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- ---------------------------------
- | Genie |
- | A genealogical data manager |
- ---------------------------------
- This distribution is a demonstration version of Genie version 2.1.
- The program requires that you be using version AmigaDOS version 2.04
- or later to operate it. Otherwise, it should operate on any model of
- Amiga computer. Printed reports require a printer capable of both
- portrait and landscape orientation printing.
- The program is shareware and is not public domain nor freeware. The
- demonstration version may be freely-distributed in its entirety.
- The program is fully functional except that the number of people you
- may track is limited to about 20 instead of the program's full
- capability of upwards of 32000 (possibly up to 65533).
- This demo version of Genie does not include the user manual but it is
- felt that the operation is reasonably obvious. For those who find the
- program to be useful, a note to the author at the address below will
- get you a full capability version of the program and a copy of the
- user manual.
- Distribution content
- --------------------
- The distribution includes the following files:
- Genie The main program
- Genie.info The icon for the main program
- read me This file
- read me.info The icon for this file
- Genie_viewer A program used internally by Genie
- print_ctl_land Printer control file (landscape)
- print_ctl_port Printer control file (portrait)
- Sample.xxx Four files of genealogical data
- regarding the Sample family
- fonts A directory containing PD fonts needed
- for displaying Genie data
- Installation
- ------------
- Installation consists of copying the content of the fonts directory to
- your FONTS: directory ("copy fonts fonts: all"). The program does not
- have to be installed at all in that it may be run from the
- distribution medium directly if so desired although you may have to
- copy the fonts first.
- Other than the fonts, copy the other files of the distribution to an
- appropriate directory, if you so desire. Test the installation by
- clicking on the Sample icon and the Sample family information should
- be presented for your examination.
- Adaptation
- ----------
- The production of printed reports relies on two header files included
- with Genie. These files may need to be revised to work with your
- particular printer; as delivered, the files are set to work with an HP
- Laserjet. You can use a text editor such as memacs to revise the
- files.
- The two files are named print_ctl_land and print_ctl_port for use in
- landscape and portrait orientation, respectively. The only portion
- which is specific to a particular printer is the last line which
- selects the print orientation. The other lines use the common
- AmigaDOS printer device escape sequences which your normal printer
- preference settings will accommodate. [C-A failed to include a
- sequence for selecting orientation.]
- Capabilities
- ------------
- Genie provides for maintaining information about a virtually unlimited
- number of people per family. A person's name, sex, marital status,
- place and date of birth, present location (address or place of
- interment), parents, and spouse(s) may be entered and displayed.
- Notes containing additional information about the people may also be
- included. No provision is made for explicitly entering baptism,
- confirmation, immigration dates, occupation, etc. although such
- information may be placed in the notes.
- "Navigation" of a family's information is a matter of simply
- double-clicking on the line containing a person's name. The
- information about the selected person will then be displayed.
- Various reports and listings can be produced from a family's data
- including pedigree, family group record, and Ahnentafel charts and a
- listing of all the people in a family. The Gedcom file which may be
- produced by Genie has been validated by the Church of Jesus Christ of
- Latter Day Saints for submission to their Family History data base.
- The program can be initiated from either the Workbench or CLI. The
- former is accomplished by clicking on the Genie icon while the latter
- is performed by entering "Genie [<family name>]". Once a family's
- data has been created, later access to it is by means of clicking on
- the icon sporting the family name or specifying the family name in the
- CLI command.
- Full capability program
- -----------------------
- If you find this program useful, contact:
- Everett M. Greene
- 1201 N. Inyo
- Ridgecrest, Ca. 93555