(defun help nil (lisp-code "\tHIKF#" [title "Type: a f h i m v -- h for more help" help-keymap next-keymap-path] 2))
(defun help-help nil (lisp-code "\tH\nH\tH\n\tH" [clear-buffer help-buffer insert "\nHelp mode -- Type one of the following:\n\na `apropos-function'\n\tSearch for functions which match a regular expression.\nf `describe-function'\n\tView the documentation for a particular function.\nh `help-help'\n\tDisplay this text.\ni `info'\n\tEnter the info hypertext viewer.\nm `describe-mode'\n\tShow the documentation for the edit mode of the current buffer.\nv `describe-variable'\n\tView the documentation and value of a variable." pos 1 goto-buffer goto help] 5))