home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*****************************************************************************
- * HeartBeat 1.0 (C) L. Vanhelsuwé 1992-94
- * ------------- -------------------------
- *
- * Written by Laurence Vanhelsuwé in April 1992
- *
- * HeartBeat is a generic Amiga system call monitor.
- * It allows you to monitor a Task's system calls usage or monitor global
- * system call activity.
- * This program uses the standard Commodore .FD files for all its information
- * on available libraries and system calls. This results in a program which
- * isn't locked to a certain revision of the Operating System but one that
- * evolves with it.
- * Additionally, executable size is kept small by not having system call info
- * embedded inside the program.
- *
- * History
- * -------
- * 06-APR-92: started coding (goal: loading and parsing of all .fd files)
- * 07-APR-92: had a look at gadtools stuff (done most of register requester)
- * 08-APR-92: (goal: function selection/constant refresh)
- * 10-APR-92: modified event loop to more robust global event port system
- * 16-APR-92: added new/load/save project options
- * 22-APR-92: discovered ASL FileRequest doesn't return full filename! Arghh
- * 26-APR-92: added non-ROM vector highlighting (handy for VIRUS detection !)
- * 13-JUN-92: added function address printing
- * 22-APR-94: Finally cleaned up ASL Filerequester code!
- *
- * To Dos:
- * -------
- * - **!! Ensure monitored libraries don't ever get flushed while we run.
- * - Fix currentdir change side-effect
- * -
- * -
- *****************************************************************************/
- // Include Amiga specific header files
- #include <exec/execbase.h>
- #include <exec/io.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/nodes.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <devices/timer.h>
- #include <dos/dosextens.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <intuition/intuitionbase.h>
- #include <intuition/gadgetclass.h>
- #include <libraries/asl.h>
- #include <libraries/gadtools.h>
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- // Include standard C headers and Lattice specific headers
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <ctype.h>
- // Include function prototype definitions
- // Headers coming out of the PROTO directory include #pragmas to use
- // registerized system call calling.
- #include <clib/exec_protos.h>
- #include <clib/graphics_protos.h>
- #include <clib/dos_protos.h>
- #include <clib/intuition_protos.h>
- #include <clib/utility_protos.h>
- #include <clib/gadtools_protos.h>
- #include <clib/asl_protos.h>
- void NewList( struct List *);
- // Include Application private headers
- #include "cload_file.h"
- // All system functions which are currently being tracked have a context
- // structure associated with them so that patch stubs can use this to store
- // function-specific (local, contextual) information.
- struct Context {
- ULONG regvals[16]; // D0..D7, A0..A7
- ULONG regmasks[16]; // don't care bits for above
- USHORT freeze; // freeze on match or just count ?
- USHORT frozen; // wedge froze Task TRUE/FALSE
- ULONG called_cnt; // each time func gets called this increments
- ULONG trapped_cnt; // each time input registers match template
- ULONG last_called_cnt; // last value of above (to optimize update)
- ULONG last_trapped_cnt; // last value of above (to optimize update)
- APTR stdvector; // ptr to normal ROM/RAM routine for this syscall
- };
- // Every library function found in the .fd files gets a structure as follows:
- struct SysCall {
- struct Node func_node; // a node so we can link ya all together
- char *funcname; // ptr to name of system call (eg "CurrentDir")
- USHORT namelen; // length in bytes of name
- SHORT func_LVO; // the _LVO for this function (eg -$C0)
- struct Library *parent_lib;// this func belongs to library X
- struct Context *ctxt; // ptr to context struct for patch.
- };
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #define MAX_LIBS 40 // can't cope with more libraries !
- #define MAX_FUNCS 1500 // can't cope with more functions (total)
- #define MAX_PATCHED 72 // can't cope with more PATCHED functions
- #define MAX_FILENAME 512 // maximum absolute filename (LONG PATHS on networks!)
- #define POOL_SIZE (MAX_FUNCS*sizeof(struct SysCall))
- #define LF 10
- #define REFRESH_FREQ 4 // times a second update call counters
- // Enumeration type for app_state (application state)
- #define FUNCWINDOW 1 // window with function list active
- #define MONWINDOW 2 // window with tracked functions active
- #define REGSWINDOW 3 // register set requester window active
- #define TASKWINDOW 4 // task requester window active
- #define WINWIDTH 640 // Need interlace Workbench to open !
- #define WINHEIGHT 340
- #define PANE_X 5 // offset to Gimme00 area.
- #define PANE_Y 12
- #define MAX_LABLEN 20 // extra long function names are chopped
- #define MAX_TASKLAB 20 // maximum length of a Task name string in req.
- #define CHAR_WIDTH 8 // pixel dimensions for Topaz 80
- #define CHAR_HEIGHT 8
- // Enumeration type for our scan_state variable
- #define NEED_NAME 0 // initial state to grab head like * "dos.library"
- #define NEUTRAL 1 // neutral state to find out what we're looking at.
- #define GET_FUNC 2 // get all other lines
- #define GET_COMMAND 3 // get line with ##cmd
- #define ERR_OK 0 // no error occurred
- #define ERR_BADFILE 1 // incorrect file format
- #define ERR_DOSERR 2 // failed to save file
- #define ERR_NOMEM 3 // running out of memory...
- #define HB_SIGNATURE ">>HeartBeat Session dump (C) LVA 1992\n"
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Function Prototypes
- // -------------------
- struct MsgPort *CreateMsgPort (void);
- void DeleteMsgPort (struct MsgPort*);
- // Local function prototypes
- //--------------------------
- void cleanup (void);
- void exit (int code);
- void text_to_heap (struct FileCache *fc);
- void refresh_counters (void);
- void handle_quit (void);
- void handle_activation (void);
- void handle_menuselection (SHORT menu);
- void handle_keypress (char key);
- void handle_click (void);
- void handle_gadgets (void);
- void append_lib_menus (void);
- void display_functions (void);
- void handle_mousemove (void);
- void unpatch_functions (void);
- void find_function_info (void);
- void popup_About_req (void);
- void reset_counters (void);
- void kill_taskReq_window (void);
- void kill_regsReq_window (void);
- void watch_task (int index);
- void quick_msg (char *message, char *exit);
- void strip_lf (char *str);
- void collect_taskinfo (struct Node *task);
- void CloseWindowSafely (struct Window *win);
- void StripIntuiMessages (struct MsgPort *mp, struct Window *win);
- void init_context (struct Context *cx);
- void fill_box (int x, int y, int yoffs, int width, struct RastPort*, int pen);
- #define highlight_box(x,y,w) fill_box(x,y,0,w,rp,3)
- #define erase_box(x,y,w) fill_box(x,y,0,w,rp,0)
- #define highlight_monbox(x,y,w) fill_box(x,y,12,w,monrp,3)
- #define erase_monbox(x,y,w) fill_box(x,y,12,w,monrp,0)
- BOOL init_program (void);
- BOOL process_fd_file (struct FileCache *fc);
- BOOL popup_funcwindow (void);
- BOOL add_function (struct SysCall*);
- BOOL ask_register_info (char *wintitle, struct Context *ctxt);
- BOOL ask_task (char *wintitle);
- int calc_num_fd_files (void);
- int load_funclist (void);
- int save_funclist (void);
- char *get_filename (char * windowmsg);
- struct SysCall *find_func (char *libname, char *funcname);
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Global variables
- //-----------------
- extern struct ExecBase *SysBase;
- extern struct IntuitionBase *IntuitionBase;
- struct GadToolsBase *GadToolsBase; // not part of lc.lib this one
- struct AslBase *AslBase;
- extern struct GfxBase *GfxBase;
- extern void WEDGE(void); // to be copied and patched
- struct library {
- struct List funcslist; // functions for this lib/dev/resource
- char *libname; // name of this library/device/resource
- struct Library *openhandle; // ret from OpenLibrary/OpenDevice/OpenResource
- int numfuncs; // # of entry points
- };
- struct library libs[MAX_LIBS]; // an array to store info on all libs
- struct library *curlib=NULL; // curlib points to the current library
- struct SysCall *patched_calls[MAX_PATCHED]; // array of ptrs into patched funcs
- struct SysCall *selected_syscall; // -> selected func for register template
- struct SysCall *node_pool,*pool_base;
- struct Context *ctxt_pool;
- struct Task *SNOOP_TASK; // Task that's being monitored
- struct List taskList; // global list header for LISTVIEW gadget
- struct MsgPort *timerport,*IDCMPport; // our two main IPC ports
- struct timerequest timereq;
- struct Window *window, *monwindow, *taskwindow, *regswindow;
- struct Screen *screen;
- struct RastPort *rp,*monrp,*regsrp;
- struct Menu *menustrip;
- struct TextAttr *TAttr;
- struct Gadget *taskReqGads; // ptr to gadlist for Task Requester window
- struct Gadget *regsReqGads; // ptr to gadlist for Regs Requester window
- void *vi; // global VisualInfo ptr for Workbench Screen
- struct FileCache fd_caches[MAX_LIBS]; // bookkeeping for cached .fd files
- struct FileCache FdDirCache; // for .fd directory listing file
- int num_fdfiles; // number of .fd libraries (Constant)
- int numlibs; // number of accessible libs (Constant)
- int total_funcs; // total numer that we know of
- int libnum; // index into library array (Variable)
- int lowlibs; // # of libraries in A..I menu
- int monitored; // # of functions monitored (= patched)
- int app_state; // state application finds itself in...
- char filename_buf[MAX_FILENAME]; // large buff to construct abs file names
- struct RDAres { // array for ReadArgs()
- ULONG forceopen; // force Library to be resident
- ULONG verbose; // print lots of debug info.
- } options;
- #define VERBOSE options.verbose
- #define FORCEOPEN options.forceopen
- SHORT winwidth=WINWIDTH, winheight=WINHEIGHT;
- SHORT maxrows; // # of rows to print functions
- SHORT mousex,mousey;
- SHORT msgcode;
- SHORT oldboxx = -1, oldboxy = -1;
- SHORT oldmonboxy = -1;
- SHORT task_num; // "remember" variable for Task Req gadget
- APTR IAddr; // ptr to Intuition object (Gadget,..)
- BOOL quit_me; // IDCMP quit request
- BOOL menus_exist = FALSE; // SetMenuStrip() not yet...
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // A NewWindow struct to open application Windows (re-used many times)
- // (Initial values are for main function window only)
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct NewWindow nw = {
- 255, 255, /* Default pens */
- // I want to know about following IDCMP Message types
- // All windows we open get this set of IDCMP bits attached to them.
- // Not all windows can generate all those types of msgs though, but that
- // doesn't matter (Jimmy).
- // BUT we force Intuition to use our own MsgPort so specify 0 here
- 0,
- // Standard window flags
- NULL, // No gadgets in this window
- (struct Image *) NULL,
- "Amiga HeartBeat 1.0 (written by LVA © April 1992)", // Window title
- (struct Screen *) NULL,
- (struct BitMap *) NULL,
- 100, 40, /* Minimum sizes */
- 65535, 65535, /* Maximum sizes */
- WBENCHSCREEN /* and put it on the workbench */
- };
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Menu Layout in compact GadTools format.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #define PROJECT_MENU 0
- #define OPTIONS_MENU 1
- #define LIBS_1_MENU 2
- #define LIBS_2_MENU 3
- #define NEW_ITEM 0
- #define LOAD_ITEM 1
- #define SAVE_ITEM 2
- #define DUMMY_ITEM0 3
- #define ABOUT_ITEM 4
- #define QUIT_ITEM 5
- #define RESET_ITEM 0
- #define GLOBAL_ITEM 1
- #define TASK_ITEM 2
- // First empty slot @ offset N
- #define NEWMENU_APPEND 12
- struct NewMenu mymenus[MAX_LIBS+NEWMENU_APPEND+2]= {
- { NM_TITLE, "Project", NULL, 0,0,0},
- { NM_ITEM, "New", "N", 0,0,0}, // Kill monitor window
- { NM_ITEM, "Load Session...", "L", 0,0,0}, // Load monitor window selection
- { NM_ITEM, "Save Session...", "S", 0,0,0}, // Save monitor window selection
- { NM_ITEM, "About...", NULL, 0,0,0},
- { NM_ITEM, "Quit", "Q", 0,0,0},
- { NM_TITLE, "Options", NULL, 0,0,0},
- { NM_ITEM, "Reset counters", "C",0,0,0},
- { NM_ITEM, "Watch GLOBAL", "G",0,0,0},
- { NM_ITEM, "Watch Task.....","T",0,0,0},
- { NM_TITLE, "Libraries A-I",NULL,0,0,0} };
- // { NM_END, NULL, NULL, 0,0,0} };
- char version[]="$VER: HeartBeat 1.0 ©LVA (19/MAY/94)";
- /**************************************************************************
- ** Here's the main program.
- **
- ** Basically:
- ** - load and parse all .fd files from the FD: directory.
- ** - bring up main function selection window (generate menustrip)
- ** - accumulate function selections in the "monitored functions" window
- ** - allow users to switch between global and Task snooping, set argument
- ** register traps, etc...
- **
- ** The main event loop needs some explaining:
- ** We do a combined Wait() for two sources:
- ** 1) timer.device timeouts
- ** 2) Intuition IntuiMessages
- ** The timer.device is used instead of INTUITICKS because we want the counters
- ** output window to continue updating when another non-HeartBeat window becomes
- ** the active one. (INTUITICKS stop when your window is deactivated).
- **
- ** All windows are hooked into the same message port which in turn generates
- ** (and uses) just one signal. That's why the code uses ModifyIDCMP() and
- ** messes around with the Window->UserPort field.
- **
- ** When windows other than the main function window (the window listing all
- ** function in a particular library) are opened, input to other windows is
- ** not blocked (IDCMP loop still collects from all sources).
- ****************************************************************************/
- void main (void) {
- struct RDArgs *rdargs;
- struct IntuiMessage *msg;
- ULONG msgtype;
- ULONG signals,timeout_signal,Intevent_signal;
- if ( ((struct Library*)SysBase)->lib_Version < 36) {
- printf("HeartBeat needs AmigaDOS 2.0 (V36+)... Sorry!\n");
- exit(10);
- }
- // Check command line options.
- if (! (rdargs = ReadArgs("FORCE/S,VERBOSE/S", (ULONG*) &options, NULL))) {
- printf("Amiga HeartBeat written by Laurence Vanhelsuwé © April 1992\n");
- printf("HeartBeat is a system call monitoring utility.\n");
- printf("Type HART ? for a full syntax template.\n");
- exit(5);
- }
- FreeArgs(rdargs);
- // Open libraries, init arrays, memory pools, etc...
- if (!init_program()) exit(50);
- // From the standard .fd (function definitions) files, get all the info
- // about system calls that we need.
- find_function_info();
- // bring up main function selection window with its menus
- if (!popup_funcwindow()) {
- printf("Failed to open main window (need at least %d*%d Workbench)\n",
- cleanup();
- }
- curlib = &libs[0]; // curlib global for further references
- display_functions(); // 1st library is default
- // cache the two possible signals that we can receive
- timeout_signal = 1<<timerport->mp_SigBit;
- Intevent_signal = 1<<IDCMPport->mp_SigBit;
- // Send initial timeout request to timer.device
- // (provides refresh interrupts)
- timereq.tr_time.tv_secs = 0;
- timereq.tr_time.tv_micro = 1000000/REFRESH_FREQ; // MICRO != MILLI
- timereq.tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST;
- SendIO((struct IORequest *) &timereq); // asynchronous IO !
- quit_me = FALSE; // user hasn't clicked on CLOSE gadget yet...
- while (!quit_me) {
- // Wait for an Intuition event or a Timer device timeout (or both simult.)
- signals = Wait( Intevent_signal | timeout_signal);
- if (signals & timeout_signal) { // .... ping !
- GetMsg(timerport); // dequeue msg (is just an ACK)
- timereq.tr_time.tv_secs = 0;
- timereq.tr_time.tv_micro = 1000000/REFRESH_FREQ;
- timereq.tr_node.io_Command = TR_ADDREQUEST;
- timereq.tr_node.io_Message.mn_Node.ln_Type = NT_MESSAGE;
- SendIO((struct IORequest *) &timereq); // ... pong !
- refresh_counters(); // refresh counters window
- }
- // For Intuition Messages use the gadtools GetMsg/ReplyMsg variants
- // so that gadtools can intercept gadget clicks which it (and not we)
- // should process (e.g. for CYCLE_KIND or LISTVIEW_KIND gadgets !).
- if (signals & Intevent_signal) {
- while (msg = GT_GetIMsg(IDCMPport)) {
- msgtype = msg->Class; // copy Message fields and
- msgcode = msg->Code;
- mousex = msg->MouseX;
- mousey = msg->MouseY;
- IAddr = msg->IAddress;
- GT_ReplyIMsg(msg); // reply swiftly
- #ifdef DEBUGX
- printf("IDCMP MSGTYPE:%8lx (CODE:%8lx) ", msgtype, msgcode);
- switch (msgtype) {
- case CLOSEWINDOW: printf("CLOSEWINDOW\n"); break;
- case ACTIVEWINDOW: printf("ACTIVEWINDOW\n"); break;
- case MENUPICK: printf("MENUPICK:\n"); break;
- case MOUSEMOVE: printf("MOUSEMOVE:\n"); break;
- case MOUSEBUTTONS: printf("MOUSEBUTTONS\n"); break;
- case VANILLAKEY: printf("VANILLAKEY\n"); break;
- case GADGETUP: printf("GADGETUP:\n"); break;
- case INTUITICKS: printf("INTUITICKS\n"); break;
- case REFRESHWINDOW: printf("REFRESHWINDOW\n"); break;
- default: printf("-- UNKNOWN --\n");
- }
- #endif
- switch (msgtype) {
- case CLOSEWINDOW: handle_quit(); break;
- case ACTIVEWINDOW: handle_activation(); break;
- case MENUPICK: handle_menuselection(msgcode); break;
- case MOUSEMOVE: handle_mousemove(); break;
- case MOUSEBUTTONS: handle_click(); break;
- case VANILLAKEY: handle_keypress( (char) msgcode); break;
- case GADGETUP: handle_gadgets(); break;
- case INTUITICKS: break;
- case REFRESHWINDOW: GT_BeginRefresh((struct Window*)IAddr);
- GT_EndRefresh((struct Window*)IAddr, TRUE);
- break;
- default:
- printf("Unknown IDCMP MSGTYPE:%x (CODE:%x)\n", msgtype, msgcode);
- }
- } // IF Intuition event...
- // At this stage a timout is ALWAYS outstanding so wait for it to come back.
- WaitPort(timerport); GetMsg(timerport);
- cleanup(); // finally before returning to the CLI...
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Here follows the various IntuiMessage handlers.
- // The handlers themselves further branch to the required logic depending
- // on the "state" of HeartBeat. This state is usually directly related to
- // which HeartBeat window is currently active.
- //
- // The IntuiMessage ACTIVEWINDOW therefore is the main cause of state switching.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // We received a CLOSEWINDOW event. This can come from any of our windows,
- // so close requested window only (if main window: signal kill application).
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void handle_quit(void) {
- switch (app_state) {
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- if (!monwindow && !taskwindow && !regswindow)
- quit_me = TRUE;
- break;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- unpatch_functions(); // unpatch from system !
- CloseWindowSafely(monwindow); monwindow = NULL;
- if (curlib) display_functions(); // refresh func names list
- // app_state = FUNCWINDOW; break;
- ActivateWindow(window); // this is safer way to achieve same
- break;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- kill_regsReq_window(); // done with window: get rid of it
- // app_state = FUNCWINDOW; // revert to neutral state
- ActivateWindow(window); // this is safer way to achieve same
- break;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- kill_taskReq_window(); // done with window: get rid of it
- // app_state = FUNCWINDOW; // revert to neutral state
- ActivateWindow(window); // this is safer way to achieve same
- break;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- default: printf("QUIT BUG: appi in unknown state %d\n", app_state);
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // An ACTIVEWINDOW event has arrived at our main IDCMP comms port.
- // To aid in determining which Gadgets get clicked or which window receives
- // a mouse click, we track which window is currently the actived one.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void handle_activation(void) {
- switch (app_state) {
- if (IAddr == (APTR) window) { app_state = FUNCWINDOW;} else
- if (IAddr == (APTR) monwindow) { app_state = MONWINDOW; } else
- if (IAddr == (APTR) taskwindow) { app_state = TASKWINDOW;} else
- if (IAddr == (APTR) regswindow) { app_state = REGSWINDOW;}
- break;
- default: printf("ACTIV BUG: appi in unknown state %d\n", app_state);
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // A MENUPICK event has arrived. Only the main function window can generate
- // this, but other windows might also be around so watch out for that.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void handle_menuselection(SHORT menu) {
- int library;
- int err;
- switch (MENUNUM(menu)) {
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- switch (ITEMNUM(menu)) {
- //--------------------------------------------------------
- case NEW_ITEM:
- if (!monwindow) break; // only if monitor window exists
- unpatch_functions(); // unpatch from system !
- CloseWindowSafely(monwindow); monwindow = NULL;
- break;
- //--------------------------------------------------------
- case LOAD_ITEM:
- err = load_funclist();
- switch (err) {
- case ERR_OK:
- break;
- quick_msg("Your selected file isn't a HeartBeat file!","Oopps..");
- break;
- case ERR_DOSERR:
- quick_msg("Could not open your file!","Hmmm..");
- break;
- default:
- quick_msg("**!! UNKNOWN ERROR IN LOAD_ITEM","arggh..");
- break;
- }
- break;
- //--------------------------------------------------------
- case SAVE_ITEM:
- if (monwindow) {
- err = save_funclist();
- switch (err) {
- case ERR_OK:
- break;
- case ERR_DOSERR:
- quick_msg("Couldn't save session!","Pitty");
- break;
- default:
- quick_msg("**!! UNKNOWN ERROR IN LOAD_ITEM","arggh..");
- break;
- }
- } else {
- quick_msg("No monitoring session to save!","Sorry..");
- }
- break;
- //--------------------------------------------------------
- case ABOUT_ITEM:
- popup_About_req();
- break;
- //--------------------------------------------------------
- case QUIT_ITEM:
- if (!monwindow && !taskwindow && !regswindow)
- quit_me = TRUE;
- break;
- }
- break;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- switch (ITEMNUM(menu)) {
- //--------------------------------------------------------
- reset_counters();
- if (monwindow)
- SetWindowTitles(monwindow,"Monitored functions (GLOBAL)", (char*) -1);
- break;
- //--------------------------------------------------------
- case TASK_ITEM:
- if (!taskwindow) {
- // pop up window with list of Tasks. User selection
- // will come to us via standard gadget clicks, not
- // here !
- ask_task("Please select any Task.");
- } else {
- WindowToFront(taskwindow);
- ActivateWindow(taskwindow);
- }
- break;
- //--------------------------------------------------------
- case RESET_ITEM:
- reset_counters();
- break;
- }
- break;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- case LIBS_1_MENU:
- library = ITEMNUM(menu);
- curlib = &libs[library]; // curlib global for further references
- display_functions();
- break;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- case LIBS_2_MENU:
- library = ITEMNUM(menu) + lowlibs;
- curlib = &libs[library];
- display_functions();
- break;
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // If mouse points at a new function, de-highlight old box and highlight new
- // one.
- // This has the effect of a cursor over the available functions.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void handle_mousemove(void) {
- SHORT boxx,boxy,monboxy;
- switch (app_state) {
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- monboxy = (mousey-PANE_Y-1-12)/CHAR_HEIGHT;
- // If mouse moved out of previous box area...
- if (monboxy != oldmonboxy) {
- // restrict legal box movements!
- if ( monboxy >= 0 && monboxy < monitored ) {
- if (oldmonboxy != -1) {
- erase_monbox(0,oldmonboxy,(MAX_LABLEN+25)*CHAR_WIDTH);
- }
- highlight_monbox(0,monboxy,(MAX_LABLEN+25)*CHAR_WIDTH);
- oldmonboxy = monboxy;
- }
- }
- break;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- boxx = (mousex-PANE_X)/(MAX_LABLEN*CHAR_WIDTH);
- boxy = (mousey-PANE_Y-1)/CHAR_HEIGHT;
- // If mouse moved out of previous box area...
- if (boxx != oldboxx || boxy != oldboxy) {
- if (boxx >= 0 && // restrict legal box movements!
- boxy >= 0 &&
- boxy < maxrows &&
- (boxy + maxrows*boxx) < curlib->numfuncs) {
- if (oldboxx != -1) {
- erase_box(oldboxx,oldboxy,(MAX_LABLEN*CHAR_WIDTH)-10);
- }
- highlight_box(boxx,boxy, (MAX_LABLEN*CHAR_WIDTH)-10 );
- oldboxx = boxx; oldboxy = boxy;
- }
- }
- break;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // A MOUSEBUTTON event arrived.
- //
- // If in function window then add selected function to list of traced ones if
- // not already being traced.
- //
- // If in monitored functions window, see comment further down.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void handle_click (void) {
- if (msgcode & 0x80) return; // don't bother with release clicks
- switch (app_state) {
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- if (oldboxx != -1) { // don't select invalid funcs
- struct SysCall *syscall; // define some very local variables
- int funcnum;
- funcnum = oldboxy + maxrows * oldboxx;
- syscall = ((struct SysCall *)curlib->funcslist.lh_Head) + funcnum;
- // add function to list of tracked ones
- add_function(syscall);
- // Once at least one function is being traced,
- // the option menu items become available
- }
- break;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- // A click in the monitoring window can mean two things:
- // a) user wants to define the input registers for a match
- // b) if the selected function has trapped and frozen its Task
- // un-freeze task by sending it a Signal()
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- if (oldmonboxy != -1) { // don't accept invalid funcs
- struct Context *cx;
- cx = patched_calls[oldmonboxy]->ctxt;
- if (SNOOP_TASK && cx->frozen) {
- Signal(SNOOP_TASK, 1<<24); // de-freeze Task
- } else {
- selected_syscall = patched_calls[oldmonboxy];
- if (!regswindow) {
- // pop up window with all 680x0 registers. User changes
- // will come to us via standard gadget clicks, not here !
- ask_register_info("Define Arg Registers", selected_syscall->ctxt);
- } else {
- WindowToFront(regswindow);
- ActivateWindow(regswindow);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- //----------------------------------------------------------------
- case REGSWINDOW: break;
- default:
- printf("CLICK BUG: appi in unknown state %d\n", app_state);
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // **!! At this point HartBeat doesn't use individual key presses.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void handle_keypress(char key) {
- // printf("Key pressed: %c\n", key);
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // A GADGETUP event arrived. Meaning any of our Gadgets scattered around
- // multiple Windows has been clicked.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #define TSKLST_LIST 0
- #define TSKLST_USE 1
- #define TSKLST_CANCEL 2
- #define REGLST_CYCLE 32
- #define REGLST_USE 33
- #define REGLST_CANCEL 34
- void handle_gadgets(void) {
- USHORT gid;
- gid = ((struct Gadget*)IAddr)->GadgetID;
- switch (app_state) {
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- switch (gid) {
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- case REGLST_USE: {
- struct Gadget *gad;
- struct Context *ctxt;
- char *str;
- int regs,val;
- // -> 1st string Gadget (Skip Gadtools "context" gadget)
- gad = regsReqGads->NextGadget; ctxt = selected_syscall->ctxt;
- for(regs=0; regs<32; regs++) {
- str = ((struct StringInfo*)gad->SpecialInfo)->Buffer;
- if (*str == '$') {
- if (!sscanf(str+1,"%lx", &val)) val = -1;
- } else {
- if (!sscanf(str,"%ld", &val)) val = -1;
- }
- if (regs&1) // if gadID is odd,
- ctxt->regmasks[regs>>1] = val; // it's a mask
- else // else
- ctxt->regvals[regs>>1] = val; // it's a register
- gad = gad->NextGadget; // goto next string gadg
- } // end of for
- } // end of compound statement
- // Fall thru to kill window
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- kill_regsReq_window(); // done with window: get rid of it
- // app_state = FUNCWINDOW; // revert to neutral state
- ActivateWindow(window); // this is safer way to achieve same
- break;
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- selected_syscall->ctxt->freeze = (msgcode==1) ? -1 : 0 ;
- selected_syscall->ctxt->frozen = FALSE;
- break;
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- }
- break;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- switch ( ((struct Gadget*)IAddr)->GadgetID) {
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- task_num = msgcode; // register which Task user selected
- break;
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- case TSKLST_USE:
- watch_task(task_num); // using previously recorded selection
- SetWindowTitles(monwindow,"Monitored functions (TASK)", (char*) -1);
- reset_counters(); // switch to snoop new Task
- // Fall thru to kill window
- //---------------------------------------------------------
- kill_taskReq_window(); // done with window: get rid of it
- // app_state = FUNCWINDOW; // revert to neutral state
- ActivateWindow(window); // this is safer way to achieve same
- break;
- }
- break;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- default: printf("GADGET BUG: appi in unknown state %d\n", app_state);
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // List all functions of a selected library in neat columns in the main window.
- // Display all functions which don't point to ROM in INVERSE VIDEO.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void display_functions(void) {
- int i,len;
- struct SysCall *func;
- ULONG vector;
- SetDrMd(rp,JAM1); // normal drawing mode
- SetAPen(rp,0); // use background pen to wipe
- RectFill(rp, PANE_X, PANE_Y, winwidth-5, winheight-3); // previous functions off
- SetAPen(rp,1); // use text pen
- maxrows = (winheight-18)/CHAR_HEIGHT;
- // point to first function node
- func = (struct SysCall*) curlib->funcslist.lh_Head;
- i = 0; // start index from 0
- while (func->func_node.ln_Succ) {
- // limit label length to fit in column
- len = (func->namelen > MAX_LABLEN ? MAX_LABLEN : func->namelen);
- Move(rp, PANE_X + (i/maxrows)*MAX_LABLEN*CHAR_WIDTH,
- PANE_Y + 6 +(i%maxrows)*CHAR_HEIGHT);
- // find out where function points to currently.
- // if not the ROM then highlight function name.
- vector = *((ULONG*)(((char*)func->parent_lib) + func->func_LVO +2));
- if (vector < 0xF80000 || vector >0xFFFFFC) {
- SetDrMd(rp,INVERSVID); // highlight function
- Text(rp, func->funcname, len);
- SetDrMd(rp,JAM1); // revert to normal mode
- } else {
- Text(rp, func->funcname, len);
- }
- func = (struct SysCall*) func->func_node.ln_Succ;
- i++;
- }
- app_state = FUNCWINDOW; // functions are now selectable...
- oldboxx = -1; // invalidate last box
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // User selected the "About..." option in the Project menu.
- // Give him some info.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void popup_About_req(void) {
- static struct EasyStruct aboutES = {
- sizeof (struct EasyStruct),
- 0,
- "HeartBeat Program Information Broadcast", "\
- HeartBeat allows you to snoop on any Amiga system calls.\n\
- To select functions to be tracked, first select any Library,\n\
- Device or Resource from the Libraries menus and then click\n\
- on any function(s) you wish to snoop on.\n\
- WARNING: Take it easy with Exec... or be punished !\n\
- e.g. SuperVisor(), SumLibrary(), CacheClearU(), ...\n\
- \n\
- HeartBeat was written by Laurence Vanhelsuwé.\n\
- You can contact the author at the following address:\n\
- \n\
- Christinastraat 105\n\
- B-8400 Oostende\n\
- Belgium\n\
- Europe",
- "Thanks|Great|WILLCO|Yeah|OK",
- };
- EasyRequest(window, &aboutES, NULL);
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // User wants to load a previously saved monitoring session.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #define BUFLEN 60 // size of line buffer
- int load_funclist (void) {
- struct SysCall *scall;
- char libnamebuf[BUFLEN],funcnamebuf[BUFLEN];
- char *fname, *ptr;
- FILE *fhandle;
- BOOL added;
- // Ask user where to load session information from.
- fname = get_filename("Session filename to LOAD");
- if (!fname) return ERR_NOMEM;
- fhandle = fopen(fname,"r"); if (!fhandle) return ERR_DOSERR;
- // Check that file is a HeartBeat file.
- fgets(libnamebuf, BUFLEN, fhandle);
- if (strcmp(libnamebuf, HB_SIGNATURE)) {
- fclose(fhandle);
- return ERR_BADFILE;
- }
- // Read in session file until EOF is encountered or until func list is full
- do {
- ptr = fgets(libnamebuf ,BUFLEN, fhandle);
- ptr = fgets(funcnamebuf,BUFLEN, fhandle);
- if (ptr) {
- scall = find_func(libnamebuf, funcnamebuf);
- if (scall) {
- added = add_function(scall);
- } else {
- // printf("%s, %s NOT VISISBLE !\n", libnamebuf, funcnamebuf);
- }
- }
- } while (ptr && added);
- fclose(fhandle);
- // Once at least one function is being traced,
- // the option menu items can become available
- return ERR_OK;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Check whether a function traced in a previous session is again visible.
- // If so, return its SysCall struct ptr.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct SysCall *find_func( char *libname, char *funcname) {
- struct SysCall *syscall;
- strip_lf(libname); strip_lf(funcname);
- for (libnum=0; libnum<numlibs; libnum++) { // chk all lib slots
- if (libs[libnum].openhandle) { // if loaded..
- if (!strcmp(libs[libnum].libname, libname)) { // and same as arg
- syscall = (struct SysCall*) libs[libnum].funcslist.lh_Head;
- while (syscall->func_node.ln_Succ) { // traverse func list
- if (!strcmp (syscall->funcname, funcname)) // if func exists
- return syscall; // tell caller
- syscall = (struct SysCall*) syscall->func_node.ln_Succ;
- } // while functions on library function list
- } // only if same library as argument
- } // only for loaded libraries
- } // while libraries
- return NULL;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // User wants to save his current monitoring sessions for later.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int save_funclist (void) {
- struct SysCall **syscall = patched_calls; // point to array of SysCall ptrs
- char *fname;
- int i;
- FILE *fhandle;
- // Ask user where to save session information to.
- fname = get_filename("Session filename to SAVE");
- if (!fname) return ERR_NOMEM;
- // Open file and print file header
- fhandle = fopen(fname,"w");
- fprintf(fhandle, HB_SIGNATURE);
- // Dump session information to file
- for(i=1; i <= monitored; i++) {
- fprintf(fhandle, "%s\n", (*syscall)->parent_lib->lib_Node.ln_Name);
- fprintf(fhandle, "%s\n", (*syscall)->funcname);
- syscall++; // goto next SysCall structure
- }
- fclose(fhandle);
- return ERR_OK;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Generic Filename request.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- char * get_filename(char * windowmsg) {
- struct FileRequester *fr;
- char *ptr;
- BOOL result;
- fr = AllocAslRequestTags(ASL_FileRequest, NULL);
- if (!fr) return NULL;
- // Ask user what filename he wants to use
- result = AslRequestTags(fr,
- // ASLFR_TitleText,windowmsg, // need a newer INCLUDE file : AARRGH
- ASL_Hail,windowmsg, // using obsolete version TAG instead **!!
- NULL);
- if (!result) return NULL;
- if (fr->rf_Dir) { // if there's a directory component..
- ptr = stpcpy(filename_buf, fr->rf_Dir); // 1st copy path
- if (*(ptr-1) != ':')
- *ptr++ = '/'; // separate path from file
- stpcpy(ptr, fr->rf_File); // then append filename
- } else {
- strcpy(filename_buf, fr->rf_File);
- }
- FreeAslRequest(fr);
- return filename_buf;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // This is a generic routine to bring up small message requesters.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void quick_msg (char *message, char *exit) {
- struct EasyStruct quickES;
- quickES.es_StructSize = sizeof (struct EasyStruct);
- quickES.es_Flags = 0;
- quickES.es_Title = "HeartBeat says...";
- quickES.es_TextFormat = message;
- quickES.es_GadgetFormat = exit;
- EasyRequest(window, &quickES, NULL);
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Most Amiga systems should have a directory full of ".fd" files containing
- // Amiga system function definitions.
- // Go and find this directory and extract as much possible information from
- // these files.
- //
- // An example of real .FD file follows
- /*
- * "battclock.resource"
- ##base _BattClockBase
- ##bias 6
- ##public
- ResetBattClock()()
- ReadBattClock()()
- WriteBattClock(time)(d0)
- ##private
- battclockPrivate1()()
- battclockPrivate2()()
- ##end
- */
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void find_function_info(void) {
- struct FileCache *fc;
- char *fname;
- int i;
- // Find out how many .fd files in FD: directory
- num_fdfiles = calc_num_fd_files();
- if (VERBOSE) printf("FD: directory contains %d libraries.\n", num_fdfiles);
- if (num_fdfiles > MAX_LIBS) {
- printf("Your FD: Directory contains too many entries for HeartBeat (%d > %d)\n",
- num_fdfiles, MAX_LIBS);
- cleanup();
- }
- // Move to FD: directory so we can use short relative filanemes.
- chdir("FD:");
- fc = fd_caches; // starting from 1st .fd file
- fname = FdDirCache.filebuf;
- total_funcs = libnum = 0; // starting from library array slot #0
- for (i=0; i< num_fdfiles; i++) {
- if (!load_file(fname, fc)) {
- if (VERBOSE) printf("Couldn't cache %s !\n", fname);
- cleanup();
- }
- fc->filename = fname; // store name of cached file
- // parse .FD file and extract all function call information
- if (!process_fd_file(fc)) {
- if (VERBOSE) printf("File %s couldn't be parsed.\n", fc->filename);
- } else {
- libnum++; // done one more library...
- }
- fc++; // point to next file cache
- fname += 1+ strlen(fname); // point to next .fd filename
- }
- if (VERBOSE)
- printf("Counted %d functions in %d libraries\n", total_funcs, libnum);
- // from now on, the remainder of the node pool is used to allocate
- // function contexts. (node_pool is used to reset the ctxt_pool ptr).
- ctxt_pool = (void*) node_pool;
- // set the library array index ceiling
- numlibs = libnum;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Find howmany .fd files there are in the FD: directory.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int calc_num_fd_files( void ) {
- int match;
- char *matchptr; // ptr to be filled in by stcpm()
- register int lines;
- register char * ptr;
- BOOL ret;
- // Let "LIST" do all the hard work.
- ret = Execute("C:LIST >T:FDLIST FD:#?.fd nohead quick",0,0);
- if (!ret) {
- printf("Could not 'LIST' your FD: directory.\n");
- cleanup();
- }
- // Let "SORT" do some more hard work.
- ret = Execute("C:SORT T:FDLIST TO T:FDL2",0,0);
- if (!ret) {
- printf("Could not 'SORT' filenames.\n");
- cleanup();
- }
- if (! load_file("T:FDL2", &FdDirCache)) {
- printf("Failed to load LIST output 'T:FDL2'\n");
- cleanup();
- }
- ptr = FdDirCache.filebuf; // go analyze LIST's output.
- lines = 0;
- while (*ptr) { // while not EOF
- if (*ptr++ == LF) { // count lines
- lines++;
- }
- }
- // Turn filename list into list of C-strings
- text_to_heap (&FdDirCache);
- // Now check first line and make sure it contains the substring ".fd"
- // If not, then list probably printed an error message, so we quit.
- // do an unanchored pattern match (Lattice function)
- ptr = FdDirCache.filebuf;
- match = stcpm(ptr, ".fd",&matchptr);
- if (!match) {
- printf("LIST of FD: directory failed.\n");
- cleanup();
- }
- // if LIST went OK then # of lines == # of .fd files
- return lines;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // User just clicked the currently highlighted system function name.
- // Add this system call to the list of traced ones and stretch Monitoring
- // window to hold extra function line.
- //
- // return FALSE if we can't accept any more functions.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL add_function (struct SysCall *syscall) {
- char addr_str[]="$0000FFFF "; // output buf for bin2hex conversion
- short oldheight;
- struct NewWindow *NW;
- struct Context *cx;
- register USHORT *wedge,*code;
- APTR newpatch;
- int dy,len;
- register int i;
- if (syscall->ctxt) return TRUE; // don't bother patching same func twice!!
- if (monitored == MAX_PATCHED) return FALSE; // or exceeding max number
- // If function call is the very first one and Window therefore does
- // not exist yet, create it first.
- if (!monitored) {
- NW = &nw;
- NW->Title = "Monitored Functions";
- NW->TopEdge = 30; NW->LeftEdge = 640-380;
- NW->Width = PANE_X+48*CHAR_WIDTH; NW->Height = 27;
- monwindow = OpenWindow(NW); if (!monwindow) return FALSE;
- monwindow->UserPort = IDCMPport; // share global event MsgPort
- ModifyIDCMP(monwindow, IDCMP_SELECTION); // allow events from new window
- monrp = monwindow->RPort;
- Move (monrp, PANE_X, PANE_Y+6);
- SetDrMd(monrp, JAM1); SetAPen(monrp, 1);
- //Text (monrp, " Called Matched Function", 30);
- // "$0000FFFF $0000FFFF SuperVisor"
- Text (monrp, " Called Matched Address Function", 35);
- // "$00FFFF $00FFFF $07FFFFFF SuperVisor"
- Move (monrp, PANE_X, PANE_Y+8);
- Draw (monrp, PANE_X+35*CHAR_WIDTH , PANE_Y+8);
- }
- oldheight = monwindow->Height;
- SizeWindow(monwindow, 0, CHAR_HEIGHT);
- Delay(7); // Wait for Intuition to actually do the async sizing
- // Check that window actually stretched correctly.
- // If it didn't (coz window's touching bottom of Workbench) then
- // move window up and try again (If it fails again: quit)
- dy = monwindow->Height - oldheight;
- if (dy != CHAR_HEIGHT) {
- oldheight = monwindow->Height;
- MoveWindow(monwindow, 0, -(CHAR_HEIGHT-dy));
- SizeWindow(monwindow, 0, CHAR_HEIGHT-dy);
- Delay(7);
- if (oldheight != (monwindow->Height -(CHAR_HEIGHT-dy))) return FALSE;
- }
- // OK. At this point we can definitely patch this function.
- // Print function information in window. (previous Function address printing
- // is done lower down after SetFunction() )
- SetDrMd(monrp, JAM1); SetAPen(monrp, 1);
- Move(monrp, PANE_X + (27*CHAR_WIDTH), PANE_Y +10 + (monitored+1) * CHAR_HEIGHT);
- Text(monrp, syscall->funcname, syscall->namelen);
- patched_calls[monitored++] = syscall; // track call in array of patched ones
- cx = ctxt_pool++; // allocate a Context
- if ( ((char*)ctxt_pool) > ((char*)pool_base)+POOL_SIZE-200)
- printf("About to blow pool ! **BUG**\n");
- init_context(cx); // fill in regs, zero counters
- syscall->ctxt = cx; // give SysCall struct a Context
- wedge = (USHORT*) ctxt_pool; // spot for wedge code
- newpatch = (APTR) wedge; // remember start address
- code = (USHORT*) WEDGE; // R/O image of wedge code
- i = *(code-1); // is this many WORDs long
- while (i--) {
- *wedge++ = *code++; // Copy wedge routine
- }
- ctxt_pool = (struct Context*) wedge; // update free memory ptr
- // Now patch library and fill in normal func address and counter address
- // in patch.
- Disable();
- cx->stdvector = SetFunction(syscall->parent_lib, syscall->func_LVO, newpatch);
- #define patch_wedge(wedge,offs,patch) \
- *((ULONG*)((wedge)+ *(((UWORD*)WEDGE)-offs))) = (ULONG)patch;
- patch_wedge((UWORD*)newpatch, 2, cx->stdvector); // JMP CHAIN
- patch_wedge((UWORD*)newpatch, 3, &cx->trapped_cnt); // MATCH CNT
- patch_wedge((UWORD*)newpatch, 4, &cx->called_cnt); // NORM CNT
- patch_wedge((UWORD*)newpatch, 5, cx); // CTXT PTR
- Enable();
- // generate hex string of function code start address
- len = stcl_h(addr_str+1, (long) cx->stdvector);
- Move(monrp, PANE_X + ((24-len)*CHAR_WIDTH), PANE_Y +10 + monitored*CHAR_HEIGHT);
- Text(monrp, addr_str, len+1);
- return TRUE; // function successfully added to list
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Initialize a Context structure.
- // Fill registers with a no-match template and clear counters.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void init_context( struct Context *cx) {
- register int i;
- // D0 and A7 get special values to get fastest possible "no match"
- cx->regvals[0] = 0xA1B2C3D4; cx->regvals[15] = 0x00000000;
- cx->regmasks[0]= 0xFFFFFFFF; cx->regmasks[15]= 0xFFFFFFFF;
- for (i=1; i<15; i++) { // skipping D0 and A7 itself
- cx->regvals[i] = 0; // clear interface regs
- cx->regmasks[i] = 0;
- }
- cx->freeze = cx->frozen = FALSE; // don't freeze on match
- cx->called_cnt = cx->trapped_cnt = 0; // clear counters
- cx->last_called_cnt = cx->last_trapped_cnt = -1; // force first update
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // For all patched system functions, see if their call frequency counters
- // have changed since last time and if so re-print them.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void refresh_counters(void) {
- char counter_str[]="$0000FFFF "; // output buf for bin2hex conversion
- register struct Context *cx;
- struct SysCall **syscall;
- UBYTE oldmask;
- int i;
- register int len;
- if (!monwindow) return; // update monitor window if it exists
- oldmask = monrp->Mask; monrp->Mask = 1; // write counters in plane 1 only
- SetDrMd(monrp, JAM2); SetAPen(monrp, 1); // overwrite mode
- syscall = patched_calls; // point to array of SysCall ptrs
- for(i=1; i <= monitored; i++) { // for all monitored funcs DO...
- cx = (*syscall)->ctxt;
- if (cx->called_cnt != cx->last_called_cnt) { // if counter changed
- cx->last_called_cnt = cx->called_cnt; // old = new
- len = stcl_h(counter_str+1, cx->called_cnt); // gen hex
- len = len > 6 ? 6 : len;
- Move(monrp, PANE_X + (6-len)*CHAR_WIDTH, PANE_Y+10 + i*CHAR_HEIGHT);
- Text(monrp, counter_str, len+1); // print counter
- }
- if (cx->trapped_cnt != cx->last_trapped_cnt) {
- cx->last_trapped_cnt = cx->trapped_cnt;
- len = stcl_h(counter_str+1, cx->trapped_cnt);
- len = len > 6 ? 6 : len;
- Move(monrp, PANE_X + ((8+6)-len)*CHAR_WIDTH, PANE_Y+10 + i*CHAR_HEIGHT);
- Text(monrp, counter_str, len+1); // print counter
- }
- Move(monrp, PANE_X + (26*CHAR_WIDTH), PANE_Y+10 +i*CHAR_HEIGHT);
- if (cx->freeze) {
- if (cx->frozen) {
- Text(monrp, "*", 1);
- } else {
- Text(monrp, "!", 1);
- }
- } else {
- Text(monrp, " ", 1);
- }
- syscall++; // goto next SysCall structure
- }
- monrp->Mask = oldmask; // restore normal bitplane writing mask
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // User has switched call tracking mode (global <-> Task only)
- // so reset all call counters to start off with clean statistics
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void reset_counters(void) {
- struct library *lib;
- register struct SysCall *syscall;
- UBYTE oldmask;
- if (monitored) { // clear old counter strings
- if (!monwindow) printf("BUG in reset_counters!\n");
- oldmask = monrp->Mask; monrp->Mask = 1; // Affect 1st bitplane only
- SetAPen(monrp, 0);
- RectFill(monrp, PANE_X, PANE_Y+12,
- PANE_X+ 15*CHAR_WIDTH -1, PANE_Y+12+ monitored * CHAR_HEIGHT);
- monrp->Mask = oldmask; // restore normal bitplane mask
- }
- for (libnum=0; libnum<numlibs; libnum++) {
- if (libs[libnum].openhandle) { // only if library valid
- lib = &libs[libnum];
- syscall = (struct SysCall*) lib->funcslist.lh_Head;
- while (syscall->func_node.ln_Succ) {
- if (syscall->ctxt) { // only patched functions have counters...
- init_context(syscall->ctxt);
- }
- syscall = (struct SysCall*) syscall->func_node.ln_Succ;
- } // while functions in library
- } // if valid library
- } // for all slots in libs array
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Highlight a rectangle at BOX coordinates x,y that's width wide.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void fill_box( int x, int y, int yoffs, int width, struct RastPort *rp, int pen) {
- int ulx,uly;
- UBYTE oldmask;
- uly = PANE_Y + yoffs+ y * CHAR_HEIGHT;
- SetDrMd(rp, JAM1); SetAPen(rp, pen);
- oldmask = rp->Mask; rp->Mask = 2; // Affect 2nd bitplane only
- RectFill(rp, ulx, uly, ulx+width, uly+CHAR_HEIGHT-1);
- rp->Mask = oldmask; // restore normal bitplane mask
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Analyze a cached .fd file and extract system call information.
- // Open the Library/Device/Resource of this file to get a firm grip on object.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL process_fd_file (struct FileCache *fc) {
- struct SysCall *funky; // a ptr to a new System Call "node"
- struct Node *object=NULL;
- char *endquote,*endfunc;
- char *objtype,*newptr;
- register char *ptr; // .fd file text scanning ptr
- BOOL skip_private = FALSE; // skip functions which are system private
- int scan_state = NEED_NAME; // starting scanning state
- int bias = -6; // default starting LVO
- libs[libnum].numfuncs = 0; // init # of functions for this library
- NewList (&libs[libnum].funcslist);
- ptr = fc->filebuf; // starting from beginning of cached .fd file
- while (*ptr) { // while not EOF
- switch (scan_state) {
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- case NEED_NAME:
- if (*ptr++ != '*') return FALSE;
- if (*ptr++ != ' ') return FALSE;
- if (*ptr++ != '"') return FALSE;
- endquote = strchr(ptr, '"'); // find end of quoted str
- if (!endquote) return FALSE;
- *endquote++ = '\0'; // turn quoted string into C-string
- libs[libnum].libname = ptr;
- strlwr(ptr); // convert name to lower case
- objtype = strchr(ptr,'.'); // find what type of "library"
- if (FORCEOPEN) {
- printf("Forced open option not implemented yet.\n");
- // switch (*(objtype+1)) {
- // case 'l': object = OpenLibrary(ptr); break;
- // **!! case 'd': object = OpenDevice(ptr); break;
- // case 'r': object = OpenResource(ptr); break;
- // }
- // } else {
- } {
- Forbid();
- switch (*(objtype+1)) {
- case 'l': // LIBRARY
- object = FindName(&SysBase->LibList, ptr); break;
- case 'd': // DEVICE
- object = FindName(&SysBase->DeviceList, ptr); break;
- case 'r': // RESOURCE
- object = FindName(&SysBase->ResourceList, ptr); break;
- }
- // Make referenced object unswappable by bumping its Use counter !
- if (object) ((struct Library*)object)->lib_OpenCnt++;
- Permit();
- }
- if (!object) {
- if (VERBOSE) printf("Object '%s' not available in memory.\n", ptr);
- return FALSE;
- }
- else libs[libnum].openhandle = (struct Library *) object;
- ptr = endquote; // goto next line;
- scan_state = NEUTRAL;
- break;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- case NEUTRAL:
- if (*(ptr-1) != LF) { // goto new line if not on bound
- ptr = 1+ strchr(ptr, LF);
- };
- switch (*ptr) { // determine which line type
- case '#': // this is and switch state
- scan_state = GET_COMMAND; // accordingly
- break;
- case '*':
- ptr++;
- scan_state = NEUTRAL; break;
- default:
- scan_state = GET_FUNC; break;
- }
- break;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- case GET_FUNC:
- if (skip_private) { // don't collect system private
- ptr++; // calls
- bias += 6; // keep track of LVO though...
- scan_state = NEUTRAL;
- break;
- }
- endfunc = strchr(ptr, '('); // find '('
- *endfunc = '\0'; // turn func name into C-string
- funky = node_pool++; // allocate a new function node
- funky->funcname = ptr; // fill in name related info
- funky->namelen = endfunc - ptr;
- funky->func_LVO = -bias; // fill in its _LVO value
- funky->ctxt = NULL; // not patched yet...
- funky->parent_lib= libs[libnum].openhandle; // link func to lib
- AddTail(&libs[libnum].funcslist, (struct Node *)funky);
- libs[libnum].numfuncs++; // track how many functions on list
- total_funcs++; // and stored in total
- if (VERBOSE) printf("FUNCTION: %s,\tLVO=-%d\n", ptr, bias);
- ptr = 1 + endfunc; // point past \0 !
- bias += 6; // keep track of LVO
- scan_state = NEUTRAL;
- break;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- ptr++;
- if (*ptr++ != '#') return FALSE;
- switch (*ptr++) {
- case 'b':
- if (*ptr == 'i') { // ##bias
- ptr += 3;
- bias = strtol(ptr, &newptr, 10); // get new bias
- } else if (*ptr == 'a') { // ##base
- // name of library base command is skipped
- }
- break;
- case 'e': // ##end
- ptr = ""; break; // end the scanning
- case 'p':
- if (*ptr == 'u') { // ##public
- ptr += 5;
- skip_private = FALSE;
- } else if (*ptr == 'r') { // ##private
- ptr += 6;
- skip_private = TRUE;
- }
- break;
- }
- scan_state = NEUTRAL;
- break;
- //-----------------------------------------------------------------
- } // switch (scan_state)
- } // while (*ptr)
- return TRUE; // Parsed entire .fd file without problems
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Open main HeartBeat window (but finish off its menustrip first).
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL popup_funcwindow (void) {
- nw.LeftEdge = (screen->Width - nw.Width) /2; // center window on screen
- if (!(window = OpenWindow(&nw))) // Open function selection window
- return FALSE; // WITHOUT IDCMP flags
- window->UserPort = IDCMPport; // use global Intuition event MsgPort
- rp = window->RPort; // grab this window's RastPort ptr
- append_lib_menus(); // Construct NewMenu array
- menustrip = CreateMenus(mymenus, TAG_DONE); // Create MenuStrip
- if (!menustrip) return FALSE; // if failed to alloc mem for it...
- LayoutMenus(menustrip, vi, TAG_DONE); // Position Menus & Items
- SetMenuStrip(window, menustrip); // Attach menu to window
- OffMenu(window, FULLMENUNUM(OPTIONS_MENU,NOITEM,NOSUB)); // disable menu
- menus_exist = TRUE;
- ModifyIDCMP(window, IDCMP_SELECTION); // tell Intuition to start sending
- return TRUE;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Part of the MenuStrip is dynamically generated at init time from the
- // list of .fd files we found in the FD: directory.
- // Here we finish off the rest of the array of NewMenu structs.
- //
- // Since we can have a very long list of libraries we have two menus which
- // cope with the two alphabetical groups starting A-I and J-Z.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void append_lib_menus(void){
- int i;
- struct NewMenu *newmenu;
- lowlibs = 0; // count how many are in first menu
- newmenu = mymenus + NEWMENU_APPEND; // point at the first empty slot
- for (i=0; i<numlibs; i++) { // if lib name starts with A..I
- if (toupper(libs[i].libname[0]) <= 'I') { // and .fd file was
- if (libs[i].numfuncs) { // parsed succesfully
- newmenu->nm_Type = NM_ITEM;
- newmenu->nm_Label = libs[i].libname;
- newmenu->nm_CommKey = NULL;
- newmenu->nm_Flags = 0;
- newmenu->nm_MutualExclude = 0L;
- newmenu++;
- lowlibs++;
- }
- }
- }
- // Now construct the Menu for Libraries J-Z.
- newmenu->nm_Type = NM_TITLE; // Insert a MENU TITLE for 2nd Libraries
- newmenu->nm_Label = "Libraries J-Z";
- newmenu->nm_CommKey = NULL;
- newmenu->nm_Flags = 0;
- newmenu->nm_MutualExclude = 0L;
- newmenu++; // and group all other libraries under 2nd
- for (i=0; i<numlibs; i++) {
- if (toupper(libs[i].libname[0]) >= 'J') {
- if (libs[i].numfuncs) {
- newmenu->nm_Type = NM_ITEM;
- newmenu->nm_Label = libs[i].libname;
- newmenu->nm_CommKey = NULL;
- newmenu->nm_Flags = 0;
- newmenu->nm_MutualExclude = 0L;
- newmenu++;
- }
- }
- }
- // Add final end marker.
- newmenu->nm_Type = NM_END; // Terminate NewMenu array with the required
- newmenu->nm_Label = NULL; // end marker
- newmenu->nm_CommKey = NULL;
- newmenu->nm_Flags = 0;
- newmenu->nm_MutualExclude = 0L;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- struct taskinfo { // struct is private to ask_task(), get_task_sel()
- struct Node ti_node;
- struct Task *ti_Task; // ptr to Task for when we get selection
- char taskname[8+2+MAX_TASKLAB]; // 8 chars for hex Task ptr and N for name itself
- };
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // User wants to change which Task he's snooping on.
- //
- // Traverse system Task lists and construct a local (static) list of Tasks
- // with their names and hex TCB addresses for a LISTVIEW gadget to display.
- // Open a window with this LISTVIEW and two more "USE", "CANCEL" gadgets.
- // Don't wait for an answer here. Return immediately. Main loop will handle
- // selection and the closing of this window.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL ask_task (char *wintitle) {
- static struct TagItem ListViewTags[] = {
- GTLV_Labels, NULL, // filled in with &taskList
- GTLV_Top, 0,
- GTLV_ShowSelected, NULL, // add read-only label showing selected item
- GTLV_Selected, 0,
- GTLV_ScrollWidth, 16, // width of scroll bar
- };
- struct NewGadget ng = { // Not static coz we want stuff re-initialized
- PANE_X+3,PANE_Y+2,
- "List of Tasks", NULL, NULL,
- };
- struct Gadget *lastgad;
- struct NewWindow *nW;
- NewList(&taskList); // initialize list header
- Forbid(); // freeze view of system lists
- // accumulate Tasks that are WAITing
- collect_taskinfo(SysBase->TaskWait.lh_Head);
- // Also give user access to Tasks which are currently ready to run.
- // This is very useful since Tasks which crash usually use up their
- // entire time quantum and therefore are constantly READY.
- collect_taskinfo(SysBase->TaskReady.lh_Head);
- Permit();
- // Now that we've constructed a list of names suitable for a LISTVIEW,
- // construct gadget and window.
- ng.ng_VisualInfo = vi;
- ng.ng_TextAttr = TAttr;
- ng.ng_GadgetID = 0;
- taskReqGads = NULL; lastgad = CreateContext( &taskReqGads );
- ListViewTags[0].ti_Data = (ULONG) &taskList; // pass tasknames to Gadget
- ng.ng_GadgetID = 0;
- lastgad = CreateGadgetA(LISTVIEW_KIND, lastgad, &ng, (struct TagItem *) ListViewTags);
- // Add "Use" and "Cancel" Gadgets
- ng.ng_GadgetID++; ng.ng_GadgetText = "Use";
- ng.ng_Flags = PLACETEXT_IN;
- ng.ng_Width = 7*CHAR_WIDTH;
- ng.ng_LeftEdge = 60;
- ng.ng_TopEdge += ng.ng_Height + 8;
- ng.ng_Height = CHAR_HEIGHT+3;
- lastgad = CreateGadget(BUTTON_KIND, lastgad, &ng, TAG_DONE);
- ng.ng_GadgetID++; ng.ng_GadgetText = "Cancel";
- ng.ng_LeftEdge = 150;
- CreateGadget(BUTTON_KIND, lastgad, &ng, TAG_DONE);
- nW = &nw;
- nW->Title = wintitle;
- nW->TopEdge = 40;
- nW->LeftEdge = 100;
- nW->Width = 274;
- nW->Height = 150;
- nW->IDCMPFlags = 0;
- taskwindow = OpenWindow(nW); // open task requester window
- AddGList(taskwindow, taskReqGads, -1, -1, NULL); // append at end, all gadgets
- RefreshGList(taskReqGads, taskwindow, NULL, -1); // display new ones
- GT_RefreshWindow(taskwindow, NULL);
- taskwindow->UserPort = IDCMPport; // use global event port
- ModifyIDCMP(taskwindow, IDCMP_SELECTION); // enable transmissions
- app_state = TASKWINDOW; task_num = 0; // first item is selected by default
- return TRUE;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Traverse Task/Process list and collect name, TCB addr and CLI num info
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void collect_taskinfo (struct Node *task) {
- struct taskinfo *node;
- int len,cli;
- while (task->ln_Succ) {
- node = (struct taskinfo*) AllocMem(sizeof (struct taskinfo),MEMF_PUBLIC);
- node->ti_Task = (struct Task*) task;
- node->ti_node.ln_Name = node->taskname;
- // make sure both fields aren't separated by a \0
- strcpy(node->taskname, " "); // pad with spaces
- len = stcl_h(node->taskname, (int) task); // print task address
- stccpy(node->taskname+10, task->ln_Name, MAX_TASKLAB); // and taskname
- *(node->taskname + len) = ' '; // glue both strings together
- if (task->ln_Type == NT_PROCESS) { // If a PROCESS also print CLI num
- cli = ((struct Process*)task)->pr_TaskNum;
- if (cli) { // only non-zero CLI nums valid
- *(node->taskname +8 ) = '0' +cli;
- }
- }
- AddTail(&taskList, (struct Node *) node);
- task = task->ln_Succ;
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // User clicked on CLOSEWINDOW, USE or CANCEL gadget and we have to release
- // our Task information list, gadget memory and window.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void kill_taskReq_window(void) {
- struct taskinfo *node,*nodex;
- node = (struct taskinfo*) taskList.lh_Head;
- while (nodex = (struct taskinfo*) node->ti_node.ln_Succ) {
- FreeMem((APTR) node, sizeof (struct taskinfo));
- node = nodex;
- }
- CloseWindowSafely(taskwindow); taskwindow = NULL;
- FreeGadgets(taskReqGads); // free CreateGadget RAM
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Find Task # N in our Task information list and point SNOOP_TASK to it.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void watch_task(int index) {
- struct taskinfo *node;
- node = (struct taskinfo*) taskList.lh_Head;
- while(index--) {
- // just follow list and find node number N
- node = (struct taskinfo*) node->ti_node.ln_Succ;
- }
- SNOOP_TASK = node->ti_Task; // set address of Task to be snooped
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Pop up the register match window sprinkled with loads of GadTools Gadgets.
- // HeartBeat allows us to monitor functions which get specific arguments.
- // This is done by specifying the contents of the data and address registers
- // when the system function gets called.
- // Masks are used to ignore whole registers or parts of registers.
- // When a function is being traced in this "arguments" mode and the arguments
- // match the template then HeartBeat will either simply increment a counter
- // or FREEZE the calling Task.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL ask_register_info (char *wintitle, struct Context *ctxt) {
- int regs;
- char *hexstr="$xxxxyyyy";
- static char *actions[] = { "Count on match",
- "Freeze on match", NULL };
- static char *regnames[] = { "D0","D1","D2","D3","D4","D5","D6","D7",
- "A0","A1","A2","A3","A4","A5","A6","A7" };
- struct NewGadget ng = {
- PANE_X, PANE_Y+12,
- 0,
- struct Gadget *lastgad;
- struct NewWindow *nW;
- ctxt->freeze = ctxt->frozen = FALSE; // sync up with what Gadget shows!
- ng.ng_VisualInfo = vi;
- ng.ng_TextAttr = TAttr;
- ng.ng_GadgetID = 0;
- regsReqGads = NULL; lastgad = CreateContext( ®sReqGads );
- // Create 16 String Gadgets. Two per 680x0 register for value and mask.
- for (regs=0; regs < 16; regs++) {
- sprintf(hexstr, "$%lX", ctxt->regvals[regs]);
- ng.ng_Flags = PLACETEXT_RIGHT;
- ng.ng_GadgetText = regnames[regs];
- lastgad = CreateGadget(STRING_KIND, lastgad, &ng, GTST_String, hexstr, TAG_DONE);
- sprintf(hexstr, "$%lX", ctxt->regmasks[regs]);
- ng.ng_GadgetID++;
- ng.ng_GadgetText = NULL;
- ng.ng_Flags = 0;
- ng.ng_LeftEdge += 10*CHAR_WIDTH + 48;
- lastgad = CreateGadget(STRING_KIND, lastgad, &ng, GTST_String, hexstr, TAG_DONE);
- ng.ng_LeftEdge -= 10*CHAR_WIDTH + 48;
- ng.ng_TopEdge += CHAR_HEIGHT+4 +1;
- ng.ng_GadgetID++;
- }
- // Add Trapping mode (Cycleing) Gadget
- ng.ng_Width = 20*CHAR_WIDTH;
- ng.ng_LeftEdge = PANE_X;
- ng.ng_TopEdge += 10;
- lastgad = CreateGadget(CYCLE_KIND, lastgad, &ng, GTCY_Labels, actions, TAG_DONE);
- // Add "Use" and "Cancel" Gadgets
- ng.ng_Flags = PLACETEXT_IN;
- ng.ng_GadgetID++; ng.ng_GadgetText = "Use";
- ng.ng_Width = 7*CHAR_WIDTH;
- ng.ng_LeftEdge = 44;
- ng.ng_TopEdge += 20;
- lastgad = CreateGadget(BUTTON_KIND, lastgad, &ng, TAG_DONE);
- ng.ng_GadgetID++; ng.ng_GadgetText = "Cancel";
- ng.ng_LeftEdge += 90;
- lastgad = CreateGadget(BUTTON_KIND, lastgad, &ng, TAG_DONE);
- // Open Window for Gadgets to live in
- nW = &nw;
- nW->Title = wintitle;
- nW->TopEdge = 40; nW->LeftEdge = 100;
- nW->Width = 236; nW->Height = 280;
- nW->IDCMPFlags = 0;
- regswindow = OpenWindow(nW); //**!! error
- regsrp = regswindow->RPort;
- AddGList(regswindow, regsReqGads, -1, -1, NULL);
- RefreshGList(regsReqGads, regswindow, NULL, -1);
- GT_RefreshWindow(regswindow, NULL);
- Move(regsrp, PANE_X+28, PANE_Y+7);
- SetAPen(regsrp,1);
- Text(regsrp,"Values Masks",20);
- regswindow->UserPort = IDCMPport; // use global event port
- ModifyIDCMP(regswindow, IDCMP_SELECTION); // enable transmissions
- app_state = REGSWINDOW;
- // Add this stage the window sits there with all its Gadgets waiting for
- // input; but this function returns now, so it's the main event loop that
- // picks up the user selections and then eventually kills the window
- // when "Use", "Cancel" or the CLOSEWINDOW Gadget gets selected.
- return TRUE;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // User clicked on CLOSEWINDOW, USE or CANCEL gadget and we have to release
- // our Window and gadget memory.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void kill_regsReq_window(void) {
- CloseWindowSafely(regswindow); regswindow = NULL;
- FreeGadgets(regsReqGads); // free CreateGadget RAM
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Turn a cached text file into a collection of C-strings (a heap of strings)
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void text_to_heap( struct FileCache *fc) {
- register int i;
- register char * ptr;
- ptr = fc->filebuf;
- for (i=fc->bufsize; i; i--) {
- if (*ptr == LF) // replace all LF chars by string terminators
- *ptr = '\0';
- ptr++;
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Turn a LF-terminated string into a proper C-string.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void strip_lf (char *str) {
- while (*str++ != LF) // go find terminating LF
- ;
- *(str-1) = 0; // and replace by a \0
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Close Window safely (taking care of possible queued messages)
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void CloseWindowSafely( struct Window *win ) {
- if (win->UserPort) {
- Forbid(); // we forbid here to keep out of race conditions with Intuition
- // return any messages for this window that have not yet been processed
- StripIntuiMessages( win->UserPort, win );
- win->UserPort = NULL; // clear UserPort so Intuition will not free it
- ModifyIDCMP( win, 0L ); // tell inuition to stop sending more messages
- Permit(); // turn tasking back on
- }
- CloseWindow( win ); // and really close the window
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // remove and reply to all IntuiMessages on a port that have been sent to a
- // particular window (note that we don't rely on the ln_Succ pointer of a
- // message after we have replied it)
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void StripIntuiMessages(struct MsgPort *mp, struct Window *win ) {
- register struct IntuiMessage *msg;
- register struct Node *succ;
- msg = (struct IntuiMessage *) mp->mp_MsgList.lh_Head; // 1st message
- while( succ = msg->ExecMessage.mn_Node.ln_Succ ) {
- if( msg->IDCMPWindow == win ) { // message addressed
- // to us ?
- // Intuition is about to free this message.
- // Make sure that we have politely sent it back.
- Remove((struct Node*)msg);
- ReplyMsg((struct Message*)msg);
- }
- msg = (struct IntuiMessage *) succ; // next IntuiMessage on list
- }
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Open all libraries, initialize arrays, get private memory pool,
- // open two IPC Message Ports (one for timeout messages, one for all Intuition
- // messages), open timer.device, set global function tracking mode.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- BOOL init_program(void) {
- int i;
- if (!(AslBase = (struct AslBase *) OpenLibrary( "asl.library",0L)))
- return FALSE;
- if (!(GadToolsBase = (struct GadToolsBase *) OpenLibrary( "gadtools.library",0L)))
- return FALSE;
- if (!(IntuitionBase = (struct IntuitionBase*) OpenLibrary("intuition.library",0L)))
- return FALSE;
- if (!(GfxBase = (struct GfxBase *) OpenLibrary( "graphics.library",0L)))
- return FALSE;
- screen = IntuitionBase->ActiveScreen; // note host Screen
- TAttr = screen->Font; // note Screen default Font
- vi = GetVisualInfo(screen, TAG_DONE);
- // Mark all file caches as empty
- FdDirCache.bufsize = 0;
- for (i=0; i< MAX_LIBS; i++) {
- fd_caches[i].bufsize = 0; // all caches are empty
- libs[i].openhandle = NULL; // all libs are unopened
- }
- // Mark all patched system call links as invalid
- monitored = 0; // no calls monitored yet..
- for (i=0; i< MAX_PATCHED; i++) { // no patched calls yet...
- patched_calls[i] = NULL;
- }
- // Get a large memory pool to hold System Call information
- pool_base = node_pool = (struct SysCall *) AllocMem(POOL_SIZE, MEMF_PUBLIC|MEMF_CLEAR);
- if (!pool_base) {
- printf("Unable to allocate memory pool.\n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- // Create our event message ports
- if (!(timerport = CreateMsgPort())) return FALSE;
- if (!(IDCMPport = CreateMsgPort())) return FALSE;
- if (OpenDevice(TIMERNAME, UNIT_VBLANK, (struct IORequest*) &timereq, 0)) {
- printf("Failed to open timer.device\n");
- return FALSE;
- }
- timereq.tr_node.io_Message.mn_ReplyPort = timerport;
- SNOOP_TASK = NULL; // global tracking mode on
- monwindow = taskwindow = regswindow = NULL; // no special windows up
- return TRUE;
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Unpatch any patched functions.
- // Unlock resources (Libraries, Devices, Resources)
- // Deallocate all file buffers still in use.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void cleanup(void) {
- int i,size;
- unpatch_functions();
- // Release all the .FD file caches
- for (i=0; i< MAX_LIBS; i++) {
- size = fd_caches[i].bufsize;
- if (size) {
- FreeMem(fd_caches[i].filebuf, size);
- }
- }
- size = FdDirCache.bufsize;
- if (size)
- FreeMem(FdDirCache.filebuf, size);
- // Release all the libraries/devices/resources which we locked
- for (libnum=0; libnum<numlibs; libnum++) {
- if (libs[libnum].openhandle)
- libs[libnum].openhandle->lib_OpenCnt--;
- }
- // Free all SysCall structures (pool)
- if (pool_base)
- FreeMem((char*)pool_base, POOL_SIZE);
- if (IntuitionBase) {
- if (window) {
- window->UserPort = NULL; // Intuition: leave MY port alone!
- if (menus_exist) {
- ClearMenuStrip(window);
- FreeMenus(menustrip);
- }
- CloseWindowSafely(window);
- }
- FreeVisualInfo(vi);
- CloseLibrary( (struct Library *) IntuitionBase);
- }
- if (AslBase) {
- CloseLibrary( (struct Library *) AslBase);
- }
- if (GadToolsBase) {
- CloseLibrary( (struct Library *) GadToolsBase);
- }
- if (GfxBase) {
- CloseLibrary( (struct Library *) GfxBase);
- }
- if (timerport) DeleteMsgPort((struct MsgPort*)timerport);
- if (IDCMPport) DeleteMsgPort((struct MsgPort*)IDCMPport);
- CloseDevice((struct IORequest*) &timereq);
- exit(0);
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // For all functions which we've patched to track their use, undo all.
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- void unpatch_functions(void) {
- int i;
- struct SysCall *syscall;
- if (!monitored) return; // if nothing to unpatch... don't
- // Unpatch all functions which HeartBeat patched.
- for (i=0; i<monitored; i++) {
- syscall = patched_calls[i];
- if (VERBOSE) printf("Unpatching Call %s, %x \n",
- syscall->funcname, syscall->ctxt->stdvector);
- SetFunction(syscall->parent_lib, syscall->func_LVO, syscall->ctxt->stdvector );
- syscall->ctxt = NULL;
- }
- ctxt_pool = (void*) node_pool; // reset Contexts pool ptr
- monitored = 0; // reset # of monitored functions
- }
- //-------------------------------------------------------------------------