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Text File | 1994-03-10 | 55.2 KB | 1,873 lines |
- *************************************************************************************
- * ISAN: Instruction Stream ANalyzer v1.2 © Jan 1994 L. Vanhelsuwé
- * --------------------------------------- ------------------------
- *
- * Usage: ISAN <TASK $tcb_addr|PROCESS procnum>
- *
- * ISAN Is used to get an idea of which instructions a particular Exec Task or
- * AmigaDOS Process is executing.
- * This is achieved by adding a TRACE exception handler to the Task which keeps
- * track of how many times a particular instruction or group of instructions has
- * been executed.
- * In parallel another Process (ISAN itself) regularly uses the results produced
- * by the exception handler to display the statistics graphically in a Window.
- *
- * The instructions of interest are listed in a run-time file called ISAN.config.
- * This file basically lists the numeric opcodes with a string to be used as
- * "label" for this opcode.
- *
- * History:
- * --------
- * Tue 17/MAR/92: Started project (coded all initialization first)
- * Wed 18/MAR/92: Got first tracing to work, added pattern mask feature
- * Thu 19/MAR/92: Added TOTAL option
- * Fri 20/MAR/92: Added Topaz font selection for Text output. Cleaned up code/comments.
- * Tue 14/APR/92: Added Graphical Opcode Usage Mapping (pixels represent each opcode)
- * Tue 21/APR/92: Added counters reset option (by clicking in window)
- * Tue 28/APR/92: Fixed 'Task not found' bug. Embarrassing...
- * Sat 02/MAY/92: Added task register monitoring option
- * Sun 03/MAY/92: Optimized TRACE exception handler by using memory indirect adr modes.
- * Tue 05/MAY/92: Fixed OpenWindow() failure bug (SORRY!!)
- * Sun 09/JAN/94: Added FILE keyword to command line options
- * Sat 22/JAN/94: Added PROFILE keyword for simplistic MODE 2 PC profiling
- *
- *************************************************************************************
- include std ;include std macros, equates
- include hardware/custom.i ;for intena reg
- RSRESET Opcode ; Opcode Descriptor structure
- opc_base_op RS.W 1 ;base opcode binary pattern (opcode template)
- opc_nocare_mask RS.W 1 ;mask for bits which can be anything
- opc_combis RS.W 1 ;# of combinations that mask gives us
- opc_label RS.L 1 ;ptr to opcode mnemonic string
- opc_label_len RS.W 1 ;length of label string (for Text() )
- opc_freq RS.L 1 ;copy of the counter found in big array
- opc_xfreq RS.L 1 ;normalized frequency
- opc_sizeof rs.w 0
- CNTS_BLOCKSIZE equ 65536*4 ;each 680x0 opcode has a LONG counter
- MAX_PC_HIST equ 248 ;max number of PCs remembered.
- CHAR_WIDTH equ 8 ;for Topaz80
- WINDOW_WIDTH equ 482 ;width excluding fat right border
- PANE_X equ 6 ;top-left offsets to body of window
- PANE_Y equ 10
- HEXNUM_SPACE equ 8*CHAR_WIDTH ;width of frequency field
- GADG_WIDTH equ 17 ;width pixels that slider takes up
- ; Two special illegal opcode words for our "TOTAL" and underline special entries
- SPECIAL1 equ $AFFF ;in the A-line group
- SPECIAL2 equ $AFFE ;in the A-line group
- move.l rastport,a1
- GFX \1
- _intena equ $DFF000+intena ;for DISABLE/ENABLE macros
- ;===================================================================================
- ;===================================================================================
- ;=============== =================================================
- ;=============== START OF PROGRAM =================================================
- ;=============== =================================================
- ;===================================================================================
- ;===================================================================================
- START_ISAN: move.l sp,stack_level ;for clean exits from any call level
- move.l a0,arg_line ;remember where CLI arguments are
- bsr init_isan ;init some vars, ptrs...
- bsr open_libs ;open DOS,gfx,intui, get stdout
- beq bail_out ;quit now if failed.
- move.l 4.w,a6 ;check to see that this machine is
- move.w AttnFlags(a6),d0 ;at least 020 based
- btst #AFB_68020,d0 ;because I need 020 exception frames
- beq need_020
- bsr check_args ;validate argument line
- move.l conf_file,a0 ;attempt to load config file
- bsr load_file
- beq cant_find_conf
- move.l d0,conf_size ;remember config file details
- move.l a0,conf_buffer ;for deallocation when exiting
- bsr read_configuration ;parse config file & create data structs.
- move.l #CNTS_BLOCKSIZE,d0 ;allocate 256K array of 64K LONG
- move.l #MEMF_CLEAR|MEMF_PUBLIC,d1 ;instruction counters
- EXEC AllocMem
- move.l d0,counters
- beq no_memory ;exit if failed.
- move.l #MAX_PC_HIST*2*4,d0 ;allocate 2 arrays for PC history
- EXEC AllocMem
- move.l d0,PC_history_PCs
- beq no_memory ;exit if failed.
- add.l #MAX_PC_HIST*4,d0
- move.l d0,PC_history_cnts
- bsr open_windows ;try to get our display window(s)
- beq cant_get_window ;error if failed.
- tst.l opcode_map ;if user also asked for a graphical
- beq no_map_req ;view of all opcodes used by Task
- bsr open_screen
- beq no_screen
- ;-- At this stage we've got our graphs window, our file, our counters etc...
- ;-- Now is the time to do the tricky bit: open heart surgery on an unsuspecting Task!
- no_map_req bsr start_task_traceing ;enable TRACE mode of selected Task
- ;---------------
- main_loop move.l DOS_LIB_PTR,a6 ;depending on slider gadget setting:
- move.l update_speed,d1
- DOS Delay ;slow down graphical stats updating
- bsr scan_stats ;go through opcode list & stats and
- bsr update_windows ;update window graphs
- bsr update_screen ;and opcode bitmap (if enabled)
- bsr handle_IDCMP ;check slider gadget & close gadget
- tst.b close_me ;user clicked on CLOSE gadget ?
- beq main_loop ;no: do main loop again
- bsr stop_task_traceing ;switch Task back to non-TRACE mode
- ;-----------------------------------
- ; This is the wind-down bit of ISAN:
- ; Close and deallocate everything that we got from system
- ;-----------------------------------
- bail_out move.l GFX_LIB_PTR,a6 ;doing Graphics closures...
- move.l font_ptr,d0 ;did we successfuly get Topaz font?
- beq no_font
- move.l d0,a1
- GFX CloseFont ;yes, then release before quiting.
- ;---------------
- no_font move.l INTUI_LIB_PTR,a6 ;doing Intuition closures...
- move.l window,d0 ;if we managed to open our window,
- beq no_window
- move.l d0,a0
- INTUI CloseWindow ;kill it now.
- no_window move.l regs_window,d0 ;same with registers window
- beq no_regswindow
- move.l d0,a0
- INTUI CloseWindow ;kill it now.
- no_regswindow move.l prof_window,d0 ;same with PC profiling window
- beq no_profwindow
- move.l d0,a0
- INTUI CloseWindow ;kill it now.
- no_profwindow move.l map_screen,d0
- beq no_scr
- move.l d0,a0
- INTUI CloseScreen ;same with opcode map screen
- ;---------------
- no_scr move.l 4.w,a6 ;doing Exec closures...
- move.l #MAX_PC_HIST*2*4,d0
- move.l PC_history_PCs,d1
- beq no_PC_history
- move.l d1,a1
- EXEC FreeMem ;free PC history if allocated
- no_PC_history move.l array_size,d0
- move.l opcode_list,d1
- beq no_opc_list
- move.l d1,a1
- EXEC FreeMem ;free opcodes array if allocated
- no_opc_list move.l #CNTS_BLOCKSIZE,d0
- move.l counters,d1
- beq no_counters
- move.l d1,a1
- EXEC FreeMem ;free counters array if allocated
- no_counters move.l conf_size,d0
- beq release_libs
- move.l conf_buffer,a1
- EXEC FreeMem ;free cached conf file.
- release_libs bsr close_libs ;finally release our grip on libraries
- move.l stack_level,sp ;restore original SP (allows quit from
- END_ISAN: rts ;subroutines)
- ;===================================================================================
- ;===================================================================================
- ;=============== =================================================
- ;=============== END OF PROGRAM =================================================
- ;=============== =================================================
- ;===================================================================================
- ;===================================================================================
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Parse argument line according to:
- ;
- ;
- ; e.g. 1> ISAN TASK $7d0432C SPEED 1 MODE 2 TOTAL
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- check_args bsr clear_results ;set default results for ReadArgs
- move.l #ISAN_template,d1 ;our argument template
- move.l #rda_results,d2
- bsr ReadArgs ;parse command line (2.0 style)
- beq give_syntax ;malformed arguments ? -> give help
- move.l task_arg,d0 ;if task AND process args are given:
- and.l process_arg,d0 ;sorry, need exactly one.
- bne task_or_proc_please
- move.l task_arg,d0 ;if NEITHER task OR process args are
- or.l process_arg,d0 ;given: sorry need one.
- beq give_syntax
- ;---------------
- tst.l profile_flag ;user wants branching/loop profiling ?
- beq which_mode
- move.l #1,trace_mode ;force trace mode to MODE 2
- bra which_speed ;skip user's mode selection
- ;---------------
- which_mode move.l trace_mode,a0 ;check out the trace mode argument
- moveq #0,d0
- move.b (a0),d0
- cmp.b #'1',d0 ;trace all instructions (MODE 1) ?
- beq good_mode
- cmp.b #'2',d0 ;or trace program flow changes (MODE 2)
- bne wrong_mode
- good_mode sub.b #'1',d0
- move.l d0,trace_mode ;store 0 or 1 (MODE 1 or 2 resp.)
- ;---------------
- which_speed move.l update_speed,a0
- move.l a0,a4
- bsr DEC_TO_BIN ;get SPEED <decimal> argument
- cmp.l a0,a4 ;if argument wasn't decimal
- beq invalid_update_sp ;error!
- tst.l d1 ;or delay is 0
- beq invalid_update_sp
- move.l #50*10,d0 ;check that user doesn't give a huge
- cmp.l d0,d1 ;delay factor coz that would freeze
- bcs decent_speed ;our IDCMP loop too !
- move.l d0,d1
- decent_speed move.l d1,update_speed ;else use user value as speed
- ;---------------
- move.l task_arg,d0 ;look for a Task or a Process?
- beq get_Process
- get_Task move.l d0,a0 ;check task address syntax
- cmp.b #'$',(a0)+
- bne want_dollar_hex
- bsr hex_to_bin ;convert Task hex address to bin
- move.l d0,tcb_ptr ;remember Task address
- bsr check_taskaddr ;validate Task
- bne task_doesnt_exist ;if Task exists,
- lea window_info,a0 ;-> window title append position
- move.l #'TASK',(a0)+ ;regardless of odd allignment (68030 **!!)
- move.w #' $',(a0)+ ;append string "TASK $hhhhhhhh)",0
- move.l tcb_ptr,d0
- moveq #8,d1
- bsr bin_hex ;(reconvert Task addr to clean 8 chars)
- lea task_addr_str+8,a0
- move.w #')'<<8,(a0)+ ;finish off title string
- rts
- ;---------------
- get_Process move.l process_arg,a0 ;-> decimal process number
- move.l a0,a4
- bsr DEC_TO_BIN ;get decimal number
- cmp.l a0,a4
- beq bad_procnum
- move.l d1,d7
- bsr check_process ;find Process N
- move.l d2,tcb_ptr ;if found, store its TCB addr.
- beq proc_doesnt_exist
- lea window_info,a0 ;now add string "PROCESS N)",0
- move.l #'PROC',(a0)+ ;to end of window title
- move.l #'ESS ',(a0)+
- move.l process_arg,a1
- move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ ;copy 1st process ID decimal digit
- cmp.b #9,d7 ;was process number 2 digits ?
- ble end_title
- move.b (a1)+,(a0)+ ;copy 2nd digit
- end_title move.w #')'<<8,(a0)+ ;finish off title string
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Open graphs Window (sized according to how long opcode list is).
- ; Set the TextFont to "topaz 8" so that any Preferences font doesn't
- ; screw up our neat display.
- ;
- ; Return EQ if failed.
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- open_windows move.l INTUI_LIB_PTR,a6 ;using Intuition...
- move.l #MyNewWindow,a0
- INTUI OpenWindow ;open output window (incl. slider gadg)
- move.l d0,window ;if ISAN.conf list too big then window
- req ;won't be able to open (too high)
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l wd_UserPort(a0),msgport ;also find Window's IDCMP msg port
- move.l wd_RPort(a0),rastport ;and graphics RastPort
- move.l GFX_LIB_PTR,a6 ;using graphics.library...
- lea textattr,a0
- GFX OpenFont ;get Topaz 8 ROM font
- move.l d0,font_ptr
- req
- move.l d0,a0
- GFXR SetFont ;use this font for our Window
- ;---------------
- tst.l show_regs ;should we also open a register info
- beq no_regswin
- move.l INTUI_LIB_PTR,a6 ;using Intuition again...
- move.l #MyNewWindow,a0 ;modify initial NewWindow struct
- add.w #(WINDOW_WIDTH-386)/2,nw_LeftEdge(a0)
- move.w #386,nw_Width(a0)
- move.w #55,nw_Height(a0)
- move.w #50,nw_TopEdge(a0)
- clr.l nw_FirstGadget(a0)
- clr.l nw_IDCMPFlags(a0) ;window generates NO messages
- and.l #~WINDOWCLOSE,nw_Flags(a0) ;no close gadget on this win.
- move.l #regswin_title,nw_Title(a0)
- INTUI OpenWindow ;open output window (incl. slider gadg)
- move.l d0,regs_window ;if ISAN.conf list too big then window
- req ;won't be able to open (too high)
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l wd_RPort(a0),regswin_rp
- move.l GFX_LIB_PTR,a6 ;switch to graphics library
- move.l font_ptr,a0
- move.l regswin_rp,a1
- GFX SetFont ;use 8*8 font for our Window
- bsr draw_regswin_txt
- ;---------------
- no_regswin tst.l profile_flag ;should we also open a PC stats win?
- beq no_profile_win
- move.l INTUI_LIB_PTR,a6 ;using Intuition again...
- move.l #MyNewWindow,a0
- move.w #512,nw_Height(a0)
- move.w #640,nw_Width(a0)
- clr.w nw_LeftEdge(a0)
- clr.w nw_TopEdge(a0)
- clr.l nw_FirstGadget(a0)
- clr.l nw_IDCMPFlags(a0) ;window generates NO messages
- and.l #~WINDOWCLOSE,nw_Flags(a0) ;no close gadget on this win.
- move.l #prof_win_title,nw_Title(a0)
- INTUI OpenWindow ;open output window (incl. slider gadg)
- move.l d0,prof_window ;if ISAN.conf list too big then window
- req ;won't be able to open (too high)
- move.l d0,a0
- move.l wd_RPort(a0),profwin_rp ;init its RastPort ptr
- move.l GFX_LIB_PTR,a6 ;switch to graphics library
- move.l font_ptr,a0
- move.l profwin_rp,a1
- GFX SetFont ;use 8*8 font for our Window
- move.l profwin_rp,a1
- moveq #1,d0 ;use Black for text
- GFX SetAPen
- ;---------------
- no_profile_win moveq #-1,d0 ;NE = OK!
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Draw some static text in the freshly opened REGISTERS window.
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- draw_regswin_txt:
- move.l regswin_rp,a1
- moveq #1,d0 ;use Black for text
- GFX SetAPen
- lea regstrings,a3 ;-> strings to print
- moveq #4-1,d7 ;print 4 lines of 4 registers
- moveq #PANE_Y+CHAR_HEIGHT,d4
- pr_regline moveq #4-1,d6
- moveq #PANE_X,d3 ;reset cursor X
- pr_reg move.l regswin_rp,a1
- move.w d3,d0
- move.w d4,d1
- GFX Move
- moveq #3,d0
- move.l a3,a0
- move.l regswin_rp,a1
- GFX Text ;print a string "Rn="
- lea 3(a3),a3 ;point to next string
- add.w #12*CHAR_WIDTH,d3
- dbra d6,pr_reg
- add.w #CHAR_HEIGHT,d4 ;go down a line
- dbra d7,pr_regline
- ;---------------
- move.l regswin_rp,a1
- moveq #PANE_X,d0 ;reset cursor X
- move.w d4,d1
- GFX Move
- moveq #3,d0
- move.l a3,a0
- move.l regswin_rp,a1
- GFX Text ;"PC="
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; If user requested the GRAFMAP command line option,
- ; open lo-res 256*256 screen and draw the nibble reference grid.
- ;
- ; Every single opcode used by the traced Task will light up one pixel
- ; corresponding to its exact opcode (0..65535 !).
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- open_screen move.l INTUI_LIB_PTR,a6 ;because the opcode map screen is so
- move.l ib_FirstScreen(a6),a0 ;extremely narrow (256 pixels wide),
- move.w sc_Width(a0),d0 ;find out width of Workbench (+-)
- lsr.w #1,d0 ;(convert to lores pixels)
- sub.w #256,d0 ;and center our screen on monitor...
- lsr.w #1,d0
- lea map_newscreen,a0
- move.w d0,ns_LeftEdge(a0)
- INTUI OpenScreen ;open graphical opcode usage display
- move.l d0,map_screen
- req
- move.l d0,a0
- lea sc_RastPort(a0),a2
- move.l GFX_LIB_PTR,a6
- move.l a2,a1
- moveq #2,d0 ;write reference grid in plane 1
- GFX SetAPen
- moveq #16-1,d7 ;write 16 horizontal lines
- move.w #12,d2 ;starting Y with (0,12)-(255,12)
- draw_horiz moveq #0,d0
- move.w d2,d1
- move.l a2,a1 ;get RastPort ptr
- GFX Move
- move.w #255,d0
- move.w d2,d1
- move.l a2,a1
- GFX Draw
- add.w #16,d2 ;increment Y
- dbra d7,draw_horiz
- ;---------------
- moveq #16-1,d7 ;write 16 vertical lines
- moveq #0,d2 ;starting with (0,12)-(0,255+12)
- draw_vert move.w d2,d0
- moveq #12,d1
- move.l a2,a1
- GFX Move
- move.w d2,d0
- move.w #12+255,d1
- move.l a2,a1
- GFX Draw
- add.w #16,d2 ;increment X
- dbra d7,draw_vert
- moveq #-1,d0 ;return OK.
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Error EXITS (print error, clean up and quit)
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- no_memory lea no_arr_mem,a0
- bsr print_error
- bra bail_out
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- want_dollar_hex lea dollars_please,a0
- bsr print_error
- bra bail_out
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- bad_procnum lea dec_procnum,a0
- bsr print_error
- bra bail_out
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- give_syntax lea syntax,a0
- bsr print_error
- bra bail_out
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- cant_find_conf lea no_conf,a0
- bsr print_error
- bra bail_out
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- task_doesnt_exist
- lea bad_task,a0
- bsr print_error
- bra bail_out
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- proc_doesnt_exist
- lea bad_proc,a0
- bsr print_error
- bra bail_out
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- wrong_mode lea bad_trace_mode,a0
- bsr print_error
- bra bail_out
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- invalid_update_sp
- lea bad_speed,a0
- bsr print_error
- bra bail_out
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- cant_get_window lea win_too_big,a0
- bsr print_error
- bra bail_out
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- task_or_proc_please
- lea plonker,a0
- bsr print_error
- bra bail_out
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- need_020 lea wrong_machine,a0
- bsr print_error
- bra bail_out
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- bad_conf_err lea bad_conf_file,a0
- bsr print_error
- bra bail_out
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- no_mem_for_descr
- lea no_descr_mem,a0
- bsr print_error
- bra bail_out
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- no_screen lea no_screen_str,a0
- bsr print_error
- bra bail_out
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Check our Window's IDCMP MessagePort for any Intuition events.
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- handle_IDCMP
- while_msgs move.l 4.w,a6
- move.l msgport,a0
- EXEC GetMsg ;dequeue IntuiMessage.
- tst.l d0
- req ;if no event: exit
- move.l d0,a1 ;A1 -> IntuiMessage
- move.l im_Class(a1),imsg_class ;copy relevant message info
- move.w im_Code(a1),imsg_code
- move.l im_IAddress(a1),imsg_iaddr
- move.l im_MouseX(a1),imsg_ratcords ;relative to window
- EXEC ReplyMsg ;and return msg to Intuition
- move.l imsg_class,d0 ;now find routine to execute
- lea event_routines,a0 ;for this event
- bra wh_msg_types
- possible_event move.l (a0)+,a1 ;assuming this type: get vector
- cmp.l d0,d1 ;is this the event type we got ?
- beq handle_event ;yes: go exec handler for this type.
- wh_msg_types move.l (a0)+,d1 ;get possible event type
- bpl possible_event
- bra while_msgs
- ;---------------
- handle_event jsr (a1) ;yes, process event
- bra while_msgs ;any other events queued up?
- ;=======================================================================
- event_routines
- ; dc.l MOUSEMOVE,follow_mouse ;when moving about in gadget
- ; dc.l GADGETDOWN,gadget_on ;when first clicked
- ; dc.l MENUPICK,handle_menus ;when selecting menu items
- ; dc.l RAWKEY,keypress ;for value entry & arrow keys
- dc.l GADGETUP,gadget_off ;when released
- dc.l MOUSEBUTTONS,handle_click ;any clicks in Window
- dc.l CLOSEWINDOW,kill_program
- dc.l -1 ;end of list
- ;=======================================================================
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; User messed around with our slider gadget and finally released it.
- ; Read new knob position and adjust program update speed accordingly.
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- gadget_off lea GadgetSInfo,a0 ;-> PropInfo struct for our slider
- moveq #0,d0
- move.w pi_VertPot(a0),d0 ;get new pot setting (0..64K)
- moveq #9,d1
- lsr.w d1,d0 ;scale it down a bit (0..127)
- move.l d0,update_speed ;max Delay() is 2.54 secs (127)
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Any click inside our window resets all counters (resets graphs to zero).
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- handle_click move.w imsg_code,d0 ;discard release clicks
- and.w #$0080,d0
- rne
- move.l counters,a0 ;-> array of LONG counters
- moveq #-1,d0
- moveq #0,d1
- reset_counters move.l d1,(a0)+ ;wipe all 65536 counters clean
- dbra d0,reset_counters
- wipe_counters move.l GFX_LIB_PTR,a6
- moveq #0,d0 ;switch to background color for wipe
- GFXR SetAPen
- moveq #PANE_X,d0 ;top-left corner for rectfill
- moveq #PANE_Y+2,d1
- add.w label_len,d0
- move.w d0,d2 ;calc bot-right corner coords
- move.w d1,d3
- add.w #HEXNUM_SPACE-1,d2
- add.w contents_height,d3
- add.w #1,d3
- GFXR RectFill ;wipe previous counters
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- kill_program st close_me ;signal main loop to exit.
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Analyse cached "ISAN.config" file.
- ; Validate format and create data structures for contents, the free file.
- ; Each line is either a comment line or a line with three comma-separated fields:
- ;
- ; If argument flag "TOTAL" was present, add two special entries to show TOTAL
- ; number of instructions counted !!
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- read_configuration
- clr.w opcodes ;clr # of opcodes encountered
- lea count_opcodes,a5
- bsr scan_file ;go through file and count opcode lines
- tst.l total_flag ;did user ask for automatic TOTAL too?
- beq get_descr_array
- addq.w #2,opcodes ;make room for 2 more special entries
- get_descr_array move.l 4.w,a6
- move.w opcodes,d0 ;now allocate a memory block to hold
- beq bad_conf_err ;exactly N Opcode descriptors structs
- mulu #opc_sizeof,d0
- move.l d0,array_size
- EXEC AllocMem
- move.l d0,opcode_list ;opcode_list -> array to fill in.
- beq no_mem_for_descr
- moveq #0,d7 ;max label length so far..
- move.l opcode_list,a4 ;-> descriptor array to initialise
- tst.l total_flag ;if total flag is set add our two
- beq fill_descriptors ;special entries at the top of list
- ;---------------
- moveq #5,d7 ;max label length so far...
- move.w #1,opc_combis(a4)
- move.w #SPECIAL1,opc_base_op(a4) ;use an A-line opcode to signal
- clr.w opc_nocare_mask(a4) ;special TOTAL "opcode"
- move.l #total_label,opc_label(a4) ;point to built-in label
- move.w d7,opc_label_len(a4)
- add.l #opc_sizeof,a4 ;point to next free slot
- move.w #1,opc_combis(a4) ;do a similar thing to get an
- move.w #SPECIAL2,opc_base_op(a4) ;"underline" entry !
- clr.w opc_nocare_mask(a4)
- move.l #underline_label,opc_label(a4)
- move.w d7,opc_label_len(a4)
- add.l #opc_sizeof,a4 ;point to next free slot
- ;---------------
- fill_descriptors
- lea get_data,a5 ;go through file again but grab data
- bsr scan_file ;to fill in descriptors.
- bne bad_conf_err
- mulu #CHAR_WIDTH,d7 ;calc howmany width pixels labels
- move.w d7,label_len ;will take up.
- move.w opcodes,d0 ;calc howmany pixels high instruction
- mulu #CHAR_HEIGHT,d0 ;list will be
- sub.w #3,d0 ; - a bit to avoid wiping window edge
- move.w d0,contents_height
- add.w #PANE_Y+8,d0 ;and automaticaly size
- move.w d0,win_h ;window and
- sub.w #16,d0
- move.w d0,gad_h ;attached slider gadget.
- ;---------------
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Go through cached ISAN.config file line-by-line and execute a user routine for
- ; every line starting with a "$".
- ;
- ; A4 -> Opcode descriptor array ptr
- ; A5 -> user routine to execute
- ; RETURNS (NE) if error occurred.
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- scan_file move.l conf_buffer,a0 ;-> cached ISAN.conf file
- bra wh_lines
- ;---------------
- check_line cmp.b #'$',(a0) ;instruction line ?
- beq handle_line ;no, skip over entire line
- skip_comment move.b (a0)+,d0
- beq file_eof
- cmp.b #LF,d0
- bne skip_comment
- bra wh_lines
- ;---------------
- handle_line addq.w #1,a0 ;skip "$"
- jsr (a5) ;exec routine for a line starting w. $
- bra skip_comment
- ;---------------
- wh_lines tst.b (a0) ;reached EOF yet ?
- bne check_line
- ;---------------
- file_eof rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Initial user routine for scan_file to count opcode lines
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- count_opcodes addq.w #1,opcodes ;just keep track of "$" lines
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Decode a $XXXX,$MMMM,"label" line
- ;
- ; A0 -> start of current line
- ; A4 -> next free Opcode descriptor slot
- ; D7 = maximum label length
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- get_data bsr hex_to_bin ;get basic opcode pattern
- move.w d0,opc_base_op(a4)
- cmp.b #COMMA,(a0)+ ;need delimiter
- bne bad_conf_err
- cmp.b #'$',(a0)+ ;need hex number qualifier
- bne bad_conf_err
- bsr hex_to_bin ;get dont care mask
- move.w d0,opc_nocare_mask(a4)
- bsr count_ones_in_D0 ;calc howmany opcode combinations
- moveq #0,d1 ;dont care mask means !
- bset d0,d1
- move.w d1,opc_combis(a4)
- cmp.b #COMMA,(a0)+ ;need delimiter
- bne bad_conf_err
- cmp.b #DOUBLE_QUOTE,(a0)+ ;followed by start of string
- bne bad_conf_err
- move.l a0,opc_label(a4) ;store ptr to label string
- move.l a0,a1
- calc_lab_len cmp.b #DOUBLE_QUOTE,(a1)+
- bne calc_lab_len ;find end of label
- sub.l opc_label(a4),a1 ;calc label length
- sub.w #1,a1
- move.w a1,opc_label_len(a4)
- cmp.w d7,a1 ;label longer than all prev ones?
- bcs no_new_max
- move.w a1,d7 ;yes, update max length
- no_new_max
- add.l #opc_sizeof,a4 ;point to next free slot
- rts
- ;===================================================================================
- ; Go through opcode_list and stats array and generate list of opcode counters
- ; which we need to display.
- ; Find Maximum counter and scale all counters for clean display in window.
- ;
- ; D6 = maximum frequency so far
- ; D7 = # of opcodes/groups to display
- ; A4 -> current opcode descriptor
- ; A5 -> base of counters array
- ;===================================================================================
- scan_stats move.l 4.w,a6 ;stop target Task (and all others!)
- FORBID ;so we can make consistent freq counts
- moveq #0,d6 ;max freq so far
- clr.l most_frequent ;clr ptr to slot of highest freq opc
- move.w opcodes,d7 ;# of opcodes (groups) to scan
- subq.w #1,d7 ;-1 DBRA
- move.l opcode_list,a4 ;-> array of opcode descriptors
- move.l counters,a5 ;-> 1 LONG for every 680x0 opcode!
- ;---------------
- check_op_group move.w opc_combis(a4),d5 ;range of instructions or single ?
- subq.w #1,d5 ;(-1 DBRA)
- bne handle_range
- moveq #0,d0 ;clear for LONG index !
- move.w opc_base_op(a4),d0 ;get opcode (all bits significant)
- cmp.w #SPECIAL1,d0
- beq calc_fast_total
- move.l 0(a5,d0.l*4),d1 ;get current cnt for this instruction
- bra update_max ;join main flow again...
- ;---------------
- ; Here we go through counters array linearly and find total sum of instructions
- ; executed so far. This is faster than using the general purpose mask technique.
- ;---------------
- calc_fast_total move.l a5,a0
- moveq #0,d1 ;clear counter
- move.w #(65536/8)-1,d0 ;add up all 65536 LONG counters
- zap_through_it add.l (a0)+,d1 ;as quickly as possible...
- add.l (a0)+,d1
- add.l (a0)+,d1
- add.l (a0)+,d1
- add.l (a0)+,d1
- add.l (a0)+,d1
- add.l (a0)+,d1
- add.l (a0)+,d1
- dbra d0,zap_through_it
- ;-- for TOTAL "opcode" we have a custom update_max which doesn't touch most_frequent
- move.l d1,opc_freq(a4) ;remember locally
- cmp.l d6,d1 ;need to update maximum freq ?
- bcs next_opc
- move.l d1,d6 ;new max freq = current inst freq
- bra next_opc
- ;---------------
- ; Here we have to generate ALL possible opcodes given the opcode template and
- ; the Don't Care bits mask.
- ; This isn't as straightforward as you might think.
- ;
- ; D7 = outer opcodes loop counter
- ; D6 = maximum frequency so far
- ; D5 = # of combinations in this opcode group
- ;---------------
- handle_range move.w opc_nocare_mask(a4),d4 ;get dont care mask
- move.w opc_base_op(a4),d3 ;get opcode TEMPLATE
- move.w d4,d2
- not.w d2 ;inverted dont care mask
- and.w d2,d3 ;d3 = 100% clean template mask
- ; Say we have a dont care mask of $0E43. That's a mask with 3 bitfields that we
- ; should increment as if it were ONE contiguous bitfield.
- ; This is achieved by forcing all bits inbetween the bitfields to '1' and adding
- ; an "add mask" (the LSb '1' in the original mask); this way carry bits from a
- ; bitfield are transported across a 1s "bridge" to the next bitfield etc..
- ; The final opcode is derived from this "work" opcode and the original template by
- ; some ANDing and ORing.
- move.w d4,d0 ;original don't care mask
- moveq #-1,d1 ;calc the "add mask"
- find_first_lsb addq.w #1,d1 ;(= the lowest 1 bit in the mask on
- lsr.w #1,d0 ;its own).
- bcc find_first_lsb
- moveq #0,d0
- bset d1,d0 ;D0 is add mask.
- sub.l a0,a0 ;clr accumulated freq of opc family
- moveq #0,d1 ;FOR CNT=0 TO COMBI-1
- ;--------
- gen_codes and.w d4,d1 ;mask out "scattered count"
- or.w d3,d1 ;or in clean template = final opcode
- add.l 0(a5,d1.l*4),a0 ;add its freq to total group freq
- or.w d2,d1 ;0 holes = bitfields
- add.w d0,d1 ;"add" across bitfield voids
- dbra d5,gen_codes ;all possible combinations generated?
- move.l a0,d1 ;sum total of opcode group
- ;---------------
- update_max move.l d1,opc_freq(a4) ;total # of ops of this type counted
- cmp.l d6,d1 ;need to update maximum freq ?
- bcs next_opc
- move.l d1,d6 ;new max freq = current inst freq
- move.l a4,most_frequent ;remember most freq opc slot
- ;---------------
- next_opc add.l #opc_sizeof,a4 ;goto next descriptor
- dbra d7,check_op_group ;all done ?
- ;-----------------------------
- ; We've gone through all opcodes we want to snoop on.
- ; From the found maximum frequency normalize all frequencies so that max = $FFFFFFFF
- ;-----------------------------
- or.b #1,d6 ;force max freq to have at least one 1 bit
- bfffo d6{0:32},d0 ;find # of LEFT shifts to normalize max
- move.w opcodes,d7 ;# of opcodes (groups) to scan
- subq.w #1,d7 ;-1 DBRA
- move.l opcode_list,a4 ;-> array of opcode descriptors
- norm_counts move.l opc_freq(a4),d1 ;get original frequency
- lsl.l d0,d1 ;normalize it
- move.l d1,opc_xfreq(a4) ;store normalized frequency
- add.l #opc_sizeof,a4 ;goto next descriptor
- dbra d7,norm_counts ;all done ?
- move.l 4.w,a6 ;thanks for hanging around guys...!
- PERMIT ;carry on now..
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Redraw ENTIRE contents of Window. (**!! Should optimize)
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- update_windows bsr update_op_counters
- bsr update_registers
- bsr update_PC_counters
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Update the main statistics window containing opcode usage frequencies.
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- update_op_counters
- move.l GFX_LIB_PTR,a6 ;using graphics.library...
- moveq #1,d0 ;set color for labels & hex frequencies
- GFXR SetAPen
- moveq #PANE_X,d5 ;initial cursor coords.
- moveq #PANE_Y+CHAR_HEIGHT,d6
- move.w opcodes,d7 ;# of graphs/labels to draw
- subq.w #1,d7
- move.l opcode_list,a4 ;-> array of opcode descriptors
- ;---------------
- draw_labels tst.b add_labels ;have labels already been printed ?
- beq skip_labels ;yes, don't print again (since static)
- move.w d5,d0
- move.w d6,d1
- GFXR Move ;set text cursor for label
- move.l opc_label(a4),a0
- move.w opc_label_len(a4),d0
- GFXR Text ;print label
- skip_labels move.l opc_freq(a4),d0 ;create hex string from freq.
- beq zero_cnt ;if freq is zero then just print "0"
- moveq #8,d1 ;otherwise print hex number as eight
- lea hex_output,a0 ;full digits
- bsr bin_hex
- move.w d5,d0
- move.w d6,d1
- add.w label_len,d0 ;just after labels...
- GFXR Move ;set cursor for frequency
- moveq #8,d0
- lea hex_output,a0
- GFXR Text ;print hex frequency 'xxxxxxxx'
- bra do_labels
- ;--------
- zero_cnt move.w d5,d0
- move.w d6,d1
- add.w label_len,d0 ;just after labels...
- add.w #7*CHAR_WIDTH,d0 ;(strip leading zeros)
- GFXR Move ;set cursor for frequency
- moveq #1,d0
- lea a_zero,a0
- GFXR Text ;print hex frequency ' 0'
- do_labels add.w #CHAR_HEIGHT,d6 ;down one line
- add.l #opc_sizeof,a4 ;goto next descriptor
- dbra d7,draw_labels
- sf add_labels ;from now: never draw labels again
- ;---------------
- wipe_graph_area moveq #0,d0 ;switch to background color for wipe
- GFXR SetAPen
- moveq #PANE_X+HEXNUM_SPACE,d0 ;top-left corner for rectfill
- add.w label_len,d0
- moveq #PANE_Y+3,d1
- moveq #PANE_X,d2 ;calc bot-right corner coords
- add.w win_width,d2
- sub.w #GADG_WIDTH,d2
- move.w contents_height,d3
- add.w d1,d3
- GFXR RectFill ;wipe previous graphs display
- ;---------------
- moveq #0,d0
- move.w win_width,d0 ;total window width
- sub.w label_len,d0 ;- area where labels go
- sub.w #PANE_X+HEXNUM_SPACE+5,d0 ;= available drawing length
- bfffo d0{0:32},d4 ;calc window width scale factor
- addq.w #1,d4
- ;---------------
- moveq #PANE_Y+4,d6
- moveq #PANE_X+HEXNUM_SPACE,d5 ;initial pen X,Y
- add.w label_len,d5
- add.w #2,d5
- move.w opcodes,d7 ;# of graphs/labels to draw
- subq.w #1,d7
- move.l opcode_list,a4 ;-> array of opcode descriptors
- draw_graph tst.l opc_xfreq(a4) ;any graph to draw at all ??
- beq skip_graph ;yes, (freq non-zero)
- moveq #2,d0 ;assume normal graph color
- cmp.l most_frequent,a4 ;does this slot represent max freq?
- bne draw_line ;yes,
- moveq #1,d0 ;highlight longest opcode graph
- draw_line GFXR SetAPen ;select color for graph
- move.w d5,d0
- move.w d6,d1
- GFXR Move ;Move to start of line
- move.l opc_xfreq(a4),d0 ;get LONG normalized inst. freq.
- lsr.l d4,d0 ;scale to fit window
- add.w d5,d0 ;add positioning offset
- move.w d6,d1
- GFXR Draw ;draw a bargraph line
- skip_graph add.w #CHAR_HEIGHT,d6 ;down one line
- add.l #opc_sizeof,a4 ;goto next descriptor
- dbra d7,draw_graph
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ;-- Now optionally dump all registers in REGISTER window
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- update_registers
- tst.l regswin_rp ;if no register window: don't
- req
- lea regs_dump,a3 ;-> 16 registers to display
- moveq #4-1,d7 ;print 4 lines of 4 registers
- moveq #PANE_Y+CHAR_HEIGHT,d4
- print_regline moveq #4-1,d6
- moveq #PANE_X+3*CHAR_WIDTH,d3 ;reset cursor X
- print_reg move.l regswin_rp,a1
- move.w d3,d0
- move.w d4,d1
- GFX Move
- move.l (a3)+,d0 ;get a register value
- moveq #8,d1
- lea hex_output,a0
- bsr bin_hex ;convert to ASCII string
- moveq #8,d0
- lea hex_output,a0
- move.l regswin_rp,a1
- GFX Text
- add.w #12*CHAR_WIDTH,d3
- dbra d6,print_reg
- add.w #CHAR_HEIGHT,d4
- dbra d7,print_regline
- ;---------------
- move.l (a3)+,d0 ;get PC register value
- moveq #8,d1
- lea hex_output,a0
- bsr bin_hex ;convert to ASCII string
- move.l regswin_rp,a1
- moveq #PANE_X+3*CHAR_WIDTH,d0 ;reset cursor X
- move.w d4,d1
- GFX Move
- moveq #8,d0
- lea hex_output,a0
- move.l regswin_rp,a1
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Optionally update PC counters in PC PROFILE window.
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- update_PC_counters
- tst.l profwin_rp ;if no register window: don't
- req
- tst.w num_PCs ;if any PCs trapped yet...
- req
- move.l PC_history_PCs,a3 ;-> N PC statistics to display
- move.l PC_history_cnts,a4 ;->
- moveq #0,d7 ;print N lines ...
- print_PC_line moveq #0,d0
- move.w d7,d0 ;list grows like newspaper columns
- divu #42,d0
- move.l d0,d1 ;save quotient
- swap d0 ;get remainder down
- mulu #CHAR_HEIGHT,d0
- add.w #PANE_Y+CHAR_HEIGHT,d0
- mulu #20*CHAR_WIDTH,d1
- add.w #PANE_X,d1
- exg d0,d1 ;AARRGGHHH !!
- move.w d0,d3
- move.w d1,d4
- move.l profwin_rp,a1
- GFX Move
- move.l (a3),d0 ;get a PC register value
- moveq #8,d1
- lea hex_output,a0
- bsr bin_hex ;convert to ASCII string
- moveq #8,d0
- lea hex_output,a0
- move.l profwin_rp,a1
- GFX Text
- ;------
- just_print_cnt move.w d3,d0
- add.w #10*CHAR_WIDTH,d0
- move.w d4,d1
- move.l profwin_rp,a1
- GFX Move
- move.l #' ',hex_output
- move.l #' 0',hex_output+4
- move.l (a4)+,d0 ;get # of times PC got here (counter)
- moveq #8,d1
- lea hex_output,a0
- bsr bin_hex ;convert to ASCII string
- moveq #8,d0
- lea hex_output,a0
- move.l profwin_rp,a1
- GFX Text
- addq.w #4,a3 ;-> next PC value
- addq.w #1,d7
- cmp.w num_PCs,d7 ;done entire list ?
- bne print_PC_line
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Go through counters array and plot a pixel in the map screen for every non-zero
- ; counter.
- ; We don't use a pixel plot routine (much too slow), instead we check 32 opcodes
- ; in one go, creating a bunch of 32 pixels in a data reg and then we write this
- ; to the screen.
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- LINE_SIZE equ 32 ;bytes for a 256 pixels line
- update_screen tst.l opcode_map ;is screen enabled ?
- req ;yep,
- move.l map_screen,a1
- lea sc_BitMap+bm_Planes(a1),a1
- move.l (a1),a1 ;get bitplane 0 ptr
- add.l #12*LINE_SIZE,a1 ;skip Screen Title/Dragbar area.
- move.l counters,a0 ;get base address of counters array
- move.w #(65536/32)-1,d7 ;check all opcodes in blocks of 32
- plot_counters moveq #32-1,d1 ;construct 32 pixels in register
- moveq #0,d0 ;clear pixel line LONG
- constr_pixline tst.l (a0)+ ;opcode used at all ?
- beq unused_opcode ;yes,
- bset d1,d0 ;set its pixel (use DBRA counter as bit #)
- unused_opcode dbra d1,constr_pixline
- move.l d0,(a1)+ ;blast 32 pixels into screen at a time
- dbra d7,plot_counters
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Set all program parameters to defaults before parsing argument line.
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- clear_results clr.l task_arg ;
- clr.l process_arg ;
- move.l #twenty,update_speed ;DOS Delay() factor
- move.l #one,trace_mode ;default TRACE mode = 1
- clr.l total_flag ;don't add total counter !
- clr.l profile_flag ;don't use profiling
- move.w #WINDOW_WIDTH,win_width
- move.l #default_conf,conf_file
- dummy rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Validate user's Process ID.
- ; Return EQ if Task exists
- ;
- ; IN : D7.L = Process #
- ;
- ; OUT: D2.L = Process TCB addr or NULL
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- check_process move.l 4.w,a6 ;-> Exec Library
- DISABLE ;no list altering while we look!
- lea TaskWait(a6),a5 ;scan TaskWait list first (most likely)
- bsr find_process
- bne is_process
- lea TaskReady(a6),a5 ;if not on Wait list, maybe on Ready
- bsr find_process
- is_process ENABLE
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Try to find Process N on given Task list
- ; A5 -> List Head
- ; D7.L = Process number
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- find_process move.l (a5),d1 ;get head of list
- beq plist_end
- move.l d1,a5 ;move LN_SUCC to curr Node ptr
- cmp.b #NT_PROCESS,LN_TYPE(a5) ;is this a Process ?
- bne find_process ;no, goto next Task
- cmp.l pr_TaskNum(a5),d7 ;ok, is this the Process we want ?
- bne find_process
- move.l a5,d2 ;yes: return tcb addr.
- rts
- ;---------------
- plist_end moveq #0,d2 ;didn't find Process (return NULL)
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Validate user's TASK address.
- ; Return EQ if Task exists
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- check_taskaddr move.l 4.w,a6 ;-> Exec Library
- move.l tcb_ptr,a0 ;find Task node with this start adr
- DISABLE ;no list altering while we look!
- move.l TaskWait(a6),a5 ;scan TaskWait list first (most likely)
- bsr find_task
- beq is_task
- move.l TaskReady(a6),a5 ;maybe a CPU hog then ?
- bsr find_task
- beq is_task
- moveq #-1,d0 ;NE = nope, couldn't find Task
- rts
- is_task ENABLE
- moveq #0,d0 ;EQ = yep, found Task
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Try to find Task X on given Task list
- ; A5 -> List Head
- ; A0 -> Task addr
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- find_task tst.l (a5) ;is this node the Tail of list ?
- beq list_tail ;nope.
- cmp.l a5,a0 ;check against user input
- beq task_present ;if match return EQ
- move.l (a5),a5
- bra find_task
- list_tail moveq #-1,d0 ;else NE
- task_present rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Modify the target Task's trace bits in its SR (stored in its saved context).
- ; Point its TC_TRAP vectors to our stuff to handle all those TRACE exceptions.
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- start_task_traceing
- move.l tcb_ptr,a5 ;-> Task/Process to snoop on.
- move.l counters,TC_TRAPDATA(a5) ;tell handler where counters are
- move.l TC_TRAPCODE(a5),old_trapcode ;save any old trap handlers
- lea default_handler,a0 ;choose which trace handler to use
- tst.l profile_flag
- beq use_regs_maybe
- lea proftrace_handler,a0
- bra curse_task
- use_regs_maybe tst.l show_regs
- beq curse_task
- lea rgtrace_handler,a0
- curse_task move.l a0,TC_TRAPCODE(a5) ;install our TRACE handler
- move.b #$80,d0 ;assume normal TRACE mode (T1=1,T0=0)
- tst.l trace_mode
- beq normal_trace
- move.b #$40,d0 ;T1=0, T0=0
- normal_trace move.l 4.w,a6
- move.l TC_SPREG(a5),a1 ;find Task's saved context
- and.b #$3F,8(a1) ;clear any trace bits already set.
- or.b d0,8(a1) ;go set TRACE bits in saved SR reg !
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; We've got enough info on traced Task. Switch it back to normal mode.
- ; **!! This doesn't check whether the Task is still actually there or not !
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- stop_task_traceing
- move.l tcb_ptr,a5 ;get Task's TCB address
- move.l 4.w,a6 ;using Exec..
- DISABLE ;freeze multi-tasking while modifying
- ;**!! move.l old_trapcode,TC_TRAPCODE(a5) ;restore original handler
- ; clr.l TC_TRAPDATA(a5)
- move.l TC_SPREG(a5),a1 ;find Task's saved context
- and.b #$3F,8(a1) ;clear T1, T0
- rts
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ; This EXCEPTION handler is executed after EVERY instruction of the
- ; target Task/Process once we switched "its" CPU into TRACE mode.
- ;
- ;
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- REGS_SAVED1 equ 2 ;size of "stack frame"
- default_handler:
- addq.l #4,SP ;discard garbage that Exec added.
- move.l a0,-(sp) ;handler has to be transparent (like IRQ)
- move.l d0,-(sp) ;(2 * move is faster than movem)
- move.l ([4]ThisTask),a0 ;find address of Task that trapped
- move.l TC_TRAPDATA(a0),a0 ;get ptr to array of LONG counters
- moveq #0,d0 ;clear MSW for following casting...
- move.w ([sp,8+REGS_SAVED1*4]),d0 ;get opcode (cast to LONG)
- addq.l #1,0(a0,d0.l*4) ;increment this opcode's counter
- move.l (sp)+,d0 ;restore used registers
- move.l (sp)+,a0
- rte ;ret to Task for just ONE instruction and come back here !
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ;**!! The original trace handler used to use conservative 68000 addressing modes
- ;**!! By using the new 68020+ modes we're able to use one address register less
- ;**!! than before which in turns means less to save/restore.
- ; The old code looked like this:
- ; move.l 4.w,a0 ;find address of Task that trapped.
- ; move.l ThisTask(a0),a0
- ; move.l TC_TRAPDATA(a0),a1 ;get ptr to array of LONG counters
- ; move.l 8+12(sp),a0 ;get address of opcode that trapped
- ; move.w (a0),d0 ;get opcode
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; This is an alternative (slower) handler that also dumps all 680x0 registers.
- ; This handler is only used when the user specifies the REGS option.
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- REGS_SAVED2 equ 2
- rgtrace_handler:addq.l #4,SP
- movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,regs_dump ;dump all Dn/An registers
- move.l 8(sp),regs_dump+16*4 ;and PC
- ;---------------
- move.l a0,-(sp)
- move.l d0,-(sp)
- move.l USP,a0
- move.l a0,regs_dump+15*4
- move.l ([4]ThisTask),a0
- move.l TC_TRAPDATA(a0),a0
- moveq #0,d0
- move.w ([sp,8+REGS_SAVED2*4]),d0
- addq.l #1,0(a0,d0.l*4)
- move.l (sp)+,d0
- move.l (sp)+,a0
- rte
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; This is another alternative handler which also some PC register statistics.
- ; This handler is only used when the user specifies the PROFILE option.
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- REGS_SAVED3 equ 4
- proftrace_handler:
- addq.l #4,SP
- movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,regs_dump ;dump all Dn/An registers
- move.l 8(sp),regs_dump+16*4 ;and PC
- ;---------------
- movem.l d0-d1/a0-a1,-(sp)
- move.l USP,a0
- move.l a0,regs_dump+15*4
- move.l ([4]ThisTask),a0
- move.l TC_TRAPDATA(a0),a0
- moveq #0,d0
- move.w ([sp,8+REGS_SAVED3*4]),d0
- addq.l #1,0(a0,d0.l*4)
- move.l regs_dump+16*4,d0
- cmp.l #$00F80000,d0
- bcs non_ROM_PC
- cmp.l #$01000000,d0
- bcs skip_ROM_PC
- non_ROM_PC bsr update_PC_hist
- skip_ROM_PC movem.l (sp)+,d0-d1/a0-a1
- rte
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Go through PC History array and update/add
- ; a PC entry.
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- update_PC_hist move.l PC_history_PCs,a0 ;-> N PC values followed by N counters
- move.l regs_dump+16*4,d1 ;get PC value of TRACE exception
- move.w num_PCs,d0 ;how long is list to check ?
- beq add_new_PC
- subq.w #1,d0
- check_history cmp.l (a0)+,d1 ;does this PC already occur in list?
- dbeq d0,check_history
- bne add_new_PC
- inc_PC_counter add.l #(MAX_PC_HIST*4)-4,a0
- addq.l #1,(a0) ;yes, just incr. its counter
- rts
- add_new_PC cmp.w #MAX_PC_HIST,num_PCs ;stop storing new ones when full
- rcc
- move.l PC_history_PCs,a0 ;otherwise
- move.l PC_history_cnts,a1
- move.w num_PCs,d0
- move.l d1,(a0,d0*4) ;add new PC to list
- moveq #1,d1
- move.l d1,(a1,d0*4) ;& init its counter
- addq.w #1,num_PCs ;keep track of size of list
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Initialize some variables
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- init_isan clr.l window ;clr ptrs to ensure safe freeing
- clr.l regs_window ;in case of allocation failure
- clr.l prof_window
- clr.l map_screen
- clr.l font_ptr
- clr.l PC_history_PCs
- clr.l opcode_list
- clr.w num_PCs ;no PCs so far.
- sf close_me ;no need to quit just now...
- st add_labels ;first update pass we want labels
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Open Dos, Graphics and Intuition libraries.
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- open_libs move.l 4.w,a6 ;using Exec..
- lea dosname,a1
- moveq #0,d0
- EXEC OpenLibrary ;open DOS
- move.l d0,DOS_LIB_PTR
- beq beg_your_pardon
- lea gfxname,a1
- moveq #0,d0
- EXEC OpenLibrary
- move.l d0,GFX_LIB_PTR ;open GFX
- beq beg_your_pardon
- lea intuiname,a1
- moveq #0,d0
- EXEC OpenLibrary ;open Intuition
- move.l d0,INTUI_LIB_PTR
- move.l DOS_LIB_PTR,a6 ;and using DOS
- DOS Output ;get standard output filehandle
- move.l d0,stdout
- beg_your_pardon rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- close_libs move.l 4.w,a6 ;using Exec..
- move.l DOS_LIB_PTR,d0
- beq no_dos
- move.l d0,a1
- EXEC CloseLibrary ;close DOS
- no_dos move.l GFX_LIB_PTR,d0
- beq no_gfx
- move.l d0,a1
- EXEC CloseLibrary ;close GFX
- no_gfx move.l INTUI_LIB_PTR,d0
- beq done_lib_closures
- move.l d0,a1
- EXEC CloseLibrary ;close Intuition
- done_lib_closures
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Convert hex string pointed to by A0 into binary.
- ; Return in D0.L
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- hex_to_bin moveq #0,d0 ;clear accumulator
- bra wh_nibbles
- add_nibble lsl.l #4,d0
- add.b d1,d0
- wh_nibbles moveq #0,d1 ;(clear high byte of index reg)
- move.b (a0)+,d1 ;get char
- sub.b #'0',d1 ;make sure char is in set of legal
- bcs not_hex ;hex chars
- cmp.b #'f'-'0',d1
- bhi not_hex
- move.b h2bin(PC,d1.w),d1 ;use char as index into lookup table
- bpl add_nibble ;if lookup gives valid nibble
- ;---------------
- not_hex subq.w #1,a0 ;backtrack to first non-hex char
- rts
- h2bin dc.b 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1
- dc.b -1,10,11,12,13,14,15,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 ;@..'O'
- dc.b -1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1,-1 ;'P'.._
- dc.b -1,10,11,12,13,14,15
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Count number of '1' bits in D0.L
- ; Return in D0.L
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- count_ones_in_D0
- moveq #0,d1 ;zero count.
- moveq #0,d2 ;dummy addition operand for ADDX
- count_ones add.l d0,d0 ;shift a '0' or a '1' out in Carry
- addx.l d2,d1 ;add 1 to count if C=1
- tst.l d0
- bne count_ones
- found_all_ones move.w d1,d0
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Leading Zero stripped BIN_HEX
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- bin_hex move.l a0,-(sp)
- move.l d1,-(sp)
- bsr BIN_HEX
- move.l (sp)+,d1
- move.l (sp)+,a0
- subq.w #2,d1 ;-2 to leave at least 1 '0'
- kill_leading_0 cmp.b #'0',(a0)
- rne
- move.b #' ',(a0)+
- dbra d1,kill_leading_0
- rts
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Here I IMPORT some handy MODULES
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- include SRC:UTILS/ReadArgs.s ;argline parser (with std template)
- include SRC:UTILS/load_file.s ;entire file loader
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- MyNewWindow:
- dc.w 640-WINDOW_WIDTH-13 ;window XY origin relative to TopLeft of screen
- dc.w 0
- dc.w WINDOW_WIDTH+13 ;window width and
- win_h dc.w 131 ;height (FILLED IN)
- dc.b 0,1 ;detail and block pens
- ;IDCMP flags
- ;Window flags
- dc.l Gadgets ;first gadget in gadget list
- dc.l NULL ;custom CHECKMARK imagery
- dc.l WindowName ;window title
- dc.l NULL ;custom screen pointer
- dc.l NULL ;custom bitmap
- dc.w 5,5 ;minimum width and height
- dc.w -1,-1 ;maximum width and height
- dc.w WBENCHSCREEN ;destination screen type
- Gadgets dc.l NULL ;next gadget
- dc.w WINDOW_WIDTH-7 ;origin XY of hit box relative to window TopLeft
- dc.w 13
- dc.w 15 ;hit box width and
- gad_h dc.w 100 ;height (FILLED IN)
- dc.w NULL ;gadget flags
- dc.w RELVERIFY ;activation flags
- dc.w PROPGADGET ;gadget type flags
- dc.l KnobImage ;gadget border or image to be rendered
- dc.l NULL ;alternate imagery for selection
- dc.l NULL ;first IntuiText structure
- dc.l NULL ;gadget mutual-exclude long word
- dc.l GadgetSInfo ;SpecialInfo structure
- dc.w NULL ;user-definable data
- dc.l NULL ;pointer to user-definable data
- GadgetSInfo:
- dc.w AUTOKNOB+FREEVERT ;PropInfo flags
- dc.w 0,$2800 ;horizontal and vertical pot values
- dc.w 3276,3276 ;horizontal and vertical body values
- dc.w 0,0,0,0,0,0 ;Intuition initialized and maintained variables
- KnobImage:
- dc.w 0,$1E ;XY origin relative to container TopLeft
- dc.w 7,5 ;Image width and height in pixels
- dc.w 0 ;number of bitplanes in Image
- dc.l NULL ;pointer to ImageData
- dc.b $0000,$0000 ;PlanePick and PlaneOnOff
- dc.l NULL ;next Image structure
- map_newscreen:
- dc.w 50,0 ;screen XY origin relative to View
- dc.w 256,256+12 ;screen width and height
- dc.w 2 ;screen depth (number of bitplanes)
- dc.b 0,1 ;detail and block pens
- dc.w 0 ;display modes for this screen
- dc.w CUSTOMSCREEN ;screen type
- dc.l NULL ;pointer to default screen font
- dc.l NewScreenName ;screen title
- dc.l NULL ;first in list of custom screen gadgets
- dc.l NULL ;pointer to custom BitMap structure
- textattr dc.l topazname
- dc.w CHAR_HEIGHT ;ta_YSize = 8
- dc.b 0,0 ;Style and Flags = 0
- topazname dc.b "topaz.font",0
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Strings section
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- one dc.b "1",0 ;default trace mode
- twenty dc.b "20",0 ;default trace update speed
- a_zero dc.b "0" ;a lonely zero char for printing a zero count
- default_conf dc.b "S:ISAN.config",0
- NewScreenName dc.b "ISAN Opcode Map (Opcode=$0000)",0
- * Tag for VERSION command
- version dc.b "$VER: ISAN 1.2 ©LVA 22/JAN/94",0
- WindowName: dc.b "ISAN 1.2 ©LVA 22/JAN/94 ("
- window_info dc.b "TASK $"
- task_addr_str dc.b "XXYYZZQQ)",0 ;**!! Watch out that string doesn't overflow
- regswin_title dc.b "Task Registers",0
- prof_win_title dc.b "PC Profiling Info",0
- syntax dc.b "Example:",LF
- no_arr_mem dc.b "Not enough contiguous RAM for statistics arrays.",0
- no_descr_mem dc.b "No memory for instruction descriptors array (running LOW!).",0
- dollars_please dc.b "Task addresses should have a '$' to denote hexadecimal.",0
- dec_procnum dc.b "Process number should be a small decimal number.",0
- no_conf dc.b "Couldn't find 'ISAN.config' file anywhere !",0
- bad_conf_file dc.b "ISAN.config file contains garbage.",0
- bad_task dc.b "Task not found on Waiting or Ready list.",0
- bad_proc dc.b "Process not found on Waiting or Ready list.",0
- bad_trace_mode dc.b "Trace mode should be 1 or 2 (1=trace all, 2=trace flow)",0
- bad_speed dc.b "Speed must be in 1..500 range.",0
- win_too_big dc.b "Couldn't open Window (opcode list too long?).",0
- plonker dc.b "Please specify either a Task or a Process (not both).",0
- wrong_machine dc.b "ISAN Only works on 68020+ machines. Sorry (better than crashing, innit ?)",0
- no_screen_str dc.b "Couldn't open Screen for opcode bitmap display.",0
- hex_output dc.b "XXXXYYYY",0
- regstrings dc.b "D0=D1=D2=D3=D4=D5=D6=D7="
- dc.b "A0=A1=A2=A3=A4=A5=A6=A7=PC="
- total_label dc.b "TOTAL"
- underline_label dc.b "-----"
- dosname DOSNAME
- intuiname INTNAME
- gfxname GRAFNAME
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- ; Variables (pointers, handles, counters, flags...)
- ;-----------------------------------------------
- SECTION isan_vars,BSS
- DOS_LIB_PTR ds.l 1
- GFX_LIB_PTR ds.l 1
- INTUI_LIB_PTR ds.l 1
- stack_level ds.l 1
- arg_line ds.l 1
- stdout ds.l 1
- tcb_ptr ds.l 1 ;TCB ptr to task we're messing with
- old_trapcode ds.l 1 ;ptr to original trap exception handler (to restore)
- window ds.l 1 ;pointer to our Window
- regs_window ds.l 1 ;-> Registers Window (if requested)
- prof_window ds.l 1 ;-> PC Profiling Win (if requested)
- rastport ds.l 1 ;and their RastPorts
- regswin_rp ds.l 1
- profwin_rp ds.l 1
- font_ptr ds.l 1 ;ptr to Topaz Font
- map_screen ds.l 1 ;ptr to opcode map screen (if asked for)
- msgport ds.l 1 ;Window's IDCMP Message Port
- imsg_class ds.l 1
- imsg_iaddr ds.l 1
- imsg_ratcords ds.l 1
- imsg_code ds.w 1
- conf_size ds.l 1 ;# of configuration file buffer
- conf_buffer ds.l 1 ;ptr to cached configuration file
- counters ds.l 1 ;-> 256K of LONG counters (1 long per opcode)
- array_size ds.l 1 ;szie of descriptor array
- opcode_list ds.l 1 ;array of opcode descriptors to scan each time
- most_frequent ds.l 1 ;address of slot representing most frequent opcode
- regs_dump ds.l 16+1 ;room for D0-D7/A0-USP, PC
- opcodes ds.w 1 ;# of opcodes to check.
- win_width ds.w 1
- label_len ds.w 1
- contents_height ds.w 1 ;height of used rectangle within window
- close_me ds.b 1 ;close window request flag
- add_labels ds.b 1 ;print labels first time only
- num_PCs ds.w 1 ;number of different non-sequential PCs so far
- PC_history_PCs ds.l 1 ;ptr to array of encountered PC values
- PC_history_cnts ds.l 1
- ; Here we have the contiguous block of LONGs that ReadArgs() fills in
- ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
- rda_results
- task_arg ds.l 1 ;ptr to TASK address argument
- process_arg ds.l 1 ;ptr to PROCESS number argument
- update_speed ds.l 1 ;DOS Delay() value
- trace_mode ds.l 1 ;1 or 2 for TT=10 or TT=01
- show_regs ds.l 1 ;open extra Window to display Task's register set
- total_flag ds.l 1
- opcode_map ds.l 1 ;open opcode map screen
- conf_file ds.l 1 ;ptr to filename for configuration
- profile_flag ds.l 1 ;do PC profiling in MODE 2 tracing