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Makefile | 1994-04-20 | 3.4 KB | 114 lines |
- # Makefile for Jade version 3
- # Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 John Harper <jsh@ukc.ac.uk>
- # Jade is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- # under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
- # any later version.
- # Jade is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- # GNU General Public License for more details.
- # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- # along with Jade; see the file COPYING. If not, write to
- # the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- COMMON_SRCS = buffers.c commandline.c edit.c editcommands.c find.c \
- housekeeping.c io.c keys.c lisp.c lispcmds.c lispmach.c main.c \
- misc.c movement.c prefs.c refresh.c render.c streams.c \
- stringmem.c symbols.c values.c windows.c
- COMMON_HDRS = jade.h edit.h lisp.h value.h keys.h config.h stringmem.h \
- doc-strings.h
- X11_SRCS = x11_commandline.c x11_display.c x11_eventloop.c x11_keys.c \
- x11_misc.c x11_render.c x11_windows.c
- X11_HDRS = x11_defs.h x11_windowsys.h
- X11_OBJS = $(X11_SRCS:.c=.o)
- UNIX_SRCS = lists.c unix_misc.c unix_processes.c unix_memory.c
- UNIX_HDRS = unix_defs.h
- UNIX_OBJS = $(UNIX_SRCS:.c=.o)
- AMIGA_SRCS = amiga_clipboard.c amiga_commandline.c amiga_display.c \
- amiga_eventloop.c amiga_keys.c amiga_memory.c amiga_menus.c \
- amiga_minrexx.c amiga_misc.c amiga_render.c amiga_stksize.c \
- amiga_windows.c
- AMIGA_HDRS = amiga_defs.h amiga_windowsys.h
- RE_LIB = regexp/libregexp.a
- LIBS = $(RE_LIB)
- CFLAGS = -g
- LDFLAGS = -s
- all : jade
- # This is a link to a file handling all machine/system-dependant stuff
- include config.mk
- jade : jade_protos.h $(OBJS) $(RE_LIB)
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $(OBJS) $(LIBS)
- jade_protos.h : stripproto $(SRCS)
- ./stripproto -o $@ $(SRCS)
- # I guess that properly this should depend on $(SRCS) but that would mean
- # that whenever *any* source file is modified everything has to be re-built!
- # This way when a doc-string is changed in a source file you should do
- # something like `make docfile jade'
- doc-strings.h doc : makedoc
- ./makedoc DOC.bare doc-strings.h $(COMMON_SRCS) $(X11_SRCS) $(UNIX_SRCS) $(AMIGA_SRCS)
- cp DOC.bare ../DOC-strings
- stripproto : stripproto.o
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ stripproto.o
- makedoc : makedoc.o
- $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ makedoc.o
- # Doesn't check if libregexp.a is up to date -- just that it exists
- $(RE_LIB) :
- (cd regexp && $(MAKE))
- nobak :
- -rm -f *~
- clean : nobak
- -rm -f *.o jade_protos.h doc-strings.h core
- realclean : clean
- -rm -f jade DOC.bare makedoc stripproto
- -rm -f config.*
- -(cd regexp && $(MAKE) clean)
- buffers.o : $(HDRS)
- commandline.o : $(HDRS)
- edit.o : $(HDRS)
- editcommands.o : $(HDRS)
- find.o : $(HDRS)
- housekeeping.o : $(HDRS)
- io.o : $(HDRS)
- keys.o : $(HDRS)
- lisp.o : $(HDRS)
- lispcmds.o : $(HDRS)
- main.o : $(HDRS) revision.h
- misc.o : $(HDRS) revision.h
- movement.o : $(HDRS)
- prefs.o : $(HDRS)
- render.o : $(HDRS)
- streams.o : $(HDRS)
- stringmem.o : $(HDRS)
- symbols.o : $(HDRS)
- values.o : $(HDRS)
- windows.o : $(HDRS)
- revision.o : $(HDRS)