is evening in
- Europe! When writing, then include an international reply couponor 2.50 US-$.
- Any letter without return postage lands in the trashcan or I'll keep the disk
- if you included one (one exactly covers the postage...).
- 3. TODO
- Spell.ged - a script to check the whole file from GoldED. I don't need it so
- you'll have to wait.
- 4. Legal Stuff
- This package comes with NO warranty --- neither expressed nor implied. YOU use
- this stuff at your own risk --- even if your cat hits the spacebar and then the
- Amiga checks the cat and squeezes it through its circuitry and gets quite thin.
- This package is Freeware and I, René Laederach, retain all copyrights on the
- scripts. You may enhance the scripts, but leave the copyright notice intact.
- 5. Acknowledgements to...
- Dietmar Eilert who wrote GoldED. An awesome editor with lots of features I
- haven't tried out yet. Those 20 greenbacks/Deutschmark you have to mail him for
- registration is a good investment into the future of the development of good
- ShareWare. Definitely the `Best Buy' if you want a cheap and powerful editor for
- the Amiga.
- Dietmar Eilert who made a skeleton macro for the startup and the cleanup of
- ARexx scripts working with GoldED.
- Loren J. Rittle who wrote a port of ISpell with an ARexx server mode. Great
- Stuff!
- CBM for the Amiga 2000 (maybe the successor of the A4000 will have a SCSI host
- adapter again and design a practical casing as well as an Ethernet plug?).