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Text File | 1994-04-20 | 89.8 KB | 2,533 lines |
- This is Edition 1, last updated 19 April 1994, of `The Jade Manual',
- for Jade, Version 3.0.
- Jade is a text editor for Unix (with X11) and the Amiga.
- Copyright 1993, 1994 John Harper.
- Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
- manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
- preserved on all copies.
- Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
- this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
- the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
- permission notice identical to this one.
- This is so that jade doesn't try to eval the example use.
- ::jade-code::
- ::end::
- Jade
- ****
- Jade is a highly flexible text editor for the Unix (with X11) and
- Amiga operating systems.
- This is Edition 1 of its documentation, last updated 19 April 1994
- for Jade version 3.0.
- Copying
- *******
- Jade is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public
- License, this basically means that you can give it to anyone for any
- price as long as full source code is included. For the actual legalese
- see the file `COPYING' in the distribution. I reserve the right to use
- a different license in future releases.
- The only parts of Jade which are not my own work are the regexp
- code, this is by Henry Spencer (though I have made some small
- modifications) and is distributed under his conditions, and the ARexx
- interface in the Amiga version which is based on `MinRexx' by Radical
- Eye Software.
- Be aware that there is absolutely NO WARRANTY for this program, you
- use it at your own risk. Obviously I hope there are no bugs, but I make
- no promises reguarding the reliability of this software.
- Introduction
- ************
- Jade is a text editor primarily designed for programmers. It is
- easily customised through a Lisp-style extension language and can be
- tailored to the user's own requirements.
- Jade is designed to run under a graphical windowing system, systems
- currently supported are the Commodore Amiga and the X Window System
- version 11 (but only under Unix).
- It is the successor to the editor `Jed 2.10' which I released for the
- Amiga in early 1993. I have decided to rename it now that I have made a
- Unix version since there is already an editor called `Jed' available
- (there is no connection between the two, I haven't even looked at the
- other one). "Jade" is an anagram of "A Jed", if you want an acronym you
- could use "Just Another Damn Editor", if you can think of anything
- better please tell me.
- Jade is compatible with GNU Emacs in terms of keystrokes and command
- names to a certain extent but it is not intended as a simple copy of
- Emacs (indeed, when I started this I had never actually used Emacs!). I
- have tried to take my favourite aspects of all the editors I have used
- as well as adding features that I have not found elsewhere.
- Consequently, it is very much the editor that *I* want -- you may not
- find it so appealing.
- The feature that the most people will dislike is that it doesn't
- support "proper" tabs. By this I mean that it expands all tabs to a
- sequence of spaces when loading a file, they are not converted back to
- tabs until the file is saved back to disk (though this is optional).
- Requirements
- ************
- Jade will only run on certain operating systems, this chapter
- details just what it needs as well as some notes relevant to each
- system.
- Amiga Jade
- ==========
- The only real requirement for Jade running on an Amiga is that it
- must run an operating system revision of at least V37 (thats V2.04) and
- have about 300K free memory available.
- It also needs more stack than the average Amiga application. For
- normal use 20K should be okay. If you want to use the Lisp compiler 50K
- would be a better bet.
- It assumes that its directory is pointed to by the `JADE:'
- assignment. This means that the main Lisp files are stored in
- `JADE:lisp/' and the file of doc-strings is `JADE:DOC-strings'.
- Unix and X11 Jade
- =================
- Jade will only run on version 11 of X, it has absolutely no support
- for character terminals or different windowing systems. As long as it
- compiles it should work on your system.
- One problem you might find is that the BackSpace and Delete keys
- don't work properly. As far as I have been able to find out, most X
- terminals map both the BackSpace (normally at the top-right of the
- alpha-keyboard) and the Delete (normally somewhere above the cursor
- keys) keys to the `Delete' keysym. Obviously, since I want these keys
- to have different effects (1) this is no good. What I decided to do
- about this was two things,
- 1. Use `xmodmap' to map the Delete key to the `BackSpace' keysym.
- This may sound backwards but most programs seem to use the
- `Delete' keysym as what I call `BackSpace' so mapping as I
- described doesn't break this.
- To do this, I have the following in my `.Xmodmap' file
- keycode 107 = BackSpace
- Note that the `107' is the Delete key's keycode on *my* keyboard,
- your keyboard may, and probably will, be different.
- 2. In the function which binds descriptions of keystrokes to Lisp
- forms, swap the meanings of the `BackSpace' and `Delete' keysyms.
- This means that everything works okay! You can bind to Delete key
- and it will work properly.
- ---------- Footnotes ----------
- (1) BackSpace should rub out the key before the cursor and Delete
- should delete the character under the cursor
- Editor Concepts
- ***************
- Before I describe the editor in detail there are several concepts
- which you should be familiar with. Some will be explained in more
- detail later.
- "buffer"
- Buffers are used by the editor to store the text that you are
- editing. Broadly speaking, each buffer holds the contents of one
- text-file loaded into the editor (it is not necessary for each
- buffer to be associated with a file, some buffers exist for other
- purposes for example the `*jade*' buffer is used to interact with
- the Lisp system.
- "current buffer"
- The buffer being edited in the current window (see below), most
- editor commands work on this buffer unless told otherwise.
- "window"
- Corresponds to a window in the window-system. Each window can
- display one buffer at a single time (although a buffer may be
- displayed in more than one window at once).
- "current window"
- Jade always keeps track of which one of its windows is active. It
- is called the current window. Whenever you type a key or press a
- mouse button in one of Jade's windows, that window automatically
- becomes the current window. Amongst other things, all messages
- from the editor are displayed in the status line of the current
- window.
- "cursor"
- The cursor marks your current position in the current buffer (see
- above), when you type something it is inserted into the buffer
- between the cursor and the character preceding it (unless you type
- a command).
- "status line"
- One line in a window is devoted to displaying messages from the
- editor, Using Windows.
- "Lisp"
- The programming language which Jade uses, although the internals
- of the editor are written in C, all commands are written in a
- dialect of Lisp (even if the command only calls a C function).
- Jade contains an interpreter, compiler and debugger for this
- language. See Programming Jade.
- "variable"
- Variables are used to store Lisp values, each variable has a
- unique name. Note that unlike many programming languages
- variables in Lisp are *not* typed, the data values themselves have
- a type associated with them.
- "form"
- A form is a single Lisp expression. For example, all of these are
- forms:
- foo
- 42
- "hello"
- (setq foo 200)
- "command"
- A command is a sequence of Lisp forms which may be called
- interactively (ie, from the keyboard). It may be a key sequence
- (such as `Ctrl-x Ctrl-f') or a Lisp function to evaluate (such as
- `ESC x find-file').
- "regular expression"
- A regular expression is a string which is used to match against
- other strings. It has a special syntax which allows you to form a
- kind of template against which the other strings can be matched.
- They are used extensively by the editor, but you -- the user --
- will mainly encounter them when searching and replacing strings in
- buffers.
- Key Definitions
- ***************
- In this manual I have adopted a consistent notation for all
- keypresses, since most editor commands are invoked via a typed
- key-sequence it is very important that you can decipher this notation.
- Every keypress has a set of "modifiers"; these are the keys such as
- "Shift" or "Control" which don't actually produce a character when
- typed, they only effect the rest of the keyboard. Each key, then, can
- have one or more modifiers.
- The actual key definition consists of zero or more hyphen-separated
- modifiers, followed by a hyphen and the name of the actual key (or
- event).
- Some commands are triggered by a sequence of one or more of these key
- definitions, press each key definition in turn to invoke the command.
- Note that the case of modifiers is not important, however some of
- the keys *are*, so you should always specify them in their correct case.
- Modifiers
- =========
- "Shift"
- "SFT"
- The shift key.
- "Ctrl"
- "CTL"
- The control key, or its equivalent.
- "Meta"
- This depends on the window-system, on X11 it is the "Mod1"
- modifier, on the Amiga the "Alt" key.
- "LMB"
- The left mouse button.
- "MMB"
- The middle mouse button.
- "RMB"
- The right mouse button.
- As well as these, there are also some others, "Mod1" to "Mod2"
- represent the X11 modifiers of the same name. "Button1" to "Button5"
- also correspond to their X11 conterparts (Button1 to Button3 are LMB to
- RMB). For Amiga users, "Amiga" corresponds to the Amiga key (this is
- the same as Mod2).
- Keys
- ====
- As far as possible each single character key-definition corresponds
- to where that character is on the keyboard (a is `a', etc...).
- When using an Amiga this should be true for *all* keys since the
- Amiga's "keymap.library" makes it easy to look up what key a character
- belongs to. However, this is not so easy on X11. All of the standard
- ASCII character set should be okay, but the more esoteric characters
- may have to be specified by the names of their X11 keysym (without the
- `XK_' prefix). Look in the <X11/keysymdef.h> include file for all
- keysyms, for example `XK_question' would have to be used for `?' if the
- editor didn't treat it, and many others, specially.
- Some keys which don't follow this pattern are
- "Space"
- "SPC"
- "SpaceBar"
- The space bar.
- "TAB"
- The tab key.
- "RET"
- "Return"
- The return key.
- "ESC"
- "Escape"
- The escape key.
- "BS"
- "BackSpace"
- The backspace key.
- "DEL"
- "Delete"
- The delete key.
- "HELP"
- The help key, not all keyboards have this.
- "UP"
- The cursor up key.
- "DOWN"
- The cursor down key
- "LEFT"
- The cursor left key.
- The cursor right key.
- "KP_Enter"
- "KP_Multiply"
- "KP_Divide"
- "KP_Minus"
- "KP_Add"
- "KP_Decimal"
- "KP_N"
- Keys on the numeric keypad. For KP_N, N is a digit.
- "Click1"
- Single clicking a mouse button.
- "Click2"
- Double clicking a mouse button.
- "Off"
- Releasing a mouse button.
- "Move"
- Moving the mouse. This doesn't work on X11 yet.
- Example Keys
- ============
- Some examples of proper key definitions are,
- `Ctrl-x'
- Hold down Control, type x.
- `Meta-Shift-RET'
- Hold down Meta and Shift, then type the Return key.
- `LMB-Click1'
- Click the left mouse button once.
- `Meta-RMB-Click1'
- Hold down Meta then click the right mouse button once.
- Starting Jade
- *************
- This chapter describes Jade's initialisation process. This includes
- how to start it, what options it will accept and what it actually does
- after being started.
- Invocation
- ==========
- Since Jade supports two vastly different operating systems they both
- need to be covered separately.
- * Amiga
- The normal way to start Jade on the Amiga is to type its name at
- the Shell (or CLI) together with any options (see Startup Options)
- you want. Note that these options are in the traditional Unix
- style, a dash followed by the option name and any arguments, not
- the standard AmigaDOS method.
- It is also possible to invoke the editor from the Workbench,
- simply double clicking on its icon will cause Jade to open its
- initial window. Unfortunately there is no support for passing
- arguments via Tool Types, nor is there any way to create icons
- with saved files. This is largely due to the fact that I rarely
- use the Workbench -- if enough people complain about this I will
- probably fix it. Jade doesn't have an icon yet, you'll have to
- make one yourself.
- * Unix with X11
- Jade should be started like most other Unix programs, type its
- name and any arguments to a shell. It must be able to connect to
- an X server (preferably the one controlling your terminal), the
- `-display' option can be used if needed.
- Startup Options
- ===============
- The acceptable options can be split into three classes. Note that
- they must be specified on the command line in order of their class.
- This means that, for example, the `-rc' option must be after the `-font'
- option.
- So, the general usage pattern is
- Note that the LISP-OPTIONS may include files to be loaded.
- 1. System dependant options.
- * Options for the Amiga system.
- `-pubscreen SCREEN-NAME'
- Defines the name of the public screen on which the first
- window is opened. By default (or if SCREEN-NAME doesn't
- exits) the `Workbench' screen is used.
- `-font FONT-STRING'
- Defines the font used in the first window. FONT-STRING
- is the font to use, it is the name of the font (for
- example, `topaz.font'), followed by a hyphen and the
- point size to use. For example, a FONT-STRING of
- `topaz.font-8' gives 8-point topaz. This is the default.
- * Options for X11.
- There are two types of options to the X11 version of the
- editor, those specified on the command line and those defined
- in the resource database (ie, in your `.Xdefaults' file).
- Resources are looked for under two names, firstly the name
- under which the editor was invoked (normally `jade'), if this
- fails it tries again with the name `Jade'. Naturally, options
- specified on the command line overide those in the resource
- database.
- `-display DISPLAY-NAME'
- Defines the name of X display to open, by default the
- contents of the environment variable `DISPLAY'. It is a
- string of the form `hostname:number.screen_number'.
- `-name NAME'
- The name to use when looking up resource values, this
- replaces the base name of the executable (normally
- `jade').
- `-geometry GEOM-SPEC'
- Specifies where to place the first window on the screen.
- This is a standard X style geometry specification.
- The colour of the window's foreground (ie, the text).
- The background colour of the window.
- `-font FONT-NAME'
- The name of the font used for all text in the initial
- window.
- 2. Standard options.
- `-rc LISP-FILE'
- Load the Lisp script LISP-FILE instead of the normal
- initialisation script (`init'). Warning: the editor depends
- heavily on the normal file, if you change this without due
- care the editor could be unusable -- no keys will be bound
- and many standard functions won't exist.
- `-v'
- Print the version and revision numbers of this copy of the
- editor then quit.
- `-log-msgs'
- This option makes all messages which are displayed in the
- status line also be written to the standard error stream.
- This is sometimes useful for debugging purposes.
- 3. All other options are passed to the Lisp initialisation process in
- the variable `command-line-args', these are available to any Lisp
- packages loaded in the initialisation script. Any left after that
- are scanned for the following options,
- Call the Lisp function FUNCTION.
- `-l FILE'
- Load the Lisp file FILE.
- `-q'
- Quit cleanly.
- `FILE'
- Load the file of text FILE into a new buffer.
- An example command line for starting Jade from a Unix shell could be
- $ jade -fg white -bg black -log-msgs foo.c bar.jl
- This means white text, black background, save messages and load the
- files `foo.c' and `bar.jl'.
- Startup Procedure
- =================
- This is a description of what happens when the editor initialises
- itself.
- 1. Firstly lots of internal data structures are created, memory
- pools, symbols and their symbol-table (including all the primitive
- Lisp functions).
- 2. The window-system is initialised (parse the system-dependant
- options, and the xrdb resources if in X).
- 3. Parse the standard options.
- 4. Create the initial window and the first buffer to display in it
- (this is the buffer called `*jade*').
- 5. Load the initialisation script, this is either the Lisp file
- called `init' or whatever was given to the `-rc' command line
- option.
- Some selected highlights of what the standard file does are,
- * Load lots of Lisp files, some notable ones are
- `loadsyms'
- Initialise the autoload stubs.
- `loadkeys'
- Creates the standard keymaps and keybindings.
- * Try to find the user's personal startup file, this is
- normally the file `.jaderc' in their home directory (1).
- * Load any files which were specified on the command line.
- 6. Start the top-level recursive edit, this doesn't exit until the
- editor does.
- ---------- Footnotes ----------
- (1) The Amiga has no notion of a user's home directory, Jade uses
- the contents of the environment variable `HOME', or if this doesn't
- exist the `SYS:' assignment.
- Using Jade
- **********
- This chapter of the manual is meant to teach you to *use* the editor,
- because of this I have attempted to reduce references to the Lisp
- extension language to an absolute minimum. The only things that you
- need to know about at this time are how to set or reference Lisp
- variables and how to invoke Lisp commands.
- Luckily, it is very easy to do this by typing one of the following
- sequences to the editor,
- `ESC x FUN'
- Calls the command called FUN and displays its result in the status
- line.
- `ESC x set-variable RET FOO RET BAR'
- This sets the Lisp variable FOO to the value BAR.
- `ESC x show-variable RET FOO'
- This displays the value of the variable FOO in the status line.
- Note that throughout this manual it is assumed that you press the RET
- (return) key after each `ESC x' command. For example, to invoke the
- command `ESC x find-file' you would actually type the following (but
- not the spaces -- they are for readability).
- `ESC x f i n d - f i l e RET'
- The Help System
- ===============
- To invoke the help system type the key sequence `Ctrl-h' or if your
- keyboard has it the `HELP' key.
- A prompt will be displayed in the status line showing you which keys
- you can press next to enter one of the main options of the help system
- explained below. Alternatively, you can type either `Ctrl-h' or `HELP'
- again to display some text telling you more about the help system and
- how to use it.
- The help system is exited after successfully invoking one of the
- commands described below or typing anything which is not a recognised
- command to the help system.
- `a'
- To list all function names matching REGEXP, type `a REGEXP RET'
- when in the help system.
- `e'
- Similarly, to list all variable names matching REGEXP, type `e
- REGEXP RET' when in the help system.
- `f'
- Displays the online documentation for a function. After invoking
- this option type the name of the function.
- `h'
- Shows some helpful text describing how to use the help system.
- `i'
- Enters the Info viewer. This allows you to browse through files
- written in the Info hypertext format. For more information see
- Info-mode, for more information on Info files in general see
- info/Info.
- `m'
- Display the current editing modes documentation.
- `v'
- Displays the online documentation and current value of a variable.
- Type the name of the variable after invoking this option.
- Loading and Saving Files
- ========================
- Since `jade' is a text editor its main function is to edit files of
- text. This means that you must be able to read the text contained in a
- file into one of the editor's buffers, then save it back to disk when
- you have finished editing it. That is what this section deals with.
- Commands To Load Files
- ----------------------
- There are several commands used to load files into buffers, these
- are,
- `Ctrl-x Ctrl-f'
- Prompts for the name of a file (using file-completion) and display
- the buffer containing that file. If the file has not already been
- loaded it will be read into a new buffer.
- `Ctrl-x Ctrl-v'
- Prompts for the name of a file, the current buffer is killed and
- the buffer in which the prompted-for file is being edited is
- displayed. As in `find-file' it will be read into a new buffer if
- it is not already in memory.
- `Ctrl-x Ctrl-r'
- Similar to `find-file' except that the buffer is marked as being
- read-only. This means that no modifications can be made to the
- buffer.
- `Ctrl-x i'
- Prompts for a file, then inserts it into the current buffer at the
- cursor position.
- You can use the prompt's completion feature to expand abbreviated
- filenames typed to the prompt, for more information see The Buffer
- Prompt.
- Commands To Save Files
- ----------------------
- These are the commands used to save buffers and the keystrokes
- associated with them,
- `Ctrl-x Ctrl-s'
- Saves the current buffer to the file that it is associated with
- (this is either the file that it was loaded from or something else
- set by the function `set-file-name'). If no modifications have
- been made to the file since it was loaded it won't be saved (a
- message will be displayed warning you of this).
- `Ctrl-x Ctrl-w'
- Prompts for a name to save the file as. The file associated with
- this buffer is renamed and the file is saved as its new name.
- `Ctrl-x s'
- For each buffer which has been modified since it was loaded, ask
- the user if it should be saved or not. If so, the command
- `save-file' is used to save the file
- Backup Files
- ------------
- The editor can optionally preserve the previous contents of a file
- when they are about to be overwritten by saving a buffer. It does this
- by renaming the old file, `foo' as `foo~' (the original name plus a
- tilde appended to it).
- - Variable: make-backup-files
- This variable controls whether or not backups are made of files
- about to overwritten by the function `write-buffer' (ie, the
- commands `save-file' and `save-file-as'). When non-nil the old
- instance of the file is renamed so that it has a tilde appended to
- its old name.
- - Variable: backup-by-copying
- When non-nil all backups are made by copying the original file
- instead of renaming it as the backup file. This is slower but less
- destructive.
- If `backup-by-copying' is nil and renaming the original file as its
- backup would be damaging (ie, changing the ownership of the file or
- breaking a link) no backup will be made.
- Auto-Saving Files
- -----------------
- Jade is able to save snapshots of a buffer's contents at set time
- intervals. When this time interval expires and the buffer has been
- modified since it was last (auto-) saved to disk (and the editor is
- idle) the buffer is saved to a special file (usually the base component
- of the file's name surrounded by `#' characters in the file's
- directory).
- - Variable: auto-save-p
- When non-nil this makes the function `open-file' (and therefore the
- commands `find-file', etc) flag that the file it just read should
- be auto saved regularly.
- - Variable: default-auto-save-interval
- This is the default number of seconds between each auto save. This
- variable is only referenced when each file is opened.
- Its standard value is 120 seconds.
- - Variable: auto-save-interval
- This buffer-local variable controls the number of seconds between
- each auto-save of the buffer it belongs to. A value of zero means
- never auto-save.
- When the buffer is saved properly (ie, with `save-file' and friends)
- its auto-save file is deleted. Note that this doesn't happen when you
- kill a buffer and an auto-save file exists (in case you didn't mean to
- kill the buffer).
- If you want to change the format of the name of auto-saved files
- look at the function `make-auto-save-name' and its documentation.
- Tab Expansion
- -------------
- The editor does not leave tab characters (ASCII 9) as they are. They
- are expanded into one or more spaces when the file is read into its
- buffer. The size of the expansion depends upon the column number at
- which the tab has occured and the value of the variable `disk-tab'.
- - Variable: disk-tab
- This buffer-local variable determines the size of tab stops used
- when a file is read from disk (by the `read-buffer' function) into
- a buffer.
- It is desirable that the files which the editor produces have tabs
- in them though, so something has to be done.
- The variable `save-tabs' controls exactly how files are saved (in
- respect to saving tab characters).
- - Variable: save-tabs
- The value of this buffer-local variable is used to decide exactly
- which sequences of spaces are changed to tab characters when a
- buffer is saved to disk (with the `write-buffer' and
- `write-buffer-area' functions). There are three possible options
- (all of which are Lisp symbols):
- `nil'
- *No* tabs are saved at all. All whitespace is left untouched,
- this may be necessary with some types of file whose format is
- strongly defined.
- `leading'
- Any whitespace at the start of each line is translated into
- tabs and spaces such that the first non-whitespace character
- in the line is at the same logical position as it was in the
- buffer.
- `all'
- Any sequence of two or more space characters is translated
- into tab characters when the logical structure of the line
- would be unaltered by doing so. *No* translations take place
- after the first quote character (ie, `'', ``' or `"') in the
- line (this is to try and prevent errors).
- Automatic Mode Selection
- ------------------------
- As described elsewhere in this manual, each buffer can have an
- editing mode associated with it (ie, `c-mode' for editing buffers of C
- source code).
- Since it would be extremely tedious to have to invoke the mode's
- initialisation function manually whenever a new file is loaded the
- editor can initialise the mode automatically. It does this by scanning
- an association list called `mode-alist' for a regular expression
- matching the name of the file (or the string in the buffer-local
- variable `mode-name' if it is non-nil). If a match is found the function
- associated with the matching regular expression is called, thereby
- initialising the mode.
- If you don't understand this, don't worry -- it works.
- For example, the mode-alist contains this fragment as one of its
- elements:
- ("\\.[ch]$" . c-mode)
- which means call the function `c-mode' for any file ending in `.c' or
- `.h'.
- - Variable: mode-alist
- A list of elements of `(MATCH-REGEXP . MODE-FUN)'. When a file is
- loaded each MATCH-REGEXP is compared with the name of the file in
- question (or it's `mode-name' value). When a match is found the
- corresponding MODE-FUN function is called.
- Embedding Lisp In Files
- -----------------------
- It is possible to include Lisp commands in the text of a file so
- that they will be read and evaluated when that file is loaded into a
- buffer.
- This is normally used to set buffer-local options which are specific
- to one particular file, ie, to set the name of the editing mode, or the
- size of tab characters in this file.
- The way to do this is to include a section of text of the form in
- the file:
- ...
- XXX ::jade-code::
- XXX Lisp Line1
- XXX Lisp Line2
- XXX ...
- XXX Lisp LineN
- XXX ::end::
- ...
- The `XXX' just means that any text to the left of the column in which
- the `jade-code' begins is ignored (This is mainly to allow for any
- comments needed to make sure that the Lisp text is not used by whatever
- uses the file).
- Only one block such as this is allowed per file, it is not evaluated
- until the whole of the file has been read.
- Some examples uses of this could be,
- In a lisp file:
- ;;; ::jade-code::
- ;;; (setq lisp-mode-tab 4)
- ;;; (setq mode-name "lisp-mode")
- ;;; ::end::
- Or in a C source file:
- /* ::jade-code::
- * (setq c-mode-tab 4)
- * (setq mode-name "c-mode")
- */::end::
- It is also possible to prohibit the evaluation of these special
- sections.
- - Variable: no-file-code-p
- When non-nil the section of a file marked for auto-evaluation
- (with the `::jade-code::' marker) is *not* evaluated.
- Editing Buffers
- ===============
- The majority of keys when typed will simply insert themselves into
- the buffer (this is not always true but it's a good assumption) since
- they have not been bound. Typically this includes all normal characters
- (ie, alphanumeric, puntuation, etc) as well as any of the more obtuse
- key-sequences which have not been bound to a function (`Ctrl-l' is one
- of the more useful of these).
- The behaviour of the TAB key is different to many other editors -- it
- doesn't insert anything (unless a specific editing mode has bound it to
- something else, like `c-mode' for example), generally it just moves the
- cursor to the next tab stop. This is partly because Jade doesn't use
- "proper" tabs and partly because it makes it easier to move around a
- line (because the keystroke `Shift-TAB' moves to the previous tab stop).
- Some miscellaneous editing commands are,
- `RET'
- This generally splits the line into two at the position of the
- cursor, some editing modes may provide an option which
- automatically indents the line after it's split.
- `BS'
- Deletes the character before the cursor.
- `DEL'
- Deletes the character under the cursor.
- `Shift-BS'
- Kills the characters between the start of the line and the cursor.
- `Shift-DEL'
- `Ctrl-d'
- Kills the characters from the cursor to the end of the line.
- `Ctrl-DEL'
- Kills the whole line.
- `Ctrl-o'
- Splits the line in two at the cursor, but leaves the cursor in its
- original position.
- `ESC d'
- Kills from the cursor to the end of the current word.
- `ESC i'
- Inserts spaces to fill from the cursor to the next tab stop.
- `ESC l'
- Makes the characters from the cursor to the end of the word lower
- case.
- `ESC u'
- Upper cases the characters from the cursor to the end of the word.
- `ESC BS'
- Kills from the cursor to the beginning of the word.
- Moving Around Buffers
- =====================
- These are the commands which are used to move the cursor around the
- current buffer,
- `UP'
- `Ctrl-p'
- Move one line up.
- `DOWN'
- `Ctrl-n'
- Move one line down.
- `LEFT'
- Move one column to the left, stopping at the first column.
- `Ctrl-b'
- Move to the previous character, at the beginning of the line moves
- to the end of the previous line.
- Move one column to the right. This keeps moving past the end of
- the line.
- `Ctrl-f'
- Move to the next character, at the end of a line moves to the
- start of the next line.
- `Shift-UP'
- Move to the first line in the buffer.
- `Shift-DOWN'
- Move to the last line in the buffer.
- `ESC <'
- Move to the first character in the buffer.
- `ESC >'
- Move to the last character in the buffer.
- `Shift-LEFT'
- `Ctrl-a'
- Move to the beginning of the current line.
- `Shift-RIGHT'
- `Ctrl-e'
- Move to the last character in the current line.
- `Ctrl-UP'
- `ESC v'
- Move to the previous screenful of text.
- `Ctrl-DOWN'
- `Ctrl-v'
- Move to the next screenful of text.
- `Meta-LEFT'
- `ESC b'
- Move to the previous word.
- `Meta-RIGHT'
- `ESC f'
- Move to the next word.
- `Meta-UP'
- `ESC ['
- Move to the start of the previous paragraph.
- `Meta-DOWN'
- `ESC ]'
- Move to the start of the next paragraph.
- `TAB'
- Move to the next tab position. Note that some editing modes
- redefine TAB to make it indent the current line.
- `Shift-TAB'
- Move to the position of the previous tab.
- `Ctrl-TAB'
- `ESC i'
- Insert a tab (ie, enough spaces to move to the next tab position).
- `Ctrl-j'
- `ESC x goto-line'
- Prompt for a line number and go to it.
- `ESC m'
- Move to the first non-space character in the current line.
- There are several variables which affect the commands described
- above, these are,
- - Variable: screen-tab
- This buffer-local variable controls the size of tab characters in
- a buffer. Its standard value is 8. This variable does not affect
- the size of tabs in files read into the buffer, that is controlled
- by `disk-tab'.
- - Variable: y-scroll-step-ratio
- A window-local variable which controls what happens when you move
- the cursor off the top or bottom of the window. A value of zero
- means move as much as needed to get the cursor back into view, for
- example, if you move down one line, it will scroll the window one
- line only. If the value is not zero the screen is moved by the
- number of rows in the window divided by the value. For example, a
- value of 2 means scroll the window in chunks half the size of the
- window -- this is useful for when you are working with a slow
- updating display.
- - Variable: x-scroll-step-ratio
- Similar to `y-scroll-step-ratio' except for horizontal movement.
- Cutting And Pasting
- ===================
- One of the main functions of any editor is to allow you to move
- around chunks of text, jade makes this very easy.
- Generally, to paste down some text you have to get the text to be
- inserted into the window-system's clipboard (1). If the text you wish
- to paste is in one of the editor's buffers jade has a number of
- commands for doing this, this is sometimes referred to as "killing" the
- text.
- If the text to be pasted is in the same buffer as the position to
- which you want to copy it there is an easier way than putting it into
- the clipboard. For more details see Commands on Blocks and the command
- `Ctrl-i'.
- Once the text to be pasted is in the clipboard there are two
- commands which can be used to insert it into the buffer before the
- cursor,
- `Ctrl-y'
- Inserts the contents of the standard clipboard into the buffer at
- the cursor position.
- `Ctrl-Y'
- This is a variant of `Ctrl-y', it treats the string that it is
- pasting as a "rectangle" of text. That is, each successive line in
- the string (each separated by a newline character) is inserted on
- successive lines in the buffer but at the same column position.
- For more details see Rectangular Blocks and the function
- `insert-rect'.
- ---------- Footnotes ----------
- (1) When using an Amiga, unit zero of the `clipboard.device' is
- used. For X11, the first cut-buffer.
- Using Blocks
- ============
- A "block" is a section of a buffer, you mark it by specifying its
- edges (ie, the first and last characters). This part of the buffer can
- then have various things done to it, for example insert it somewhere
- else.
- Each window can only have a single block marked at any one time, it
- will be displayed in the reverse of normal text (ie white on black, not
- black on white).
- Marking Blocks
- --------------
- To mark a block you must specify its outermost points, note that the
- text marked by the block ends one character before the marked position
- (this is so that it easy to mark whole lines).
- Rectangular blocks are a bit different for more information, see
- Rectangular Blocks.
- Note also that block marks shrink and grow as text is deleted and
- inserted inside them, similar to what normal marks do.
- These are the commands used to mark a block,
- `Ctrl-m'
- If a block is currently marked in this window it will unmark it.
- Otherwise it will either mark the beginning or end of the block
- depending on whether or not a block has previously been partially
- marked.
- The normal method for marking a few characters is to first make
- sure that no block is currently marked (the status line displays
- the status of the block marks, a `b' means that one end of a block
- has been marked and a `B' means that both ends of a block are
- marked in which case it will be highlighted somewhere in the
- buffer) then press `Ctrl-m' at one end, move the cursor to the
- opposite end and press `Ctrl-m' again.
- `Meta-m'
- Set the beginning of the block to the current cursor position.
- `Meta-M'
- Set the end of the block.
- `Ctrl-x h'
- Mark the whole of the buffer.
- `ESC @'
- Mark the current word.
- `ESC h'
- Mark the current paragraph.
- `Ctrl-SPC'
- Mark from the position of the auto-mark to the cursor.
- Another method for marking a block is to use the mouse, double
- clicking the left mouse button on a character has the same effect as
- moving to that character and typing `Ctrl-m'. Similarly, clicking the
- left mouse button while pressing the SHIFT key clears a marked block.
- Commands on Blocks
- ------------------
- `Ctrl-i'
- Inserts the block marked in this window, at the cursor position,
- then unmarks the block.
- `Ctrl-w'
- Copies the contents of the marked block to the standard clipboard
- and then deletes the block.
- `ESC w'
- Copies the marked block to the standard clipboard, then unmarks
- the block. This is a less destructive version of `Ctrl-w'.
- `Ctrl-z'
- Deletes the text in the currently marked block.
- `Ctrl-x Ctrl-l'
- Makes all alpha characters in the current block lower case.
- `Ctrl-x Ctrl-u'
- Makes all characters in the block upper case.
- Rectangular Blocks
- ------------------
- Normally blocks are thought of sequentially from their first to last
- characters, this does not have to be so. It is also possible to mark
- rectangles, the block marks being thought of as the opposite corners of
- the rectangle.
- `Ctrl-M'
- Toggle between marking sequential and rectangular blocks, each
- window has its own value for this attribute (ie one window can be
- marking rectangles while the rest don't).
- `Ctrl-Y'
- Similar to `Ctrl-y' except that the string inserted is treated as a
- rectangle -- newline characters don't get inserted, instead the
- next line is inserted in the next line in the buffer at the same
- column as that inserted into the previous line. For more details
- see the function `insert-rect'.
- At present there is a problem with changing the case of a
- rectangular block with `Ctrl-x Ctrl-l' or `Ctrl-x Ctrl-u', they treat
- it as a sequential block. This will be fixed soon.
- Searching and Replacing
- =======================
- It is very easy to search any of jade's buffers for a specific
- string, the standard search command will search the current buffer for
- a specified regular expression.
- Once you have found an occurrence of the string you are looking for
- it is then possible to replace it with something else.
- Regular Expressions
- -------------------
- Jade uses the regexp(3) package by Henry Spencer, with some
- modifications that I have added. It comes with this heading:
- Copyright (c) 1986 by University of Toronto.
- Written by Henry Spencer. Not derived from licensed software.
- Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any
- purpose on any computer system, and to redistribute it freely,
- subject to the following restrictions:
- 1. The author is not responsible for the consequences of use of
- this software, no matter how awful, even if they arise from
- defects in it.
- 2. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented, either
- by explicit claim or by omission.
- 3. Altered versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not
- be misrepresented as being the original software.
- The syntax of a regular expression (or regexp) is as follows (this
- is quoted from the regexp(3) manual page):
- A regular expression is zero or more "branches", separated by `|'.
- It matches anything that matches one of the branches.
- A branch is zero or more "pieces", concatenated. It matches a
- match for the first, followed by a match for the second, etc.
- A piece is an "atom" possibly followed by `*', `+', or `?'. An
- atom followed by `*' matches a sequence of 0 or more matches of
- the atom. An atom followed by `+' matches a sequence of 1 or more
- matches of the atom. An atom followed by `?' matches a match of
- the atom, or the null string.
- An atom is a regular expression in parentheses (matching a match
- for the regular expression), a "range" (see below), `.' (matching
- any single character), `^' (matching the null string at the
- beginning of the input string), `$' (matching the null string at
- the end of the input string), a `\' followed by a single character
- (matching that character), or a single character with no other
- significance (matching that character).
- A "range" is a sequence of characters enclosed in `[]'. It
- normally matches any single character from the sequence. If the
- sequence begins with `^', it matches any single character *not*
- from the rest of the sequence. If two characters in the sequence
- are separated by `-', this is shorthand for the full list of ASCII
- characters between them (e.g. `[0-9]' matches any decimal digit).
- To include a literal `]' in the sequence, make it the first
- character (following a possible `^'). To include a literal `-',
- make it the first or last character.
- Some example legal regular expressions could be:
- `ab*a+b'
- Matches an `a' followed by zero or more `b' characters, followed by
- one or more `a' characters, followed by a `b'. For example,
- `aaab', `abbbab', etc...
- `(one|two)_three'
- Matches `one_three' or `two_three'.
- `^cmd_[0-9]+'
- Matches `cmd_' followed by one or more digits, it must start at the
- beginning of the line.
- As well as being matched against, regexps also provide a means of
- "remembering" portions of the string that they match. The first 9
- parenthesised expressions and the whole string that matched are
- recorded so that they can be used later.
- The main use for this is in the command to replace a previously
- found regexp (`ESC p') and the Lisp functions `regexp-expand',
- `regexp-expand-line' and `replace-regexp'. The string which is given as
- the template (ie, the string that replaces the matched string) is
- expanded inserting these recorded strings where asked to.
- Each occurrence of `\C' in the template is a candidate for
- expansion. C can be one of:
- `&'
- `0'
- Replaces the whole substring matched by the regular expression.
- `1' to `9'
- The numbered parenthesised expression.
- `\'
- The character `\'.
- For example, if a regexp of `:([0-9]+):' matches a line
- `foo:123:bar', the expansion template `x_\1' would produce `x_123'.
- Commands for Searching
- ----------------------
- `Ctrl-s'
- Asks for a regular expression then tries to move to the start of
- the next match in this buffer.
- `Ctrl-S'
- Attempts to move to the next occurrence of the regexp which was
- last entered for the `Ctrl-s' or `Ctrl-r' commands.
- `Ctrl-r'
- Asks for a regexp, then moves to the start of previous occurrence
- of that regexp.
- `Ctrl-R'
- Attempts to move to the previous occurrence of the regexp which
- was last entered for the `Ctrl-s' or `Ctrl-r' commands.
- Commands for Replacing
- ----------------------
- `ESC p'
- Asks for a template to replace the string under the cursor (which
- should match the regexp which the search commands last looked for.
- This string is then replaced with the expansion (re the string
- under the cursor) of the template you entered.
- `ESC P'
- Variant of the above, doesn't prompt for the template, uses the
- last one that you gave.
- Editing Modes
- =============
- Modes are used to tailor the editor to the *type* of the file being
- edited in a buffer. They are normally a file of Lisp which installs the
- buffer-local keybindings and variables which are needed for that type of
- file.
- For example, C-mode is a mode used to edit C source code, its main
- function is to try to indent each line to its correct position
- automatically.
- At present there are only a small number of modes available. It is
- fairly straightforward to write a mode for most types of files though.
- Invoking a Mode
- ---------------
- When a new file is loaded the function `init-mode' tries to find the
- mode that it should be edited with. If it is successful the mode will be
- automatically invoked. For more information see Automatic Mode Selection
- and the documentation for `init-mode'.
- Generic-mode
- ------------
- This is not a mode as such since there is no Lisp code associated
- with it. When no mode is being used to edit the buffer, it is said to
- use the "Generic" mode.
- This is the base from which all other modes build, it consists of
- all the standard keybindings. Words are defined as one or more
- alphanumeric characters, paragraphs are separated by a single blank
- line.
- C-mode
- ------
- `c-mode' is used for editing C source code files. Any files which
- end in `.c' or `.h' are automatically edited in this mode.
- It's one and only function is to try and indent lines to their
- correct depth, it doesn't always get it right but it works fairly well.
- The keys that it rebinds to achieve this are,
- `RET'
- Splits the line in two like normal. If `c-mode-auto-indent' is
- non-nil then the line that the cursor ends up on is automatically
- indented.
- `Shift-RET'
- Splits the line in two, doesn't take any notice of
- `c-mode-auto-indent'.
- `{'
- `}'
- `:'
- These keys are handled specially since the indentation of the line
- that they are inserted on may have to be adjusted.
- `TAB'
- Indents the current line to what the editor thinks is the correct
- position.
- `Meta-TAB'
- Moves the cursor to the next tab stop.
- Words are defined as being a sequence of alphanumeric or underscore
- characters, paragraphs as being separated by a `{' as the first
- character of a line.
- - Function: c-mode
- Editing mode for C source code. Automatically used for files
- ending in `.c' or `.h'.
- - Hook: c-mode-hook
- Called by `c-mode' each time it is called.
- - Variable: c-mode-tab
- Size of tab stops used by `c-mode'.
- - Variable: c-mode-auto-indent
- When non-nil `RET' will indent the line after splitting it.
- Lisp-mode
- ---------
- `lisp-mode' is used to edit files of Lisp intended to be read by the
- editor. It is *very* basic, all it does is count the number of unmatched
- parentheses in each line and indent it accordingly. I find this okay
- though.
- There is also support for using a buffer as a simple shell-interface
- to the editor's Lisp subsystem.
- Special keybindings are,
- `RET'
- Splits the line in two like normal. If `lisp-mode-auto-indent' is
- non-nil then the line that the cursor ends up on is automatically
- indented.
- `Shift-RET'
- Splits the line in two, doesn't take any notice of
- `c-mode-auto-indent'.
- `Ctrl-RET'
- Evaluates the paragraph preceding the cursor, prints the value on
- the next line.
- `TAB'
- Indents the current line.
- `Meta-TAB'
- Moves the cursor to the next tab stop.
- `ESC Ctrl-x'
- Evaluates the paragraph before the cursor, prints it's value in
- the status line.
- - Function: lisp-mode
- Editing mode for Jade's Lisp. Automatically invoked for files
- ending in `.jl'.
- - Hook: lisp-mode-hook
- Evaluated as soon as `lisp-mode' is called.
- - Variable: lisp-mode-tab
- Size of tabs in `lisp-mode'.
- - Variable: lisp-mode-auto-indent
- When non-nil `RET' indents lines after splitting them.
- Texinfo-mode
- ------------
- `texinfo-mode' is used to edit Texinfo source files, it is
- automatically selected for files ending in `.texi' or `.texinfo'. It
- provides a few basic keybindings to take some of the tedium out of
- editing these files.
- Paragraphs are separated by the regexp `^@node', ie, each node is a
- separate paragraph.
- The provided keybindings are,
- `Ctrl-c Ctrl-c c'
- Insert the string `@code{}', positioning the cursor between the
- braces.
- `Ctrl-c Ctrl-c d'
- Insert the string `@dfn{}', positioning the cursor between the
- braces.
- `Ctrl-c Ctrl-c e'
- Inserts the string `@end'.
- `Ctrl-c Ctrl-c f'
- Inserts the string `@file{}', the cursor is put between the braces.
- `Ctrl-c Ctrl-c i'
- Inserts the string `@item'.
- `Ctrl-c Ctrl-c l'
- Inserts the string `@lisp\n'.
- `Ctrl-c Ctrl-c m'
- Inserts the string `@menu\n'.
- `Ctrl-c Ctrl-c Ctrl-m'
- Prompts for the name of a node and makes a menuitem for it.
- `Ctrl-c Ctrl-c n'
- Prompts for each part of a node definition (name, next, prev, up)
- and inserts the `@node ...' string needed.
- `Ctrl-c Ctrl-c s'
- Inserts the string `@samp{}' and puts the cursor between the
- braces.
- `Ctrl-c Ctrl-c v'
- Inserts the string `@var{}', the cursor is put between the braces.
- `Ctrl-c Ctrl-c {'
- Inserts a pair of braces with the cursor between them.
- `Ctrl-c Ctrl-c }'
- `Ctrl-c Ctrl-c ]'
- Moves the cursor to the character after the next closing brace.
- - Function: texinfo-mode
- Mode for editing Texinfo source files.
- - Hook: texinfo-mode-hook
- Evaluated when `texinfo-mode' is invoked.
- Info-mode
- ---------
- Despite the name of this section there is actually no such thing as
- the `info-mode'. The Lisp file `info.jl' is what this section documents
- -- it is a set of Lisp functions which make a buffer (the `*Info*'
- buffer) into a simple browser for Info files.
- To invoke it type `Ctrl-h i' or `ESC x info', the `*Info' buffer
- will be displayed showing the `(dir)' node (the root of the Info
- documentation tree).
- When in the `*Info*' buffer these keybindings are in effect,
- `SPC'
- Moves to the next page.
- `BS'
- Moves to the previous page.
- `1'
- `2'
- `3'
- `4'
- `5'
- Move to the specified menuitem (`1' means the first, etc) in the
- menu in this node.
- `b'
- Move to the beginning of the current node.
- `f'
- Follow a reference, the one under the cursor if it exists. This
- command is still unimplemented.
- `g'
- Prompt for the name of a node and try to display it.
- `l'
- Go back to the last node that was displayed before this one.
- `m'
- Prompts for a menuitem (the one on the same line as the cursor is
- the default) and display the node it points to.
- `n'
- Display the next node.
- `p'
- Display the previous node.
- `u'
- Display the node "above" this one.
- `q'
- Quit the Info browser.
- This mode has a number of disadvantages over the other Info browsers
- available (ie, the standalone `info' program, or Emacs' Info viewer):
- * It depends wholly on being able to find a tag table in the Info
- file, if it can't it will complain and exit.
- * There is no support for the `*' node name.
- * As yet, no automatic following of references.
- * Seems not to work 100% with files formatted by Emacs, `makeinfo'
- formatted files work properly though.
- * No editing of modes.
- - Function: info [NODE-NAME]
- Invoke the Info viewer. If NODE-NAME is given display it, otherwise
- the node `(dir)' is used.
- Using Buffers
- =============
- As you have probably realised, buffers are probably the most
- important part of the editor. Each file that is being edited must be
- stored in a buffer. They are not restricted to editing files though,
- all buffers are reguarded as simply being a list of lines which can be
- displayed in a window and modified as needed.
- This means that they are very flexible, for example, the Lisp
- debugger uses a buffer for its user interface, the Info reader uses two
- buffers - one to display the current node, the other to store the
- file's tag table (never displayed, just used to look up the position of
- nodes).
- Each buffer has a name, generally buffers which contain proper files
- use the base part of the filename, while buffers which don't correspond
- to files use a word which starts and ends with asterisks (ie, `*jade*').
- Each window can display one buffer at any time. There is no
- restriction on the number of windows which may display the same buffer
- at once.
- Displaying Buffers
- ------------------
- There are two main commands for switching to a different buffer,
- `Ctrl-x b'
- Prompt for the name of a buffer and display it in the current
- window.
- `Ctrl-x 4 b'
- In a different window (opens a new window if there is currently
- only one) prompt for the name of a buffer and display it in that
- window.
- Both commands are very similar, the `Ctrl-x 4 b' variant simply
- invokes a command to switch to a different window before calling the
- `Ctrl-x b' command.
- When typing the name of the new buffer you can use the prompt's
- completion mechanism to expand abbreviations (see see The Buffer
- Prompt). If you just press RET with an empty prompt the default choice
- will be used. This will be the the buffer that was being shown in this
- window before the current buffer was selected (its name is displayed in
- the prompt's title).
- The `Ctrl-x Ctrl-f' command and its variants also switch buffers
- since they look an existing copy of the file in a buffer before loading
- it from disk, see Commands To Load Files.
- Deleting Buffers
- ----------------
- There is no real need to delete buffers, those that haven't been
- used for a while just hang around at the end of the list. If you're
- short on memory though it can help to kill some of the unused buffers
- which you have accumulated.
- The command to kill a buffer is,
- `Ctrl-x k'
- Prompts for the name of a buffer (with completion) then deletes
- that buffer (if the buffer contains unsaved modifications you are
- asked if you really want to lose them). It is removed from all
- window's buffer-lists and any window which is displaying it is
- switched to another buffer (the next in its list). Any marks
- which point to the buffer are made "non-resident" (that is, they
- point to the name of the file in the buffer) and the buffer is
- discarded.
- Other Buffer Commands
- ---------------------
- `ESC x rotate-buffers-forward'
- Rotates the current window's list of buffers.
- `ESC x recover-file'
- Loads the auto-saved copy of the file stored in this buffer
- overwriting its current contents (if any changes are to be lost
- the user will have to agree to losing them).
- `ESC x revert-buffer'
- Restores the contents of the current buffer to the contents of the
- file that it was loaded from, if an auto-save file exists you are
- asked if you want to revert to that instead.
- `Ctrl-x s'
- Ask whether to save any modified buffers that exist.
- `ESC x clear-buffer'
- Deletes the contents of the current buffer. Beware, you *won't* be
- warned if you're about to lose any unsaved modifications!
- Using Windows
- =============
- Windows have two main functions: to display the contents of buffers
- (but only one buffer at a time) and to collect input from you, the user.
- The editor *must* have at least one window open at all times, when
- you close the last window jade will exit, there is no limit to the
- number of windows which you may have open though.
- Each window is split into two parts, they are
- "The Main Display Area"
- This is the largest part of the window, it is where the buffer
- that this window is displaying is drawn.
- "The Status Line"
- A single line of text associated with the window, under X11 this
- is the area of the beneath the horizontal line at the bottom of
- the window, on the Amiga it is the title of the window. The status
- line is normally used to display information about this window and
- what it is displaying, it has this format:
- Where the individual parts mean
- The name of the buffer being edited, it can have either a `+'
- or a `-' appended to it, a plus means the buffer has been
- modified since it was saved, a minus means that the buffer is
- read-only.
- Most editing modes set this to their name.
- The column that the cursor is at.
- The row number of the cursor.
- N
- The number of lines in this buffer
- General one-character flags related to the status of the
- window and its buffer.
- Each window maintains a list of all buffers which are available for
- displaying, this is kept in order, from the most recently used to the
- least. This list (called `buffer-list') is used by some of the buffer
- manipulation commands when they are working out which buffer should be
- displayed.
- Creating Windows
- ----------------
- `Ctrl-x 2'
- `Ctrl-x 5'
- Opens a new window, it will have the most of the attributes that
- the current window does, things like: size, buffer, font, etc...
- If you are using X11 you will probably have to use your mouse to
- select its position, depending on the window manager you use, on
- the Amiga it will be created at the same position as the current
- window.
- `Ctrl-x 4 Ctrl-f'
- `Ctrl-x 4 f'
- In a different window, one will be created if only one window is
- open, find a file, for more details see Commands To Load Files.
- `Ctrl-x 4 a'
- In a different window add an entry to a change-log file. See
- Keeping ChangeLogs.
- `Ctrl-x 4 b'
- In a different window, choose a buffer to display, similar to the
- `Ctrl-x b' command. See Displaying Buffers.
- `Ctrl-x 4 h'
- Enter the help system in a different window. See The Help System.
- `Ctrl-x 4 i'
- Enter the Info browser in a different window. See Info-mode.
- `Ctrl-x 4 `'
- Display the next error (or whatever) in the `*compilation*' buffer
- in a different window. See Finding Errors.
- Killing Windows
- ---------------
- `Ctrl-x 0'
- Close the current window, if it is the last window that the editor
- has open it will exit (after asking you if you wish to lose any
- unsaved modifications to buffers).
- `Ctrl-x 1'
- Close all windows except the current one.
- Other Window Commands
- ---------------------
- `Ctrl-x o'
- Activate the next window of the editor's. Under X11 this involves
- warping the [mouse-]cursor to the top left corner of the newly
- activated window.
- Using the Prompt
- ================
- There are two different styles of prompt that the editor uses when it
- wants you to enter a string.
- The Simple Prompt
- -----------------
- The simplest prompt uses the the bottom-most line in the window, it
- prints the prompt's title on the left hand side, you should type your
- response and then press the RET key. This prompt is very primitive, the
- only special commands that it has are,
- `BS'
- Delete the previous character.
- `UP'
- `DOWN'
- Replace the contents of the prompt with the last string entered.
- When you type `UP' or `DOWN' again the original contents are
- restored.
- `ESC'
- Cancel the prompt.
- All other keys are simply printed in the prompt -- whatever they are.
- The Buffer Prompt
- -----------------
- This type of prompt is more sophisticated. It creates a new buffer
- for you to type your response into (called `*prompt*'), the title of the
- prompt is displayed in the buffer's first line.
- Normally you type the answer to the prompt into the buffer and then
- press the RET key. All normal editor commands are available while you
- are using the prompt, you can switch buffers, load new files, whatever
- you like.
- Another advantage of this type of prompt is that it supports
- "completion", this allows you to type the beginning of your response
- then press the TAB key. What you have typed will be matched against the
- list of responses that the editor has (ie, when being prompted for the
- name of a file it will be matched against all available files), if a
- unique match is found your response will be completed to that match.
- If several potential completions are found, these will be displayed
- after the line `::Completions::' in the buffer and your response will
- only be completed as far as the potential completions are similar. For
- example, if you enter `fo' then press TAB and files called `foo' and
- `foobar' exist, the contents of the prompt will become `foo'.
- Completion is provided for many different things, some are: files,
- buffers, symbols, functions, variables, Info nodes, etc...
- The special commands for this type of prompt are,
- `TAB'
- Complete the contents of the prompt. If more than one potential
- completion exists they are printed in the buffer.
- `RET'
- Enter the result of this prompt. If you press RET while the cursor
- is on a printed potential completion (those under the
- `::Completions::' line) the whole line will be entered. Otherwise,
- just the text to the left of the cursor is entered.
- `ESC ?'
- Print all possible completions of the current prompt but do not
- try to actually change the contents of the prompt.
- `Ctrl-g'
- Cancel the prompt.
- Using Marks
- ===========
- Marks are used to record a position in a file, as the file's buffer
- is modifed so does the position that the mark points to -- a mark will
- keep pointing at the same character no matter what happens (unless the
- character is deleted!).
- The other good thing about marks is that they point to files *not*
- buffers. This means that you can set a mark in a buffer, delete the
- buffer and then move to the position of the mark, the file will be
- reloaded and the cursor will point at the original character.
- Normally there are three user-accessible marks (1) and one special
- `auto-mark' which is used, amongst other things, to record the
- "previous" position of the cursor, allowing you to retrace your last
- major step.
- The commands available on marks are,
- `F1'
- `F2'
- `F3'
- Move to the mark #1, #2 or #3, depending on which function key is
- pressed (F1 means mark #1, etc...). If the file pointed to is not
- in memory it will be loaded into a new buffer.
- `Shift-F1'
- `Shift-F2'
- `Shift-F3'
- Set the position of mark #1, #2 or #3, depending on the function
- key.
- `Ctrl-x Ctrl-x'
- Swap the positions of the cursor and the `auto-mark'.
- `Ctrl-@'
- Set the position of the `auto-mark'.
- ---------- Footnotes ----------
- (1) There is no reason why you can't have more, the editor sets no
- limitation on the number of marks available. This is just how I have
- set the editor up.
- Compiling Programs
- ==================
- Jade has a number of features to help you develop programs, foremost
- is the ability to run a compilation inside one of the editor's buffers.
- Unfortunately, this is only possible when using the Unix operating
- system at the present.
- Once the compilation has finished you can then step through each
- error produced.
- Running a Compilation
- ---------------------
- The command to run a shell command in a buffer is,
- `ESC x compile'
- Prompts you for the command to execute, with a default of the last
- command you ran (starts as `make'). A shell process is created
- which runs asynchronously to the editor in the same directory as
- the current buffer's file was loaded from. The buffer
- `*compilation*' is selected and this is where all output from the
- program is printed.
- When the process finishes running a message is printed in the
- `*compilation*' buffer telling you its exit-code.
- Only one process may be run with the `compile' function at once.
- This command is not available on the Amiga version yet.
- Finding Errors
- --------------
- When you have compiled something with the `ESC x compile' command it
- is possible to step through each of the errors that it produces. To do
- this use the command,
- `Ctrl-x `'
- `ESC x next-error'
- Displays the next error in the `*compilation*' buffer. The file
- that is in is loaded (if necessary) and the line with the error is
- found.
- If you edit a file which has errors in it, then try to find the next
- error (which is in the same file) everything will still work. The
- positions of errors are updated as the buffers are modified.
- The only exception to this is when you invoke the `next-error'
- function while the `*compilation*' buffer is still being written to. If
- more errors are produced in a file which has been modified since the
- compilation started it is likely that the positions will get out of
- sync.
- By default, the `next-error' function understands the type of error
- output that `gcc' produces. This is of the form,
- It is possible to use other formats though, the variables which
- control this are,
- - Variable: compile-error-regexp
- Regular expression to match a line containing an error. For `gcc'
- this is `^(.*):([0-9]+):(.+)'.
- - Variable: compile-file-expand
- Expansion template to produce the name of the file with the error,
- using `compile-error-regexp' and the line containing the error. By
- default this is `\1'.
- - Variable: compile-line-expand
- Similar to `compile-file-expand' except that it expands to a string
- defining the number of the line with the error. By default, `\2'.
- - Variable: compile-error-expand
- Similar to `compile-file-expand', but produces the description of
- the error. By default, `\3'.
- Using Grep
- ----------
- It is often very useful to grep through a set of files looking for a
- regular expression, this is what the `grep' command does. With jade it
- is possible to run an external `grep' program in the `*compilation*'
- buffer. This then enables you to step through each grep hit using the
- `Ctrl-x `' command, Finding Errors.
- The commands to use grep are,
- `ESC x grep'
- Prompt for a string of arguments to give `grep', you do not need to
- provide the name of the program, or the `-n' switch, this is done
- automatically. The shell will do any filename-globbing on the
- arguments so it is advisable to surround the regular expression
- with single quotes.
- Note that the regular expression syntax will be different to that
- which jade uses. Also this command won't work on an Amiga.
- `ESC x grep-buffer'
- This command provides a method for scanning the current buffer for
- all lines matching a regular expression (which you are prompted
- for). It is written entirely in Lisp -- this means that the normal
- regular expression syntax is needed and it will work on an Amiga.
- Keeping ChangeLogs
- ------------------
- A ChangeLog is a file (usually called `ChangeLog') which keeps a log
- of all changes you have made to the files in its directory. For
- example, the `src/ChangeLog' file for Jade keeps a list of changes made
- to the editor's source code.
- There is no magic involved, you simply use a command to add a new
- entry to a directory's log after modifying a file in that directory.
- You then have to enter a summary of the changes that you made.
- The command to do this is,
- `ESC a'
- Prompts for the name of a directory then lets you type a
- description of the changes you have made.
- If you enter more than one change in the same day (and from the same
- host) the same heading will be used. The heading consists of the time
- and date, your name, your login and the name of the host you're on. (1)
- ---------- Footnotes ----------
- (1) On the Amiga there is no way to get these details. So, Jade
- looks for some environment variables, `USERNAME' for the login name,
- `HOSTNAME' for the name of the host and `REALNAME' for your actual name.
- Simple Customisation
- ====================
- The best way to tailor the editor to your own requirements is with
- your personal startup file. This is called `.jaderc' in your home
- directory (1), it is a file of Lisp forms evaluated when Jade
- initialises itself.
- Usually, setting the values of variables in your startup file is
- enough to configure Jade how you want, the Lisp function to set a
- variable is called `setq', it's first argument is the name of the
- variable, it's second the value you wish to set it to. Normally this
- value will be one of the following data types,
- `"xyz"'
- A string `xyz'.
- `123'
- `0173'
- `0x7b'
- A number, all of the above have the value 123 (in decimal, octal
- and hexadecimal).
- `nil'
- `t'
- A boolean value, `nil' means false, or not true. `t' is the
- opposite (in fact, any value not `nil' is true).
- My `.jaderc' file looks something like this (note that semicolons
- introduce comments),
- ;; Size of tabs for C source is 4
- (setq c-mode-tab 4)
- ;; Size of tabs for Lisp source is 2
- (setq lisp-mode-tab 2)
- ;; On X11 scroll quarter of a screen at once, else a line at a time
- (setq y-scroll-step-ratio (if (x11-p) 4 0))
- ;; When on an Amiga, flag that I don't want pulldown menus
- (when (amiga-p)
- (setq amiga-no-menus t))
- ---------- Footnotes ----------
- (1) On the Amiga, your home directory is defined as the contents of
- the environment variable `HOME'.
- Programming Jade
- ****************
- Unfortunately I haven't written this section yet. If you wan't to
- program Jade your best bet is to look at the files in the `lisp/'
- directory. Online documentation is available for all editor functions,
- The Help System.
- If you don't know Lisp look at any Lisp book. Jade's Lisp is fairly
- similar to Emacs-Lisp (though the editor-related functions differ
- greatly) so a good starting point may be the Emacs-Lisp manual.
- Reporting Bugs
- **************
- If you think you've found a bug in Jade I want to know about it,
- there is a list of problems that I am aware of in the `BUGS' file, if
- your's appears in here tell me anyway to make me fix it.
- When submitting bug reports I need to know as much as possible, both
- about the problem and the circumstamces in which it occurs. In general,
- send me as much information as possible, even if you think it's probably
- irrelevant.
- If you can, contact me via email, my address is `jsh@ukc.ac.uk'. If
- you don't get a reply within about a week it's probably a university
- vacation -- this means that I won't get your message for a while, if
- it's important try my postal address, this is,
- John Harper
- 91 Springdale Road
- Broadstone
- Dorset
- BH18 9BW
- England
- As well as bugs I'm interested in any comments you have about the
- editor, even if you just tell me you hate it (as long as you say *why*
- you hate it!).
- Function Index
- **************
- `c-mode' C-mode
- `compile' Running a Compilation
- `grep' Using Grep
- `grep-buffer' Using Grep
- `info' Info-mode
- `lisp-mode' Lisp-mode
- `next-error' Finding Errors
- `recover-file' Other Buffer Commands
- `revert-buffer' Other Buffer Commands
- `rotate-buffers-forward' Other Buffer Commands
- `texinfo-mode' Texinfo-mode
- Variable Index
- **************
- auto-save-interval Auto-Saving Files
- auto-save-p Auto-Saving Files
- backup-by-copying Backup Files
- c-mode-auto-indent C-mode
- c-mode-hook C-mode
- c-mode-tab C-mode
- compile-error-expand Finding Errors
- compile-error-regexp Finding Errors
- compile-file-expand Finding Errors
- compile-line-expand Finding Errors
- default-auto-save-interval Auto-Saving Files
- disk-tab Loading and Saving Tabs
- lisp-mode-auto-indent Lisp-mode
- lisp-mode-hook Lisp-mode
- lisp-mode-tab Lisp-mode
- make-backup-files Backup Files
- mode-alist Automatic Mode Selection
- no-file-code-p Embedding Lisp In Files
- save-tabs Loading and Saving Tabs
- screen-tab Moving Around Buffers
- texinfo-mode-hook Texinfo-mode
- x-scroll-step-ratio Moving Around Buffers
- y-scroll-step-ratio Moving Around Buffers
- Key Index
- *********
- 1 Info-mode
- 2 Info-mode
- 3 Info-mode
- 4 Info-mode
- 5 Info-mode
- : C-mode
- BS Info-mode
- BS Editing Buffers
- DEL Editing Buffers
- DOWN Moving Around Buffers
- ESC < Moving Around Buffers
- ESC > Moving Around Buffers
- ESC ? The Buffer Prompt
- ESC @ Marking Blocks
- ESC BS Editing Buffers
- ESC DEL Editing Buffers
- ESC TAB Moving Around Buffers
- ESC a Keeping ChangeLogs
- ESC b Moving Around Buffers
- ESC Ctrl-x Lisp-mode
- ESC d Editing Buffers
- ESC f Moving Around Buffers
- ESC h Marking Blocks
- ESC i Moving Around Buffers
- ESC i Editing Buffers
- ESC l Editing Buffers
- ESC m Moving Around Buffers
- ESC P Commands for Replacing
- ESC p Commands for Replacing
- ESC u Editing Buffers
- ESC v Moving Around Buffers
- ESC w Commands on Blocks
- ESC x clear-buffer Other Buffer Commands
- ESC x compile Running a Compilation
- ESC x goto-line Moving Around Buffers
- ESC x grep Using Grep
- ESC x grep-buffer Using Grep
- ESC x recover-file Other Buffer Commands
- ESC x revert-buffer Other Buffer Commands
- ESC x rotate-buffers-forward Other Buffer Commands
- ESC [ Moving Around Buffers
- ESC ] Moving Around Buffers
- F1 Using Marks
- F2 Using Marks
- F3 Using Marks
- HELP The Help System
- HELP a The Help System
- HELP e The Help System
- HELP f The Help System
- HELP h The Help System
- HELP i The Help System
- HELP m The Help System
- HELP v The Help System
- LEFT Moving Around Buffers
- RET The Buffer Prompt
- RET Lisp-mode
- RET C-mode
- RET Editing Buffers
- RIGHT Moving Around Buffers
- SPC Info-mode
- TAB The Buffer Prompt
- TAB Lisp-mode
- TAB C-mode
- TAB Moving Around Buffers
- UP Moving Around Buffers
- { C-mode
- } C-mode
- b Info-mode
- Ctrl Modifiers
- Ctrl-@ Using Marks
- Ctrl-DEL Editing Buffers
- Ctrl-DOWN Moving Around Buffers
- Ctrl-RET Lisp-mode
- Ctrl-SPC Marking Blocks
- Ctrl-TAB Moving Around Buffers
- Ctrl-UP Moving Around Buffers
- Ctrl-a Moving Around Buffers
- Ctrl-b Moving Around Buffers
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-c { Texinfo-mode
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-c } Texinfo-mode
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-c c Texinfo-mode
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-c Ctrl-m Texinfo-mode
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-c d Texinfo-mode
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-c e Texinfo-mode
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-c f Texinfo-mode
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-c i Texinfo-mode
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-c l Texinfo-mode
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-c m Texinfo-mode
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-c n Texinfo-mode
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-c s Texinfo-mode
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-c v Texinfo-mode
- Ctrl-c Ctrl-c ] Texinfo-mode
- Ctrl-d Editing Buffers
- Ctrl-e Moving Around Buffers
- Ctrl-f Moving Around Buffers
- Ctrl-g The Buffer Prompt
- Ctrl-h The Help System
- Ctrl-h a The Help System
- Ctrl-h e The Help System
- Ctrl-h f The Help System
- Ctrl-h h The Help System
- Ctrl-h i The Help System
- Ctrl-h m The Help System
- Ctrl-h v The Help System
- Ctrl-i Commands on Blocks
- Ctrl-j Moving Around Buffers
- Ctrl-M Rectangular Blocks
- Ctrl-m Marking Blocks
- Ctrl-n Moving Around Buffers
- Ctrl-o Editing Buffers
- Ctrl-p Moving Around Buffers
- Ctrl-R Commands for Searching
- Ctrl-r Commands for Searching
- Ctrl-S Commands for Searching
- Ctrl-s Commands for Searching
- Ctrl-v Moving Around Buffers
- Ctrl-w Commands on Blocks
- Ctrl-x 0 Killing Windows
- Ctrl-x 1 Killing Windows
- Ctrl-x 2 Creating Windows
- Ctrl-x 4 a Creating Windows
- Ctrl-x 4 b Creating Windows
- Ctrl-x 4 b Displaying Buffers
- Ctrl-x 4 Ctrl-f Creating Windows
- Ctrl-x 4 f Creating Windows
- Ctrl-x 4 h Creating Windows
- Ctrl-x 4 i Creating Windows
- Ctrl-x 4 ` Creating Windows
- Ctrl-x 5 Creating Windows
- Ctrl-x b Displaying Buffers
- Ctrl-x Ctrl-f Commands To Load Files
- Ctrl-x Ctrl-l Commands on Blocks
- Ctrl-x Ctrl-r Commands To Load Files
- Ctrl-x Ctrl-s Commands To Save Files
- Ctrl-x Ctrl-u Commands on Blocks
- Ctrl-x Ctrl-v Commands To Load Files
- Ctrl-x Ctrl-w Commands To Save Files
- Ctrl-x Ctrl-x Using Marks
- Ctrl-x h Marking Blocks
- Ctrl-x i Commands To Load Files
- Ctrl-x k Deleting Buffers
- Ctrl-x s Other Buffer Commands
- Ctrl-x s Commands To Save Files
- Ctrl-x ` Finding Errors
- Ctrl-Y Rectangular Blocks
- Ctrl-Y Cutting And Pasting
- Ctrl-y Cutting And Pasting
- Ctrl-z Commands on Blocks
- f Info-mode
- g Info-mode
- l Info-mode
- LMB Modifiers
- m Info-mode
- Meta Modifiers
- Meta-DOWN Moving Around Buffers
- Meta-LEFT Moving Around Buffers
- Meta-RIGHT Moving Around Buffers
- Meta-TAB Lisp-mode
- Meta-TAB C-mode
- Meta-UP Moving Around Buffers
- Meta-M Marking Blocks
- Meta-m Marking Blocks
- MMB Modifiers
- n Info-mode
- p Info-mode
- q Info-mode
- RMB Modifiers
- Shift Modifiers
- Shift-BS Editing Buffers
- Shift-DEL Editing Buffers
- Shift-DOWN Moving Around Buffers
- Shift-F1 Using Marks
- Shift-F2 Using Marks
- Shift-F3 Using Marks
- Shift-LEFT Moving Around Buffers
- Shift-RET Lisp-mode
- Shift-RET C-mode
- Shift-RIGHT Moving Around Buffers
- Shift-TAB Moving Around Buffers
- Shift-UP Moving Around Buffers
- Space Keys
- u Info-mode
- Concept Index
- *************
- Address, my Reporting Bugs
- Arguments, startup Startup Options
- Auto-saving files Auto-Saving Files
- Automatic mode selection Automatic Mode Selection
- Backup files Backup Files
- Blocks, commands Commands on Blocks
- Blocks, marking Marking Blocks
- Blocks, rectangular Rectangular Blocks
- Blocks, using Using Blocks
- Buffer Editor Concepts
- Buffer prompt The Buffer Prompt
- Buffer, current Editor Concepts
- Buffers, deleting Deleting Buffers
- Buffers, displaying Displaying Buffers
- Buffers, editing Editing Buffers
- Buffers, moving around Moving Around Buffers
- Buffers, other commands Other Buffer Commands
- Buffers, searching and replacing Searching and Replacing
- Buffers, using Using Buffers
- Bugs, reporting Reporting Bugs
- C-mode C-mode
- ChangeLogs, keeping Keeping ChangeLogs
- Columnar blocks Rectangular Blocks
- Command Editor Concepts
- Commands for replacing Commands for Replacing
- Commands for searching Commands for Searching
- Commands on blocks Commands on Blocks
- Commands to load files Commands To Load Files
- Commands to save files Commands To Save Files
- Commands, window Other Window Commands
- Compilation, finding errors Finding Errors
- Compilation, running Running a Compilation
- Compiling programs Compiling Programs
- Concepts, editor Editor Concepts
- Copying Copying
- Copying text Cutting And Pasting
- Creating windows Creating Windows
- Current buffer Editor Concepts
- Current window Editor Concepts
- Cursor Editor Concepts
- Customisation, simple Simple Customisation
- Cutting and pasting Cutting And Pasting
- Deleting buffers Deleting Buffers
- Deleting text Cutting And Pasting
- Displaying buffers Displaying Buffers
- Distribution conditions Copying
- Editing buffers Editing Buffers
- Editing modes Editing Modes
- Editing modes, automatic selection Automatic Mode Selection
- Editing modes, invoking Invoking a Mode
- Editor concepts Editor Concepts
- Email, my address Reporting Bugs
- Embedding lisp in files Embedding Lisp In Files
- Example key definitions Example Keys
- Files, auto-saving Auto-Saving Files
- Files, backups Backup Files
- Files, loading and loading Loading and Saving Files
- Finding errors Finding Errors
- Form Editor Concepts
- Generic-mode Generic-mode
- Grep, using Using Grep
- Help system The Help System
- Help, starting The Help System
- Info browser Info-mode
- Info-mode Info-mode
- Initialisation procedure Startup Procedure
- Introduction Introduction
- Invocation Invocation
- Invoking a mode Invoking a Mode
- Jade, Using Using Jade
- Keeping ChangeLogs Keeping ChangeLogs
- Key definitions Key Definitions
- Key definitions, examples Example Keys
- Key Definitions, keys Keys
- Key definitions, modifiers Modifiers
- Keys Keys
- Killing windows Killing Windows
- License Copying
- Lisp Editor Concepts
- Lisp-interactive-mode Lisp-mode
- Lisp-mode Lisp-mode
- Loading files Loading and Saving Files
- Marking blocks Marking Blocks
- Marks, using Using Marks
- Modes, automatic selection Automatic Mode Selection
- Modes, editing Editing Modes
- Modes, invoking Invoking a Mode
- Modifiers Modifiers
- Moving around buffers Moving Around Buffers
- Options, startup Startup Options
- Other buffer commands Other Buffer Commands
- Other window commands Other Window Commands
- Pasting text Cutting And Pasting
- Programs, running Running a Compilation
- Prompt, buffer The Buffer Prompt
- Prompt, simple The Simple Prompt
- Prompt, using Using the Prompt
- Rectangular blocks Rectangular Blocks
- Regexps Regular Expressions
- Regular expression, definition Editor Concepts
- Regular expressions Regular Expressions
- Replace, search and Searching and Replacing
- Replacing, commands for Commands for Replacing
- Reporting bugs Reporting Bugs
- Requirements Systems Supported
- Running a compilation Running a Compilation
- Saving files Loading and Saving Files
- Searching and replacing Searching and Replacing
- Searching, commands for Commands for Searching
- Simple customisation Simple Customisation
- Simple prompt The Simple Prompt
- Starting jade Starting Jade
- Startup options Startup Options
- Startup procedure Startup Procedure
- Tab Expansion Loading and Saving Tabs
- Tabs, loading Loading and Saving Tabs
- Texinfo-mode Texinfo-mode
- Unix and X11 Jade Unix and X11 Jade
- Using blocks Using Blocks
- Using buffers Using Buffers
- Using grep Using Grep
- Using jade Using Jade
- Using marks Using Marks
- Using the prompt Using the Prompt
- Using windows Using Windows
- Variable Editor Concepts
- Window Editor Concepts
- Window, current Editor Concepts
- Windows, creating Creating Windows
- Windows, killing Killing Windows
- Windows, other commands Other Window Commands
- Windows, using Using Windows