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(provide (quote compiler)) (defvar comp-eval-constants-p t 60339) (defvar comp-write-docs-p nil 60487) (defconst op-call 8) (defconst op-push 16) (defconst op-vrefc 24) (defconst op-vsetc 32) (defconst op-list 40) (defconst op-bind 48) (defconst op-last-with-args 55) (defconst op-vref 64) (defconst op-vset 65) (defconst op-fref 66) (defconst op-fset 67) (defconst op-init-bind 68) (defconst op-unbind 69) (defconst op-dup 70) (defconst op-swap 71) (defconst op-pop 72) (defconst op-nil 73) (defconst op-t 74) (defconst op-cons 75) (defconst op-car 76) (defconst op-cdr 77) (defconst op-rplaca 78) (defconst op-rplacd 79) (defconst op-nth 80) (defconst op-nthcdr 81) (defconst op-aset 82) (defconst op-aref 83) (defconst op-length 84) (defconst op-eval 85) (defconst op-plus-2 86) (defconst op-negate 87) (defconst op-minus-2 88) (defconst op-product-2 89) (defconst op-divide-2 90) (defconst op-mod-2 91) (defconst op-bit-not 92) (defconst op-not 93) (defconst op-bit-or-2 94) (defconst op-bit-and-2 95) (defconst op-equal 96) (defconst op-eq 97) (defconst op-num-eq 98) (defconst op-num-noteq 99) (defconst op-gtthan 100) (defconst op-gethan 101) (defconst op-ltthan 102) (defconst op-lethan 103) (defconst op-inc 104) (defconst op-dec 105) (defconst op-lsh 106) (defconst op-zerop 107) (defconst op-null 108) (defconst op-atom 109) (defconst op-consp 110) (defconst op-listp 111) (defconst op-numberp 112) (defconst op-stringp 113) (defconst op-vectorp 114) (defconst op-catch-kludge 115) (defconst op-throw 116) (defconst op-unwind-pro 117) (defconst op-un-unwind-pro 118) (defconst op-fboundp 119) (defconst op-boundp 120) (defconst op-symbolp 121) (defconst op-get 122) (defconst op-put 123) (defconst op-error-pro 124) (defconst op-signal 125) (defconst op-set-current-buffer 176) (defconst op-swap-buffer 177) (defconst op-current-buffer 178) (defconst op-bufferp 179) (defconst op-mark-p 180) (defconst op-windowp 181) (defconst op-swap-window 182) (defconst op-last-before-jmps 250) (defconst op-jmp 251) (defconst op-jmp-nil 252) (defconst op-jmp-t 253) (defconst op-jmp-nil-else-pop 254) (defconst op-jmp-t-else-pop 255) (defconst comp-max-1-byte-arg 5) (defconst comp-max-2-byte-arg 127) (defconst comp-max-3-byte-arg 16383) (defvar comp-constant-alist nil) (defvar comp-constant-index 0) (defvar comp-current-stack 0) (defvar comp-max-stack 0) (defvar comp-output nil) (defvar comp-output-pc 0) (defvar comp-macro-env nil) (defun compile-file (file-name) 60586 (lisp-code "DI0I1I2I3\nF þ\n\nF!þ«|HJE" [src-file dst-file form comp-macro-env open file-name "r" concat 99 "w" (lisp-code "u\tH\t]þ´\t\tF&þ°\nH\nHûv" [(lisp-code "\tH\t" [close dst-file src-file] 2) title-now concat "Compiling file " file-name "..." file-eof-p src-file comp-compile-file-form read form print dst-file write 10] 5) (error (lisp-code "D\n3\tþ\tEHLM" [concat file-name 99 fname file-exists-p delete-file funcall signal error-info] 4)) 2] 4)) (defun compile-directory (dir-name &optional force-p) 60733 (lisp-code "D\t2nþ¼L\nþ³DL\n6\n6\nþ²\tEHMF\"Hû
HJE" [directory-files dir-name dir regexp-match "\\.jl$" file-concat file concat 99 cfile file-newer-than-file-p compile-file] 3)) (defun compile-lisp-lib (&optional force-p) 60967 (lisp-code "DJ0\nE" [comp-write-docs-p compile-directory lisp-lib-dir force-p] 3)) (put (quote compile-error) (quote error-message) "Compilation mishap") (defun comp-error (&rest data) (lisp-code "}" [compile-error data] 2)) (defun comp-compile-file-form (form) (lisp-code "n]üûËDL1aüÁDP\n6þ«INHIOEHPQK\tMKKûÊaüDQK\tP\n66üêOûôPKKF%HPMKKEûÊaÿaü³DP6þ qþQ\tNEHûÊaüÁUHûÊJüÉûÊIE" [form fun defun assq 1 comp-macro-env tmp comp-compile-lambda lambda 2 defmacro code defconst defvar 3 doc comp-write-docs-p add-doc-string require] 6)) (defun compile-top-level-form (form) (lisp-code "DI0234I56\tHþ¢,E" [comp-constant-alist 0 comp-constant-index comp-current-stack comp-max-stack comp-output comp-output-pc comp-compile-form form lisp-code comp-make-code-string comp-make-const-vec] 4)) (defun comp-make-code-string nil (lisp-code "D\nnþLMLLRHMF$HûHE" [make-string comp-output-pc 42 comp-output data code-string] 3)) (defun comp-make-const-vec nil (lisp-code "D\t34nþLMLLRHMF#HûHE" [make-vector comp-constant-index comp-constant-alist consts vec] 3)) (defun comp-inc-stack nil (lisp-code "hF dþF!" [comp-current-stack comp-max-stack] 2)) (defmacro comp-dec-stack (&optional n) (lisp-code "ü+û*+" [setq comp-current-stack n - 1-] 5)) (defun comp-compile-form (form) (lisp-code "Iaü\tHûJaü\tHûyüÊþ«\tü¼\t\t\nûÄ\t\nHûnü
DI6LyþáLzF&üí\nû\nF HLyþLzF&ü\nûLF&Hyü¤\tûÍnþ°Laü¾\t\tûÍJüÌ\nûÍIHMF HD6nþðL\tHh&MF HûØH\nHXF&EEûJü\tûI" [form comp-write-op 73 comp-inc-stack 74 comp-eval-constants-p const-variable-p 16 comp-add-constant symbol-value 24 fun compile-fun funcall macroexpand comp-macro-env comp-compile-constant lambda comp-compile-lambda comp-error "Bad function name" 0 i comp-compile-form 8 comp-current-stack] 5)) (defun comp-compile-constant (form) (lisp-code "\t\nH" [comp-write-op 16 comp-add-constant form comp-inc-stack] 4)) (defun comp-add-constant (const) (lisp-code "\nMÿKK\"hF#Hi" [assoc const comp-constant-alist comp-constant-index] 3)) (defun comp-compile-body (body) (lisp-code "lü\tHû°nþ°L\tHMþ§\tHiF&HMF Hû" [body comp-write-op 73 comp-inc-stack comp-compile-form 72 comp-current-stack] 2)) (defun comp-compile-lambda (list) (lisp-code "DQI23Lqü«M#Pü¢P\tû¥P+F\"ûºJü¹P*F\"ûºIHK\tIK\nE" [2 list new-head body lambda 1 comp-write-docs-p add-doc-string nconc compile-top-level-form progn] 5)) (defmacro comp-make-label nil (lisp-code "" [(cons nil nil)] 1)) (defun comp-compile-jmp (opcode label) (lisp-code "\tHLpüLj^\tHL_^\tû¶JüµMKOHVF&û¶I" [comp-byte-out opcode label 128 -7 127 comp-output-pc 2] 4)) (defun comp-set-label (label) (lisp-code "dþ\tHNHMF$Hnþ»j^LK_^LhKKKF&HMF$Hû" [comp-output-pc 16383 comp-error "Jump destination overflow!" label 128 -7 127 comp-output] 4)) (defun comp-write-op (opcode &optional arg) (lisp-code "lü\tûÞgüV\tûÞgü®V\tH^\tûÞgüÑV\tHj^\tH_^\tûÞJüÝ\tûÞI" [arg comp-byte-out opcode 5 127 6 128 16383 7 -7 comp-error "Opcode overflow!"] 4)) (defun comp-byte-out (byte) (lisp-code "KK\"hF!" [byte comp-output-pc comp-output] 2)) (put (quote if) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-if)) (defun comp-compile-if (form) (lisp-code "P\tHTbü®DIIK4\nHiF&HP\tH\tEûìDIIK4IIK6\nHiF&HP\tH\nH\tHiF&HQ\tH\tE" [comp-compile-form 1 form 3 end-label comp-compile-jmp 254 comp-current-stack 2 comp-set-label else-label 252 251 comp-compile-body] 3)) (put (quote when) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-when)) (defun comp-compile-when (form) (lisp-code "P\tHDIIK3\nHiF&HQ\tH\tE" [comp-compile-form 1 form end-label comp-compile-jmp 254 comp-current-stack comp-compile-body 2 comp-set-label] 3)) (put (quote unless) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-unless)) (defun comp-compile-unless (form) (lisp-code "P\tHDIIK3\nHiF&HQ\tH\tE" [comp-compile-form 1 form end-label comp-compile-jmp 255 comp-current-stack comp-compile-body 2 comp-set-label] 3)) (put (quote quote) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-quote)) (defun comp-compile-quote (form) (lisp-code "ML\t" [comp-compile-constant form] 2)) (put (quote function) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-function)) (defun comp-compile-function (form) (lisp-code "MLF Hyü\tû\t\t" [form comp-compile-constant comp-compile-lambda] 3)) (put (quote while) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-while)) (defun comp-compile-while (form) (lisp-code "DIIK0IIK1\tHP\tH\nHiF&HQ\tH\tHiF&H\nH\tHE" [tst-label end-label comp-set-label comp-compile-form 1 form comp-compile-jmp 254 comp-current-stack comp-compile-body 2 comp-write-op 72 251 comp-inc-stack] 3)) (put (quote progn) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-progn)) (defun comp-compile-progn (form) (lisp-code "M\t" [comp-compile-body form] 2)) (put (quote prog1) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-prog1)) (defun comp-compile-prog1 (form) (lisp-code "P\tHQ\tH\tHiF&" [comp-compile-form 1 form comp-compile-body 2 comp-write-op 72 comp-current-stack] 3)) (put (quote prog2) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-prog2)) (defun comp-compile-prog2 (form) (lisp-code "P\tH\tHiF%HP\tHQ\tH\tHiF%" [comp-compile-form 1 form comp-write-op 72 comp-current-stack 2 comp-compile-body 3] 3)) (put (quote setq) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-setq)) (defun comp-compile-setq (form) (lisp-code "MF HnþMnþ¾ML\tHQnÿ£\tHHL\t\nHiF&HQF Hû
" [form comp-compile-form 2 comp-write-op 70 comp-inc-stack 32 comp-add-constant comp-current-stack] 4)) (put (quote set) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-set)) (defun comp-compile-set (form) (lisp-code "P\tH\tHHP\tH\tHXF&" [comp-compile-form 2 form comp-write-op 70 comp-inc-stack 1 65 comp-current-stack] 3)) (put (quote fset) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-fset)) (defun comp-compile-fset (form) (lisp-code "P\tH\tHHP\tH\tHXF&" [comp-compile-form 2 form comp-write-op 70 comp-inc-stack 1 67 comp-current-stack] 3)) (put (quote let*) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-let*)) (defun comp-compile-let* (form) (lisp-code "DML1\tHnþÔLnüªDL4M\tHL\t\nEûÄJüÃ\tHHL\t\nûÄIHiF&HMF!HûHQ\tH\tE" [form list comp-write-op 68 tmp comp-compile-body 48 comp-add-constant 73 comp-inc-stack comp-current-stack 2 69] 4)) (put (quote let) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-let)) (defun comp-compile-let (form) (lisp-code "DMLI12\tHnþÆLnü¦LLKF!HLM\tû½Jü¼LKF!H\tHû½IHMF\"HûHnþåL\t\nHiF&HMF!HûÇHQ\tH\tE" [form sym-stk list comp-write-op 68 comp-compile-body 73 comp-inc-stack 48 comp-add-constant comp-current-stack 2 69] 4)) (put (quote defun) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-defun)) (defun comp-compile-defun (form) (lisp-code "P\tH\tHHQK\t\tH\tH\tHXF&" [comp-compile-constant 1 form comp-write-op 70 comp-inc-stack comp-compile-lambda lambda 2 71 67 comp-current-stack] 5)) (put (quote defmacro) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-defmacro)) (defun comp-compile-defmacro (form) (lisp-code "P\tH\tHHQK\tK\tH\tH\tHXF&" [comp-compile-constant 1 form comp-write-op 70 comp-inc-stack macro comp-compile-lambda lambda 2 71 67 comp-current-stack] 6)) (put (quote cond) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-cond)) (defun comp-compile-cond (form) (lisp-code "DIIK0MF!HnþßDLIIK23L\tHiF%HMnüÇ\nHM\tHiF%H\nH\tûÕJüÔ\nûÕIHMF!EHûH\tHH\tE" [end-label form next-label subl comp-compile-form comp-current-stack comp-compile-jmp 252 comp-compile-body 251 comp-set-label 255 comp-write-op 73 comp-inc-stack] 3)) (put (quote or) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-or)) (defun comp-compile-or (form) (lisp-code "DIIK0MF!Hnþ«L\tHiF#HMþ¢\nHMF!HûHH\tE" [end-label form comp-compile-form comp-current-stack comp-compile-jmp 255 comp-inc-stack comp-set-label] 3)) (put (quote and) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-and)) (defun comp-compile-and (form) (lisp-code "DIIK0MF!Hnþ«L\tHiF#HMþ¢\nHMF!HûHH\tE" [end-label form comp-compile-form comp-current-stack comp-compile-jmp 254 comp-inc-stack comp-set-label] 3)) (put (quote catch) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-catch)) (defun comp-compile-catch (form) (lisp-code "QK\t\tHP\tH\tHiF&" [comp-compile-constant compile-top-level-form progn 2 form 1 comp-write-op 115 comp-current-stack] 5)) (put (quote unwind-protect) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-unwind-pro)) (defun comp-compile-unwind-pro (form) (lisp-code "QK\t\tH\tHiF&HP\tH\t" [comp-compile-constant compile-top-level-form progn 2 form comp-write-op 117 comp-current-stack comp-compile-form 1 118] 5)) (put (quote error-protect) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-error-protect)) (defun comp-compile-error-protect (form) (lisp-code "D1MF\"Hnÿ\nHL\t\tHMF\"HnþÑDL6nÿ´\nHLMK\t*\tHM\"hF!EHûHh\tH\tHXF&E" [0 i form comp-error "No FORM to `error-protect'" comp-compile-constant compile-top-level-form handler "Badly formed handler to `error-protect'" progn comp-write-op 124 comp-current-stack] 5)) (put (quote list) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-list)) (defun comp-compile-list (form) (lisp-code "D1MF\"HnþL\tHh!MF\"HûH\nHiXF&E" [0 count form comp-compile-form comp-write-op 40 comp-current-stack] 3)) (put (quote with-buffer) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-with-buffer)) (defun comp-compile-with-buffer (form) (lisp-code "P\tH\tHQ\tH\tH\tH\tHiF&" [comp-compile-form 1 form comp-write-op 177 comp-compile-body 2 71 72 comp-current-stack] 3)) (put (quote with-window) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-with-window)) (defun comp-compile-with-window (form) (lisp-code "P\tH\tHQ\tH\tH\tH\tHiF&" [comp-compile-form 1 form comp-write-op 182 comp-compile-body 2 71 72 comp-current-stack] 3)) (put (quote -) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-minus)) (put (quote -) (quote compile-opcode) op-minus-2) (defun comp-compile-minus (form) (lisp-code "Tcü\tûML\tH\t" [form 2 comp-compile-binary-op comp-compile-form comp-write-op 87] 2)) (defun comp-compile-0-args (form) (lisp-code "Lz\nH" [comp-write-op form compile-opcode 0 comp-inc-stack] 3)) (defun comp-compile-1-args (form) (lisp-code "P\tHLz\n" [comp-compile-form 1 form comp-write-op compile-opcode 0] 3)) (defun comp-compile-2-args (form) (lisp-code "P\tHP\tHLz\nHiF&" [comp-compile-form 1 form 2 comp-write-op compile-opcode 0 comp-current-stack] 3)) (defun comp-compile-3-args (form) (lisp-code "P\tHP\tHP\tHLz\nHXF&" [comp-compile-form 1 form 2 3 comp-write-op compile-opcode 0 comp-current-stack] 3)) (defun comp-compile-binary-op (form) (lisp-code "DLz2MF HTeÿ\nHL\tHMF HnþÁL\tH\tHiF&HMF Hû¢E" [form compile-opcode opcode 2 comp-error "Too few args to binary operator" comp-compile-form comp-write-op comp-current-stack] 3)) (put (quote cons) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote cons) (quote compile-opcode) op-cons) (put (quote car) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote car) (quote compile-opcode) op-car) (put (quote cdr) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote cdr) (quote compile-opcode) op-cdr) (put (quote rplaca) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote rplaca) (quote compile-opcode) op-rplaca) (put (quote rplacd) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote rplacd) (quote compile-opcode) op-rplacd) (put (quote nth) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote nth) (quote compile-opcode) op-nth) (put (quote nthcdr) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote nthcdr) (quote compile-opcode) op-nthcdr) (put (quote aset) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-3-args)) (put (quote aset) (quote compile-opcode) op-aset) (put (quote aref) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote aref) (quote compile-opcode) op-aref) (put (quote length) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote length) (quote compile-opcode) op-length) (put (quote eval) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote eval) (quote compile-opcode) op-eval) (put (quote +) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-binary-op)) (put (quote +) (quote compile-opcode) op-plus-2) (put (quote *) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-binary-op)) (put (quote *) (quote compile-opcode) op-product-2) (put (quote /) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-binary-op)) (put (quote /) (quote compile-opcode) op-divide-2) (put (quote mod) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-binary-op)) (put (quote mod) (quote compile-opcode) op-mod-2) (put (quote bit-not) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote bit-not) (quote compile-opcode) op-bit-not) (put (quote not) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote not) (quote compile-opcode) op-not) (put (quote bit-or) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-binary-op)) (put (quote bit-or) (quote compile-opcode) op-bit-or-2) (put (quote bit-and) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-binary-op)) (put (quote bit-and) (quote compile-opcode) op-bit-and-2) (put (quote equal) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote equal) (quote compile-opcode) op-equal) (put (quote eq) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote eq) (quote compile-opcode) op-eq) (put (quote =) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote =) (quote compile-opcode) op-num-eq) (put (quote /=) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote /=) (quote compile-opcode) op-num-noteq) (put (quote >) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote >) (quote compile-opcode) op-gtthan) (put (quote <) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote <) (quote compile-opcode) op-ltthan) (put (quote >=) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote >=) (quote compile-opcode) op-gethan) (put (quote <=) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote <=) (quote compile-opcode) op-lethan) (put (quote 1+) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote 1+) (quote compile-opcode) op-inc) (put (quote 1-) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote 1-) (quote compile-opcode) op-dec) (put (quote lsh) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote lsh) (quote compile-opcode) op-lsh) (put (quote zerop) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote zerop) (quote compile-opcode) op-zerop) (put (quote null) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote null) (quote compile-opcode) op-null) (put (quote atom) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote atom) (quote compile-opcode) op-atom) (put (quote consp) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote consp) (quote compile-opcode) op-consp) (put (quote listp) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote listp) (quote compile-opcode) op-listp) (put (quote numberp) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote numberp) (quote compile-opcode) op-numberp) (put (quote stringp) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote stringp) (quote compile-opcode) op-stringp) (put (quote vectorp) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote vectorp) (quote compile-opcode) op-vectorp) (put (quote throw) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote throw) (quote compile-opcode) op-throw) (put (quote fboundp) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote fboundp) (quote compile-opcode) op-fboundp) (put (quote boundp) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote boundp) (quote compile-opcode) op-boundp) (put (quote symbolp) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote symbolp) (quote compile-opcode) op-symbolp) (put (quote get) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote get) (quote compile-opcode) op-get) (put (quote put) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-3-args)) (put (quote put) (quote compile-opcode) op-put) (put (quote signal) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote signal) (quote compile-opcode) op-signal) (put (quote set-current-buffer) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-2-args)) (put (quote set-current-buffer) (quote compile-opcode) op-set-current-buffer) (put (quote current-buffer) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote current-buffer) (quote compile-opcode) op-current-buffer) (put (quote bufferp) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote bufferp) (quote compile-opcode) op-bufferp) (put (quote mark-p) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote mark-p) (quote compile-opcode) op-mark-p) (put (quote windowp) (quote compile-fun) (quote comp-compile-1-args)) (put (quote windowp) (quote compile-opcode) op-windowp)