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- (provide (quote compile))
- (setq gcc-error-regexp "^(.*):([0-9]+):(.+)" gcc-file-expand "\\1" gcc-line-expand "\\2" gcc-error-expand "\\3")
- (defvar compile-error-regexp gcc-error-regexp)
- (defvar compile-file-expand gcc-file-expand)
- (defvar compile-line-expand gcc-line-expand)
- (defvar compile-error-expand gcc-error-expand)
- (defvar compile-keymap (make-keylist))
- (unless (boundp (quote compile-buffer)) (bind-keys compile-keymap "ctrl-c" (quote kill-compilation) "ctrl-z" (quote stop-compilation) "ctrl-f" (quote continue-compilation) "r" (quote (start-compile-command compile-default-cmd compile-type-str)) "ctrl-r" (quote compile)))
- (defvar compile-buffer nil)
- (defvar compile-proc nil)
- (defvar compile-argv ["sh" "-c" nil])
- (defvar compile-errors nil 61196)
- (defvar compile-error-pos nil)
- (defvar compile-type-str nil)
- (defvar compile-error-parsed-errors-p nil)
- (defvar compile-errors-exist-p nil)
- (defvar compile-default-cmd "make" 61239)
- (defvar compile-command nil 61338)
- (set-buffer-variable (quote compile-command))
- (defun compile-init nil (lisp-code "ü\tû\tF H±F%G±HHJ\nHþÈ\tH\t\nHI&I&I&\nF&HJ" [compile-buffer clear-buffer make-buffer "*compilation*" compile-keymap ctrl-c-keymap set-buffer-special add-buffer set-file-name path-name file-name compile-errors compile-parsed-errors-p compile-errors-exists-p pos 1 compile-error-pos] 4))
- (defun compile-proc-end nil (lisp-code "þ´±H\tüJK\tû¦JK\tHIRHIF G±H" [compile-proc compile-buffer beep process-exit-value format "\ncompilation exited with value %d\n" "\ncompilation exited abnormally: status 0x%x\n" process-exit-status compile-argv 2] 6))
- (defun start-compile-command (command type-str &aux shell-cmd) 61454 (lisp-code "ü}ûáHH\tHJK\n `ü±û´F&H\nHRHþáF&H" [compile-proc error ("Compilation process already running") save-some-buffers compile-init goto-buffer compile-buffer make-process compile-proc-end concat "cd " file-name "" "." " && " command 10 shell-cmd write compile-argv 2 fork-process "/bin/sh" type-str compile-type-str] 6))
- (defun kill-compilation nil (lisp-code "þ\t" [compile-proc interrupt-process] 2))
- (defun stop-compilation nil (lisp-code "\tþ\t" [process-running-p compile-proc stop-process] 2))
- (defun continue-compilation nil (lisp-code "\tþ\t" [process-stopped-p compile-proc continue-process] 2))
- (defun compile (&optional command) (lisp-code "ÿÿ\nF$F HþJ" [command compile-command prompt "Compile command: " compile-default-cmd start-compile-command "errors"] 4))
- (defun compile-parse-errors nil (lisp-code "ÿ ±DI2I3I4I5I6\nF&þý\tF#H]ÿ¶cþó$\nF\"H`üÙF\"ûÜF%H\n\n\tKKF&HF&HûHþ\t\n&JF&EG±HHÿ JF HJ" [compile-parsed-errors-p compile-buffer error-file error-line last-e-line last-e-file new-errors find-next-regexp compile-error-regexp compile-error-pos read-from-string regexp-expand-line compile-line-expand file-concat file-name compile-file-expand make-mark pos 1 pos-line find-last-end-pos nconc compile-errors nreverse compile-errors-exist-p compile-proc] 7))
- (defun next-error nil 61681 (lisp-code "HDL2MF!H]ü¯þþ¤\tHHIûÖJüÕL\tHMþÐM\n\tHJûÖIE" [compile-parse-errors compile-errors err title concat "No " compile-errors-exist-p "more " compile-type-str compile-proc " yet" beep goto-mark regexp-expand-line compile-error-regexp compile-error-expand pos 1 compile-buffer] 7))
- (defun grep (&optional args) 61791 (lisp-code "ÿ\tF HþI" [args prompt "Grep with args: " start-compile-command concat "grep -n " " /dev/null /dev/null" "grep-hits"] 5))
- (defvar grep-buffer-regexp nil 62003)
- (defun grep-buffer (&optional regexp) 62052 (lisp-code "þF!HþþñD\n56JK6\nH\nF%þß\t\t\t\nHVF&H\tF%Hû©H\tH\n\tHE" [regexp grep-buffer-regexp compile-init pos 1 scanpos 0 number compile-buffer stream write 10 find-next-regexp format "%s:%d:%s\n" file-name pos-line copy-area line-start line-end goto-buffer goto] 9))