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Text File | 1993-03-26 | 62.3 KB | 1,851 lines |
- Installer.doc
- Documentation for 1.24 Installer
- Last Revised: January 12th, 1993
- (C) Copyright 1991-93 Commodore-Amiga,Inc. All Rights Resrved
- Contents:
- 1 Background
- 2 Overview
- 2.1 Standard Invocation
- 2.2 Initial Actions
- 2.3 Startup Screens
- 2.4 Installation Actions
- 3 Scripting Language Tutorial
- 3.1 Basic Elements
- 3.2 Escape Characters
- 3.3 Symbols (Variables)
- 3.4 Types of Symbols
- 3.5 Statements
- 3.6 Data Types
- 3.7 Special Features
- 3.8 Miscellaneous
- 4 Installer Language Reference
- 4.1 Notes
- 4.2 Statements
- 4.3 Control Statements
- 4.4 Debugging Statements
- 4.5 User-Defined Procedures
- 4.6 Functions
- 4.7 Summary of Parameters
- 4.8 Pre-Defined Variables
- 5 Installer Language Quick Reference
- 5.1 Overview
- 5.2 Quick Language Overview
- 5.3 Pre-Defined Variables
- 5.4 Default Help String Variables
- 5.5 Statements
- 5.6 Functions
- Section 1: Background
- Installation of applications from floppy disks onto a hard disk has proven to be
- a very inconsistent and often frustrating endeavor for most end-users. This has
- been caused by many factors, some of which are:
- a. Many products do not come with any utility or script to install an
- application on a hard disk.
- b. Many products assume a great deal of familiarity with the startup process
- of the Amiga and applications, including assigns, device names (as
- opposed to volume names), etc.
- c. The installation scripts or utilities included with some products vary
- widely in their ability to deal with different environments and systems.
- About a year ago, Commodore set out to remedy this situation, by developing a
- standard tool that developers can include with their products, which provides
- the user with a standard way to install applications. The Installer's features
- were based on a number of assumptions:
- a. Installation requirements vary widely---some need assigns, some need new
- drawers created, some install pieces in system drawers such as a fonts
- drawer, a `product' might be just an upgrade and the installation must
- check to see which version (if any) they currently have installed, etc.
- b. Different users have different levels of comfort and expertise when
- attempting to install software, and the Installer should be able to
- accommodate a range of users. Many installation scripts assume a great
- deal of knowledge, which is very intimidating for a novice.
- c. The installer tool must be very flexible internally, but present a
- consistent pleasant graphical user interface to the user that only shows
- the user information or prompts that they need to see. The Installer
- should be resolution, color and font sensitive.
- d. Writing scripts to install an application will require some effort, but
- certainly no more than writing an AmigaDOS shell script equivalent, and
- the resulting installation procedure will be more friendly, flexible, and
- much better looking than the latter.
- e. Not everyone will be running 2.0 by the time the tool becomes available,
- so it must run under 1.3 and 2.0.
- Section 2: Overview
- The Installer is a script driven program, that presents a consistent
- installation environment to the end user. The user never sees the script.
- Instead they are presented with simple yes/no choices, and may be asked to
- specify locations to put things on their system.
- To accommodate different user levels, they can choose to run the tool in novice,
- average or expert modes. Scripts can include help text to explain any choices
- that the user must make. At each step the user is given the option of aborting
- the installation.
- 2.1 Standard Invocation
- The Installer program requires a 10000 byte stack. Project icons for Installer
- script should indicate a stack size of 10000. If starting Installer from a CLI,
- first do a "Stack 10000".
- The Installer is normally started up from a Workbench Project icon which has the
- same name as the script to interpret and has a default tool of Installer.
- A number of tooltypes are available to modify the operation of the Installer:
- SCRIPT - Path to a script file to be used with Installer.
- APPNAME - Name of the application being installed (appears in the startup
- screen). This MUST be given.
- MINUSER - The minimum possible operation mode of the installation for a
- script. This will be either NOVICE (all decisions made by
- Installer), AVERAGE (only important decisions made by user) or
- EXPERT (user confirms almost all actions). The Default is NOVICE.
- DEFUSER - Indicates which operation mode button should be initially
- selected. Same values as MINUSER, with the value of the MINUSER
- tooltype being the default (which will be NOVICE if MINUSER not
- defined).
- NOPRINT - If set to FALSE, then the printer option in the log file settings
- will be ghosted.
- PRETEND - If set to FALSE, indicates that PRETEND mode not available for
- this script.
- LANGUAGE - Used to set the variable @language (default for @language is
- "english". The use of this variable is left up to the install
- script.
- LOGFILE - The name of the log file that the Installer should use. This must
- be a full path. The default is "install_log_file".
- LOG - In NOVICE mode the default is to create a log file (to disk). If this
- tooltype is set to FALSE, the creation of a log file in NOVICE mode is
- disabled.
- Although the installer can be started up from the CLI, that is not the
- recommended mode. CLI invocation is provided mainly for script debugging
- purposes. The command template is:
- 2.2 Initial Actions
- The first thing the installer does is compile the installation script into an
- internal format that can be easily interpreted. If there are syntax errors in
- the script, they will be caught during this phase.
- 2.3 Startup Screens
- Next, the Installer asks the user what Installation Mode to run in, either
- NOVICE, AVERAGE or EXPERT. If the user chooses NOVICE, they will not be asked
- any more questions (although they may be requested to do things). In the other
- user levels, a second display appears asking the user if he wants to install
- "for real" or "do a dry run", and if he wants a transcription of the
- installation process written to either a file or printer.
- 2.4 Installation Actions
- Now the Installer interprets its internal version of the script. Any commands
- that call for a user interface will cause the Installer to algorithmically
- generate a display, always including buttons to allow for context sensitive help
- and aborting the installation.
- Section 3: Scripting Language Tutorial
- The script language of the Installer is based on LISP. It is not difficult to
- learn, but requires a lot of parentheses. An Installer script can easily be
- made to look very readable.
- 3.1 Basic Elements
- The basic elements of the installer language are:
- Type Example
- ---- -------
- decimal integers 5
- hexadecimal integers $a000
- binary integers %0010010
- strings "Hello" or 'Hello'
- symbols x
- comments ; this is a comment
- ( ) for statement definition
- space delimits symbols
- (or any white space)
- 3.2 Escape Characters
- Escape characters are supported as in the C language:
- Escape
- sequence Produces
- -------- --------
- '\n' newline character
- '\r' return character
- '\t' tab character
- '\0' a NUL character
- '\"' a double-quote
- '\\' a backslash
- 3.3 Symbols (Variables)
- A symbol is any sequence of characters surrounded by spaces that is not a quoted
- string, an integer or a control character. This means that symbols can have
- punctuation marks and other special characters in them. The following are all
- valid symbols:
- x
- total
- this-is-a-symbol
- **name**
- @#__#@
- 3.4 Types of Symbols
- There are three types of symbols:
- a. user-defined symbols. These are created using the "set" function.
- b. built-in function names. These include things like '+' and '*' as well
- as textual names such as "delete" or "rename".
- c. special symbols. These are variables which are created by the installer
- before the script actually starts to run, and are used to tell the script
- certain things about the environment. These symbols always begin with an
- '@' sign. An example is '@default-dest' which tells you the default
- directory that was selected by the installer.
- 3.5 Statements
- The format of a statement is:
- (operator <operand1> <operand2> ...)
- A statement to assign the value '5' to the variable 'x' would be:
- (set x 5)
- You can read this as "set x to 5". Note that the variable 'x' does not have to
- be declared -- it is created by this statement.
- Note that there is no difference between operators and functions -- the function
- 'set' and the arithmetic operator '+' are both used exactly the same way.
- Combining statements: A statement can be used as the operand to another
- statement as follows:
- (set var (+ 3 5))
- In this case, the statement '(+ 3 5)' is evaluated first, and the result is 8.
- You can think of this as having the '(+ 3 5)' part being replaced by an 8.
- So now we are left with:
- (set var 8)
- which is the same form as the first example.
- Note that the '(+ 3 5)' part actually produced a value: 8. This is called the
- "result" of the statement. Many statements return results, even some that might
- surprise you (such as "set" and "if").
- 3.6 Data Types
- All data types in the installer are dynamic, that is to say the type of a
- variable is determined by the data that is in it. So if you assign the string
- "Hello, World" to the variable 'x', then 'x' will be of type STRING. Later you
- can assign an integer to 'x' and x will be of type INTEGER. When using
- variables in expressions, the interpreter will attempt to convert to the proper
- type if possible.
- Special forms: There are two exceptions to the form of a statement. The first
- type is used for string substitution: If the first item in parentheses is a text
- string rather than a function name, the result of that clause is another string
- that is created by taking the original string and performing a "printf"-like
- formatting operation on it, using the other arguments of the statement as
- parameters to the formatting operation.
- Thus the statement:
- ("My name is %s and I am %ld years old" "Mary" 5)
- Becomes:
- "My name is Mary and I am 5 years old"
- Note since the formatting operation uses the ROM "RawDoFmt" routine, decimal
- values must always be specified with "%ld" rather than "%d" (The interpreter
- always passes numeric quantities as longwords). Note that a variable containing
- the string may be used rather than the string itself.
- The second type of exception occurs if the elements in parentheses are
- themselves statements in parentheses. In this case, the interpreter assumes
- that all the elements are statements to be executed sequentially.
- For example, this statement sets the value of three different variables:
- "var1", "var2" and "var3".
- ((set var1 5) (set var2 6) (set var3 7))
- What this feature does is allow the language to have a block structure, where an
- "if" statement can have multiple statements in its "then" or "else" clause.
- Note that the result of this statement will be the result of the last statement
- in the sequence.
- Complex statements: Here is an example of how statements in the script language
- can be combined into complex expressions. We will start with an "if" statement.
- The basic format of an "if" statement is:
- (if <condition> <then-statement> [<else-statement>])
- The condition should be a statement which returns a value. The "then" and
- optional "else" parts should be statements. Note that if the "then" or "else"
- statements produce a result, then the "if" statement will also have this result.
- Our first example is a rather strange one: Using an "if" statement to simulate
- a boolean "not" operator. (Note that there are easier ways in the script
- language to do this).
- (set flag 0) ; set a flag to FALSE
- (set flag (if flag 0 1)) ; a Boolean NOT
- Basically, the "if" statement tests the variable "flag". If flag is non-zero,
- it produces the value "0". Otherwise, the result is "1". In either case,
- "flag" is set to the result of the "if" statement.
- Now, let's plug some real statements into our "if" statement.
- (if flag ; conditional test
- (message "'flag' was non-zero\n") ; "then" clause.
- (message "'flag' was zero\n") ; "else" clause.
- ) ; closing parenthesis
- Note the style of the indenting. This makes for an easier to read program.
- Now, we'll add a real condition. "=" tests for equality of the two items.
- (if (= a 2) ; conditional test
- (message "a is 2\n") ; "then" clause
- (message "a is not 2\n") ; "else" clause
- ) ; closing parenthesis
- Finally, just to make things interesting, we'll make the "else" clause a
- compound statement.
- (if (= a 2) ; conditional test
- (message "a is 2\n") ; "then" clause
- ( (message "a is not 2\n") ; "else" compound statement
- (set a 2)
- (message "but it is now!\n")
- ) ; end of compound statement
- ) ; end of if
- 3.7 Special Features
- When the Installer first starts up, it attempts to determine the "best" place to
- install the application. Any volume named "WORK:" is given preference, as this
- is the standard way that an Amiga comes configured from Commodore.
- There are two keyboard shortcuts. Whenever there is a "Help" button active,
- pressing the HELP key will also bring up the help display. Whenever there is an
- "Abort" button active, pressing ESC brings up the abort requester. Also,
- whenever the installer is "busy", pressing ESC brings up the abort requester --
- there is text is the title bar to that effect.
- If an application must have assigns or other actions performed during system
- boot, the Installer will add these to a file named "S:user-startup".
- The installer will then add the lines
- if exists S:user-startup
- execute S:user-startup
- endif
- to the user's "startup-sequence". The Installer will attempt to determine the
- boot volume of the system when looking for the "startup-sequence" and can handle
- any AmigaDOS scripts executed from "startup-sequence" (up to 10 levels of
- nesting).
- The Installer can create an assign to just a device, volume or logical
- assignment. This comes in handy when you want to update an application which
- comes on a volume named "MyApp:", but the installed version is in a directory
- with the logical assign "MyApp:"!
- The Installer always copies files in CLONE mode, meaning all the protection
- bits, filenotes and file dates are preserved. When copying files the Installer
- gives a "fuelgauge" readout of the progress of the copy.
- The Installer can find the version number of any executable file that has either
- a RomTag with an ID string (such as libraries and devices) or has a version
- string conforming to that given in the 1990 DevCon notes. The Installer can
- also checksum files. A separate utility named "instsum" is provided to
- determine a file's checksum for use with this feature.
- 3.8 Miscellaneous
- To perform a set of actions on all the contents of a directory matching a
- pattern you can use the "foreach" operator. To perform a set of actions on an
- explicit set of files, the following installer statements can be used as a
- template:
- (set n 0)
- (while (set thisfile (select n "file1" "file2" "file3" ""))
- ( (set n (+ n 1))
- (... your stuff involving this file ...)
- )
- )
- Note that an empty string is considered a FALSE value to any condition operator.
- To run an external CLI command which normally requires user input, redirect the
- input from a file with the needed responses. For example, to format a disk one
- could combine the statement shown below with a file which contains only a
- newline character.
- (run "format <nl_file drive DF0: name ToBeEmpty")
- Section 4: Installer Language Reference
- 4.1 NOTES
- a. When the script exits either by comming to the end or via the "exit"
- statement, a message will be displayed saying where the application was
- installed and where the logfile (if any) was written. Note that you must store
- in "@default-dest" where you actually installed the application (see
- "@default-dest" below).
- b. A newline character ('\n', 0x0a) will cause a line break when the installer
- performs word-wrapping. A hard-space (ALT-space, 0xa0) will prevent a word
- break when the installer performs word-wrapping. Also, quoted sections will be
- considered one word for word-wrapping purposes. For example, if the following
- help text was used:
- "The disk name \"FrameZapper 2.0\" is needed to complete installation."
- then the text "FrameZapper 2.0" will not have a word break before the "2".
- c. The maximum size of a string in a script is 512 bytes. The maximum size of
- any string variable is 10000 bytes. If you need to create long help text for
- example, break it into 512 byte chunks and then use the automatic string
- concatenation ability of the installer to create the final, larger string.
- Also, don't overlook the the use of line continuation of strings in scripts
- to make your scripts more manageable. If you ever find that the installer
- reports a stack overflow error, look to see if it caused by too many small
- strings being concatenated and merge them into larger blocks.
- d. The "run" and "execute" statements only return the result of the command run
- or executed under 2.0; they always return 0 under 1.3. If you must have some
- result under both 1.3 and 2.0, try this combo:
- # in the DOS script to execute:
- failat 31
- command
- if error
- setenv installer-result 10
- else
- if warn
- setenv installer-result 5
- else
- setenv installer-result 0
- endif
- endif
- # in the installer script
- (execute DOS-Script)
- (set theResult (getenv "installer-result"))
- e. Filename and directoryname wildcard patterns specified in a script must be no
- longer than 64 characters.
- 4.2 Statements
- (set <varname> <value> [<varname2> <value2> ...])
- Set the variable <varname> to the indicated value. If <varname> does not exist
- it will be created. Set returns the value of the last assignment.
- Note: All variables are typeless, and any variable may be used wherever a string
- could be used. All variables are global.
- The "set" statement can be used to convert a string to an integer value:
- (set <integer-var> (+ <string-var>))
- Use the "cat" statement to do the reverse.
- (makedir <name> <parameters>)
- Creates a new directory. Parameters:
- prompt - tell the user what's going to happen.
- help - text of help message
- infos - create an icon for directory
- confirm - if this option is present, user will be prompted, else the
- directory will be created silently.
- safe - make directory even if in PRETEND mode
- (copyfiles <parameters>)
- Copies one or more files from the install disk to a target directory. Each file
- will be displayed with a checkmark next to the name indicating if the file
- should be copied or not. Note that a write protected file is considered
- "delete protected" as well. Parameters:
- prompt, help - as above
- source - name of source directory or file
- dest - name of destination directory, which is created if it doesn't exist
- Note that both source and dest may be relative pathnames.
- newname - if copying one file only, and file is to be renamed, this is the
- new name
- choices - a list of files/directories to be copied (optional)
- all - all files/directories in the source directory should be copied
- pattern - indicates that files/directories from the source dir matching a
- pattern should be copied. The pattern should be no more than 64
- characters long.
- Note that only one of "choices", "all" or "pattern" should be
- used at any one time.
- files - only copy files. By default the installer will match and copy
- subdirectories.
- infos - switch to copy icons along with other files/directories
- fonts - switch to not display ".font" files, yet still copy any that match
- a directory that is being copied.
- (optional <option> <option> ...) - dictates what will be considered a
- failure on copying.
- The first three options are mutually exclusive (they may not be
- specified together).
- "fail" - installer aborts if could not copy (the default)
- "nofail" - installer continues if could not copy
- "oknodelete" - aborts if can't copy, unless reason was
- "delete protected"
- The next two options may be used with any other "optional" options.
- "force" - unprotect destination
- "askuser" - ask user if the file should be unprotected (but not
- in novice)
- In the case of "askuser", the default for novice mode is an
- answer of "no". Therefore, you may want to use "force" to make
- the novice mode default answer appear to be "yes".
- (delopts <option> <option> ...) - removes options set by "optional"
- confirm - if this option is present, user will be prompted to indicate
- which files are to be copied, else the files will be copied
- silently.
- safe - copy files even if in PRETEND mode.
- (copylib <parameters>)
- Copies one file using version checking; i.e., it only overwrites an existing
- file if the new file has a higher version/revision number. "Copylib" will
- create the destination directory as long as there is only one level missing.
- For example, copying to a non-existent "DEVS:midi" would create the directory
- "midi", but copying to "DEVS:midi/extra" where neither "midi" nor "extra" exists
- would fail. Note that a write protected library file is considered "delete
- protected" as well. Parameters:
- prompt, help - as above
- source - name of source directory or file
- dest - name of destination directory
- Note that both source and dest may be relative pathnames.
- newname - if copying one file only, and file is to be renamed,
- this is the new name
- infos - switch to copy icons along with other files
- (optional <option> <option> ...) - dictates what will be considered a
- failure on copying.
- The first three options are mutually exclusive (they may not be
- specified together).
- "fail" - installer aborts if could not copy (the default)
- "nofail" - installer continues if could not copy
- "oknodelete" - aborts if can't copy, unless reason was
- "delete protected"
- The next two options may be used with any other "optional" options.
- "force" - unprotect destination
- "askuser" - ask user if the file should be unprotected
- (but not in novice)
- In the case of "askuser", the default for novice mode is an answer
- of "no". Therefore, you may want to use "force" to make the
- novice mode default answer appear to be "yes".
- (delopts <option> <option> ...) - removes options set by "optional"
- confirm - user will be asked to confirm. Note that an EXPERT user
- will be able to overwrite a newer file with an older one.
- safe - copy the file even if in PRETEND mode
- (startup <appname> <parameters>)
- This command edits the "S:user-startup" file, which is executed by the user's
- startup-sequence (Installer will modify the user's startup- sequence if needed,
- although in a friendly way). The "command" parameter is used to declare
- AmigaDOS command lines which will be executed. The command lines are grouped by
- application, using the supplied argument "appname". If there is already an
- entry in "S:user-startup" for that application, the new command lines will
- completely replace the old. The command lines for other applications will not
- be affected. Note: The prompt and help parameters for the "startup" statement
- are only used by the confirmation display to edit "user-startup". This only
- happens in EXPERT mode. Parameters:
- prompt, help - as above
- command - used to declare an AmigaDOS command line to be
- executed at system startup.
- (tooltype <parameters>)
- Modify an icon's tool type. Normally the new tool type values will be set up
- in advance by various statements in the install language (i.e. the user does
- not actually have to type in the tooltype values). For example, you could use
- an "askchoice" to ask the user what type of screen resolution they want and
- then format the tooltype string based on their choice. The "tooltype"
- operation merely asks for a confirmation before actually writing. Parameters:
- prompt, help - as above
- dest - the icon to be modified
- settooltype - the tooltype name and value string.
- setdefaulttool - default tool for a project
- setstack - set size of stack
- noposition - reset to NOICONPOSITION
- swapcolors - swap first two planes of icon's image if OS rev less than v36
- confirm - if this option is present, the user will be asked for
- confirmation, otherwise the modification proceeds
- silently.
- safe - make changes even if in PRETEND mode
- (textfile <parameters>)
- Creates a text file from other textfiles or computed text strings. This can be
- used to create configuration files, AREXX programs or execute scripts.
- Parameters:
- help, prompt - as above
- dest - the name of the text file to be created.
- append - a string to be appended to the new text file.
- include - a text file to be appended to the new text file.
- confirm - if this option is present, the user will be asked for
- confirmation, otherwise the writing proceeds silently.
- safe - create file even if in PRETEND mode
- (execute <argument> ...)
- Executes an AmigaDOS script with the arguments given. NOTE: Does not ask user
- for confirmation, however this can be added by using "askchoice" or "askbool".
- Parameters:
- help, prompt - as above
- confirm - if this option is present, the user will be asked for
- confirmation, otherwise the execute proceeds silently.
- safe - execute script even if in PRETEND mode
- Returns a result if executed under 2.0. Returns 0 under 1.3. See NOTES for
- workarounds under 1.3.
- (run <argument> ...)
- Executes a compiled program with the arguments given. NOTE: Does not ask user
- for confirmation, however this can be added by using "askchoice" or "askbool".
- Parameters:
- help, prompt - as above
- confirm - if this option is present, the user will be asked for
- confirmation, otherwise the run proceeds silently.
- safe - run program even if in PRETEND mode
- Returns a result is executed under 2.0. Returns 0 under 1.3. See NOTES for
- workarounds under 1.3.
- (rexx <argument> ...)
- Executes an ARexx script with the arguments given. NOTE: Does not ask user for
- confirmation, however this can be added by using "askchoice" or "askbool".
- If the ARexx server is not active, an error will be generated. Parameters:
- help, prompt - as above
- confirm - if this option is present, the user will be asked for
- confirmation, otherwise the rexx script proceeds silently.
- safe - execute script even if in PRETEND mode
- (makeassign <assign> [<path>] (parameters))
- Assigns 'assign' to 'path'. If 'path' is not specified, the assignment is
- cleared. Parameters:
- safe - assign even if in PRETEND mode
- Note: assign must be supplied without a colon; i.e. "ENV" not "ENV:".
- (rename <oldname> <newname> <parameters>)
- Renames a file or directory. If the "disk" parameter is given, then this
- command relabels the disk named oldname to newname. When relabeling a disk,
- ONLY include a colon in the oldname. Returns 1 if the rename was successful,
- 0 if it failed. Parameters:
- help, prompt - as above
- confirm - if this option is present, the user will be asked for
- confirmation, otherwise the rename proceeds silently.
- disk - switch to get rename to relabel a disk.
- safe - rename even if in PRETEND mode
- (delete <file> <parameters>)
- Delete a file. Note that a write protected file is considered "delete
- protected" as well. Parameters:
- help, prompt - as above
- confirm - if this option is present, the user will be asked for
- confirmation, otherwise the delete proceeds silently.
- (optional <option> <option> ...) - should deletions be forced.
- options:
- "force" - unprotect destination
- "askuser" - ask user if the file should be unprotected
- (but not in novice)
- In the case of "askuser", the default for novice mode is an answer
- of "no". Therefore, you may want to use "force" to make the
- novice mode default answer appear to be "yes".
- (delopts <option> <option> ...) - removes options set by "optional"
- safe - delete even if in PRETEND mode
- (protect <file> [<string of flags to change>] [<decimal mask>] <parameters>)
- Either gets the protection status of a file (if a second argument is not
- given), or sets it. Two methods exist for setting the status: string
- (e.g. "+r -w +e -d") or numeric (e.g. 5). The string method allows the
- changing of any of the flags individually, while numeric writes to all flags at
- once (possibly changing bits unintendedly). The bits in the binary
- representation of the decimal mask correspond to the flags in the following
- manner:
- 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 <- Bit number
- h s p a r w e d <- corresponding protection flag
- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
- | | | | | | | |
- | | | | | | | +- \
- | | | | | | +--- | 0 = flag set
- | | | | | +----- | 1 = flag clear
- | | | | +------- /
- | | | |
- | | | |
- | | | +--------- \
- | | +----------- | 0 = flag clear
- | +------------- | 1 = flag set
- +--------------- /
- Note that the meaning of the bits in the numeric value follows the DOS
- convention that a 1 in the high four bits (flags "hspa") indicates that the
- flag is set, while a 1 in the lower four bits (flags "rwed") indicates that
- the flag is cleared.
- When setting bits, "protect" returns 1 if the attempt succeeded, else it
- returns a 0. Getting the bits returns either the numeric value of the
- protection status (see interpretation, above) or -1 upon failure. Parameters:
- safe - change protection even if in PRETEND mode
- (abort <message> <message> ...)
- Exits the installation procedure with the given messages and then processes the
- onerror statements (if any).
- (exit <string> <string> ... (quiet))
- This causes normal termination of a script. If strings are provided, they are
- displayed. The "done with installation" message is then displayed. The
- "onerror" statements are not executed. If (quiet) is specified, the final
- report display is skipped.
- (complete <number>)
- This statement is used to inform the user how complete the installation is.
- The number (which must be between 0 and 100) will be printed in the title bar
- of the installer window with a '%' sign.
- (message <string> <string> ...)
- This statement displays a message to the user in a window, along with Proceed,
- Abort and optional Help buttons. Note that messages are not printed when
- running at user level 0 (novice). Parameters:
- help - optional help text
- (working <string> <string> ...)
- The strings will be concatenated to form a message which will appear below a
- standard line that reads "Working on Installation". Useful if you are doing a
- long operation other than file copying (which has its own status display).
- (welcome <string> <string> ...)
- Installer looks for the occurrence of this statement in a script file during
- compilation. If it does not exist (as is the case for older scripts) the
- "Welcome to the <APPNAME> App installation utility" display is presented to the
- user as soon as compilation has finished. If this statement is present,
- Installer will not put up the "Welcome..." display until the (welcome)
- statement is reached. This allows for the execution of code before the first
- displays come up. Note that the state of the "@user-level" and "@pretend"
- variables will be based on the initial defaults including any modification by
- tooltypes. The string arguments are prepended to the standard help text for
- whichever of the two initial displays appears first.
- 4.3 Control Statements
- NOTE: Strings can be used as the result of a test expression. An empty string
- is considered a FALSE value, all others are considered TRUE.
- (if <expression> <true-statement> <false-statement>)
- Operates as a standard "if-then" statement.
- (while <expression> <statement> ... )
- Operates as a standard "do-while" statement.
- (until <expression> <statement> ... )
- Operates as a standard "do-until" statement.
- (foreach <drawer name> <pattern> <statement>)
- For each file or directory matching the pattern located in the given drawer
- statement will be executed. The special variables "@each-name" and
- "@each-type" will contain the filename and the DOS object type, respectively.
- (By DOS object type we mean the same value as found in fib_DirEntryType if one
- were to "Examine" the object.) Patterns specified in a script must be no longer
- than 64 characters.
- ((...) (...) (...))
- Execute a sequence of statements. The statements in the parentheses will be
- executed in order -- not needed at topmost level.
- (trap <trapflags> <statements>)
- Used for catching errors. Works much like C "longjmp", i.e. when an error
- occurs, control is passed to the statement after "trap". "Trapflags" determine
- which errors are trapped. The trap statement itself returns the error type or
- zero if no error occurred. The current error type values are:
- 1 - user aborted
- 2 - ran out of memory
- 3 - error in script
- 4 - DOS error (see @ioerr below)
- 5 - bad parameter data
- (onerror <statements>)
- When a fatal error occurs that was not trapped, a set of statements can be
- called to clean-up after the script. These statements are logged in by using
- the onerror construct. Note that onerror can be used multiple times to allow
- context sensitive termination.
- (select <n> <item1> <item2> ...)
- Only the selected element will be evaluated. In this manner, "select" can be
- used as a case select construct.
- 4.4 Debugging Statements
- (user <user-level>)
- Used to change the user level of the current installation. This statement
- should ONLY be used when debugging scripts. Remove such statements from any
- script before distribution of your product. Returns the current user level.
- (debug <anything> <anything> ...)
- When the Installer is run from a CLI, "debug" will print the values of the
- parameters with a space between each parameter. For example, the statements
- (set myvar 2)
- (debug "This value of 'myvar' is" myvar)
- will print "This value of myvar is 2". If the parameter is an uninitialized
- variable, then debug will print "<NIL>" as its value.
- 4.5 User-Defined Procedures
- The Installer has user-defined procedures (subroutines). This functionality
- is currently very primative. There are no local variables. To define a new
- procedure, use the "procedure" command:
- (procedure <procedure-name> <statement>)
- You can then call the procedure like so:
- (<procedure-name>)
- Note that <procedure-name> is not a string, just a symbolic name.
- 4.6 Functions
- (<string> <arguments> ...)
- The "string substitution function". Whenever a text string is the first item
- in a parenthesized group, the arguments will be substituted into the string
- using RawDoFmt. Note: This function does no argument type checking.
- (cat <string> <string> ...)
- Concatenates the strings and returns the resulting string.
- To convert an integer to a string, use the "cat" function. All integer
- arguments to "cat" are converted to strings during concatenation. Use the
- "set" statement to convert a string to an integer.
- (substr <string> <start> [<count>])
- Returns a substring of <string>, beginning with the character at offset <start>
- (offset begins with 0 for the first character) and including <count> characters.
- If <count> is omitted, the rest of the string (to its end) is returned.
- (strlen <string>)
- Returns the length of the given string.
- (transcript <string> <string> ...)
- Concatenates the strings, appends a newline and then prints the resulting
- string to the transcript file (if any).
- (tackon <path> <file>)
- Concatenates the filename to the pathname and returns resulting string.
- Currently, "tackon" cannot deal with a leading '/' in the <file> parameter.
- This may be fixed in a future version.
- (fileonly <path>)
- Returns only the file part of a pathname.
- (pathonly <path>)
- Returns only the non-file part of a pathname.
- (expandpath <path>)
- Returns the full path, given a shortened path. For example, it might expand
- "SYS:c" to "System2.x:c".
- (askdir <parameters>)
- Asks the user for a directory name, with a scrolling list requester. The user
- can either create a new directory or specify an existing one. If the user
- cancels, the routine will cause an abort. NOTE: It is always best to first
- insure that the volume you want is mounted by using the "askdisk" command.
- Parameters:
- prompt, help - as above
- default - default name of directory to be selected. Note that this may be
- a relative pathname.
- newpath - allows non-existent paths to be supplied as the default drawer.
- disk - show drive list first.
- assigns - debugging parameter; indicates that logical assigns should
- satisfy requests as well. Remove this parameter before
- distributing disk.
- (askfile <parameters>)
- Asks the user for a file name, with a scrolling list requester. The default
- path can be either reference a file or a drawer. If a file, the filename
- gadget is filled in. Parameters:
- prompt, help - as above
- newpath - allows non-existent paths to be supplied as the default drawer.
- disk - show drive list first.
- default - default name of file to be selected Note that this may be
- a relative pathname.
- (askstring <parameters>)
- Prompts the user to enter a text string. Parameters:
- prompt, help - as above
- default - the default text string.
- (asknumber <parameters>)
- Prompts the user to enter an integer quantity. Prints the allowed range below
- the integer gadget if the "range" parameter is given, and prevents the user
- from proceeding without entering a valid number. Parameters:
- prompt, help - as above
- range - valid input range of numbers
- default - default value
- (askchoice <parameters>)
- Ask the user to select one out of N choices, using radio buttons. Parameters:
- prompt, help - as above
- choices - a list of choice strings, such as "ok" "cancel", etc.
- default - the number of the default choice (defaults to 0)
- (askoptions <parameters>)
- Ask the user to select any number of N choices, using checkbox buttons. A bit
- mask is returned as a result, with the first bit indicating the state of the
- first choice, etc. Parameters:
- prompt, help - as above
- choices - a list of choice strings, such as "ok" "cancel", etc.
- default - a bit mask of the buttons to be checked (defaults to -1)
- (askbool <parameters>)
- Ask the user to select yes or no. Parameters:
- prompt, help - as above
- default - 0 = no, 1 = yes
- choices - change the positive and negative text. The defaults are
- "Yes" and "No". So to change the text to "Proceed" and "Cancel"
- you would use: (choices "Proceed" "Cancel")
- (askdisk <parameters>)
- Ask the user to insert a disk in a user friendly manner. For instance, the
- prompt can describe the disk by its label; e.g. "FooBar Program Disk". This
- function will not exit until the correct disk is inserted, or the user aborts.
- prompt, help - as above
- dest - the volume name of the disk to be inserted
- newname - a name to assign to the disk for future reference.
- This assignment is done even in Dry Run mode -- it is considered
- "safe" disk - switch to get a drive list to be shown initially.
- assigns - Debugging option; this indicates that logical assigns should
- satisfy the request as well. Remove this parameter before
- distributing disk.
- Note: volume name must be supplied without a colon; i.e. "ENV" not "ENV:".
- (exists <filename> (noreq))
- Returns 0 if does not exists, 1 if a file, and 2 if a directory. If noreq is
- specified, no requester is displayed if the path given is not on a mounted
- volume. In this case the result is 0.
- (earlier <file-1> <file-2>)
- Returns TRUE if file-1 is earlier than file-2.
- (getsize <filename>)
- Returns the size of a file.
- (getdevice <path>)
- returns the name of the device upon which <path> resides. For example,
- "c:mount" as a path might return "WB_2.x".
- (getdiskspace <pathname>)
- Returns the available space in bytes on the disk given by pathname. Returns -1
- if the pathname is bad or information could not be obtained from the filesystem
- (even though pathname was valid).
- (getsum <filename>)
- Returns the checksum of a file, for comparing versions.
- (getversion <filename> (resident))
- If the named file has a RomTag with an ID string or a 2.x version string, this
- will return the version number. If filename is not provided, then the version
- of the OS is returned instead. Note that this function does NOT assume files
- ending with ".library" or ".device" reside in a particular place -- the path
- must be included. If "resident" is specified, attempts to return version of
- library or device in memory. For example:
- (getversion "intuition.library" (resident))
- would return the version/revision of intuition. Note that using the "resident"
- parameter causes first the library and then the device list to be checked.
- The version number is returned as a 32 bit value, where the high order 16 bit
- word is the version and the low order word is the revision. Here is some sample
- statements to parse a version number:
- (set vernum (getversion "c:iconx"))
- (set ver (/ vernum 65536))
- (set rev (- vernum (* ver 65536) ) )
- (message
- ("You have version %ld.%ld" ver rev)
- )
- (getenv <name>)
- Returns the contents of the given ENV: variable.
- (getassign <name> <opts>)
- Returns the pathname of the object 'name'. The default is for logical
- assignments only, but can be changed using an options string where the
- characters are:
- 'v' - only match volumes
- 'a' - only match logical assignments
- 'd' - only match devices
- Therefore 'a' would be equivalent to having no options. Returns an empty string
- on failure.
- Notes: Name must be supplied without a colon; i.e. "ENV" not "ENV:". A variable
- previously set to name may be used in place of name. If a device name is
- used as the name and the search is limited to devices, then "getassign"
- will return the device or volume name if the device exists, otherwise it
- will return an empty string. An example usage would be
- (getassign "df1" "d").
- (database <feature>)
- Returns information about the Amiga that the Installer is running on. "Feature"
- is a string. This function always returns a string result, even if the result
- looks like a number. If the feature requested is not recognized, the function
- returns "unknown". The currently understood features and their possible values
- are:
- "vblank": "50", "60"
- "cpu": "68000", "68010", "68020", "68030", "68040"
- "graphics-mem": [returns a string representing the amount of free
- graphics memory]
- "total-mem": [returns a string representing the total amount of
- free memory]
- (select <n> <item1> <item2> ...)
- Returns the value of the Nth item.
- (patmatch <pattern> <string>)
- Determines if a string matches an AmigaDOS pattern. Returns either TRUE or
- (= <expression-1> <expression-2>)
- (> <expression-1> <expression-2>)
- (>= <expression-1> <expression-2>)
- (< <expression-1> <expression-2>)
- (<= <expression-1> <expression-2>)
- (<> <expression-1> <expression-2>)
- These are the standard relational expressions.
- (+ <expression> ...)
- Returns the sum of all the arguments.
- (- <expression-1> <expression-2>)
- Returns the first argument minus the second argument
- (* <expression> ...)
- Returns the product of all the arguments
- (/ <expression-1> <expression-2>)
- Returns the first argument divided by the second argument
- (AND <expression-1> <expression-2>)
- (OR <expression-1> <expression-2>)
- (XOR <expression-1> <expression-2>)
- (NOT <expression>)
- Standard logical functions
- (BITAND <expression-1> <expression-2>)
- (BITOR <expression-1> <expression-2>)
- (BITXOR <expression-1> <expression-2>)
- (BITNOT <expression>)
- Bitwise versions of the standard logical functions
- (shiftleft <number> <amount to shift>)
- (shiftrght <number> <amount to shift>)
- These functions perform a bit-oriented shift by the amount specified. Zeros
- are shifted in on the opposite side.
- (IN <expression> <bit number-1> ...)
- Returns 0 if none of the given bit numbers (starting at 0 for the LSB) is set
- in the result of expression, else returns a mask of the bits that were set.
- 4.7 Summary of Parameters
- (assigns)
- A debug option used in the "askdisk" statement to indicate that logical assigns
- will match the askdisk request as well. This parameter should not be used for
- final disks, only for debugging.
- (help <string-1> <string-2> ...)
- This is used to specify the help text for each action.
- (prompt <string-1> <string-2> ...)
- This is used to provide the "title" of the screen which explains to the user
- what this step does.
- (safe)
- This tells the installer that an action not normally performed in Pretend
- mode should be performed.
- (choices <string-1> <string-2> ...)
- Used to display a series of checkmarks. This is used in the "askchoice"
- function to indicate what choices the user has. It can also be used in the
- "copyfiles" statement to specify that only certain files can be copied. (If
- absent, some other criterion will be used to determine which files to copy).
- (pattern <string>)
- Used in the "copyfiles" statement to specify a wildcard pattern.
- (all)
- In the "copyfiles" statement, specifies that all files are to be copied.
- (source <filename>)
- Specifies the file or directory to be read as part of this command.
- (dest <filename>)
- Specifies the file or directory to be modified as part of the command.
- (newname <name>)
- Used in "copyfiles" to specify that a file will have a new name after being
- copied. Used in "askdisk" to assign the new name to the inserted disk. Used in
- "copylib" to specify that the library will have a new name after being copied.
- (newpath)
- Used by "askdir" and "askfile" to allows non-existent paths to be supplied as
- the default drawer.
- (confirm <user-level>)
- On some statements, the user will only be informed of the action (and allowed to
- cancel it) if the "confirm" option is specified. The user level can be "expert"
- or "average" ("expert" is the default).
- (infos)
- Indicates to the "copyfiles" statement that accompanying ".info" files are to be
- copied as well. If the destination drawer does not exist, a default icon will
- be made for the drawer the Installer creates.
- (fonts)
- Indicates to the "copyfiles" statement that accompanying ".font" files are to be
- copied as well.
- (optional <option> <option> ...)
- Indicates to the "copyfiles" and "copylib" statements that it is not a fatal
- error to have a copy fail. Used for "delete" to indicate if deletion should be
- "forced".
- (delopts <option> <option> ...)
- Indicates to the "copyfiles", "copylib" and "delete" statements that the listed
- options should be _removed_ from the global internal list of options for this
- statement. The default global option is "fail".
- (nogauge)
- When used with the "copyfiles" and "copylib" statements this disables the copy
- status indicator.
- (settooltype <tooltype> <value>)
- Used to modify a tooltype to a certain value. If the tooltype does not exist
- it will be created; if the <values> parameter is omitted, the tooltype will be
- deleted. A tooltype without a value may be added in the following manner:
- (settooltype <tooltype-string> "")
- Remember that (tooltype <tooltype-string>) deletes the tooltype given.
- (setdefaulttool <value>)
- Used to modify the default tool of an icon.
- (setstack <value>)
- Used to modify the stack size included in an icon.
- (noposition)
- Used to modify the positioning of an icon to NO_ICON_POSITION.
- (swapcolors)
- Used to swap the first two planes of the image of the icon being modified if
- the version of the OS if less than 36 (i.e., prior to version 2.0). This does
- mean that your icons need to have the 2.0 color scheme on your distribution
- disks.
- (disk)
- When used with the "rename" statement, specifies that a disk relabel operation
- is really desired. When used with the "askdir" or "askfile" statement,
- specifies that a drive list should be shown initially (instead of a file list).
- (append <string>)
- Within a "textfile" statement, will append the string to the textfile.
- (include <filename>)
- Within a "textfile" statement, will append the listed file to the textfile.
- (default <value>)
- Specifies the default value of an askchoice, askstring, or asknumber action.
- (range <min> <max>)
- Specifies the range of allowable numbers for an asknum statement.
- (command <text> ...)
- Specifies the text of a command to be inserted into the S:User-Startup file.
- (Argument strings are merged.)
- 4.9 Pre-Defined Variables
- Pre-defined variables are available for use by the install script. They may be
- modified on-the-fly, but their type may not be changed (e.g. from strings to
- numeric) unless it never had a value to begin with.
- @abort-button
- Replacement text for the "Abort Install" button.
- @app-name
- The APPNAME value given at startup.
- @icon
- The pathname of the icon used to start the installer.
- @execute-dir
- If this variable is set to a valid path, then the installer will change
- directory to it whenever a "run" or "execute" statement is performed.
- @default-dest
- The installer's suggested location for installing an application. If you
- installed the application somewhere else (as the result of asking the user)
- then you should modify this value -- this will allow the "final" statement to
- work properly. Note that creating a drawer and putting the application in that
- drawer is considered installing the application somewhere else. Set it to ""
- if there really is no definite place that the "application" was installed.
- The log file will be copied to the drawer indicated by @default-dest unless it
- was set to "".
- @language
- Used to set the variable @language (default for @language is "english".
- The use of this variable is left up to the install script.
- @pretend
- The state of the Pretend flag (1 if Pretend mode).
- @user-level
- The user-level the script is being run at: 0 for novice, 1 for average,
- 2 for expert.
- @error-msg
- The text that would have been printed for a fatal error, but was overridden
- by a trap statement.
- @special-msg
- If a script wants to supply its own text for any fatal error at various
- points in the script, this variable should be set to that text. The original
- error text will be appended to the special-msg within parenthesis. Set this
- variable to "" to clear the special-msg handling.
- @ioerr
- The value of the last DOS error. Can be used in conjunction with the
- "trap" statement to learn more about what an error occurred.
- @each-name
- @each-type
- Used in a "foreach" loop (see above).
- @askoptions-help
- @askchoice-help
- @asknumber-help
- @askstring-help
- @askdisk-help
- @askfile-help
- @askdir-help
- @copylib-help
- @copyfiles-help
- @makedir-help
- @startup-help
- Default help text for various functions. These can be appended to the
- explanation provided for a particular action or used as is.
- Section 5: Installer Language Quick Reference
- 5.1 Overview
- Attempts to install in "work:" by default if it exists.
- HELP key brings up context-sensitive help.
- Esc key brings up the abort requester.
- Can add assigns to s:User-Startup, and adds lines to
- s:Startup-Sequence (if necessary) to make sure s:User-Startup is executed
- upon boot-up.
- Can check versions of files/libraries.
- Install can run in "Real" (do it) or "Pretend" (dry run) modes.
- 5.2 Quick Language Overview
- Language is lisp-like (lots of parentheses (()) (-:).
- Variables are typeless (a la ARexx), i.e., strings and numbers are treated
- interchangeably.
- Strings are delimited with " or '.
- Certain embedded sequences are available for strings:
- '\n' newline '\r' return
- '\t' tab '\0' NULL
- '\"' double-quote '\\' backslash
- Statements go in parentheses ( ). The general format is:
- (operator <operand1> <operand2> ...)
- E.g., to assign the value '5' to the variable 'x', use
- (set x 5)
- To produce the sum of two numbers, use
- (+ 5 9)
- Note that there is no difference between operators and functions-- the
- function 'set' and the arithmetic operator '+' are both used exactly the
- same way.
- Combining statements: A statement can be used as the operand to another
- statement. E.g.:
- (set x (+ 3 5))
- In this case, the statement '(+ 3 5)' is evaluated first, and the result
- is 8. You can think of this as having the '(+ 3 5)' part being replaced
- by an 8, leaving:
- (set v 8)
- Note that the '(+ 3 5)' part actually produced a value: "8". This is
- called the "result" of the statement. Many statements return results,
- even some that might surprise you (such as "set" and "if").
- Comments are preceded with a semi-colon ";"
- Hex numbers are preceded with a $ (e.g. $23).
- Binary numbers are preceded with a % (e.g. %0101).
- Many statements return a value which can be used in assignments, tests, etc.
- Data can be formatted using a string literal with argument placemarkers,
- for example:
- ("I am %ld foot %ld inches tall." 6 3)
- ;Produces a string with %ld's replaced with 6 and 3.
- ;Remember that decimal values must be specified as longwords.
- 5.3 Pre-Defined Variables
- @icon - pathname of install script icon
- @execute-dir - installer will change to this directory before performing
- a "run" or "execute" statement.
- @default-desk - dir. where install wants to put things by default
- @pretend - state of "pretend" (dry run mode) flag 0-Real, 1-Pretend
- @language - language specified in tooltypes/CLI (default "english")
- @user-level - 0-Novice, 1-Average, 2-Expert
- @error-msg - msg that would be displayed if error not trapped (see trap)
- @special-msg - custom fatal error message
- @each-name, @each-type - used in "foreach" loop
- @execute-dir - If set to a valid path, installer will change directory to
- it whenever a "run" or "execute" statement is performed.
- 5.4 Default Help String Variables
- @askoptions-help @askchoice-help @asknumber-help
- @askstring-help @askdisk-help @askfile-help
- @askdir-help @copylib-help @copyfiles-help
- @makedir-help @startup-help
- 5.5 Statements
- Many commands have standard parameters (some optional):
- (all) ; specifies all files are to copied
- (append <string>) ; add string to text file (for textfile)
- (choices <string1> <string2> ...) ; radio button options
- (command <string1> <string2>...) ; add to s:user-startup
- (confirm <user-level>) ; confirmation
- (default <value>) ; default value, choice, string, etc.
- (dest <file>) ; output to <file>
- (help <string1> <string2> ...) ; define current help info
- (include <file>) ; insert file in textfile statement
- (infos) ; copy .info files also
- (newname <name>) ; specify new file or disk name
- (noposition) ; make icon "floating"
- (pattern <string>) ; used w/ "files" for patterns
- (prompt <string1> <string2> ...) ; text to show user
- (range <min> <max>) ; numeric input (asknum) range
- (safe) ; force installer to perform action even if in Pretend mode.
- (settooltype <tooltype> <value>) ; set icon tool type
- (setdefaulttool <value>) ; set icon's default tool
- (setstack <value>) ; set icon's stack value
- (source <file>) ; read from <file>
- (swapcolors) ; swap first two planes of icon's image if OS rev less than v36
- (welcome <string> <string> ...) ; Invokes "welcome" display
- Note: Custom parameters are shown below in < >, and standard parameters are
- show as (param..) where "param" is one of help, prompt, safe, etc. See above
- for details on standard parameters.
- (abort <string1> <string2> ...)
- ; abandon installation
- (complete <num>)
- ; display percentage through install in titlebar
- (copyfiles (prompt..) (help..) (source..) (dest..) (newname..) (choices..)
- (all) (pattern..) (files) (infos) (confirm..) (safe)
- (optional <option> <option> ...) (delopts <option> <option> ...) (nogauge))
- ; copy files (and subdir's by default). files option say NO subdirectories
- (copylib (prompt..) (help..) (source..) (dest..) (newname..) (infos) (confirm)
- (safe) (optional <option> <option> ...) (delopts <option> <option> ...)
- (nogauge))
- ; install a library if newer version
- (delete file (help..) (prompt..) (confirm..) (optional <option> <option> ...)
- (delopts <option> <option> ...) (safe))
- ; delete file
- (execute <arg> (help..) (prompt..) (confirm) (safe))
- ; execute script file
- (exit <string> <string> ... (quiet))
- ; end installation after displaying strings (if provided)
- (foreach <dir> <pattern> <statements>)
- ;do for entries in directory
- (if expr truestatements falsestatements)
- ; conditional
- (makeassign <assign> <path> (safe)) ; note: <assign> doesn't need `:'
- ; create an assignment
- (makedir <name> (prompt..) (help..) (infos) (confirm..) (safe))
- ; make a directory
- (message <string1> <string2>...)
- ; display message with Proceed, Abort buttons
- (onerror (<statements>))
- ; general error trap
- (protect <file> [<string of flags to change>] [<decimal mask>] <parameters>)
- ; Get/Set file protection flags
- (rename <old> <new> (help..) (prompt..) (confirm..) (safe))
- ; rename files
- (rexx <arg> (help..) (prompt..) (confirm..) (safe))
- ; execute ARexx script
- (run <arg> (help..) (prompt..) (confirm..) (safe))
- ; execute program
- (set <varname> <expression>)
- ; assign a value to a variable
- (startup (prompt..) (command..))
- ; add a command to the boot scripts (startup-sequence, user-startup)
- (textfile (prompt..) (help..) (dest..) (append) (include..) (confirm..) (safe))
- ; create text file from other text files and strings
- (tooltype (prompt..) (help..) (dest..) (settooltype..) (setstack..)
- (setdefaulttool..) (noposition) (confirm..) (safe))
- ; modify an icon
- (trap <flags> <statements>)
- ; trap errors. flags: 1-abort, 2-nomem, 3-error, 4-dos, 5-badargs
- (until <expr> <statements>)
- ; do-until conditional structure (test end of loop)
- (welcome <string> <string> ...)
- ; Allow Installation to commence.
- (while <expr> <statements>)
- ; do-while conditional structure (test top of loop)
- (working)
- ; indicate to user that installer is busy doing things
- 5.6 Functions
- (= <expr1> <expr2>) ; equality test (returns 0 or 1)
- (> <expr1> <expr2>) ; greater than test (returns 0 or 1)
- (>= <expr1> <expr2>) ; greater than or equal test (returns 0 or 1)
- (< <expr1> <expr2>) ; less than test (returns 0 or 1)
- (<= <expr1> <expr2>) ; less than or equal test
- (+ <expr1> <expr2> ...) ; returns sum of expressions
- (- <expr1> <expr2>) ; returns <expr1> minus <expr2>
- (* <expr1> <expr2> ...) ; returns product of expressions
- (/ <expr1> <expr2>) ; returns <expr1> divided by <expr2>
- (AND <expr1> <expr2>) ; returns logical AND of <expr1> and <expr2>
- (OR <expr1> <expr2>) ; returns logical OR of <expr1> and <expr2>
- (XOR <expr1> <expr2>) ; returns logical XOR of <expr1> and <expr2>
- (NOT <expr>) ; returns logical NOT of <expr>
- (BITAND <expr1> <expr2>) ; returns bitwise AND of <expr1> and <expr2>
- (BITOR <expr1> <expr2>) ; returns bitwise OR of <expr1> and <expr2>
- (BITXOR <expr1> <expr2>) ; returns bitwise XOR of <expr1> and <expr2>
- (BITNOT <expr>) ; returns bitwise NOT of <expr>
- (shiftleft <number> <amount to shift>) ; logical shift left
- (shiftrght <number> <amount to shift>) ; logical shift right
- (IN <expr> <bit-number> <bitnumber>...) ; returns <expr> AND bits
- (<format string> <arg1> <arg2> ...) ; printf clone
- (askdir (prompt..) (help..) (default..) (newpath) (disk))
- ; ask for directory name
- (askfile (prompt..) (help..) (default..) (newpath) (disk))
- ; ask for file name
- (askstring (prompt..) (help..) (default..)) ; ask for a string
- (asknumber (prompt..) (help..) (range..) (default..)) ; ask for a number
- (askchoice (prompt..) (choices..) (default..)) ; choose 1 options
- (askoptions (prompt (help..) (choices..) default..)) ; choose n options
- (askbool (prompt..) (help..) (default..) (choices..)) ; 0=no, 1=yes
- (askdisk (prompt..) (help..) (dest..) (newname..) (assigns))
- (cat <string1> <string2>...) ; returns concatenation of strings
- (exists <filename> (noreq)) ; 0 if no, 1 if file, 2 if dir
- (expandpath <path>) ; Expands a short path to its full path equivalent
- (earlier <file1> <file2>) ; true if file1 earlier than file2
- (fileonly <path>) ; return file part of path (see pathonly)
- (getassign <name> <opts>) ; return value of logical name (no `:')
- ; <opts: 'v'-volumes, 'a'-logical, 'd'-devices
- (getdevice <path>) ; returns name of device upon which <path> resides
- (getdiskspace <path>) ; return available space
- (getenv <name>) ; return value of environment variable
- (getsize <file>) ; return size
- (getsum <file>) ; return checksum of file for comparison purposes
- (getversion <file> (resident))
- ; return version/revision of file, library, etc. as 32 bit num
- (pathonly <path>) ; return dir part of path (see fileonly)
- (patmatch <pattern> <string>) ; Does <pattern> match <string> ? TRUE : FALSE
- (select <n> <item1> <item2> ...) ; return n'th item
- (strlen <string>) ; string length
- (substr <string> <start> [<count>]) ; returns a substring of <string>
- (transcript <string1> <string2>) ; puts concatenated strings in log file
- (tackon <path> <file>) ; return properly concatenated file to path