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This is Info file jade.info, produced by Makeinfo-1.55 from the input
file jade.texi.
This is Edition 1, last updated 19 April 1994, of `The Jade Manual',
for Jade, Version 3.0.
Jade is a text editor for Unix (with X11) and the Amiga.
Copyright 1993, 1994 John Harper.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this
manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are
preserved on all copies.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of
this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that
the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a
permission notice identical to this one.
This is so that jade doesn't try to eval the example use.
File: jade.info, Node: Commands for Searching, Next: Commands for Replacing, Prev: Regular Expressions, Up: Searching and Replacing
Commands for Searching
Asks for a regular expression then tries to move to the start of
the next match in this buffer.
Attempts to move to the next occurrence of the regexp which was
last entered for the `Ctrl-s' or `Ctrl-r' commands.
Asks for a regexp, then moves to the start of previous occurrence
of that regexp.
Attempts to move to the previous occurrence of the regexp which
was last entered for the `Ctrl-s' or `Ctrl-r' commands.
File: jade.info, Node: Commands for Replacing, Prev: Commands for Searching, Up: Searching and Replacing
Commands for Replacing
`ESC p'
Asks for a template to replace the string under the cursor (which
should match the regexp which the search commands last looked for.
This string is then replaced with the expansion (re the string
under the cursor) of the template you entered.
Variant of the above, doesn't prompt for the template, uses the
last one that you gave.
File: jade.info, Node: Editing Modes, Next: Using Buffers, Prev: Searching and Replacing, Up: Using Jade
Editing Modes
Modes are used to tailor the editor to the *type* of the file being
edited in a buffer. They are normally a file of Lisp which installs the
buffer-local keybindings and variables which are needed for that type of
For example, C-mode is a mode used to edit C source code, its main
function is to try to indent each line to its correct position
At present there are only a small number of modes available. It is
fairly straightforward to write a mode for most types of files though.
* Menu:
* Invoking a Mode:: How editing modes are invoked on a buffer
* Generic-mode:: The foundations which all modes build from
* C-mode:: Mode for C source code
* Lisp-mode:: Mode for Lisp
* Texinfo-mode:: Mode for editing Texinfo source
* Info-mode:: The Info browser
File: jade.info, Node: Invoking a Mode, Next: Generic-mode, Up: Editing Modes
Invoking a Mode
When a new file is loaded the function `init-mode' tries to find the
mode that it should be edited with. If it is successful the mode will be
automatically invoked. For more information see *Note Automatic Mode
Selection:: and the documentation for `init-mode'.
File: jade.info, Node: Generic-mode, Next: C-mode, Prev: Invoking a Mode, Up: Editing Modes
This is not a mode as such since there is no Lisp code associated
with it. When no mode is being used to edit the buffer, it is said to
use the "Generic" mode.
This is the base from which all other modes build, it consists of
all the standard keybindings. Words are defined as one or more
alphanumeric characters, paragraphs are separated by a single blank
File: jade.info, Node: C-mode, Next: Lisp-mode, Prev: Generic-mode, Up: Editing Modes
`c-mode' is used for editing C source code files. Any files which
end in `.c' or `.h' are automatically edited in this mode.
It's one and only function is to try and indent lines to their
correct depth, it doesn't always get it right but it works fairly well.
The keys that it rebinds to achieve this are,
Splits the line in two like normal. If `c-mode-auto-indent' is
non-nil then the line that the cursor ends up on is automatically
Splits the line in two, doesn't take any notice of
These keys are handled specially since the indentation of the line
that they are inserted on may have to be adjusted.
Indents the current line to what the editor thinks is the correct
Moves the cursor to the next tab stop.
Words are defined as being a sequence of alphanumeric or underscore
characters, paragraphs as being separated by a `{' as the first
character of a line.
- Function: c-mode
Editing mode for C source code. Automatically used for files
ending in `.c' or `.h'.
- Hook: c-mode-hook
Called by `c-mode' each time it is called.
- Variable: c-mode-tab
Size of tab stops used by `c-mode'.
- Variable: c-mode-auto-indent
When non-nil `RET' will indent the line after splitting it.
File: jade.info, Node: Lisp-mode, Next: Texinfo-mode, Prev: C-mode, Up: Editing Modes
`lisp-mode' is used to edit files of Lisp intended to be read by the
editor. It is *very* basic, all it does is count the number of unmatched
parentheses in each line and indent it accordingly. I find this okay
There is also support for using a buffer as a simple shell-interface
to the editor's Lisp subsystem.
Special keybindings are,
Splits the line in two like normal. If `lisp-mode-auto-indent' is
non-nil then the line that the cursor ends up on is automatically
Splits the line in two, doesn't take any notice of
Evaluates the paragraph preceding the cursor, prints the value on
the next line.
Indents the current line.
Moves the cursor to the next tab stop.
`ESC Ctrl-x'
Evaluates the paragraph before the cursor, prints it's value in
the status line.
- Function: lisp-mode
Editing mode for Jade's Lisp. Automatically invoked for files
ending in `.jl'.
- Hook: lisp-mode-hook
Evaluated as soon as `lisp-mode' is called.
- Variable: lisp-mode-tab
Size of tabs in `lisp-mode'.
- Variable: lisp-mode-auto-indent
When non-nil `RET' indents lines after splitting them.
File: jade.info, Node: Texinfo-mode, Next: Info-mode, Prev: Lisp-mode, Up: Editing Modes
`texinfo-mode' is used to edit Texinfo source files, it is
automatically selected for files ending in `.texi' or `.texinfo'. It
provides a few basic keybindings to take some of the tedium out of
editing these files.
Paragraphs are separated by the regexp `^@node', ie, each node is a
separate paragraph.
The provided keybindings are,
`Ctrl-c Ctrl-c c'
Insert the string `@code{}', positioning the cursor between the
`Ctrl-c Ctrl-c d'
Insert the string `@dfn{}', positioning the cursor between the
`Ctrl-c Ctrl-c e'
Inserts the string `@end'.
`Ctrl-c Ctrl-c f'
Inserts the string `@file{}', the cursor is put between the braces.
`Ctrl-c Ctrl-c i'
Inserts the string `@item'.
`Ctrl-c Ctrl-c l'
Inserts the string `@lisp\n'.
`Ctrl-c Ctrl-c m'
Inserts the string `@menu\n'.
`Ctrl-c Ctrl-c Ctrl-m'
Prompts for the name of a node and makes a menuitem for it.
`Ctrl-c Ctrl-c n'
Prompts for each part of a node definition (name, next, prev, up)
and inserts the `@node ...' string needed.
`Ctrl-c Ctrl-c s'
Inserts the string `@samp{}' and puts the cursor between the
`Ctrl-c Ctrl-c v'
Inserts the string `@var{}', the cursor is put between the braces.
`Ctrl-c Ctrl-c {'
Inserts a pair of braces with the cursor between them.
`Ctrl-c Ctrl-c }'
`Ctrl-c Ctrl-c ]'
Moves the cursor to the character after the next closing brace.
- Function: texinfo-mode
Mode for editing Texinfo source files.
- Hook: texinfo-mode-hook
Evaluated when `texinfo-mode' is invoked.
File: jade.info, Node: Info-mode, Prev: Texinfo-mode, Up: Editing Modes
Despite the name of this section there is actually no such thing as
the `info-mode'. The Lisp file `info.jl' is what this section documents
-- it is a set of Lisp functions which make a buffer (the `*Info*'
buffer) into a simple browser for Info files.
To invoke it type `Ctrl-h i' or `ESC x info', the `*Info' buffer
will be displayed showing the `(dir)' node (the root of the Info
documentation tree).
When in the `*Info*' buffer these keybindings are in effect,
Moves to the next page.
Moves to the previous page.
Move to the specified menuitem (`1' means the first, etc) in the
menu in this node.
Move to the beginning of the current node.
Follow a reference, the one under the cursor if it exists. This
command is still unimplemented.
Prompt for the name of a node and try to display it.
Go back to the last node that was displayed before this one.
Prompts for a menuitem (the one on the same line as the cursor is
the default) and display the node it points to.
Display the next node.
Display the previous node.
Display the node "above" this one.
Quit the Info browser.
This mode has a number of disadvantages over the other Info browsers
available (ie, the standalone `info' program, or Emacs' Info viewer):
* It depends wholly on being able to find a tag table in the Info
file, if it can't it will complain and exit.
* There is no support for the `*' node name.
* As yet, no automatic following of references.
* Seems not to work 100% with files formatted by Emacs, `makeinfo'
formatted files work properly though.
* No editing of modes.
- Function: info [NODE-NAME]
Invoke the Info viewer. If NODE-NAME is given display it, otherwise
the node `(dir)' is used.
File: jade.info, Node: Using Buffers, Next: Using Windows, Prev: Editing Modes, Up: Using Jade
Using Buffers
As you have probably realised, buffers are probably the most
important part of the editor. Each file that is being edited must be
stored in a buffer. They are not restricted to editing files though,
all buffers are reguarded as simply being a list of lines which can be
displayed in a window and modified as needed.
This means that they are very flexible, for example, the Lisp
debugger uses a buffer for its user interface, the Info reader uses two
buffers - one to display the current node, the other to store the
file's tag table (never displayed, just used to look up the position of
Each buffer has a name, generally buffers which contain proper files
use the base part of the filename, while buffers which don't correspond
to files use a word which starts and ends with asterisks (ie, `*jade*').
Each window can display one buffer at any time. There is no
restriction on the number of windows which may display the same buffer
at once.
* Menu:
* Displaying Buffers:: How to make a window display a buffer
* Deleting Buffers:: Killing unwanted buffers
* Other Buffer Commands:: General buffer manipulation
File: jade.info, Node: Displaying Buffers, Next: Deleting Buffers, Up: Using Buffers
Displaying Buffers
There are two main commands for switching to a different buffer,
`Ctrl-x b'
Prompt for the name of a buffer and display it in the current
`Ctrl-x 4 b'
In a different window (opens a new window if there is currently
only one) prompt for the name of a buffer and display it in that
Both commands are very similar, the `Ctrl-x 4 b' variant simply
invokes a command to switch to a different window before calling the
`Ctrl-x b' command.
When typing the name of the new buffer you can use the prompt's
completion mechanism to expand abbreviations (see *note The Buffer
Prompt::.). If you just press RET with an empty prompt the default
choice will be used. This will be the the buffer that was being shown
in this window before the current buffer was selected (its name is
displayed in the prompt's title).
The `Ctrl-x Ctrl-f' command and its variants also switch buffers
since they look an existing copy of the file in a buffer before loading
it from disk, see *Note Commands To Load Files::.
File: jade.info, Node: Deleting Buffers, Next: Other Buffer Commands, Prev: Displaying Buffers, Up: Using Buffers
Deleting Buffers
There is no real need to delete buffers, those that haven't been
used for a while just hang around at the end of the list. If you're
short on memory though it can help to kill some of the unused buffers
which you have accumulated.
The command to kill a buffer is,
`Ctrl-x k'
Prompts for the name of a buffer (with completion) then deletes
that buffer (if the buffer contains unsaved modifications you are
asked if you really want to lose them). It is removed from all
window's buffer-lists and any window which is displaying it is
switched to another buffer (the next in its list). Any marks
which point to the buffer are made "non-resident" (that is, they
point to the name of the file in the buffer) and the buffer is
File: jade.info, Node: Other Buffer Commands, Prev: Deleting Buffers, Up: Using Buffers
Other Buffer Commands
`ESC x rotate-buffers-forward'
Rotates the current window's list of buffers.
`ESC x recover-file'
Loads the auto-saved copy of the file stored in this buffer
overwriting its current contents (if any changes are to be lost
the user will have to agree to losing them).
`ESC x revert-buffer'
Restores the contents of the current buffer to the contents of the
file that it was loaded from, if an auto-save file exists you are
asked if you want to revert to that instead.
`Ctrl-x s'
Ask whether to save any modified buffers that exist.
`ESC x clear-buffer'
Deletes the contents of the current buffer. Beware, you *won't* be
warned if you're about to lose any unsaved modifications!
File: jade.info, Node: Using Windows, Next: Using the Prompt, Prev: Using Buffers, Up: Using Jade
Using Windows
Windows have two main functions: to display the contents of buffers
(but only one buffer at a time) and to collect input from you, the user.
The editor *must* have at least one window open at all times, when
you close the last window jade will exit, there is no limit to the
number of windows which you may have open though.
Each window is split into two parts, they are
"The Main Display Area"
This is the largest part of the window, it is where the buffer
that this window is displaying is drawn.
"The Status Line"
A single line of text associated with the window, under X11 this
is the area of the beneath the horizontal line at the bottom of
the window, on the Amiga it is the title of the window. The status
line is normally used to display information about this window and
what it is displaying, it has this format:
Where the individual parts mean
The name of the buffer being edited, it can have either a `+'
or a `-' appended to it, a plus means the buffer has been
modified since it was saved, a minus means that the buffer is
Most editing modes set this to their name.
The column that the cursor is at.
The row number of the cursor.
The number of lines in this buffer
General one-character flags related to the status of the
window and its buffer.
Each window maintains a list of all buffers which are available for
displaying, this is kept in order, from the most recently used to the
least. This list (called `buffer-list') is used by some of the buffer
manipulation commands when they are working out which buffer should be
* Menu:
* Creating Windows:: Opening a new window
* Killing Windows:: How to close windows
* Other Window Commands:: General window manipulation
File: jade.info, Node: Creating Windows, Next: Killing Windows, Up: Using Windows
Creating Windows
`Ctrl-x 2'
`Ctrl-x 5'
Opens a new window, it will have the most of the attributes that
the current window does, things like: size, buffer, font, etc...
If you are using X11 you will probably have to use your mouse to
select its position, depending on the window manager you use, on
the Amiga it will be created at the same position as the current
`Ctrl-x 4 Ctrl-f'
`Ctrl-x 4 f'
In a different window, one will be created if only one window is
open, find a file, for more details see *Note Commands To Load
`Ctrl-x 4 a'
In a different window add an entry to a change-log file. *Note
Keeping ChangeLogs::.
`Ctrl-x 4 b'
In a different window, choose a buffer to display, similar to the
`Ctrl-x b' command. *Note Displaying Buffers::.
`Ctrl-x 4 h'
Enter the help system in a different window. *Note The Help
`Ctrl-x 4 i'
Enter the Info browser in a different window. *Note Info-mode::.
`Ctrl-x 4 `'
Display the next error (or whatever) in the `*compilation*' buffer
in a different window. *Note Finding Errors::.
File: jade.info, Node: Killing Windows, Next: Other Window Commands, Prev: Creating Windows, Up: Using Windows
Killing Windows
`Ctrl-x 0'
Close the current window, if it is the last window that the editor
has open it will exit (after asking you if you wish to lose any
unsaved modifications to buffers).
`Ctrl-x 1'
Close all windows except the current one.
File: jade.info, Node: Other Window Commands, Prev: Killing Windows, Up: Using Windows
Other Window Commands
`Ctrl-x o'
Activate the next window of the editor's. Under X11 this involves
warping the [mouse-]cursor to the top left corner of the newly
activated window.
File: jade.info, Node: Using the Prompt, Next: Using Marks, Prev: Using Windows, Up: Using Jade
Using the Prompt
There are two different styles of prompt that the editor uses when it
wants you to enter a string.
* Menu:
* The Simple Prompt:: The prompt at the bottom of the window
* The Buffer Prompt:: Prompt with its own buffer and completion
File: jade.info, Node: The Simple Prompt, Next: The Buffer Prompt, Up: Using the Prompt
The Simple Prompt
The simplest prompt uses the the bottom-most line in the window, it
prints the prompt's title on the left hand side, you should type your
response and then press the RET key. This prompt is very primitive, the
only special commands that it has are,
Delete the previous character.
Replace the contents of the prompt with the last string entered.
When you type `UP' or `DOWN' again the original contents are
Cancel the prompt.
All other keys are simply printed in the prompt -- whatever they are.
File: jade.info, Node: The Buffer Prompt, Prev: The Simple Prompt, Up: Using the Prompt
The Buffer Prompt
This type of prompt is more sophisticated. It creates a new buffer
for you to type your response into (called `*prompt*'), the title of the
prompt is displayed in the buffer's first line.
Normally you type the answer to the prompt into the buffer and then
press the RET key. All normal editor commands are available while you
are using the prompt, you can switch buffers, load new files, whatever
you like.
Another advantage of this type of prompt is that it supports
"completion", this allows you to type the beginning of your response
then press the TAB key. What you have typed will be matched against the
list of responses that the editor has (ie, when being prompted for the
name of a file it will be matched against all available files), if a
unique match is found your response will be completed to that match.
If several potential completions are found, these will be displayed
after the line `::Completions::' in the buffer and your response will
only be completed as far as the potential completions are similar. For
example, if you enter `fo' then press TAB and files called `foo' and
`foobar' exist, the contents of the prompt will become `foo'.
Completion is provided for many different things, some are: files,
buffers, symbols, functions, variables, Info nodes, etc...
The special commands for this type of prompt are,
Complete the contents of the prompt. If more than one potential
completion exists they are printed in the buffer.
Enter the result of this prompt. If you press RET while the cursor
is on a printed potential completion (those under the
`::Completions::' line) the whole line will be entered. Otherwise,
just the text to the left of the cursor is entered.
`ESC ?'
Print all possible completions of the current prompt but do not
try to actually change the contents of the prompt.
Cancel the prompt.
File: jade.info, Node: Using Marks, Next: Compiling Programs, Prev: Using the Prompt, Up: Using Jade
Using Marks
Marks are used to record a position in a file, as the file's buffer
is modifed so does the position that the mark points to -- a mark will
keep pointing at the same character no matter what happens (unless the
character is deleted!).
The other good thing about marks is that they point to files *not*
buffers. This means that you can set a mark in a buffer, delete the
buffer and then move to the position of the mark, the file will be
reloaded and the cursor will point at the original character.
Normally there are three user-accessible marks (1) and one special
`auto-mark' which is used, amongst other things, to record the
"previous" position of the cursor, allowing you to retrace your last
major step.
The commands available on marks are,
Move to the mark #1, #2 or #3, depending on which function key is
pressed (F1 means mark #1, etc...). If the file pointed to is not
in memory it will be loaded into a new buffer.
Set the position of mark #1, #2 or #3, depending on the function
`Ctrl-x Ctrl-x'
Swap the positions of the cursor and the `auto-mark'.
Set the position of the `auto-mark'.
---------- Footnotes ----------
(1) There is no reason why you can't have more, the editor sets no
limitation on the number of marks available. This is just how I have
set the editor up.
File: jade.info, Node: Compiling Programs, Next: Simple Customisation, Prev: Using Marks, Up: Using Jade
Compiling Programs
Jade has a number of features to help you develop programs, foremost
is the ability to run a compilation inside one of the editor's buffers.
Unfortunately, this is only possible when using the Unix operating
system at the present.
Once the compilation has finished you can then step through each
error produced.
* Menu:
* Running a Compilation::
* Finding Errors:: Stepping through compile errors
* Using Grep:: Searching files for a regexp
* Keeping ChangeLogs:: Simple recording of file revisions
File: jade.info, Node: Running a Compilation, Next: Finding Errors, Up: Compiling Programs
Running a Compilation
The command to run a shell command in a buffer is,
`ESC x compile'
Prompts you for the command to execute, with a default of the last
command you ran (starts as `make'). A shell process is created
which runs asynchronously to the editor in the same directory as
the current buffer's file was loaded from. The buffer
`*compilation*' is selected and this is where all output from the
program is printed.
When the process finishes running a message is printed in the
`*compilation*' buffer telling you its exit-code.
Only one process may be run with the `compile' function at once.
This command is not available on the Amiga version yet.
File: jade.info, Node: Finding Errors, Next: Using Grep, Prev: Running a Compilation, Up: Compiling Programs
Finding Errors
When you have compiled something with the `ESC x compile' command it
is possible to step through each of the errors that it produces. To do
this use the command,
`Ctrl-x `'
`ESC x next-error'
Displays the next error in the `*compilation*' buffer. The file
that is in is loaded (if necessary) and the line with the error is
If you edit a file which has errors in it, then try to find the next
error (which is in the same file) everything will still work. The
positions of errors are updated as the buffers are modified.
The only exception to this is when you invoke the `next-error'
function while the `*compilation*' buffer is still being written to. If
more errors are produced in a file which has been modified since the
compilation started it is likely that the positions will get out of
By default, the `next-error' function understands the type of error
output that `gcc' produces. This is of the form,
It is possible to use other formats though, the variables which
control this are,
- Variable: compile-error-regexp
Regular expression to match a line containing an error. For `gcc'
this is `^(.*):([0-9]+):(.+)'.
- Variable: compile-file-expand
Expansion template to produce the name of the file with the error,
using `compile-error-regexp' and the line containing the error. By
default this is `\1'.
- Variable: compile-line-expand
Similar to `compile-file-expand' except that it expands to a string
defining the number of the line with the error. By default, `\2'.
- Variable: compile-error-expand
Similar to `compile-file-expand', but produces the description of
the error. By default, `\3'.
File: jade.info, Node: Using Grep, Next: Keeping ChangeLogs, Prev: Finding Errors, Up: Compiling Programs
Using Grep
It is often very useful to grep through a set of files looking for a
regular expression, this is what the `grep' command does. With jade it
is possible to run an external `grep' program in the `*compilation*'
buffer. This then enables you to step through each grep hit using the
`Ctrl-x `' command, *Note Finding Errors::.
The commands to use grep are,
`ESC x grep'
Prompt for a string of arguments to give `grep', you do not need to
provide the name of the program, or the `-n' switch, this is done
automatically. The shell will do any filename-globbing on the
arguments so it is advisable to surround the regular expression
with single quotes.
Note that the regular expression syntax will be different to that
which jade uses. Also this command won't work on an Amiga.
`ESC x grep-buffer'
This command provides a method for scanning the current buffer for
all lines matching a regular expression (which you are prompted
for). It is written entirely in Lisp -- this means that the normal
regular expression syntax is needed and it will work on an Amiga.
File: jade.info, Node: Keeping ChangeLogs, Prev: Using Grep, Up: Compiling Programs
Keeping ChangeLogs
A ChangeLog is a file (usually called `ChangeLog') which keeps a log
of all changes you have made to the files in its directory. For
example, the `src/ChangeLog' file for Jade keeps a list of changes made
to the editor's source code.
There is no magic involved, you simply use a command to add a new
entry to a directory's log after modifying a file in that directory.
You then have to enter a summary of the changes that you made.
The command to do this is,
`ESC a'
Prompts for the name of a directory then lets you type a
description of the changes you have made.
If you enter more than one change in the same day (and from the same
host) the same heading will be used. The heading consists of the time
and date, your name, your login and the name of the host you're on. (1)
---------- Footnotes ----------
(1) On the Amiga there is no way to get these details. So, Jade
looks for some environment variables, `USERNAME' for the login name,
`HOSTNAME' for the name of the host and `REALNAME' for your actual name.
File: jade.info, Node: Simple Customisation, Prev: Compiling Programs, Up: Using Jade
Simple Customisation
The best way to tailor the editor to your own requirements is with
your personal startup file. This is called `.jaderc' in your home
directory (1), it is a file of Lisp forms evaluated when Jade
initialises itself.
Usually, setting the values of variables in your startup file is
enough to configure Jade how you want, the Lisp function to set a
variable is called `setq', it's first argument is the name of the
variable, it's second the value you wish to set it to. Normally this
value will be one of the following data types,
A string `xyz'.
A number, all of the above have the value 123 (in decimal, octal
and hexadecimal).
A boolean value, `nil' means false, or not true. `t' is the
opposite (in fact, any value not `nil' is true).
My `.jaderc' file looks something like this (note that semicolons
introduce comments),
;; Size of tabs for C source is 4
(setq c-mode-tab 4)
;; Size of tabs for Lisp source is 2
(setq lisp-mode-tab 2)
;; On X11 scroll quarter of a screen at once, else a line at a time
(setq y-scroll-step-ratio (if (x11-p) 4 0))
;; When on an Amiga, flag that I don't want pulldown menus
(when (amiga-p)
(setq amiga-no-menus t))
---------- Footnotes ----------
(1) On the Amiga, your home directory is defined as the contents of
the environment variable `HOME'.
File: jade.info, Node: Programming Jade, Next: Reporting Bugs, Prev: Using Jade, Up: Top
Programming Jade
Unfortunately I haven't written this section yet. If you wan't to
program Jade your best bet is to look at the files in the `lisp/'
directory. Online documentation is available for all editor functions,
*Note The Help System::.
If you don't know Lisp look at any Lisp book. Jade's Lisp is fairly
similar to Emacs-Lisp (though the editor-related functions differ
greatly) so a good starting point may be the Emacs-Lisp manual.
File: jade.info, Node: Reporting Bugs, Next: Function Index, Prev: Programming Jade, Up: Top
Reporting Bugs
If you think you've found a bug in Jade I want to know about it,
there is a list of problems that I am aware of in the `BUGS' file, if
your's appears in here tell me anyway to make me fix it.
When submitting bug reports I need to know as much as possible, both
about the problem and the circumstamces in which it occurs. In general,
send me as much information as possible, even if you think it's probably
If you can, contact me via email, my address is `jsh@ukc.ac.uk'. If
you don't get a reply within about a week it's probably a university
vacation -- this means that I won't get your message for a while, if
it's important try my postal address, this is,
John Harper
91 Springdale Road
BH18 9BW
As well as bugs I'm interested in any comments you have about the
editor, even if you just tell me you hate it (as long as you say *why*
you hate it!).
File: jade.info, Node: Function Index, Next: Variable Index, Prev: Reporting Bugs, Up: Top
Function Index
* Menu:
* c-mode: C-mode.
* compile: Running a Compilation.
* grep: Using Grep.
* grep-buffer: Using Grep.
* info: Info-mode.
* lisp-mode: Lisp-mode.
* next-error: Finding Errors.
* recover-file: Other Buffer Commands.
* revert-buffer: Other Buffer Commands.
* rotate-buffers-forward: Other Buffer Commands.
* texinfo-mode: Texinfo-mode.
File: jade.info, Node: Variable Index, Next: Key Index, Prev: Function Index, Up: Top
Variable Index
* Menu:
* auto-save-interval: Auto-Saving Files.
* auto-save-p: Auto-Saving Files.
* backup-by-copying: Backup Files.
* c-mode-auto-indent: C-mode.
* c-mode-hook: C-mode.
* c-mode-tab: C-mode.
* compile-error-expand: Finding Errors.
* compile-error-regexp: Finding Errors.
* compile-file-expand: Finding Errors.
* compile-line-expand: Finding Errors.
* default-auto-save-interval: Auto-Saving Files.
* disk-tab: Loading and Saving Tabs.
* lisp-mode-auto-indent: Lisp-mode.
* lisp-mode-hook: Lisp-mode.
* lisp-mode-tab: Lisp-mode.
* make-backup-files: Backup Files.
* mode-alist: Automatic Mode Selection.
* no-file-code-p: Embedding Lisp In Files.
* save-tabs: Loading and Saving Tabs.
* screen-tab: Moving Around Buffers.
* texinfo-mode-hook: Texinfo-mode.
* x-scroll-step-ratio: Moving Around Buffers.
* y-scroll-step-ratio: Moving Around Buffers.
File: jade.info, Node: Key Index, Next: Concept Index, Prev: Variable Index, Up: Top
Key Index
* Menu:
* 1: Info-mode.
* 2: Info-mode.
* 3: Info-mode.
* 4: Info-mode.
* 5: Info-mode.
* :: C-mode.
* BS: Info-mode.
* BS: Editing Buffers.
* DEL: Editing Buffers.
* DOWN: Moving Around Buffers.
* ESC <: Moving Around Buffers.
* ESC >: Moving Around Buffers.
* ESC ?: The Buffer Prompt.
* ESC @: Marking Blocks.
* ESC BS: Editing Buffers.
* ESC DEL: Editing Buffers.
* ESC TAB: Moving Around Buffers.
* ESC a: Keeping ChangeLogs.
* ESC b: Moving Around Buffers.
* ESC Ctrl-x: Lisp-mode.
* ESC d: Editing Buffers.
* ESC f: Moving Around Buffers.
* ESC h: Marking Blocks.
* ESC i: Moving Around Buffers.
* ESC i: Editing Buffers.
* ESC l: Editing Buffers.
* ESC m: Moving Around Buffers.
* ESC P: Commands for Replacing.
* ESC p: Commands for Replacing.
* ESC u: Editing Buffers.
* ESC v: Moving Around Buffers.
* ESC w: Commands on Blocks.
* ESC x clear-buffer: Other Buffer Commands.
* ESC x compile: Running a Compilation.
* ESC x goto-line: Moving Around Buffers.
* ESC x grep: Using Grep.
* ESC x grep-buffer: Using Grep.
* ESC x recover-file: Other Buffer Commands.
* ESC x revert-buffer: Other Buffer Commands.
* ESC x rotate-buffers-forward: Other Buffer Commands.
* ESC [: Moving Around Buffers.
* ESC ]: Moving Around Buffers.
* F1: Using Marks.
* F2: Using Marks.
* F3: Using Marks.
* HELP: The Help System.
* HELP a: The Help System.
* HELP e: The Help System.
* HELP f: The Help System.
* HELP h: The Help System.
* HELP i: The Help System.
* HELP m: The Help System.
* HELP v: The Help System.
* LEFT: Moving Around Buffers.
* RET: The Buffer Prompt.
* RET: Lisp-mode.
* RET: C-mode.
* RET: Editing Buffers.
* RIGHT: Moving Around Buffers.
* SPC: Info-mode.
* TAB: The Buffer Prompt.
* TAB: Lisp-mode.
* TAB: C-mode.
* TAB: Moving Around Buffers.
* UP: Moving Around Buffers.
* {: C-mode.
* }: C-mode.
* b: Info-mode.
* Ctrl: Modifiers.
* Ctrl-@: Using Marks.
* Ctrl-DEL: Editing Buffers.
* Ctrl-DOWN: Moving Around Buffers.
* Ctrl-RET: Lisp-mode.
* Ctrl-SPC: Marking Blocks.
* Ctrl-TAB: Moving Around Buffers.
* Ctrl-UP: Moving Around Buffers.
* Ctrl-a: Moving Around Buffers.
* Ctrl-b: Moving Around Buffers.
* Ctrl-c Ctrl-c {: Texinfo-mode.
* Ctrl-c Ctrl-c }: Texinfo-mode.
* Ctrl-c Ctrl-c c: Texinfo-mode.
* Ctrl-c Ctrl-c Ctrl-m: Texinfo-mode.
* Ctrl-c Ctrl-c d: Texinfo-mode.
* Ctrl-c Ctrl-c e: Texinfo-mode.
* Ctrl-c Ctrl-c f: Texinfo-mode.
* Ctrl-c Ctrl-c i: Texinfo-mode.
* Ctrl-c Ctrl-c l: Texinfo-mode.
* Ctrl-c Ctrl-c m: Texinfo-mode.
* Ctrl-c Ctrl-c n: Texinfo-mode.
* Ctrl-c Ctrl-c s: Texinfo-mode.
* Ctrl-c Ctrl-c v: Texinfo-mode.
* Ctrl-c Ctrl-c ]: Texinfo-mode.
* Ctrl-d: Editing Buffers.
* Ctrl-e: Moving Around Buffers.
* Ctrl-f: Moving Around Buffers.
* Ctrl-g: The Buffer Prompt.
* Ctrl-h: The Help System.
* Ctrl-h a: The Help System.
* Ctrl-h e: The Help System.
* Ctrl-h f: The Help System.
* Ctrl-h h: The Help System.
* Ctrl-h i: The Help System.
* Ctrl-h m: The Help System.
* Ctrl-h v: The Help System.
* Ctrl-i: Commands on Blocks.
* Ctrl-j: Moving Around Buffers.
* Ctrl-M: Rectangular Blocks.
* Ctrl-m: Marking Blocks.
* Ctrl-n: Moving Around Buffers.
* Ctrl-o: Editing Buffers.
* Ctrl-p: Moving Around Buffers.
* Ctrl-R: Commands for Searching.
* Ctrl-r: Commands for Searching.
* Ctrl-S: Commands for Searching.
* Ctrl-s: Commands for Searching.
* Ctrl-v: Moving Around Buffers.
* Ctrl-w: Commands on Blocks.
* Ctrl-x 0: Killing Windows.
* Ctrl-x 1: Killing Windows.
* Ctrl-x 2: Creating Windows.
* Ctrl-x 4 a: Creating Windows.
* Ctrl-x 4 b: Creating Windows.
* Ctrl-x 4 b: Displaying Buffers.
* Ctrl-x 4 Ctrl-f: Creating Windows.
* Ctrl-x 4 f: Creating Windows.
* Ctrl-x 4 h: Creating Windows.
* Ctrl-x 4 i: Creating Windows.
* Ctrl-x 4 `: Creating Windows.
* Ctrl-x 5: Creating Windows.
* Ctrl-x b: Displaying Buffers.
* Ctrl-x Ctrl-f: Commands To Load Files.
* Ctrl-x Ctrl-l: Commands on Blocks.
* Ctrl-x Ctrl-r: Commands To Load Files.
* Ctrl-x Ctrl-s: Commands To Save Files.
* Ctrl-x Ctrl-u: Commands on Blocks.
* Ctrl-x Ctrl-v: Commands To Load Files.
* Ctrl-x Ctrl-w: Commands To Save Files.
* Ctrl-x Ctrl-x: Using Marks.
* Ctrl-x h: Marking Blocks.
* Ctrl-x i: Commands To Load Files.
* Ctrl-x k: Deleting Buffers.
* Ctrl-x s: Other Buffer Commands.
* Ctrl-x s: Commands To Save Files.
* Ctrl-x `: Finding Errors.
* Ctrl-Y: Rectangular Blocks.
* Ctrl-Y: Cutting And Pasting.
* Ctrl-y: Cutting And Pasting.
* Ctrl-z: Commands on Blocks.
* f: Info-mode.
* g: Info-mode.
* l: Info-mode.
* LMB: Modifiers.
* m: Info-mode.
* Meta: Modifiers.
* Meta-DOWN: Moving Around Buffers.
* Meta-LEFT: Moving Around Buffers.
* Meta-RIGHT: Moving Around Buffers.
* Meta-TAB: Lisp-mode.
* Meta-TAB: C-mode.
* Meta-UP: Moving Around Buffers.
* Meta-M: Marking Blocks.
* Meta-m: Marking Blocks.
* MMB: Modifiers.
* n: Info-mode.
* p: Info-mode.
* q: Info-mode.
* RMB: Modifiers.
* Shift: Modifiers.
* Shift-BS: Editing Buffers.
* Shift-DEL: Editing Buffers.
* Shift-DOWN: Moving Around Buffers.
* Shift-F1: Using Marks.
* Shift-F2: Using Marks.
* Shift-F3: Using Marks.
* Shift-LEFT: Moving Around Buffers.
* Shift-RET: Lisp-mode.
* Shift-RET: C-mode.
* Shift-RIGHT: Moving Around Buffers.
* Shift-TAB: Moving Around Buffers.
* Shift-UP: Moving Around Buffers.
* Space: Keys.
* u: Info-mode.