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- *****************************************************************************
- * *
- * Conditions of use HeartBeat 1.0 *
- * ----------------- ------------- *
- * *
- * This program has been provided for the enjoyment of the masses. *
- * It is Public Domain. *
- * Since the author doesn't ask for anything in return, the user *
- * will accept the following conditions: *
- * *
- * 1) In no case whatsoever shall the author be liable for any *
- * damages, losses etc... due to the use of this program. *
- * 2) Distribution of the program is only allowed subject to the *
- * following restrictions: *
- * *
- * 2.a) No file part of this distribution will be omitted or *
- * modified in any way. *
- * 2.b) None of the files which are part of this distribution *
- * should be stored on environmentally unfriendly media. *
- * (e.g. paper! (listings, faxes)) *
- * *
- * Laurence Vanhelsuwé *
- * 22-APR-92 *
- * *
- *****************************************************************************
- Program Title : HeartBeat (HB) (Version 1.0)
- -------------------------
- Author : Laurence Vanhelsuwé
- ----------------------------
- 0. Short description:
- ------------------
- HeartBeat (short: HB) is a system call monitor which allows all
- system calls accessible through libraries, devices or resources
- to be snooped on. Generic argument snooping is also provided.
- 1. Requirements/Installation:
- --------------------------
- This program makes heavy use of the new 2.0 system calls.
- Additionally HeartBeat assumes a logical directory (assign) called
- FD:
- which contains ".fd" files (as many as you can lay your hands on).
- These files are normally distributed on Workbench disks and describe
- system library, device and resource calls.
- For example, my system contains the following files in FD:
- ( DIR FD: )
- amigaguide_lib.fd asl_lib.fd
- battclock_lib.fd battmem_lib.fd
- bullet_lib.fd cardres_lib.fd
- cia_lib.fd colorwheel_lib.fd
- commodities_lib.fd console_lib.fd
- datatypes_lib.fd diskfont_lib.fd
- disk_lib.fd dos_lib.fd
- dtclass_lib.fd exec_lib.fd
- expansion_lib.fd gadtools_lib.fd
- graphics_lib.fd icon_lib.fd
- iffparse_lib.fd input_lib.fd
- intuition_lib.fd keymap_lib.fd
- layers_lib.fd locale_lib.fd
- mathffp_lib.fd mathieeedoubbas_lib.fd
- mathieeedoubtrans_lib.fd mathieeesingbas_lib.fd
- mathieeesingtrans_lib.fd mathtrans_lib.fd
- misc_lib.fd potgo_lib.fd
- ramdrive_lib.fd rexxsyslib_lib.fd
- timer_lib.fd translator_lib.fd
- utility_lib.fd wb_lib.fd
- 2. How to use it:
- --------------
- Just type the following at any Shell prompt:
- I suggest you "run" HeartBeat because HB currently changes the
- current directory but does not restore it before exiting (sorry).
- Using a "RUN" shields you from this side-effect.
- Check out the menus and you'll get:
- Your main menus are the two library menus which list all the
- libraries that HeartBeat knows about (and devices and resources).
- Select any library you're familiar with and you'll be presented
- with a list of its system calls (any function names highlighted in
- inverse video means they don't point to ROM code (could be virus?)).
- Now select a system call by moving the highlight over the function
- and click... you are now monitoring this call.
- A seperate window popped up to display your monitored function.
- Using a similar select-and-click method in this second window you can
- bring up the register template window and define an "arguments match
- template".
- You are presented with 32 string gadgets: one pair for every data and
- address register of the 680x0. One for the register's value (or bits
- you want to see set or cleared) and one for a mask defining which bits
- you care about (0 means you don't care at all what value this register
- is).
- Note that the string gadgets accept decimal and hexadecimal numbers
- (prefixed with $).
- The default values which initially appear are explained as follows:
- - register A7 has a mask of $FFFFFFFF and a value of $00000000.
- (this ensures a "no match" WHATEVER the settings of the other
- registers are since the SP can never point to 0!).
- - register D0 has a mask of $FFFFFFFF and a garbage value of $A1B2C3D4
- (this gives a very high probability of a "no match" as detected by
- the wedge routine since it starts with D0,D1,D2...)
- Basically this is done to prevent matches occuring before you've
- defined the template yourself (the matching process is active all the
- time).
- You can select between two match action modes:
- - just count matches (a separate counter is used for matches)
- - freeze calling Task (a "!" will turn into a "*" in output window)
- The freezing option only works if you explicitly tell HeartBeat
- which Task in the system you want to monitor.
- This is done by selecting the "Watch Task..." option in the OPTIONS
- menu.
- The project menu allows you to load and save a HeartBeat "session".
- A session is just the collection of system functions that you are
- currently monitoring.
- When loading a previously saved session, the window with monitored
- functions might contain less functions as originally saved.
- This is because the library (device or resource) to which these
- functions belong might not be accessible this time round (not opened).
- (e.g. the rexxsyslib might have been accessible by HeartBeat when
- saving a session but not any more when loading).
- 3. HeartBeat: it's uses.
- ---------------------
- HeartBeat is a system call monitor.
- HB complements programs like MonIDCMP, SnoopDOS or SPY, although HB
- does not have any bias towards a particular library like SnoopDOS
- or SPY.
- Because of this general-purpose nature, HB can't give you very
- detailed information of what the parameters passed to a routine
- are. In fact, it doesn't give you any. (ha!)
- It just counts each call made, whether by a specific Task in the
- system or globally (by any Task).
- In this simple mode HeartBeat can be viewed as a higher level
- extension to my other system utility :
- ISAN (Instruction Stream ANalyzer)
- which has also been put in the Public Domain.
- To make the program a bit more useful, you can also define a
- register arguments template on a per-function basis: you could for
- example count the number of times AllocMem() is called with the
- MEMF_CHIP flag set.
- You would do this by defining a value and mask for data register
- D1 (where the memory type argument has to be passed) and specifying
- "don't care" masks for all other registers of the 680x0.
- To make the program somewhat more productive you can ask HeartBeat
- to freeze the calling Task when an argument template matches.
- You can obviously un-freeze such a Task too (by clicking on the
- function when its frozen marker "*" has appeared).
- Example uses:
- - work out whether a program uses OS 2.0 calls or not.
- - snooping on programs to see if they use system calls when..
- a) they should (to allocate memory for example) or when
- b) they shouldn't
- (for example THE bottleneck of a brilliant ecology simulator
- program called "Jitter" could very well be its use of
- RectFill(); to draw just 4 pixels RectFill() uses nothing
- less than the Blitter to do its stuff and this could be
- re-coded to be at least ten times faster in optimized
- assembler!!)
- - learn about the Amiga and surprise yourself at how often or how
- rarely functions get called... and wonder whether the frequently
- called ones are implemented efficiently or not...
- - catching faulty programs or viri by intercepting calls with
- particular pararmeters. (a virus might well make AllocAbs() or
- SetFunction() calls).
- 4. Internals:
- ----------
- HeartBeat gets all its "knowledge" of Amiga system internals from
- the .fd files in the FD: directory.
- From these files it extracts:
- a) library names (or device or resource names)
- b) function LVOs and names
- c) function accessability
- c) Means that HeartBeat does not allow you to access system private
- functions (##private).
- 5. HeartBeat Limitations/Warnings:
- -------------------------------
- !CRASH! Be careful when monitoring Exec and other low-level and/or critical
- libraries.
- In particular all Exec routines which rely on privilege exception
- trapping tricks will crash the system when attempting to monitor them.
- Similarly the SumLibrary() function crashes because of SetFunction()
- interactions.
- !CRASH! Be very careful too with HeartBeat's freeze option.
- Freezing any system Task which disables any part of the system that
- you in turn need to unfreeze the Task (e.g. mouse input routines,
- sprite moving routines, Text printing routines...) will effectively
- result in freezing the entire machine !
- 6. History:
- --------
- I like low-level system utilities like this.
- I think they should be provided as standard when you buy a machine
- like the Amiga.
- AmigaDOS' "STATUS FULL" and "BREAK" commands are just pathetic
- when you compare them with what a UNIX hacker has at his disposal.
- Since the Amiga has quite a lot in common (complexity wise) with
- UNIX machines the Amiga user should also have an arsenal of tools
- at his side to make better use of his machine.
- 7. Future:
- -------
- Some ideas for future versions of HeartBeat are already:
- - allow function RESULTS to be trapped too (handy for errors)
- - allow argument register mappings to be defined (SetAPen(1)->SetAPen(2))
- - remove all bugs in current version...
- To any programmers thinking of enhancing HB: please don't "adopt"
- HeartBeat yet. I know it's far from robust and complete at this moment,
- but it's already useful enough to be released.
- I'd like to get some feedback and work one the next release myself.
- 8. Credits:
- --------
- Since I'm still stuck with old 1.2 Rom Kernal Manuals and the like,
- I could not have written this program without the source codes of
- various 2.0 programs in the Fish library.
- I am especially grateful to Steve Tibbett for adding the source
- to his PSX release (even though it's a bit sparse on comments !!).
- Any comments, ideas or bug reports?
- My name and address are:
- Laurence Vanhelsuwé
- Christinastraat 105
- B-8400 Oostende
- Enjoy !